Th» Gold H ffl New», Gold Hili, Oregon THE QOLD HILL NEWS Established 1897 Published by Mac’s Printing Co. Thursday, January 25, 1910 that system of eeclealastieism. What is ul> this cry for fair play coming to ere long? Eor Roman | United Siities product«, 1» evidence [,tan Swept Overboard In Storm, Saved In Thrilling Night Rescue Catholics are saying: “ If you arc fair, you will let us have our own schools, and will give us a sh are of W A L L A C E G. IV E R S O N , E d i to r a n d B u s in e s s M a n a g e r the money.” T here is the differ­ ence in the theory of for th„ of Ht0lJ, etc., and all that kind of compnsi- was afraid to have the truth told when a wave hit us. It broke com drowned my shouts. The first per­ tion; and that teaches the glories pletely over us and almost lay the son I thanked was the fellow that in history. We w ere taught science, ("f' w hich we reprobate. We Stationery — Office Supplies ship on her beam ends. and that we need not fear that w hat held the flashlight. It had been lond- w ant our own schools. T ypew riters “The next thing I knew, I was [ ed with fresh batteries and Its God revealed in natu re man might Then the C hristian Scientist swept off the deck on a pile of tlm- beam looked as big as a liner's Gift Merchandise not study in hooks. comes along, and says: W hy! you bei and Into the sea. Ry a miracle, searchlight when It was trained on Books — Drugs We w ere taught the principles ol have praised there in several plac­ the lumber didn’t crush me. The me." religion. We w ere taught to fear es. the. giving of m edicine hv p in crew heard the crash and two or The ship rode out the storm and C H. DEMARAY and reverence God; and when, on sicians, which is all humbug and three ran on deck. reached Iloslon three d ivs Inter. A N. 6th St. G rants Pass the Lord’s Day, _. there used to come against our conscience. Give us I came up and fought to keep 'check up showed (57,000 fret of lum- . •float and get clear of the floating: her had been i«svi-pt ove’-bonrd. ********************************* from afar the C hristian people ol sch()ols of our OWIl. mlr shure -----------------------------------------------------the neighborhood, to that old. un- ,ln. publi:. nlollev ■■■’ "'¿'L , S' ’” ° o u ,e - they openci1 Then the Englishm an comes a i 'i * * C* US rea<* ** f° r o u r‘ long, and says: Now. see here! you contain more Hum 70(1 pages and actual w riting was done by Gab* 200 illustrations. j s t ves, am so we learned some- |,nve SOme things in your public approxim ately rielson, who was located in Oregon of these illustrations are from » . , . , nng a out t e great and good God. . r hools about England oppressinp _ Many ’,"¿ ’7 „"" u_ ._____. . .. ........ . _ ' " for nearly 20 years, during which That seems to be very helpful both ,,.cIand> we (1o not ()Plleve £ ,° to«ru»'bs b\ D r ? V? ,,i»"’. L’ F in- he was officially associated with , . _ . ley. Oregon naturalist, w hile most to the State and to the person; but that; the speech . of , „ Robert the exlension service at the cot- Enune , _» _ . . . ' f ,he ° th ure by ,he uu,hors- that can never co-exist with Ro­ for example t ,. , i . . . i lege in connection w ith his work manism, so they say who speak for . " " for the bureau of biological stir Then the Home Rule Irishm an ;_ ,j ___ ,. field w ork of approxim ately .’1(1 vey. Active cooperation in p re p a r­ says: Y’ou have Clings ¡here about years on the part of S uperinten­ ing this record of Oregon bird life the glory, greatnfiss and henefl- ***♦*****♦*♦***♦***♦•♦♦****♦***♦♦» dent Jew ell, and at least 20 years has also been given by the Notional •encc of England, and we do not on the part of Dr. Gabrielson. The museum, till- Oregon stale game join believe in that at all. 24 HOUR mission, and many individual sci­ Come right along, suppose we entists. should say, gentlem en: you shall TOW CAR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES all have fair play. T ear in pieces 44 J 1FE'' was the subject of the CANADA BUYS MORE HERE our whole system of schools. Let AND MECHANICAL Jj Lerson-S ni n in all Churches I NDER TRADE AGREEMENT each one take shreds and fragm ents of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. SERVICE of a dism em bered and ruined coun­ January 21. The more rapid increase in Can­ try, and then w e can all drop back The Golden Text was. "Tuts Is the adian im ports from Hie United Stal­ into barbarism , and see w hat beau­ record, that Gcd heth given to us es of products on which Cnnadian ty there is in fair play, as vou call eternal life, and this life Is In his Son” H John 5:11). duties w ere low ered in the first