Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, November 16, 1939, Image 2

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    Thursday, Nov. 18, 1 93 9
The Gold Hill News, Gold Hill. Oregon
More Neutrality Precautions
Expected in January Session;
Britain Calls U. S. Its * Arsenal
------ M y V lr R ln lM
Millions of dollar* overnight. but abat nazi?
“I am eery glad that the bill ha’ re­
stored the historic position of neutrality of
the United Stales.“
S ta r O ust
★ Peak Performance
★ II anting 1« Slay?
★ Dangerous Subject
(EDITOR ’S NOTE—When opinions are expressed in these columns, they
are those ot the news analyst and not necessarily of this newspaper.)
___________Keleaeed by W eatern N ew spaper Union
‘Cactus Ja c k ’ Conies of Age;
May Seek Presidency at 70
V a l e -------
H E R E ’S one thing th at
_ m ust be ad m itted about
B ette Davis; she’s not a fra id to
stick her chin out. She'll ask
for anything th at she thinks she
deserves. If she gets it, fine; if
she doesn’t, she proves th at
she’s a good loser.
She wants to do a play that she
saw last summer in Provincetown—
at least, at the moment of writing
she wants to do it. She persuaded
Warner Brothers to buy it. They're
willing to let her do the movie ver­
sion. after it had been produced on
the New York stage with names
that mean something in the legiti­
mate theater.
With characteristic confidence in
her own ability, she can't see why
they won't let her have a try at it
in New York. It's said that they're
afraid of what might happen to her
draw at the box office of motion
i picture houses if Broadway didn't
feel that her performance on tha
J stage came up to the mark.
James Stewart may find himself
i receiving one of those statues for
giving the best performance of the
year, as a result of “ Mr. Smith
Goes to Washington.” It's a grand
"H E illustration shows what be­
came of the m irror and piano
stool which the bride had left ovor
last week. To the m irro r and
stool were added two wooden
boxes from the grocery. These
were placed on end about 18
inches apart and a shelf of W-
tnch pine screwed to the top. A
frame was then screwed to the
back of the boxes as shown here.
A curtain rod was placed serosa
the top and the m irror hung
lengthwise under it. An arm was
then hinged to the front of each
box. Paint was next. White, be-
04 OS t Cuarsm
(. «OO . .
Kovember 22 find* John Fiance (“Cactus Jack") Garner, most tut-
Throttlebollomish vice president in V. S. history, celebrating hi* 70th
birthday. The event it significant. because if calls attention to the age
of a man who is yet spry enough to be presidential timber next year.
Simple, dose to common folks, he once said: "I deceive all of them by
telling the truth.” Immensely popular, he usually gives new congress­
men their first lessons in statecraft. Above: Sporting his Texas
sombrero, he leaves the White House with Alabama's Rep. William
causa white furniture is smart and
Hank head and Kentucky's Sen. Alben W. Markley.
Russia, which was said to extend
clear to the Pacific.
For ecast
While congress headed for a two-
month vacation, there was every J
Thus spake Franklin Roosevelt be­ sign that its work next January w ill
fore he signed, with two five-cent hinge mostly on neutrality. Com­
pens, the neutrality legislation con­ ing up is the SI.300.000,000 naval
gress had just passed before ad­ program which Georgia's Rep. Carl
journing until January. One pen went Vinson w ill broach (for 95 combat­
to Administration Spokesman Key ant ships, 2,395 planes and 36 d irig i­
Pittman of the senate; the other bles) ; an army expansion program
went to New York's Rep. Sol Bloom, which the President w ill probably
house neutrality whip, who lost recommend; repairs on weak spots
money on the deal. He had bought of the new neutrality law; new fed­
an expensive pen for the signing, eral taxes to clamp down on war
ending up by trading it for the Presi­ profiteering: aid for shippers whose
Once a shortstop, baseball is his
U ith .Mr». Garner at the one
boats are idled by neutrality. Al­
dent’s five-cent variety.
each year when he dons
ready at work is an inter-depart­
The neutrality law: (1) permits mental committee to see that for­
Here he throws out the first ball I formal tires* something he dis-
“ cash-and-carry” sale of arms to eign arms orders don’t interfere
at the season's start, lie's nearly likes. He's bound for a K hila
all nations at war; (2) forbids arm­
always sunny and unworried, which , House dinner. 7 he Garners retire
ing of American merchantmen,
picture on every count, and adds accounts for his good health,
\ at 9 p. m., arise at 6 a. m.
which must Meanwhile politicians were wonder­ another laurel wreath to the col­
also ste e r
lection already amassed by Frank
c l e a r o f legislation.
Capra, who directed it. Whatever
th e N o r t h
you do. don’t miss this one!
sea combat EUROPE:
a r e a ; (3) JVetrs Notes
The world premiere of “ Mutiny
bars Amer­
Excitement ran high along the in the Big House” was held at the
icans fro m Maginot line as Nazi shells dropped Berks County Jail. Pa., one of the
traveling in around
Forbach and Lille. Next day f largest penitentiaries in the state.
co m b a t
It was the first time in two years
z o n e s , on nine French planes met 27 Nazi that a commercial feature had been
b e llig e re n t ships; Paris said nine of the Ger­ shown at the penitentiary.
mans were downed.
After the screening the warden
Was this the long-awaited offen­ said, "The boys liked the picture a
B t RGIN *
For a sim-
V. S. is “arsenal.“
pje piece of sive? Belgium, thinking yes, threw lot and I believe they learned some­
legislation, it brought more reper­ 600,000 men along her frontier and thing from it that w ill hold them
cussions than any U. S. action since conferred with the Netherlands, pre­ all.” Hold them in jail?
the senate voted for war in 1917. sumably over a German demand
I f you value your life, don’t ever
Isolationists went home grumbling, that she state her position. But there
satisfied it would get America in­ was much bigger news in at least mention model planes to anybody
Back home in Uvalde, Tex., he loves to hunt and fish with a feu>
connected with the screening of the old cronies, who probably know the real John Garner better than any
volved. Flashed overseas, the news three places:
Minorities. This was a problem "Tailspin Tommy” comic strip. The
brought cheers in London and Paris.
of his Washington colleagues. Here he's fishing with Ross Brumfield,
Britain’s Minister of Supply Leslie beginning to irk Der Fuehrer. There other day they were using 10 of the
toy planes during the filming of the who operates a garage when the vice president isn’t around.
Burgin said: “ The United States w ill
be an arsenal of unlimited resources up in unexpected places. Follow­ picture, called “ Danger F light."
at the disposal of the allies.” The ing the Czech independence day Danger was the right word.
British treasury and admiralty
They were shooting an important
worked out legislation for a billion-
scene, in which a midget plane is
dollar war loan to buy U. S. arms.
used to warn "Tailspin Tommy” of
Paris saw a chance to overcome
impending danger. Every time the
the slump in French production.
plane was turned loose it headed for
the top of the stage and became
Zoom !
entangled in the rafters and lights.
A ircraft and heavy industrials set
Then the crew had to stop work and
new peaks on the security market.
disentangle it. Half a day’s shooting
Trucks rumbled onto New York’s
was lost in all.
piers, where sheds bulged with ex­
Those 10 small planes were worse
ports awaiting British boats to carry
than the battalion of transport
them away. A French m ilitarist ar­
planes used in the film . They flew
rived in Chicago seeking 10,000
into houses, broke windows, got
horses and mules. Two French
lost in trees, hit the wrong people
banks opened New York headquar­
or disappeared completely.
ters. A billion dollars in war orders
“ Danger Flight” is the story of a
from the allies were expected within
boy who saved many lives because
the next few weeks. Everybody was
he had learned about flying from
happy except shipping interests
n»odel airplanes. John Trent, who
which stood to lose hundreds of m il­
plays the lead, is a real pilot and
lions by abandoning European
knows all about big planes.
routes, laying up vessels and dis­
---- »----
charging seamen. United States
He cooed at Italy.
All the members of Jack Benny’s
lines partially met the problem by
transferring eight ships to Panama riots in Prague, Slovaks in Bratis­ radio show troupe, with the excep­
The above picture may be sym­
registry under the maritime com­ lava rioted for no particular reason. tion of Mary Livingstone, are facing bolically significant. Awaiting the
mission’s authorization.
The Vatican learned one answer to the cameras at Paramount for President, whose chair is vacant,
Keeping their fingers crossed were Pope Pius’ encyclical the week be­ “ Buck Benny Rides Again.” Andy Garner and Postmaster General
veteran economists who saw noth­ fore (in which dictatorships were Devine w ill be in character, but Don James A. Farley drink a toast.
ing healthy in a war boom. The denounced) was renewed persecu­ Wilson plays a straight role. The Political wiseacres believe these
federal reserve board reported in­ tion of Catholics by Hitler youths. two men who turn out Benny's radio men may get together in opposi­
dustry rolling at the fastest pace It was also rumored 17,000 Poles scripts got a break—they wrote the
since 1929, while the bureau of agri­ had been executed by German po­ script for the picture, and get screen tion to the President next year.
But ‘‘Cactus Jack” w ont talk,
cultural economics predicted an in­ lice, though there was no verifica­ credit for it. — * —
lie just smokes in silence, as
crease in industrial and business ac­ tion of the report.
At first it was announced that Nel­
Italy. In Rome there were rumors son Eddy was leaving that radio when the picture at right was
Russia would encourage Germany program because he hadn’t time for taken following a reputedly
to force Rumania into a protector­ it. Now it develops that his spon­ heated conference in the White
An orphan in the storm was the ate position, thus prolonging the war sors feel that his salary is just a House. His friends say the best
IZ. S. S. City of Flint, released by for Moscow’s sake. Whatever fhe bit too high, and that other mem­ presidential endorsement he has
Norway to her American crew after cause, Il Duce moved swiftly to bers of the cast heartily agree with received to date was the fervent
a German prize crew had docked solidify his Balkan position. Al­ them. Six thousand five hundred denunciation of C. I. O.’s John
her at Haugesund. Neutrality left ready armed with Rumanian and dollars a week does seem a mite
her stranded, with no business being Yugo-Slavian pacts, Mussolini was high for the once-a-week efforts of Lewis.
abroad. Hoping to sell her cargo in reported engineering another pact ! the blond baritone.
Norway and scoot for home minus with Bulgaria, which is being drawn
— * ----
contraband, the Flint awaited oppor­ closer and closer to Russia. A
ODDS AFID F.FIDS — They’ve given
tunity. But for angry Germany, the fourth pact was underway with Dinah Shore a new spot on the air, Sunday
Flint and U. S. neutrality were open Egypt. But the most concrete step nights, opposite Jack Benny; “If some­
wounds. Sample comment: “ Amer­ was an exchange of flowery notes body has to ‘buck’ Benny, il might as well
ican arms have been made avail­ between Italy and Greece, which be /.” ffUoth she . . . A friend in Irufus
able to our enemies but these ma­ felt better when Rome withdrew wrote Bennay Venule, asking if she d like
terials w ill have to get past our raid­ troops from the Albanian frontier on a murkna—shr leaf on t/ift verge of ac­
when the found out that a murkna
ers.” I t was also hinted that con­ September 20. Cooed Grecian Pre­ cepting,
is a male elephant without tusks • • -
traband would be treated more m ier John Metaxas: “ The evolu­ Mervyn Ueroy went to the rodeo in New
sternly. For example, had the Flint tion of the international situation York, and saw and signed a tizteen-yenr-
been sunk outright her cargo would w ill furnish the two governments old Texas girl, Sydna Yoakley—he an­
now have no chance of reaching in the near future an occasion for nounce* that the will he put into an early
Still open, boasted the giving their relations a more con­ production.
Banter: With New York’s Rep. Mead and California’s Sen. Downey.
bv Western N«i w » r Union.)
c r e t e form .”
R e ic h , w a s b a r ueuz “ lif e l i n e ” to
Now for the Mirror
And Old Piano Stool
because it matched the woodwork.
The flowered chintz in tones of
rose and blue-green with narrow
frills of the plain blue-green tone
matched the window curtains
The dressing table skirt was
made with a one-inch heading
at the top and tacked along the
ends of the table and the hinged
arms with thumbtacks through s
double strip of the plain material.
NOTE: Headers who ure now
using Sewing Books No. 1. 2 and 3
w ill be happy to learn that No. 4 is
ready for mailing; us well os the
10-cent editions of No. 1. 2 and 3.
Mrs. Spears has just made quilt
block patterns for three designs
selected from her favorite Early
American quilts. You nisy have
these patterns FREE with your
order for four books. Price of
books—10 cents each postpaid. Set
of three quilt block patterns with­
out books—10 cents. Send orders
to Mrs. Spears, Drower 10, Bed­
ford Hills, New York.
Department Store«
Our modern department store Is
an evolution of the village general
store. Probably the first store of
its kind in America was that op­
erated by Rowland H. Macy, who
opened his establishment in 1858
at 204 Sixth nvenue, New York
city. To Mr. Macy goes the cred­
it of having conceived the depart­
ment store idea in America. His
store at first was devoted exclu­
sively to fancy goods, then grad­
ually hats, dress goods, toilet
ware, jewelry and other depart­
ments were added. Wanamaker’s
in Philadelphia wus opened in
1861, and Marshall Field & Co.
was organized in Chicago in 1881
Need More Than “Just Salva”
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Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 40».
Botter Than A Mustard Platterl
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Experience is the father of Wis­
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that lootont clinging w a tl» t,
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