Thursday, November 23, 1930 Gold Hffl News.QoM HUI, Oregon ' to Indoctrinate these same students low; Rhode Island, white on black. crlbed, before Victor A. Tcngwalil. --------------— South Carolina, yellow on black; United Stales Commissioner, at **********************************< with the ideas of the "new soeiul order” contemplated by the Social­ South Dakota; black on yellow; Medford. Oregon, on Ihe 28th day ists. Freedom of speech, according Tennessee, orange on black; Texas, of November. 11139. Established 1897 to the usage of these educators, is purple on whit»; Utah, orange on Clelmunt names os witnesses: simply that of the teacher toward medium blue; Vermont, blue on 0 . M. Sweiicher. Ray Graham, Win. P u b lish e d by M ac's P r in tin g Co. the student, not that of the student white; Virginia, black on while; and Harry Nobory, all of WALLACE G. IVERSON, Editor and Business Manager toward the teacher of the parent Washington, green on white; West Moore, Rt. 1, Grants Pass, Oregon. toward the teacher. Their Idea Virginia; yellow on black; Wiscon­ GEORGE FINLAY. Register red on while; Wyoming, while \n Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests oi seems to be "Freedom of speech" sin. for teachers, but mussles for all on delphinium blue; Canal Zone, Gold Ilill, Oregon, and Vicinity__________ others, yellow on green; District of Colum­ s********************************1 ; especially the parents. bia. black on chrome yellow; Ha­ There is yel another phase to this P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y __________ i Academic Freedom, and that is the waii. black on yellow. 24 H O U R G ra n ts P a s s Entered at the Postoffice at Gold HiH. Oregon, for transmission through freedom of speech of the teachers T O W CAR in these highly organised pressure NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the mails as seeond-clas« matter. groups, known as Teacher Organi­ A N D M E C H A N IC A L zations. The minorities In these UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Subscription »1.50 a year in advance Advertising rates on application groups have absolutely no freedom S E R V IC E OF THE INTERIOR, General of speech. The organisations are so hack to the scene and placed undei dominated by these highly financed luind Office al Roseburg. Oregon. T e le v isio n S c e n e S h o w s arrest. October 19, 1939 leaders that freedom of speech u- H it and R un A ccid en t The program was rehearsed care mong the teachers in their groups fully, and before and after the is unknown. NOTICE is hereby given that An innovation in safety education broadcast announcers emphasised Earl M. Young of P. O. Box 313, was reported from New York re­ the point that it was not an actual Rogue River. Oregon, who. on Feb. “STANDARD PRODUCTS" cently where the police department happening but a staged event, de C olor S c h e m e o f 1940 18, 1934, made Additional Home­ Phone 167 sponsored a television broadcast of signed to emphasise in the minds L ic e n ses B rillia n t stead Fairy Acts April 28, 1904 and South 6th A I. — Grants Pa.s a staged hit and run accident, ac­ of the public the danger of childret cording to a report reaching the of­ playing in the street. Almost every shade of the rain­ June 9, 1916, No. 021254. for SAV'-» fice of Earl Snell, secretary of state. It was estimated appoximateh bow will be employed in the var­ NEH, Section 31. Township 3« - The action of the program con­ 20,000 television receiving set- ious color combinations selected South. Range 4 • West. Willamette sisted of a scene in which boys were in use within the radius of 5* (or 1940 automobile license plates Meridian, hat filed notice of inten­ were playing ball in the street. A miles from the Empire Stale Build by the 4« states. District of Colum­ tion to make final Proof, to esta­ H ere is O N E o f T e n B ig R e a so n s police officer warns them of the ing. from which the program wa­ bia, Hawaii. Alaska