if. GRANTS PASS, ORE Among the citations which com­ trade agreem ent betw een the U nit­ No; the fairest of fair play, the prised the Lesson-:i. rmon was the ed Stales and Canada, as com pared most bénéficient course of action following from the Elb’e: "God that NASH SALES AND “STANDARD PRODUCTS” w ith Canadian im ports of oilier to take to all classes of citizens, is made the world and all things there­ Phone 167 to m aintain in its integrity our com SERVICE in, seeing that he is Lord of heaven South 6th A L — Grants Pass mon school system, un destroyed and earth, dwetleth not in temples made with hands. For In him we live ■********♦*♦***♦***♦**♦***%%•%%♦♦%. and undivided. and move, and have our being; h certain also of your own poets have Big Book About Oregon said, For we are also his offspring Birds to be Printed Soon (Acts 17:24,28). .»4 Aei.w. Z , 4 / m Z 'ZA—,/*» The Le&cn-Sermon also included The first com prehensive bird the following correlative passages GRANTS PASS, OREGON from the Christian Science textbook, book- of Oregon, a state unusually “Science and Health with Key to the rich in bird life, will soon be pub­ Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: lished at Oregon Stale college as a Now Show ing — “God is divine Life, and Llle Is no cooperative project of the United SEE US AND AVOID PAYING RENT “SWANEE RIVER” more confined to the forms which States bureau of biological survey IN TE( IIMCOI.HR reflect It than substance is in Its and the college. shadow. If Life were in mortal man With Don Anieche and Al Jolson BOYSEN’S 100% PURE PAINTS "The Birds of O regon” by Ira M. or material things, it would be sub­ G abrielson, chief of the bureau of ject to their limitations and would end in death. Life is Mind, the cre­ biological survey, and Stanley G. Preview Saturday II p. m. ator reflected In HU creations" Jew ett, superintendent of the Mal­ “MISSING EVIDENCE” (p. 331). heur m igratory b ird refuge, will Preston F ostor A Irene H rvey G ood U sed CARS DEL ROGUE GARAGE Tommies Super Service FHO gvk Build New - No Money Down of Hie extent to which Hie reduc* | Hon of excessive trade burrlerg lends Io stim ulate mutually advant­ ageous (rude. According In un analysis releas­ ed by Hu- Departm ent of Stale, Can­ adian im ports of reduced duly pro- duels from Ibis country averaged 58.2 per cent higher during Hie .1 year period 193ft 19.38 as eom pared w ith 19.35, the preagreeineul year, w hile Canadian Imports from tin- United Stales of products on which no reductions were made in Hie Canadian duties ii reused by only 22.1 per cent. You can know your EYES le n se s only when required Dr. Herbert W Hermann OPTOMETRIST Grams Pass 51* II. SI. Plume 25KJ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■I DR. O. H SCHEETZ Optometrist EYESIGHT SPECIALI»! flflfi East II Si, ai-ross frr ■ tllló I . i 1,1 A r-Ä ’ r STAlW M IUF| PROCESS All woolen garments eleui > by us a te moth proofed ui extra cost. FRENCH LAUNDRY ,iNl> DRY CLEANERS Pick up and deliver tw ice i week. Thielen Furniture Co. G ran ts Pass i; Dependable Household Furnishings Copeland Lumber Yards Grants Pass, Oregon *************************** WRESTLING Mon, Jan. 29 NOT A NEW BELT BUT A DIET Sun, Mon, Tues; Jan. 28-29-30 ‘The Great Victor Herbert’ W ith Allan Jones 4 Mary Martin Coming Soon — Allegheny Uprising” Excitement — Thrill* MEDFORD ARMORY 8:00 p. m. Seats on sale at Valentines Cafe and Brown’s GRANTS PASS, OREGON Now Shew ing — “Everything* on Ice” T H E W O R L D 'S G O O D N E W S will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A n in te r n a t io n a l D a ily N a ta rp a p e r doll* nr« eonrtmctlve doing«. Th« Monitor t a t dMb •en ,»tlon: »•*«»« do«« It Ignor. th.m. inS£i?»L fi* ww h for bury a«n «nd »U tho runny. Includlnt th« w««kly Moguln« awtlon. Th« Ohrl«tl»n Selene« PublUhln« Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Masaachuaette r p “ *o*no*1' “ r TOb, month« 33 0« 1 month 11 00 Saturday luue, Including Magazin« Section: 1 y««r 13 to, I luue« 3to WITH IRENE DARE — plus — GENE AUTRY IN “Public Cowboy No. 1” "JO E AND ETHEL TURP CALI ON THE PRESIDENT Ann Sothern and Lewis Stone — Plus — “THE LLANO KID” WITH TITO GUIZAR Nara« . Addr«sa . . . . This Winter try the train to C A LIFO R N IA Avoid slippery highways and Ice and snow in the moun­ tains when you go to Cali­ fornia this winter. Let the engineer drive you over safe steel rails, safe even when w et. LOW FARES ON Southern Every Wednesday is Pal Nite One adult ticket is good for two adm issions S«< local 8.P. »»»ht Of writ* I. A ORMANDY, Oen. R.i«v, A r t u t . 623 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon *