THE (jOLD HILL NEWS fro m Rev. u< u , Randall; recitation, A ^•ipt tor Christmas, Edwin Be- and J.?h n E stab lish ed 1897 1 Pauline Wahl who baa been ill fur A $38,000,000,000 rome time. '» rg il »‘re fo u n t-in ; recitatio n. DR. J. S . J O H N S O N I here Came A C h ild from Heaven Mrs. Mary Helms of Ihe Klumulli P ub lished by M a c’» P r in tin g Co. Hcnese am i C olin B yerly; recitatio n. , Juncliou, south of Ashland. a|ienl ------By RAYMOND PITCAIRN . 1 lu h re r Building — No Boom in the Inn , D ella Pre- her h ru th c rj Many noted commentator* on laiblie several days w ith fo u n tain ; re citatio n . M ary s So,,. affairs have observed In the outcome of George Lance and w ife here, and 1 M E D FD B D , OREGON Oie recent electrons a slgmneaiit fact. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Lance at Ho Jesse D aley; recitatio n . Christm as Phone 127 They have seen In the attitude •U O th e r Lands, W ilson H ic k ; rec­ gue Itlver. Mrs. Frank Gilmore ,.f _______________ U l' l‘ O reg o n , prvued at the pulls Impressive evidence itation , Christm as Comes Again Ihe< <■ In a l the American people are deter­ Gold Beach called at I Arlena Dailey ; recitatio n. Christ.’ mined to h all the mounUng lull of ea- homes Saturday and plans Io re i __________P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y Iravaganr« and public debt charted "«as Legend. Duane H u tch ins; play- against Ihe worker»' earning» and sav­ turn Io her home Monday Katered i t «he Postoffice at Gold H ill, Oregon, fo r .runsnnss.oo through el. Christm as Story, (old by P in t, in«» during the past few years. is .Miller, as G randm a, w ith D or- (he mails as sveiwid-class m atter. For Sale or trade for light truck, This u a natural and logical conclu­ othy. Betty, Donna, am i V irg in ia sion. So serious. In fact, lias the threat or what have you, ms pro|M*rty in become that today the federal debt alnoe Dole Jesse and A rlene D ailey and • J to -h a n c e Advertisin g rates on application amounts to »3g.000.000.000 an averaee north part of Gidd H ill. Ida M. lia r ' • , ^ , l a '« r ilo n ; song. Oh Come • • M®» charged against every man. cis, Ht. 2, Box 338, Grants Pass, Or V F a ith fu l. by the school; hen- wunun and rhlld In Ihe country- I I I M Beg ÿû M iehin, I , . , , the children Sunday. The program i ('diction, and d istribu tion of treats. against every family. (By Mrs. M arion Lance» For Sale: Turkeys and ducks, Bo M.3U was as fo llo w s: songs, Joy to th, Nor is that all. In addition to the fed­ W o rld and II Game Upon a M id -' eral debt, the poUtlr an., have piled up *y Tepovar, Gold H ill, Phone (I. Regular M O il Mr. and Mrs. V| ix G. M ille r of The Tools Greek Sunday school night Clear. by the school, respoa-l | ‘,<‘bta aim,unt(( tr M ille r s sister am i husband, Mr. Not the politician, who ran them up •nd Mrs. Mason ( r a ig and son Jer- but the people— from the fru lu of whose from Los Angeles. T hev also rC r a Public money Is collected1 E Y E M t .it T S P E C U L IS I tad as d in n e r guests. Mr. am t Mrs raxes, as everyone knows, constitute the sourco of government funds — and all -ouis D m ir. fro ,,, here amt M r ß»« snHt°nP('il toe Interests of constituents -is it. I hey lived here a num ber of 217 H u t,re , Bldg; P h „ „ e l l « and nation above those of party and Sunday. Monday. Tuesday I ' M edford. Oregon ears ago, and ow ned Ihe store at faction ‘ America ran look forward with ? In Technicolor. '• 'le r a . th e ir son Gene M j„ ^ ’¿hihhPL u i!’ " proarr** 4nd rerov * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * ♦ * » * * » * 0 ^ Preview Sat. Nite, I I p. in. •RO BIN H O O D " her rich natural resources, ef Monday fo r San Francisco, |„ , er? and Ihe InletUgence and energy of hrr Bile Gleasons w ith E rro l F ly n n , tail s.iorlly „ „ n „. |,|.,ho f |p people, ran and should a*Nure. "T H E H IG G IN S F A M IL Y " Cast o f Hundreds ., All woateu germ nts « ork. His w ife w ill rem ain w ith j : by us aie moll; proofed at BO ¿er parents, M r. and Mrs. E arl eldest daughter Etta Mae. of Med­ > « lu ru p a , lld c a ir u g r a ^ u . extra cost. •roft o f Sardine creek. Wednesday O n ly ! ford. was also home fo r the C h ris t­ Sun., Mon., Tues.« Jan. I. 2, 3 U hyairlaa Madge Evans - John Boles N atural Methods fo r H ealth mas holidays. Adolphe Mcnjou, Ariceli V V helan FRENCH LAUNDRY and M r. am i Mrs. Glenn DeJunnvier “S IN N E R S IN P A R A D IS E " Acute and C hronic Disease« "TH A .N hS FDR E V E R Y T H IN G " D R Y C LEAN ERS of Ben,I. came last w eek Io spend E le c lro th e r.p y H erhology M r. and Mrs. F ra n k E llio tt of Proctology x « ae w in te r at th e ir placer m ine on Bedding. C a lifo rn ia , visited at the Thursday and Friday Pick up and deliver tw ice i >e eft fo rk of Fool« Creek, m a r home of Mr. E llio tt's m other. M r,. 1711 M,rd 128 E Main Coining S imio - • - H aro ld Lloyd in week. he < n rr place. T h e ir sons. H u m e ri PROFESSOR B E W A R E " "St « M A R IN E PATHOL" J •nd G erald are attending school nt **** ** ** ** ** ** ** **************v *» T •old HUI. Threat WALI^ACE dkntint IV ERSON. Editor and Business Manager Kn Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests ot and Vicinity as- FOOTS CREEK ITEMS DR. O. H. SCHEETZ Optometrist — « ■■■■■■■■» B TIT NEW Rogue Theatre GRANTS PASS * dr . a . r . hedges D R . I. H. G O V E —---- — — — - “ m » m m ■ mm ■ W - Mr. and Mrs. V icto r Birdseye and ch ild re n . Teddy and M ary Ann and M r. and Mrs. Horace B lakew ay and »on Carm en of Phoenix w ere d in -, Shults Brothers i f M e U e p L <'n,r i ' " " as ’ • ,he h ° " n l • frs. E ffie Birdseye and fa m ily , ' A U T O P A IN T IN G A N D GLASS BODY A N D F E N D E R R E P A IR IN G Conger Funeral Parlors M EDFORD, O R EG O N R E L IA B L E REASO NA BLE Gene Dick and Charles W hile ,ro „, tins com m unity. p |ay,.(| ove, radio slat,on K M E D at M edford Saturday afternoon. They are p„ Pil-s of Mrs N e ttie She, ley. a fo rm ­ er teacher here. i ! “ i x ; , Betty Jea„ B u rk h a rt of Hogue B iv- Think Quality First- WE CARRY T H E BEST IN E V E R Y T H IN G ath FaHn»<1 MrS.' J ° C J° nM o t K la m - h o m i of M e an,i S PER R Y’S P O U L T R Y A N D D A IR Y F E E D S G R A IN S FO R Y O U R F A L L S E E D IN G S W IF T ’S R E D S T E E d F E R T IL IZ E R S P O U L T R Y E Q U IP M E N T R1VOL1 I h eatre 24 hour M odern T o w Car Full M ech an ical B ody and F ender in ¡r 1,1 o ' * rS' ^ J" now P k " “ h ° f f,n c h ,‘‘ O'»!«« , * ¿ ' r !r r ' “ r * *°' through C r M ta PaM Dyeing— «R Col• ^ tr ee ? ^ b,,lsh1'” Soclet,"................................................ ' EOSton- ^«-»»chuaetti *Ub*cr‘n“ on 10 Th« Chrutlan Beienct Monitor for WednetdJ^r’su«, ln"?dmg’ MaSLln’e t o m in V °° 1 month “ " ¿ b Magazine Section 1 year >2 M « l*gUe» 35« Name. . Ad lre<» Stmpït Copy on Rttfuoti' CAFES V a lley C leaners 0 , Opposde p; 8 ” GK eP^ Suits cleaned aud d i I s ean^ ahd &fdcked P lain dressek cleaned, preM a C ave S h o p R e sta u r a n t M EA LS — F O U N T A IN 20# N . flth G rants P u s Tectch Your Dollar toHave More 'Cents' O F F IC E S U P P L I E S 0 . S. B L A N C H A R D S tationery _ O ffice SuppUi T y p e w rite rs G ift Merchandise Book« — Drug« „ - . G- H . D em aray ,h S t Grants Paaa LAW YER b»».ne„ esubHshmen,. The Grants Pssa, Oregon „ f, A Reference: G raiits Pass Joae- phlne Bank. Phone 270 E lec tric treatm ent« and d ie t Steam medicated baths. Women’s and children’» ailments • »pedatty “MEET ME AT THE MANX” On Famous Powell Street t h is d ir „ c to ry General practice in aU court«. C h irop ractic P h y sic ia n s /S A N TS '■'•ss o n t - » » I m en ,,r„ fc,. Dr». Walton A MUler M l EAST B STREET ...................... ............................».............. ..... " " " They gu>ra" ,M ,h d r ehand,,e wh,ch give, y„„ you wi|| be satisfied. When shopping, thi. directory. J-W- C o p e la n d Yardsj