Thursday, November 16, 1939 Th» Gold Hill News, Gold H fl, Orejón THE QOLD HILL NEWS Established 1897 P u b lish ed by M a c ’s P r in tin g Co. WALLACE G. IVERSON, Editor and Business Manager a bargain. For only W9.95, the trav­ eler can leave h i* home, vtait San Francisco, travel over a choice of many scenic routes to N ew York, and then back home over an en­ tirely different route, making a complete circle trip of the United States if he chooses. U r he can make the tr ip eastward, going to Red Cross Nurse Reserve at Peak I Disaster Service, Home Nur »Ing, Health Education, Keep Thousands Busy menti have been lifted, reminds the stale department of agriculture. Only rooted holly plants or trees need he Inspected before mailing or shipping. However, all shipment I of <»«l holly made by licensed nur. awymen or dealers must he clenrc-l and certified by the department’« •a. Butchers who buy farm dressed bureau of nursery service. state department of agriculture di­ vision of animal Industry. Despite the fact that the law plainly states (hat the hldr mu'll accompany the carcass, there Is n growing laxity in the handling of farm dressed and quartered carcass cattle must Insist that the hide ac­ company the carcass, the depart­ New York first." The possibilities of this trip are ment warns. Also, the buyer must Washington.—The Red Cross reserve unlim ited. The traveler can visit check on accuracy of the brand and P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y __________ Southern C alifornia, the colorful of r»glst*rsd nursss qualllted for Im­ ear marks on the orange colored W E C A N M AKE mediate duty is stronger than ever sheriff's tag for each nnimiil. Southwest, the beautiful Northwest before, Miss Mary Beard, director of Entered a« the Postoffice 7 go W HIM Oregon, for tr.n w ta .io o through Y O U R O LD CAR and Evergreen Playground, the the American Red Cross nursing ser­ the mails as secoud-clas* matter. INSPECTION 18 OUT /„<»/, /«'/.<- n eu lo o ! Rockies, Midwestern Cities, the vices. announced. “We now have a flrat reserve of ON HOLLY AS G IF T old South. Florida, the Eastern Sea Subscription”» ! ^ . year in advance Advertising rates on application IS 000 unmarried nurses under 40 years board and of course, gay Manhat­ of age available for duty with the Home owners who wish to send tan which w ill be at Its best for Army. Navy or government nursing Fourth avenue. cut holly to friends or relatives for services and aubjeot to call by the Red U n iv e r sity o f O regon The largest delegation of faculty the next few months. Inexpensive Cross for dlaaqter work.” she said. the holiday season do not need to members ever present at an off- i si(le tr ips . . . E. ravis, pres- m use ior cause v ie for xiviiu«.»»» ■ announced by T W Phone 107 ident of Pacific Greyhound Lines. say| ng in purl thut I hope the next and care of the tick Instructors, were Sooth Oth A L — Grants Pa »a '; j Many thousands of people have tak- Armistice w ill be one in which the ynlarly engagod In visiting tha tick, I en these remarkable tours durin - German people w ill .lie freed from aiding physlclana In examining school « S W * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _____ | u, your old cor for e few children, conducting tnoculstlou pro '¡th e two W o rld ’s Fairs. "N ever be- the rule of a tyrant, not punished days, and we’ll meke it »teem ae grams to stamp out contagions Illness, fore.” said Mr. Travis, “ has the | for something which they did not , Tore. said Air- irw v is. — .......... - r S T A lO lW r tS S S S S S S S S S S V S S S S S S S V S S S S S S S S S S S » briglil ue o ehowroom model. ¡ ! ‘ traveling public been offered such ' have foresight enough to stop. So launching trial nursing service« In out- PROCESS j traveling i u ' quick did the ^nle of the maniacs of-the-way communities, and carrying We’ll smooth out dent», fix ruely on Important health education work come into prtwer, the intelligent »put, end »rralrliee, end replare to qualify family groups lo care for shabby, weather-beaten palm minds of Germany were moulded in sickness at home. with a eparkllng finiih «1 DI < O to fiendish ways before they had a All nureee who are needed for Red You can know your EYES or DULUX . . . the Bne.t» chance to catch a glimpse of the Cross nursing activities are drawn All woolen garments cleacud from the Red Cross reserve of qualified money can buy. disaster into which they were fa ll­ Lenses only when required by us are moth proofed at no nurses. Miss Beard aald. You’ll bo proud of the Du Pont ing. , extra cost. Last year Red Cross public health D r. H erb ert W H er m a n n Any regime whose leader sgys. gnlth we put on yoor car. You’ll norses made more than one million FREN CH LA U N D R Y AND OPTOMETRIST “W e w ant soldiers, not Intellect­ be proud of it for a long time. visits on behalf of the sick and gave DRY CLEANERS And you’ll bo »urprleed at he uals." whose only hope of existence skilled care to 272.721 persons. Grants Pass Pick up and deliver twice a low coat. Aak ue for an oetimata. Last year. In schools and clinics, is based upon the power of hate 519 H. St. Phone 25«J F /« week. and intrigue cannot long stand. nurses cooperated with physicians In Grants Pass Thousands of years of w ritte n hla- examining 695.575 children, and aided _______ ___________ ________ .to ry have already proven that. So in the task of correcting defects. Chll- drsn examined were enrolled for the , nn (his anniversary of Armistice most part In rural school! where this (lay )et us hOpe that the next one type of preventive service Is rare. J w ill be much different in meaning There are «65 R id Cross nurses en­ gaged In this work In 477 communities. from the last one. Sl acroaa from Court House I in the field of health education. Red 1 Cross nurses have Instructed more GRANTS PASS H ID E S MUST BE W IT H thsn 1.000.000 family members since E. C. G A Y M A N , P rop . FARM K IL L E D C A T T L E 1914 In how to ears for the sick at horns and have set new standards of hygiene When cattle killed on the farm are for the family. Last year tbs Nursing E V E R Y T H IN G T H E F A R M E R N E E D S IN not hog-dressed, that is, the skin Service held 4.605 classes In home left on as is done w ith veal and hygiene and care of the tick and weaner calves, the hide must be awarded certificates to 11,29« persons S eed s — F e e d . — G rain — H a y — S tr a w who passed examinations on the sub­ folded up and placed In the same F arm M ach in ery — M ilk in g M a ch in es e tc . jects taught. vehicle that carries the carcass, "Because the nucleus at all Red warns D r. W . H. Lytle, chief of the Cross nursing activity la onr nurses’ n i i i i i n i - r m .............................. ........................................................................................... ....... An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of Gold l lill. Oregon, and \ tcimty ___ Tommies Super Service Thielen Furniture Co. . McCracken Body Shop Dependable Household Furnishings Mack’s Seed and feed Store 514 So. 6th S t. P h o n e 758 G ra n ts P a s s , O re. ■’ n KKMXXXX30fK:»;:0>>>::COC»:C«