Thursday, Nov. 16, 1939 New Elegance in Current Mode Calls for Quality-Kind Silks By CHERIE NICHOLAS (Recipes Below.) Incredible as it may seem the cal­ endar is bringing Thanksgiving time again and with it comes to every homemuker thoughts tor the Thanks­ giving menu—plans for its prepara­ tion and anticipation of the fam ily’s return. Today, however, I want to re­ verse this whole situation. I want to suggest to you that enjoyment of your fam ily on Thanksgiving day should be the key­ note of every one of tha plans that you make for the day. Now that does not mean for one minute that I am suggesting that the Thanksgiving dinner be slighted. I couldn't do that, for who of us for one minute would sacri­ fice those precious memories of Thanksgiving dinners at grandmoth­ ers that are really priceless heir­ looms. No, 1 say—we won’t sacrifice the dinner—but we will plan it so that you will be as free as possible on Thanksgiving day so that you too can enjoy the fam ily and let the fam ily enjoy you. A m iracle you say? No—not really—just wise plan­ n in g -p le n ty of work the day before perhaps—but tim e— no w orry—and an easy dinner on Thanksgiving— and that's worth while isn't it? How to do it? Well here are my suggestions. F irst, it is entirely pos­ sible to clean, prepare and even stuff the turkey the day before Thanksgiving rather than on Thanksgiving morning. Then put it on a rack in an open roasting pan and store it in your refrigerator over night. I f you have a mechani­ cal refrigerator it w ill be running of course. I f you have an ice refrig ­ erator, be sure to get an ample sup­ ply of ice so that your refrigerator can really work for you over this holiday. Vegetables—salads—relishes, in­ cluding celery, radish roses, etc., even desserts, one and all can be gotten ready on Wednesday and as I say, then all that remains for Thanksgiving day is just the cook­ ing, the table set­ ting and later the serving of the viands. Below I am including a number of Thanksgiving recipes which are all planned for just such Thanks­ giving ease. And—a happy Thanks­ giving to each one of you. Roast Turkey. Allow % to 1 pound of turkey per person served. Dress, clean, stuff and truss turkey. Brush well with unsoltcd fa t and place on rack in large open roasting pan. (Store over night in refrigerator if desired). Roast in moderate oven (325 de­ grees) allowing approximately 20 minutes per pound roasting tim e for a 12-pound turkey, 17 minutes per pound for an 18-pound turkey and 15 minutes per pound for a 22- pound turkey. Brush with melted butter just be­ fore serving. Dressing for Turkey. 10 cups soft bread crumbs 1 cup butter (m elted) 1 tablespoon salt 1 cup chopped parsley 2 tablespoons poultry seasoning M ix all ingredients thoroughly and use for stuffing the turkey. Note: This amount of dressing is sufficient for a 10-pound turkey. I f a larger turkey is to be stuffed the recipe should be increased proportionately. Giblet Gravy. Pour off liquid in pan in which turkey has been roasted. From liq­ uid skim off 6 tablespoons fat; re­ turn fat to roasting pan and brown with 6 tablespoons flour. Add 3 cups stock in which giblets, neck, and tip of wings have been cooked; or if preferred, 3 cups m ilk m ay be substituted instead of the stock. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick; then season to taste with salt and pepper. Add giblets (cut in small pieces), heat well, and serve hot. Oranged .Sweet Potatoes. (Serves 6-8) Parboil 6 medium sweet potatoes, peel and slice lengthwise. (Prepare to this point on Wednesday and store overnight in refrigerator.) Arrange slices in baking dish and sprinkle with Mi cup brown sugar, dot with 2 tablespoons butter and add 1 table­ spoon grated orange rind. Pour over this *4 cup orange juice and scatter 2 tablespoons brown sugar and a little paprika over top. Bake cov- ered for 30 minutes in moderately hot oven (375 degrees). Uncover and bake approximately 15 minutes longer. Creamed Onions With Cream Cheese. (Serves 6) 2 pounds small white onions 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups m ilk *4 teaspoon salt 1 block cream cheese Boil onions until tender in salted w ater. (This can be done on the day before Thanksgiving and in this way the onions w ill be all ready for their final baking on Thursday.) M elt butter, add flour and stir thor­ oughly. Add m ilk and salt and stir until thick. Then add I block of cream cheese broken in small pieces. When blended, pour over onions in a baking casserole. Sprin­ kle with buttered cracker crumbs and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) until crackers are browned. Serve at once. Cabbage-Pineapple Gelatin Salad. 