and th e Canal blish claim to the land above dcs- danger of the practice, but they con re-broadcast. W h y Y o u ’ll P r e fe r Zone, according to reports received | tinue their game till one boy is by the Oregon State Motor associa­ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES struck by a car, the driver of which F reed om o f S p eech — Approved Laundry Service tion. UCIOU l , and Body" was tha subject speeds away from the scene. The Oregon’s color scheme of blue S of the Leaaon-Sermon in all 10. S a tis fie d E m p lo y ee» and S a t ­ hi,-run killer is caught, brought “A cad em ic F r e ed o m ” figures on a white background will Churches of Cheat. Sciential, on isfie d C u sto m e r s — lair wages, Sunday. November 18. ' “Freedom of Speech" is the slog- be duplicated by Arizona. White on black, while on blue, yellow on The Oold.-n Text was. ’ What? pleasant working condition» and *********************************^ an of all the radical teachers. Il b know ye not that your body la the the excuse by which students are black and black on yellow are tin- fair prices to you. temple of the Holy Ghaut which la led farther and farther away from most popular combinations, having in you. which ya have of Ood. and American Institute of Laundering the belief that our social order, un­ been selected by 19 stales. Color ye are not your own?" (I Cor. 8:10). Look for this Seal of Approval on der the Constitution, is correct and combinations include: fS T A im U F ] Among the citations which com­ i Alabama, yellow on black; Alas­ into a stateof mind where it is easy our Red and White Truck prised the Lesccn-Beimon was the PR O C ESS ka, black on orange. Arkansas, ver- following from the Bible; "Ye shall i million on aluminum; California. make you no Idols nor graven image, black: on orange; Colorado, black neither reir you up a standing Im­ , on y«llow, Connecticut, black on a- age. neither shall ye set up any You can know your EYES Image of »tone In your land, to bow lutninum; Delaware, unreported; All woolen garments cleaned “ S in c e 1900” Lenses only when required down unto lt:f for I am the Lord Florida, white on black; Georgia, by us are moth proofed at no your Ood" (Levi 38:D 1 ................................................................. aaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaawa red on green; Idaho, green on gold; extra cost. The Lesion-Sermon also Included D r. H erb ert W H erm a n n Illinois, cream on brown; Indiana, the following eerrelatlit passages OPTOMETRIST french laundry and aluminum on black; Iowa, blue on from tha Bcionco text­ DRY CLEAVERS orange; Kansas, white on Black; ******* n w i n n w " ........ ................ n « t » t t * * * v s » < R SA**»»»»M V*s< book. "Science and Health with Key Grants Pass Pick up and deliver twice a Kentucky. red on white; Louisiana, to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker 519 H. St. Phone 258J week. blue on gold; Maine, green on alum­ Eddy: "QuSeUop. • What are body inum; Mgryland, white on dark and Soul? GIVES LONGER LIFE TO YOUR TIRES. AT LESS COST A*»*************************'***' Answer. • Identity Is tha reflec­ blue. Lei Us Show You. A Trial W ill Convince. We absolutely tion of Spirit, the reflection In Massachusetts, white on maroon; multifarious forma of the living Guarantee Ihe tread Io g i v e Satisfactory Service or your Michigan, unreported; Minnesota, Principle. Love. Soul la the sub­ Money Back while on black; Mississippi, yellow stance’ Life, and intelligence of on black; Missouri, black on while; man. which la Individualised, but O K. R U B B E R W E L D E R Montana, white on blue; Nebraska, not In matter. Soul can never re­ — B a la n ced T ire R ep a irin g — orange on blue; Nevada, silver on flect anything Inferior to Spirit. E . C. G A Y M A N , P rop. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Man la the expression of Soul" ultramarine blue; New Hampshire, (p. STD. white on green; New Jersey, green Opposite Monlgomecy Ward GRANTS PASS on black; New Mexico; yellow on We Repair Any Size Tractor Tire i E V E R Y T H I N G T H E F A R M E R N E E D S IN red; New York; orange on black; w******************************************************************'’ North Carolina, maroon and alumi­ ********************************* S e e d s — F eed s — G rain — H a y — S tr a w num; North Dakota, yellow on DR . O. H . SC H E E T Z I hlaclrv Ohio, while on dark blue; g*******************************************************************^ F a rm M a ch in ery — M ilk in g M a ch in es etc. O p to m e tr is t Oklahoma, unreporled; Pennsylvan­ < ! « ia, ultramarine blue on golden yel- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST THE GOLD HILL NEWS Thielen Furniture Co. Dependable Household Furnishings Tommies Super Service Grants Pass Steam Laundry Something N ew --Tread Welder I M a c k ’s Seed and Peed Store ■ • 514 S o . 6th S t. P h o n e 758 G ra n ts P a s s , O re. « w iW K « e iio s « x « ^ ^ 606 Eaat H St, acroaa from Golden Rule H St. entrance Build Now • No Money Down v********************************* S E E U S A N D A V O ID P A Y I N G R E N T ^*»*****S*****»* ~J »**************W Conger Funeral Parlors GRANTS PASS. OREGON R E L IA B L E R EA SO N A BLE M EDFORD, OREGON Now Showing — Flesh and Blood Excitement — New Thrills — High Adventure “Four F e a th e r s ” - ALL IN TECHNICOLOR WRESTLING 100% PURE P A IN T S Copeland Lumber Yards C H. DEM ARAY G ran t» Pa»», O reg o n N. 8th St. Grants Past A********************************* k L X I I k f l U l l l L V i n f l ' i n * ' ) ....................................................................................... a a a a * * » * a Preview Saturday 11 p. m. “O n e H ou r T o L iv e ” S E R V IC E CHARLES BICKFORD Mon, Nov. 27 E x c ite m e n t — T h rills Sun, Mon, Tues; Nov. 26-27-23 DEANNA DURBIN IN MEDFORD ARMORY “ F IR S T L O V E ” 8:30 p. m . Coming Soon — Seats on sale at Valentines Cafe and Brown’s D r u m s a lo n g th e M o h a w k Henry Fonda • Claudette Colbert Shults Brothers AUTO PAINTING AND GLASS BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING ■ M B O Y S E N ’S Stationery — Office Supplies Typewriters Gift Merchandise Books — Drugs Enrol GRANTS PASS, OREGON I > Not Doing Something for Nothing — But Doing what you want done Promptly Intelligently and Economically Y o u w iil fin d th is th e m o tto in a n y g o o d le g it im a te b u s in e s s e s ta b lish m e n t O U R E M P L O Y E E S A R E O N T H E IR T O E S E A C H D A Y T O G IV E Y O U T H E aM B Now Showing — TW ENTY B E N E F IT - FO UR HOURS OF T H IS M O TTO “ 20,000 M en a Y e a r ” T H E W O R L D 'S GOOD N E W S Randolph Scott - Preston Foster — Plus — GEORGE O’BRIEN IN will come to your home every day through “T h e F ig h tin g G r in g o ” THE C H R IST IA N SCIENCE M ONITO R Sun, Mon, Tues; Nov. 26-27-28 . Franchot Tone- - Ann Sothern A n I n te r n a tio n a l D a ily N e tr tp a p e r It record! (or you the world'! clean, constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation: neither doet It Ignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all tha family, Including tha Weekly Magaslna Section. “ F a s t and F u r io u s” Address . I • SALES NASH i SERVICE ? Wed., Nov. 29, Pal Nite (H o w a r d L o w d ) — plus — ' SmtpU'Ciii'i»'TtHáñi $ > • I Del Rogue Garage ‘K o n g - T h e W ild S ta llio n ’ Name - “T o o B u sy T o W o r k ” — Plus — THE JONES FAMILY IN The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusatts Plesee enter my subscription to Tha Christian Science Monitor foe * fy a a r 111.00 8 month, 10 00 I months 8100 J month 8100 Saturday Issue, Including Magaslna Section: 1 year 81.80, 8 Issues Ila W E C A T E R T O Y O U R E V E R Y A U T O M O T IV E N E E D “T h e L a d y V a n is h e s ” P h o n e 113 fo r to w in g s e r v ic e O F F IC IA L A A A G A R A G E G r a n ts P a s s , O re g o n I