Mr. and Mrs. Don R osmuos AMKTHYBT R 10IK A H LODGI H Guy D u ltoinl of Portload w ill tmd Meels thè flrsl and tlilrd Wednee- family of Hilt, California, spent the spend the week end with his par­ W ATCH OUR day» of cacti monili al thè I O. O. F. ents Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Desimini. week end with Mr. and Mrs. Rosy Hall. Gold Hill. Oregoo Tepovac. M< Rosecrana came to Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Miller enter­ W IN D O W S Iteulah Natban — Notile Grumi help build the new garaga amt tained Sunday at a birthday dinner Irene Hcndrickson — Vice Grumi woodshed for the Tepovae’a in honor of their son Rowland. fo r Belle Smith — Hoc- Sec’y. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Usivi Holderncsa — FI». -Scc’y. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dusenberry SA TU R D A Y AD S Gilchrist and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Della Kell — Treasurer BY LUCILLE SMITH and son Donald who have been liv­ W. S. Yordon and Patricia and ing in the Auto park moved Mon­ Wanda Dlmmlck of GranU Pass. day into the house recently vacat­ Rowland returned to hts work at Mesdames Mary Mattson, Florence GOLD HILL GRANOB NO. 584 ed by the Floyd Lance family. G O L D H IL L M A R K E T The member» of the " omen s Re­ the Benton mine near Glendale that Howes, Jean Gray, and Minnie Meets first and third Thursdays lief corps met for their regular at 8 p. m.. a> their hall nexl to tele­ Bert Evans left the first of the same day and was taken there by meeting last Wednesday afternoon. Fiene spent a day in the Ashland Mrtj. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ********************************* phone otftce. H. F.. club meets sec­ They made plans for the reception park recently. They cooked a van I week for Toledo, Oregon where he ond and fourth Tuesdays at I 30 p. Lance. of the school teachers to be held son dinner in the park and the will visit hts sister. gardener showed them the choice nt., usually at Grange Hall. was a message for him. Tills Ilia»* this Friday. The- next meeting Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wills of shrubs and flowers. On the way the tempter said. "Visit foreign C L A S S I F I E D A D S be November 8 when initiation f< r home they visited the Carlton and | Hogue River were Sunday guests countries before you decide." a new member wll be held. For Sale: guernsey-jersey heifer. Ashland Greenhouse and called on. of Mr. and Mrs. Delos Walker. A traveler in Purls was stricken »»»******»»***«****************** 18 months old, good stock. Inquire Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reck and Mrs. Maust. who showed them over Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hayes were with cholera. IUH his greatest suf D A N C E daughter Ellen of Grants Pass were the county home. business visitors ill Jacksonville of Bert Kenyon. Gold Hill. fering was agony of soul because hr Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. was not prepared to die. His Iasi Mrs. R. L. Miller spent last week ‘ and Medford on Tuesday. For Sale: Used phonograph rec S a tu r d a y , N o v em b er 4 F. Drake. at Eugene where she appeared as Hurry Harnut who has been min­ orda. Your choice. 15c each. 10 for words were. "Too lute." The boy, the collegian, the statesman were Mrs. Delos Walker and baby a witness for the Pacific Greyhound ing here the past summer, left the $1.00. Sum McConnell. 704 East I. at th e one. 1 daughter. Dixie Lee returned to stage lines. While in the north she first of the week for Yreka, Calif­ St.. Grants Pass. Oregon. ‘■Boast nat thyself of tomorrow.“ ! their home here from the Sacred also drove over to Corvallis where, ornia. 1 H.L . - "■ 1 ■ "Today If you will hear his voice For Sule: Pheasants, hens and R O G U E R IV E R she visited her daughter Phyllis and Heart hospital on Sunday. Mrs Milton Stetnmeta and Mrs roasters. tame, 82.50 a pair. These heartlen not your heart.” Psalm. Millie and Sybil Walker. DANCE HALL John Cook visited Sunday with pheasants were hatched August 14. Joe Woodcock of Fern Valley amt Mrs. Minnie Webber of Sams Val­ Mr». Clyde Maple. Sardine creek, Jim Cornutt of old stage road have ley. THE TOUCH E/ s T Phdne 461, Gold Hill. rented the Sleepy Hallow ranch and " squeak * F O R S A L E — R «*l E s ta te Dwight Mott of Aberdeen. Wash will farm it the coming year. EVER TÀCKLEP SPECIAL BARGAIN8 B IL L Y A B B O T T ington came Monday for a ten day * * W ìa S P0WN ON Mr. and Mrs. I.eroy Smith of visit with his sister Mrs. Earl Gbss AND HIS BAND THE FARM WITH »750.00 When shopping tor bargains, Medford visited friends in this city Sr. A Ho 43 acres, 10 In cultivation, fenc­ drop in to the Grants Pass Bargain Saturday evening. Dance Every Saturday Night ed, good springs on property. Mrs. Cora Bumcrot and son Herb House and you will be plensanllx Miss Millie Rains of Central Point moved Wednesday from the Hi-W" surprised to find that we have not 8850.00 visited Saturday and Sunday with Inn to the W. E. Ross house by the advanced our prices on any mer­ L u s n i n n i " “ * * ■ ■■«»«*********’ 4 room house, garage and wood­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dorman and schoolhouse. chandise, as long as our preseal shed. on Sams Valley road. family. ..........I....... ........................................... Mrs. Boxy Tepovac has been quite .tock lasts. Terms. ill for the past two or three weeks GRANTS PASS BARGAIN HOUSE HURRY! HURRY! 8500.00 624 - «26 S. 6th St GranU Pass and is under the doctor’s care. 5 room modern house, good Io-, HURRY! cation. Terms. Miss Ailene lnlow and Mrs. Tom W E E K L Y W IS D O M W ATCH OUR GET YOl’R CABIN FOR THE Smith "and daughter Jerauldine FOR RENT: 4 room house, unfurn­ (Conducted by S. M. Miller) WINTER were guests at a Halloween parly ished. 810. per month. W IN D O W S given by Miss Gladys Smith at the Nice Clean Cabins, hot unit A bright boy heard and was deep­ FOR LBASB: Business location, par home o f her sister Mrs. George cold water. 810-00 anil up! ly Impressed by a sermon on the - ¡ » ¿ = 3 ^ A S. for Hally equipped for restaurant. Drown of Medford Tuesday eve­ text. ’’Son give me thy heart." Prov. E v e r g r e e n A u to C ou rt ning. 23:26. Satan whispered, "Time e- SA TURDAY ADS J O H N A . C H IS H O L M 4 miles north of Gold Hill on The Misses June and Janet Mul­ nough yet.” and he put it off. Beal Estate Highway 9« Ten yeurs later a brilliant colleg­ Notary Public lin. Ruel Rians and Bruce Metzver Insurance ' i . i i i m . H M i n r . g g g - M a ir M g u u « » of Jacksonville visitqd Tuesday ian heard the same text under cir­ :! G O L D H IL L M A R K E T with the Misses Mullin’s parents cumstances which seemed to mnke Mr. and Mrs. Art Mullin and family. that the time of his salvation. A ‘ ............... *................... *********^ guin the tempter whispered sue ^*******************************^ »*%%*****************************! SETH COY, Prop. Mrs. Cleo Swindler was hostess cessfully,“ Time enough yet.” BUY YOUR WINTER Monday evening in honor of her G O L D H IL L H O T E L Twenty years later a statesman brother Jerry and sister Jeraul- listened to the same text from the dine’s eleventh birthday. Gam es lips of an aged bishop, and felt It COOL PLACB TO REST were played and refreshments en­ joyed .'R oth received several nice NOW All kinds of Sandwiches and gifts. Tbc decorations were Hallo­ (kt Id Drinks SWEET SPANISH. Extra Mild H ere is a ch an ce to h a v e th a t N e w W e s tin g - ween motifs and all wished Jer. > 50 lb aack ..........~.............. 5ue ROOMS BY DAY OK WEEK ! and Jerauldine many more happy h o u se E le c tr ic R a n g e y o u h a v e b een w a ttin g GOLD HILL LODGE NO. 1 » returns of the day. RAY 8HUNTERMAN Meets Every Taagdav Night for Wm. Autenrieth— Noble Grand % mile east Bock Point bridge G EO . P- A M O Mrs. Frank Childers of Eureka, I t s th r e e b u r n e r s a n d la r g e o v e n w ill a p p e a l to Paul Holdernesa— Vice Grand on the south side of the river California and Mrs. E. M. Richard­ Paul Thompson, »secretary y o u . T h e t a s t y m e a ls a n d e c o n o m y w ill m a k e son of Grants Pass spent the day ********************************* >********************************* Wm. Ferguson, Treasurer Wednesday, November 1 at the a h it w ith f rie n d h u s b a n d YOU ARE WELCOME home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rich­ IN S T A L L E D ardson helping ‘‘Dad” Richardson celebrate his 87th birthday. Local Happenings will joe> • Coy’s Service Station Onions Ladies— B U T : - T H E R E IS O N IY O N E S o be sure to se e th is to d a y a t th e N e w s O ffic e T h is is t h “ b ig g e s t R a n g e B u y o f th e y e a rt $5.03 D o w n , In s ta lle d F R E E in y o u r h o m e - B a la n c e o n C on vn ien t T e r m s. * H. B. Ellis, Electric S a tis f a c tio n a t a S a v in g B e a g le Miss Angela Mazzocco of Port­ land came Wednesday for an indef­ inite visit with her sister Mrs. D. Desimini. Pinky ’Mllspadfjh of Portland came this week for a visit with hi* uncle *and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Ro> Bornaman. For Sale* WALNUTS C E D A R S H IN G L E S R E D W O O D S H IN G L E S R O O F IN G LUM BER B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L Explosives! Bruce Bauer Lumber Co. M ed ford P h on e 332 S o u th P a c ific H ig h w a y a t C ity L im its LYM AN RANCH SAMS VALLEY ROAD Miss Ailene lnlow and Miss Madge Mitchell spent the week end with their parents in Ashland. DRESSES W IN D O W S All New Fall Dress styles in suede, kid, combination leath­ ers. Black, brown, wine and navy. Values to 85.95. For street and general wear in silk crepe and sheer woolens. Plain colors, prints and plaids, sizes 12 to 44. values to 86.95. fo r $3.66 $4.66 House Slippers COATS Broken lines of slippers In velvets, crepe and leathers, low and medium heels. Smart styles, all wool and ev­ eryone a nt-w 1939 eoat. Val­ ues to 814.95 860 $19.66 SA TUR DA Y ADS Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thorson of Medford visited Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and family. Other guests Sunday were G O L D H IL L M A R K E T Mrs. George Davis of Klamath Falls and her sister-in-law and Ober ‘^v******************************* Brown of Fort Klamath. ...... .........................«.......*................ CELEBRATE Armistice Day GIVES LONGER LIFE TO YOUR TIRES, AT LESS COST Let Us Show You. A Trial Will Convince. We absolutely Guarantee the tread to give Satisfactory Service or your Money Back O .K . R U B B E R W E L D E R — B a la n c e d T ire R ep airin g — ALL WORK GUARANTEED Opposite Montgomery Ward GRANTS PASS We Repair Any Size Tractor Tire %vy^^*V************************************************************ Big Days Program S tr e e t S tu n ts “D u g o u t” F O O T B A L L :- P a tr io tic P a r a d e F r e e E n te r ta in m e n t M EDFORD ▼». Maragold Slips Rayon Frocks Satin or taffeta, all colors, tape reinforced seams, sizes 32 to 44. Brand New Dresses in wash­ able rayons. Printed or plnin colors. Clever styles, bustles and all the newest style hits. 890 HA TS All New Fall Styles In black, moss green, navy, brown and viking blues. Values to 82.95. M EDFORD NOVEM BER ll Something Neu)--Tread Welder Starts the same day the workmen begin demolishing the front of this building Don’t hesitate to ’walk right through all the mess of boards, etc. for .inside we have "demolished prices. Sel­ dom indeed a sale like this at this season of the year! SHOES The Associated Motor-Check Ser­ vice was at the Associated Station v i x i t i n n i ...........* * ........******** Wednesday, November 1. A number of cars were taking advantage of it > W ATCH OUR and getting a motor analysis. AT SALE 10c and lie LB. FILBERTS ----------- 15« LB. Miss Elsie Strauss left Monday evening for Cd. Obregon. Mexico where she will teach the Leroy By erly children. Complete Stocks Lowell's Remodeling ASH LAND A R M IS T I C E D A N C E - O R I E N T A L G A R D E N S $1.86 SHOES $1.68 A group of our New Fnll Jo­ hansens Shoes in black and brown. $5.66 M a n y M o r e V a lu e s J u s t a s G rea t. T h is is n o t a S a le o f od d s an d en d s b u t a ll N e w F a ll M e rch a n d ise SH O P EARLY Lowell’s 202 SOUTH SIXTH GRANTS PASS