Thursday, November 16, 1939 Th* GoU Hill New», Gold Hill, Oregon Turkey Show at Roseburg, December 12-16 Local turkey growers unii breed­ er» huve received copies of (lie pre­ mium liat of Ihe Northwestern Turkey Show Io he held id Ouklund, Oregon, December 12 Io 16th. Thexe premiums, merrhundlae prize» und I speeiul iiwurds Haled in the new b o o k » huve u total vulue of approx* ¡mutely $2506.00: Generous prem­ iums ure provided for ull eluaaea in (lie standard breeds in both the live und dressed shows w ith special Our Leader . . . 75c SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED Other Work Priced Accordingly “ T h re e d ay service on d y e in g ” Acme Cleaners and Dyers 1728 N . R iv e rs id e - P h o n e 363 • M e d fo r d , O re . Thanksgiving © junior clasea for the 4-H flu b ex­ hibitors: U tility Breeder» D epartm ent, which proved so popular Iasi year, hits been continued und the recent­ ly adopted slundurd for judging has been included in the book. In tin- official program ol the show, Monday, December 11 Is des­ ignated us entry day when all en­ tries must be delivered to the show buildings in Oakland. The show w ill open Io the public on Tues­ day mid continue throughout the week until Saturday noon when ull entries w ill be released. Social activities listed include u Get-Togelher Meeting for e x h i b i t ­ ors und visitors and the Turkey Show Dance on Wednesday even ing, December 13ih. The annual iimiipiel w ill be held on Friday eve­ ning. December 15t|i and the cham­ pionship trophies w ill be awa.'ded nt that t'n e. Entry blanks or information n - PUT YOUR IN NOTICE ‘UNREAL REALITIES* AN AMERICAN “ K IN G D O M * D id you know that a K ing still a rules a section of America, fo ur-" fifths as large as the whole state of Delaware ? That's the size o f K in g 'i Ranch in southern Texal, the largest ranch in America, per­ haps in the world. You could ride horseback for dayt without reach­ in g th e end o f th ia " re g a l” dominion. DUSES HELP M A IN T A IN HIGHW AYS GOLF. INCORPORATED Taxi nock, N ew I t r i t j , is any golf- bug's idea of heaven— a unique town whose whole business is golf. It consists almost entirely of a splendid golf course and a fine clubhouse which in off moments is the town hall as w ell— for the officers o f the club ate the mayor . and town council. Fore! A H0L1DAY w h e n y o u need th e m ' k s’ C X ? i ' 1 z t .- j T ’O'xPji. , X - " likely that we can replace thc-.e linens at such low prices when present quanit- ’* a\ l,c exhausted. *. COTTON DAMASK DINNER CLOTHS 58x58 ......................................... MM m o s t. I'.m t«.r T hanksgiving! Buy l,.i i g ifts. It is un- S 39c, iiji COLORFUL LUNCHEON SETS 79c, 98c filet lace cloths Put a t( uch of color on your table for impromptu luncheons, bridge parties etc. Wide chotce of del.ght- ful patterns. 98c, $1.49, $1.98 49c, P retty as they are practical! * 'Exquisite Designs $1 48 $1.98 $2.95 . RMY LAKE IN A VOLCANO __ HAND MADE L C f . , effects Of finest yarns. In deep ecru or crearn. $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 G o ld e n R u le S to r e Grant» Pa»», Oregon HOB W IT H FupniLutrc ““ R isjes •*” Rsttges etc« TO BE SOLD UNDFR THE HAMMER TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER TOMORROW Adam - & Powell Furniture GOING OUT OF BUSINESS AUCTION Every Evening at 7:30 o’clock THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF to n ,,h Chair' W ?hut Dining Room and Bed Room suite», Range,, t SeU LtW eur’. Wilton. A xJh nter end D c.n etic Oriental Rug». Crbinei. Chair,. Mirror,, Deakr Table, CedarChert, Spring Mat- etc. Everything you expect to find in a high-grade furniture «tore. EVERYTHING GOES — NOTHING WITHHELD — TERMS CASH Remember — It’s Your Privilege to Select Any Item for Auction! The Opportunity of a Lifetime for People to Buy FURNITURE at AUCTION: TWO SALES DAILY Afternoon — 2:00 Evening — 7:30 Adams & Powell Furniture 950 South Sixth Street B U R N S IN GLADYS GEORGE Its burdens, then, why should 1 uar- ing the show may be secured share? rom E. (i. Young, Manager, Oak- Tuesday and Wednesday Its grace and its strength I can't .ind, Oregon. i Dick Powell A Anita Louise In borrow, “GOING PLACES” Then why should I borrow its Large Increase In Motor care? Registration In Oregon Thursday and Friday (Author unknown) Alice Faye — Tyrone Power and .^on-resident motor vehicle reg- A1 Jolson in istqstions in Oregon totaled 138, “Rose of Washington 781, for the first ten months of 1939, an increase of six percent over the Square” registration fo r the same period las| year, it was announced today by Earl Snell, secretary of state. Registrations for ihe month of October totaled 8,682, an increase MEDFORD □f 933 over the 7,749 registered in , BUSINESS DIRECTORY October in 1938. The city of Ashland registered 1. 649 out of state cars to lead regls- I k********************************* (ration stations in the state during T fw N*W “Trade — r t Be*- O. 8. PM. OS. August W. Glutsch October. Other heavy registration DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY points were Cave City, 1,061; A r­ MAGIC* margin ROYAL » ostabu lington, 514; Umatilla, 425; Grants A L L M A K E S O F T Y P E W R I T E R S Successor To Dr. Jud Rickert Pass, 415; Klamath Falls, 370; Port­ FO R SALE OR R E N T Specialist in all problems of land. 341; Brookings. 324; Medford, eye comfort and vision General Office Supplies 302. 308 Fluhrer Bldg. - Phone 1148 A total of 105.522 cars, or 76 per Medford, Oregon cent of the total non-resident cars Grants Pass Typewriter Co. registered during the first ten Across From Rogue Theatre months of the year w'ere from the western states of Washington, Cali­ ■ *v ******************************** fornia, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Flowers Mattress and New Mexico. California .was first w ith 65.418 cars w hi'e Washington Upholstering Shop was second w ith 25.913. Idaho sen! We Do Upholstering Thai W ill 4,928 and Canada, 4.826. J Please You Tliursd y. Be • 16, has bee- announced as dale of 'he -exI b monthly meeting of the Jackson ounty Public 1’ ealth --sociatio- all members ami oth“ r r '” ,son interested in health are cordiali; invited to attend. Definite plans for the meeting were discussed at the Monday m eet-, ing of the executive beard. Recent ■ expenditures of Roosevelt ball funds for infantile paralysis cases in the county were announced to the board. These included braces for one case and special shoes for two cases. An interesting program is being nlanned for the bi-monthly meet­ ing by Mrs. I. E. Schuler, program chairman. Ten w ill be served nt the close of the program by the Cen­ tral Point committee. TA S aViX Lamp., tre? « ,. Sunday and Monday “I’m From Missouri” I J New Maîtresses Made Io Order H«vl