ThuruUy, February 22,1141 TU OoM Hffl Nswt, OoM HBI, Ortfen T h e G old H ill News C R A C K IN G THE W H IP E s ta b lis h e d 1897 In 78 per rent of the fatal acci­ dents involving vehicles und bi­ cycles during Ihe year 1939, the blcyrle riders were enguged in some Imprudent action at the time Ihe accident occurred, it was re­ vealed toduy by Hurl Snell, sec­ retary of state. These unsafe actions Included riding two or more uhreust, riding double on oue bicycle, cutting a- cross the putli of truffle suddenly, fulling to observe truffle tignuls und signs, hitching rides on moving vehicles and riding on the wrong side of the street. "Every |>crson who rides u bi­ cycle should remember thut in the eyes of Oregon law, bicycles are regarded ns vehicles und us such are subject to the same traffic reg­ ulations as other vehicles,” Snell declared. '’fhls means that bicycle P U B L I S H E D B Y IV E R S O N P R IN T I N G C O M P A N Y W a lla c e G. Iv e rs o n , E d ito r a n d O w n e r A n In d e p e n d e n t N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e d in th e I n t e r e s t s c f G o ld H ill. O r e g o n , a n d V ic in ity P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y E n t e r e d a t th e P o s to f f ic e a t G o ld H ill. O r e g o n , f o r t r a n s ­ m is s io n th r o u g h th e m a ils a s s e c o n d -c la s s m a t t e r . W in n in g C itie s In S ta te T r a ffic S a f e ty C o n te st Medford, Bend, Burns and Wood­ burn were the winning cities in their respective divisions of die Oregon 1939 Cities Traffic Safety contest, sponsored by Earl Snell, secretary of slate, as part of bis campaign for traffic safety, it was announced today. As winners in the four divisions of the contest, each of these cities will receive a highway plaque suit­ able for erection at the city en­ trance, it was announced. Plans for the official presentation of these plaques to officials of the winning cities are now being made. The contest started in May and continued through December, each city being ranked each month in comparison to the corresponding month a year ago in the total num ber of accidents, the number of in­ juries and the number of fatalities. First place winners in the four divisions were as follows: Division I. Medford, first; Port- Good U sed CARS land, second; Klamath Falls, and Salem, tied for third. D iv is io n 11. Bend, f i r s t ; Corval­ lis, second; Albany and The Dalles, tied for third. Division 111. Burns, first; Hills­ boro second; North Bend, third. Division IV. Woodburn, first; Heedsport, second; Newport, third In the first division, comprising cities of over 10,1X10 population, Medford was the only city to show an improvement in the total num­ ber of accidents for the May-Dec­ ember period of 1939 as compared to the same period in 1933, Snell declared. In seven out of the eight months of the contest, Medford had less accidents in 1939 than in 1933. Bend, as winner in the second division including cities of 5.000 I ) ities of 1,000 to 2,500 population, 10,000 population showed, a strong was paced by Woodburn which improvement in the number of tra." .howed an improvement in the tot- fic accidents during the period ol :l number ot accidents, in the nuiu- the 1939 contest as compared to tin ,er of injuries ami with no fatali- same period in 1938 and the city ies during the contest period in reported only one fatality as again?) 1939 against one death for the eor- sponding period in 1938. three for the corresponding period in 1938. "I wish to congratulate the resi­ In the third division, including dents in the winning cities on their cities of 2.500 to 5,0tX), Burns was in driving and walking practices dur­ first or second place in six of the ing 1939 and I sincerely hope they eight months of the contest. There will be able to continue their re- was a strong improvement in the cord through 1940," Snell declared, total number of injuries reported The secretary of state will spon- and there were no deaths attribut-I sor the cities traffic contest for the able to traffic accidents during the year 1940 with awards again to b? period of Ihe contest. given the winning cities in each The fourth division, taking in I division. ********************************** 24 H O U R Oregon Born Gas Tax Comes Of Age When the gasoline lax celebrate? its twenty-first birthday on Sun- | day February 25, il will have pro- A N D M E C H A N IC A L ■ dared revenue totaling $103,980,000, S E R V IC E I for the Stale of Oregon, according ' Io Dr. E. B. McDaniel, president of he Oregon State Motor Association. ; The gasoline tax was conceived , n » rtgou during the 1919 legisla­ GRANTS PASS, ORE ture to maintain Oregon highways. Dr. McDaniel said in commenting on the amazing history of this Ore­ “STANDARD PRODUCTS” NA SH SA LES A N D gon born tax which now accounts Phone 187 S E R V IC E for 25.3 per cent of all state taxes. South 6th 4 L — Grants P a u To construct badly needed high­ ways for the slate, the 1919 legis­ lature prepared a measure authoriz­ ing a ten million dollar bond issue and taking automobiles from the property tax list and putting them on a licensed fee basis — all the proceeds of which would provide for retirement of the bond issue in 25 years. But highways do not last forever. Excitement — Thrill* Accordingly, Loyal M. Graham of MEDFORD ARMORY Forest Grove, then a member of the 8:00 p. m. roads and highways committee, prepared a bill calling for a tax of Seats on sale at Valentines one cent per gallon on gasoline to Cafe and Brown’s create a fund for the maintenance and betterment of the highways when they were constructed. Once the bill was drafted, C. C. *********************%%********%********»***********»%*%******»%*»*** Chapman of Portland, Louis Bean of Eugene, and James Slewart of Fossil, acted as sponsors with Gra­ ham. W. B. Dennis, Carlton, at tha’ time was chairman of the commit tee and had earlier proposed a tax of this sort. To Mr. Graham, how­ S E E U S A N D A V O ID P A Y I N G R E N T ever, goes the credit of drafting the bill and proposing a successful method of collection (directly from B O Y S E N ’S 100% P U R E P A IN T S the wholesaler). Of this group Mr. Graham and Mr. Chapman are still living. Following Oregon’s lead. New Mexico and Colorado adopted Ih ■ G ra n ts P a s s , O reg o n tax the same year. By 1927 every state but New York anil Massachu­ setts had enacted a gas tax — these states falling in line that year. The first year the tax produced a little over 1341,000 for Oregon. Estimated collections for the year THE W ORLD'S GOOD NEWS of 1939 are over 13'million dollars will come to your home every day through — in 21 years the annual receipts THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR in Oregon have multiplied Io 35 An In te rn a tio n a l D a ily Netei pa per times those of the first year. Dur­ n record, for you the world', clean, eonctraetlre doln»,. The Monitor ing this period, gas consumption in doe, not u n ion crime or eenaetlon: neither doe, It Ignore them, Ju t e , I f wlth them. Feature, for buey men end ell the Oregon has Increased by more than family, lnoludln» the Weekly M e«utne Section. 269 millions of gallons per year.' The Ohrletlen Science Fubllehlna Society The tax remained one cent per One, Norway street, Bo,ton, Mauechueetta gallon until 1921 when it was raised M e«» ! n ,T mr •vheerlptlon to The Chrlatlan Bclenee Monitor far • nfrlOa or to two cents per gallon and in the. »13.00 « month, »«00 - year „------ —— I month* «3 00 1 month »L00 Saturday luut, lnoludln» M ta»a,lne Section: 1 year »1 «0, « liaue* 31« following year il was raised again to three cents. The three cent rate Mama _______ ------------- was in effect until 1929 when it b e ­ Addrau. Sem pii ' H ü " ü " K tfu tit ~ came four cents. Since 1934 the rate has been five cents per gallon. Biggest revenue from the tax has DEL ROGUE GARAGE TO W CAR Tommies Super Service WRESTLING Mon, Feb. 26 Build Now - No Money Down Copeland Lumber Yards rider« must slop «1 ilop Bicycle Riders Urged T o Uee M o re C are f R ocue GRANTS PASS, OREGON gone to Ihe state of Pennsylvuniii which has received over 525 millioi dollars since 1921. Florida, Louis­ iana, und Tennessee have ull im­ posed seven cent tuxes on in o lo i fuel. Two states, Missouri und tin District of Columbia, levy only 2 cents per gallon. According to Dr. McDaniel, figures compiled by tin Oregon Slute Motor association show that Oregon is in the upper brackets with the present tax ol five cents per gullon. Attention Turkey Growers. See us, we can save you money, 4000 breeders, Hamilton, Mitchell, Coop­ er and Kupets blood linos. The Mammoth bronse, broad breasted type. Any quantity al short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Talent Hat­ chery, on old highway, quarter mile south of Talent, Stationery — Office Supplies Typewrilers Gift Merchandise Books — Drugs C. H . D E M A R A Y N. 6lh St. Grants Pass A********************************* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■UWBlil Now Showing — “S w is s F a m ily R o b in so n ” You cun know your EYES Lenses only when required amt Freddie Bartholomew D r. H erbert W H erm an n Preview Saturday It p. m. Grants Pass Phone 258J 519 II. SI. W ith T liu m a s M it c lic ll OPTOMETRIST “T h e L o n e W o lf S tr ik e s ’’ With Warren William Sun, Mon, Tue»; Feb. 25-26-27 James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan in 'SHOP AROUND THE CORNER’ D R . O. H . S C H E E T Z O p to m etrist EYBSIGHT Coming Soon — CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES SPECIALIS*! 606 Essl 11 St, aerost front Golden Hule II Sl. entrance “The Fighting 69th” UQOUL" was tha subject of the 0 Lessen-Sermon In all Church«» of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, Feb­ ruary 18. The Golden Text »as, “I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul Ghnll not abhor you. And I will walk am^ng you. and will be your God. and ye shall be my people" (Leviticus 26:11,12). Among the citations which com­ prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "For the Lord God I a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly” (Pa. 84:11). The Lesson-Sermon also Included the following correlative passages from the Christian Science text- bock, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by M ary Baker Eddy: "Day may decline and shad­ ows fall, but darkness flees when the earth has again turned upon Its axis. The sun Is not alfected by the revolution of the earth. So Science reveals Soul as God, untouched by sin and death. — as the central Life and Intelligence around which circle harmoniously all things in the sys­ tems of M ind”