1 tablespoon unflavored Gelatin *4 cup pineapple juice (canned) 1 cup water (boiling) IV« teaspoon salt 1M tablespoons vinegar 2 cups cabbage (shredded) 1 cup pineapple (diced) Soak gelatin in the cold pineapple juice. Add to hot w ater and stir until dissolved. Add salt and vine­ gar. Chill. Add remaining ingredi­ ents and pour into mold. Chill un­ til set. Pumpkin Pie. (M akes 2 pies) 3 cups pumpkin 4 eggs 1*4 cups brown sugar V« teaspoon salt % teaspoon grated nutmeg % teaspoon ginger Mi teaspoon cloves Mi teaspoon allspice Mi teaspoon cinnamon 4*4 cups m ilk (scalded) To cold canned or cooked pump­ kin add the eggs (slightly beaten). Blend salt and spices with the brown sugar. M ix pumpkin m ixture with the brown sugar m ixture, and to this add the scalded m ilk. Pour into pie plate lined with pastry dough. Bake 10 minutes in a hot oven (450 degrees), or until crust is set. Then reduce heat to a mod­ erate oven (350 degrees), and bake until filling is firm —about 45 min­ utes. (These too can be baked on the day preceeding Thanksgiving.) Don’t Miss These Household Hints. "Household Hints ’ by Eleanor Howe contains as helpful a group of time-saving suggestions on every phase of housekeeping as one can ever expect to find. To secure a copy—to be able to put these ideas to work irfyo ur own home—send 10 cents in coin to “ Household H ints,” care of Eleanor Howe, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Homemade Bread for Young And for Old.% A ll the world loves homemade bread and what is more home­ like than the old-fashioned hot butterscotch rolls, homemade bread, parker house rolls, etc., that mother used to make? I t ’s just those kind of recipes, (sim pli­ fied though) that you will find in this column next week. Be sure to look for them. ( R e lc a u d by W e ite m N ew epnper U n io n .) PARTMENT ìa ìà u à à à ia à a à a a a j MEMORIES OF THANKSGIVING PRICELESS HEIRLOOMS Cooking the Thanksgiving Dinner ITTERN h I makes up sm artly in velvet, faille br thin wool. The Patterns. No. 1850 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 40. Size 14 requires 4*4 yards of 39-inch m a­ terial with long sleeves; 4% yards with short; % yard contrast. No. 1849 is designed for sizes 36, 38. 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 52. Size 38 requires 4’» yards of 39- inch m ate ria l with long sleeves; 4% yards,', w ith three-quarter sleeves; % yard ribbon. F all Pattern Book. Special extra! Send today for J your new F a ll Pattern Book with a stunning selection of a hundred perfect patterns for all sjjapes and sizes. Savq mopey aftd know the I keen satisfaction of personally planned,, perfectly fitted garments ! by m aking your own frocks with I these sm art, carefully cut designs. You can’t go wrong—every ’ pat­ tern includes a step-by-step sew ¡c h a rt tar guide beginners. Price of P attern Book, 15 cents. Send your order to The Sewing Circle P attern Dept., 149 New I F YOU want a bright new every- Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, * day dress th at’s tailored and Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) practical, yet sufficiently youthful each. and gay so that you'll never tire |B«U Syndicate— W N U S e rv ic e .I of it even gfter constant wear, m ake it like No. 1850. It buttons down the front,'coat style, is.dart- fitted at the waistline, and trim m ed-w ith contrast. You’ll find it especially pretty in plaid wool, velveteen or chaliis. Sm art and Youthful. F o r large women, No. 1849 has beautifully slenderizing lines, and PEACE is expertly designed ' to give the round-bosomed, slendbr-hipped ef­ • * ’ | ' H E greatest guarantee o f peace la fect that m ature figures look best a pu blic o p in io n that ilr«ires and most youthful in. A good peace. W ith o u t a knowledge of the style forecard parties and iunch- facts we cannot Ijave m eh a public eons because 'a ll the. detailing is opinio n. G iv e lig h t and the people w ill on the bodice. The ..neckline is find th e ir own way.” — 0 . S. Sen ator particularly flattering. .This dress Henry C. Lodge Jr. • , \ ' ». Q U IC K UOTES I j i ! I H A T was good enough for our ’ ’ great - great - grandmamas should be equally as good for us. Some such thought must have moti­ vated the minds of our modern fab- ricists when they announced for fall and winter 1939-1940 a revival of the quality-kind old-fashioned silks such as were the pride and the joy of our ancestresses. Call them heirloom I silks if you will, for some of the | silk weaves so chic and so fabric- fine that are considered high-style ; today but tell the story over again ; of sterling-worth bengalines, failles; likewise traditional ottoman silks | and grosgrains, also stand-alone | moires and taffetas that make music - with their rustle of real honest-to- goodness silk. When you come to analyze the present situation, the re-incarnation in current fashion of the elegant i “ lovely lady” fashions so charac­ teristic of the early Victorian and Edwardian periods, we of this gen­ eration just naturally have to think in terms of fabric elegance. The idea that prevails this season is fabric elegance for dresses styled with utmost simplicity, de­ pending on accessories for dash and allure. High value is put on skillful fabric treatm ent in drapes, shirr- ings, pleating and self-fabric details. It is a very silk-conscious group we present in the illustration here­ with. A great favorite with French designers is pure silk jersey which they say, and they prove it in the lovely creations they turn out, has no peer when it comes to sculptural draping and intriguing shirring. The attractive dress to the left in the picture is of smooth, dark silk jersey. Although it has been elab­ orately draped and shirred, the slen­ der silhouette has been in no respect sacrificed. I f you haven’t a silk jersey (preferably black) daytime dress in your collection you are los­ ing out on a lot of pleasure and com­ fort. Choose dark or black jersey for practical afternoon wear and for your loveliest form al let it be Of white silk jersey sculpturally draped, adding gold accents to make it su­ premely beautiful. A draped and shirred green silk crepe luncheon dress, designed for the new corseted lady, is shown to the right. It speaks eloquently in favor of fabric treatm ent. Note the I self fabric pleated ruffle on the bod- ’ ice ' the wide corselet belt and other fetching styling details. Centered in the trio is a striking evening ensémble dyveíopéd' of handsome silk white (¿mle.for faille, such as our grandmothers treasured, is again a favorite silk. Note the bpef peplum that flares from the new lowered waistline of the basque jacket. The novel square buttons are of outstanding style importance. I t ’s fo r tú n a te lo ? 11 be if yoq ,hkve stored away among heirlooms some of the gó'rgeous jeweled buttonsvthat once were fashionable and are so again. Glorify your evening coat' with these buttons or your blouse or your “ bestest” afternoon dress. In conclusion just a word about the stunning jacket tailored suits that are made of black' bengaline silk or faille. These silk classics register among the topnotch fash­ ions of the day. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) -------- ----- •------- I Suits Are Favored In Newest Modes Suits are im portant in the new mode and include both dress and jacket and skirt and jacket combi- | nations. Short, fitted, peplum jack­ ets and long fitted jackets are both in the picture. M any are furred and worn with fur muffs, hats and umbrellas whose handles are cov­ ered with the same pelts. Smartest coats, both cloth and furs, are fitted and flared. Many cloth ones are so liberally trim m ed with pelts that they seem about half fur. Persian lam b, beaver, seal, leopard, fox, m arten and mink are all used. A Quiz With Answers Offering Information, on Various S u b jects ASK M E A N O TH ER 1 T h e Questions A Loose Tongue -- 7V. How many times dftes high Never yet did any man repent of having spoken too littla, where­ tide occur during a week? 8. W hat is meant by the heur­ as m any have been sorry that they, have spoken too much.—A rabian istic method? Nights. The" Ansvbers 1. On the July Fourth following the admission. 2. The ant. 3. A bugle has- no valves, the cornet and trum pet are sim ilar, but the cornet has more winding, curved pipes and is shorter. 4. The floyv b h w a te r oyer N iag­ ara falls is '67,000 tons per'thinute. R CAMELS W BURN SO MUCH LONGER—GIVE EXTRA SMOKING. THEY'RE THE BEST - CIGARETTE BUY! A ir-Travel Suit W hatever prioe you pay per pack, i t ’a important to remember thia fact: By burning 25% tlower than the average o f the 15 other o f the la rg e it-a e llin g brand a t e it e d — slower than any o f them—CAMELS give a amoking pint equal to Whimsical Velvet Turbans in Colors Milliners are designing adorable little velvet turbans, bright with col­ or, to wear with fur coats this winter or to crown smart dinner gowns with glory. These little fantasies of velvet are often allover shirred or are formed of myriads of little corded loops. Some houses are showing them in that old-time favorite, old gold. Others exploit them in teal blue to ensemble with silver jewelry set in blue stones, and as for eye- dazzling red, there’s nothing sm art­ er than a red hat with a black dress. In fact these cunning velvet tur­ bans have gone on a gay and festive color spree. The fireman-red velvet types make you “ stop, look and lis­ ten’’ but you'll love these startling reds just the same. With dark furs they are simply perfect. Most of these flattering little hats have a snood to cover the coiffure at the back, and it’s “ m ighty like a rose” that some of them look being often a huge pouf of velvet in flow­ er color, posed jauntily low over the brow. 5. Perm anent—constant, without cessation. Perpetual—repeating at ! intervals. 6. Seven red and -six white. 7. Usually tw ic e 'a day. I ’ 8. Heuristic is derived from the Greek heuretikos, meaning ingen­ ious. - Heuristic method is one which incites the pupil to find out things for him self and use his own initiative. 1. When a state is added to the Union, when is the star added to the flag? . 2. What anim al ’ has the largest brain in proportion to its size? 3. What is the difference between ■ cornet, a trurppet and a bugle? 4. How m any tons of w ater flow over N iag ara falls per minute?'^ 5. What is the difference • be­ tween perm anent .and perpetual? 6. Are then« more red or white stripes in tfie Am erican flag?. W I L B U R S H A W — Automobile racing champion—winner of Indlan- apolle 500-m ilc race 1937, 1939 MORE PLEASURE PER PUFF—MORE PUFFS PER PACK Now that it’s “ ship ahoy" in the air, as well as by sea, designers are making a feature of air-travel fash­ ions. Victor Stiebel, noted London j designer, is among the first to turn attention toward creating airship wardrobes. For daytime needs in his clipper wardrobe he designs this handsome and practical suit. In this instance rabbit’s hair crepe of napthalated wool ia intricately ta i­ lored into a slim straight model with rows of self-colored stitching. A m ist green hat tops the suit to per- | fection. Caine's tONG-BURHlHG C 0SW » (OBKCCOSl Penny fo r Penny Vour Beat Cigarette Buy EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK