The Gold Hill New», Gold Hill. Or«r«m ____ Thuvndny, June 30. 103* THE GOLD HILL NEWS Established 1897 P ublished by M ac’s P rin tin g Co. W ALLACE G. IVERSON, Editor and Business Manager An Independwit Newspaper Published in the Interests of Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y Entered at the P ostoffice at Gold H ill, Oregon, fo r transm ission through the mails as second-class matter. S ubscription 61.50 a year in advance A dvertising rates on application dents o f the community' w h o have dandelion free yards. The lis t started w ith a few names and in a lew weeks fille d a colum n. INKLIbGS-- Bits o f this and that gleaned from everyw here. A local man says that he isn't ure w ind his b irlh s lo n e is hul has a feeling that it must be a g rin d ­ A m iddle west weekly newspa­ stone. per p rin ts each week a lis t o f rest- Much has been said and w ritte n regarding the "standard o f liv in g " in th is co u n try. The standard, as .ve understand it, is the scale set up by the Jones’. R IVO LI T h eatre — th e ir w iv - es, w h o pay 935 a couple fm Ihe trip . It costs each senior nine dot lars. The school charters Iw u bas­ cs w ith kitch e n tra ile r, and iti» students do th e ir ow n c o „ „ . . . „ „ the help o f one cook. Each student has a special duty, as bugler, bus groom , o il inspector, etc. D u rin g the year money is raised in various ways to help finance the trip . T h is sear fo rty seniors ate ta kin g the trip . They w ill v is it Texas. E lo rid a , W ashington, New Y ork, and points lietw een. under c u ltiv a tio n . Il should hare j been held 111 fcd cru l reserves to he ( released fo r c u ltiv a tio n only is needed by a g ro w in g population. The federal governm ent m ight e u - reel Hie e rro r by securing a ll m aig ill a I and su h m a rg iiia l land ami per­ haps m illio n s o f acres now owned by insurance companies and loan companies and c o n ve rtin g il in to forest reserves. We have been too p ro flig a te o f o u r soil and lim b i r resources that have been dissipated File fuel tlu il (be plan used lia s *iol w orked is tile best evidence that it never w ill. It appears the Mexican govern- nent. a fte r having taken over the I he only re a lly tru e biographies • il w ells o f the c o u n try, are unable ind ob itu a rie s are those that ip- o m arket the o il, and m any o f the uear in the Old Testament. veils are shut dow n. The president o f Mexico is not the firs t one to II is generally conceded Hint e y ind out that there is som ething en a fte r recovery comes there w ill 'o the successful operation o f a continue Io be unem ploym ent of usiness besides s ittin g in a sw ivel u nskilled labor. The m u ltip lic a tio n h a ir and d ra w in g the d ivid e n d o f in tric a te la b o r saving m achinery 'hecks. There are several instances in in d u stry demands m ore and n th is co u n try where a s im ila r more skille d labor. The so lution mistake is on Hie way to he made, fo r the u n s k ille il la b o r is an rx te p - ind several o th e r groups may wake sive road b u ild in g program . The ip jobless some fin e m o rn in g and co nstruction o f roads and th e ir u p - ! liseover that k illin g the goose that p ro vid e em ploym ent fo r r i T, ’ "« " • b keep ill ,,ru X V. Ih , Ü ............................................. ” w ........- ............ > L „ « pressure w ill be brought upon In 1 s h irt to th e ir hacks. If instead o f Jii| anese governm ent Io b rin g lie- q u in tu p le ts the ch ild re n been w ar Io an end. I'h in a should not trip le ts Ihe Dionnes w ould M ill sum-lion any peine Im u s llia l do he in io r As church mice. The lin i not u n h id e complete evacuation d i deni merely suporls Ihe e iiiilriH io p a ll Chinese te r r ito r y by Japan and Huit many large fam ilies are mere a lib e ra l In d e m n ity hi ad d ition . ly the re su lt o f chance uml m deni ami not de lib é ra le plan. The D ionne ch ild re n have 67(10,- OIMI io H ic lr e re tlll „m l ,he parent' D o ii'l boul ride w llli 11 peisop buy three o r fo u r cars a year and w tio is so fo o llsh us tu de lib e ru le ly o th e r things in p ro p o rtio n , F o w rock Ille boul. If lliey do not kllow years ago the fa m ily d id n 't have a üiiy h eiter, yoii sliould. M" " " x********** ************»**»*****»*s»s»*ss»»»sss»»s»»»s»sssss HADLEY’S Grants Pass Pre - 4th of July Sale A LL SUM M ER STOCK REDUCED 15 |H‘. The meanest man we ever Knew, when he replied to his correspond­ ents w ho prid e d themselves on h e ir ille g ib le signatures, made a practice o f cu ttin g th e ir signatuies put o f the le tte r and pasting t h c ’ i in the envelope as a part o f the address. His meanness was not d i­ rected against Ihe guilty w rite r o f • he le tte r hut against the innoeenl postman w ho had Io decipher the • : nnecessarily grotesque h ie ro g ly ­ phics. G rants P a ss Even the style In o b itu a rie s changes. F o rty years ago it was custom ary in an obituary to eulo­ gise and make a saint o f Ihe dis­ eased. Today the best taste re- m ires Hud the o b itu a ry he a p la in latcm ent o f the in q io rtu n t facts ol lie deceased's life . It has become aekneyed and tr ite to state that he deceased was a k in d , indulgent ■erson, w ho lived a consistent life , •nd whose plnce w ill he d iffic u lt 1 f ill. I lic -c facts, anil many o lh - rs o f s im ila r nature, are usually ¡■'•ken fo r granted. “SUMA COOL” SUITS W ith in the last few m onths th e ir has been, in th is co u n try, sever», NOW PI. W IN G — S port styles in w h ite and sum mer shades, '»stances in w h ich men have com ­ R IT Z BBOTHEBS — T O N Í that w ill "g o places" m itte d m u rd e r and have escaped M ARTIN— MARJORIE W EAVER the payment o f any penalty because F orm erly $12.95. N ow £ o f th e ir a b ility to employ a tto rn ­ “K en tu ck y M oon sh in e” eys w ho based th e ir defense on the fact that the m urdered was »1» sane at the tim e o f the act. It then Prevue Sat nite. I I p. m., July J became Ihe duty o f the ju r y to dc- ANNA MAY WONT, in eide w h e th e r o r not the m urderer “W h en W ere Y ou B orn” was insane tw o weeks a fte r the act. In three recent instances in It must have been a fisherm an Ibis country th is was done and. „1 F orm erly $24.95 and $19.95 .«lio coined the expression. “ A ntl- Sun. Mon, Toes. July 3. I. A though Ihe defendant shot dow n I ■palion is more than h a lf the foil m cold I i I oih I his victim . Jic was p f anv event." < onsistency reaches its fu rth e r ROBERT TAYLO R — ROJtKB l HATS set free w ith o u t (laving Io serve ! 5 CENT SA LE si po in t n o rth when a delegation YOUNG — ERAXCHOT TONE even so much as a ja il sentence. It O ne Group F o r the past six years it has >f m erchants, n in e ty-e ig h t p. r MARGARET S I'L L A V A N in W ash D resses for is things like th is th a t create dis- i peen the custom fo r the seniors m ent o f w hom receive th e ir fre ig h t $1.95 Y our 4th o f July respect fo r law . W can leach re- I “T h ree C om rades” .1 m iddle west high school to take tru c k . optNise the move on Hi« Formerly $6.95 and - peel fo r la w in every school and P icn ic 1 three weeks tr io through the art o f the local ra ilro a d to aliam l- from every p u lp it and in every ! $.*»■95 opth and New England, in clu d in g n the lin e serving that p a rlii u lu r new spaper in Hie land and destroy ) im m u n ity . Buy a $1.95 dress and One Group the effect o f o u r teachings by one p«ty a nickel lop an­ such ease. To the mass o f people ,j $1.00 Punishm ent fo r kidnapers w il l m u rd e re r is a m u rd e re r, and a other, 1 r a $-’.95 dress Ei rm e rh $4.95 and ol be adequate u n til the la w d r ­ Ih ie f is a th ie f, and a kid n a p e r is a plus 5c for another. ives some means o f in flic tin g up kidnaper, and a ra p ist is „ rapist, $395 on kidnapers s u ffe rin g and m enial and a ll the fin e spun, h ig h -flo w n aguish equal in every w av Io that theories o f the smartest attorneys offered by parents o f kidnaped in the land are not going to make lild r in . The e le ctric c h a ir is an them th in k any d iffe re n tly . E x citem en t — Thrills | he / ........................... • • • .................................................................................... ............... •'sy escape fo r a captured kid n a p ­ way to create respect fo r la w is io ♦ ................... M edford A rm ory er. make Ihe la w deserve respecl. Purchase vo u r requirem ents lu re We * 8:30 p. m. h ive a com plete slock o f Sperry Farm 8 • ‘ Med Ic c d s — Sunday, S urelurk. { Scientists and archeologists te ll Seats on sale at Valentines It is generally conceded Hint tin S urehulh . in mash o r pellet form , H • S that tw e n ty-o n e c iv iliz a tio n s Ih in g that w ill w in Ihe w a r fo r S u re r.ih h ll. S u re m ilk ami a ll sizes if * Gafe and Brown’s have come and gone on th is earth. srra te h feed. Also fe rtiliz e rs , in se cti­ China is lim e. I f the Chinese can Ae are not to ld w hat it was the? cides and p o u ltry supplies. Wiped them a ll out. but it is not a 1 co n triv e to drag (he w a r out over a long period Japan w ill become rem ote p o s s ib ility th a t w a r may M A C K ’S S E E D A N D F E E D exhausted in fin a n c ia l resources. w ipe out the present c iv iliz a tio n if The Chinese have fo u r hundred present trends continue. STO R E m illio n people and Hie casualies Io • «late do not equal the b irth rate E. C. CAYMAN, Prop. The problem o f .o ve rp ro d u ctio n , China d u rin g the tim e that the w a r w hich the federal governm ent is has been in progress. When the MEDFORD, 514 Soulh m i l SI. Phone 75H R ELIABLE try in g to meel suggest* that this fin a n c ia l d ra in begins to make 't- GRANTS PASS OREGON REASONABLE governm ent made a m istake in al- self fe ll among Ihe people o f Japan * * * » * * * * * « * * * M » :« X 3 e « i^ ^ Better Spectator Sport Dresses $13 .9 5 WRESTLING Mon, J u ly 11 Conger Funeral Parlors ..................... ......... m n x i n n Shults Brothers AUTO P A IN T IN G AND GLASS BODY AND FENDER R EPAIR IN G ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a, b ■ 1 S THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS w ill come to your home every day through W H E N IN GRANTS PASS USE T H IS DIRECTO RY « k ■ ■ SHOE R EPA IR IN G O P TO M ETR IST Goodyear SHOE Service You can kn o w y o u r BYES Leases o n ly when re q u ire d 107 So. 6th St. Grants Pass Dyeing— alj colons, to match your gown Finest equipped ih o p in South­ ern Oregon. See uotcheils. A n Inttm aiionai Daily Newspaper w itae'sila’i taiue. UdSSmz* M a jiita e E £fS£ , n ¡ ¡ H u “ e ijs c N am e__ ____ , ____ Adlreua ______________ Grants Pas* Phene 2&8J CLEANERS I ’ records lor you tl e world's clean, constructive doings The Monitor h u 'äHr,Ot ' XpIolt " ,r « “ »«<»>: neither doe, it ¿T ore ° h « £ h ‘h' m F*»tu re * for •»“ «» m«'> »nd «II the lam ny. Including the W ekly Magazin« Section. Science Publishing Society One Norway Street. Boston M assachusette r :« “ odno'fr • ubMri‘>“ ° n «> The C hristian Science M onitor for OPTOMETRISTT 61» H St. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR S D r . H e rb e rt W . H e r m an» CAFES Valley Cleaners 611% East H. St., Opposite P. O. Grants Pass Phone 260 Suits cleaned and pressed 61.00 Hats cleaned and blocked 61.00 P lain dresses cleaned, pressed 61 Cave Shop Restaurant MEALS — F O U N T A IN 209 N. 6th G rants Pass Teach Your Dollar toHave More 'Cents' Sample Copy on OFFICE SUPPLIES O. S. BLANCHARD LAAVYER H O TE L S tationery — O ffice Supplies T y p e w rite rs G ift Merchandise Books — D rug* C. H . D em aray N 8th St. Grants Pass, Oregon General practice in a il court*. Reference: Grants Pass 4 Jose­ phine Bank. Phone 270 Grants Pass Chiropractic Physicians sfln FRnncisco AMratcsa MAMt RIMURtO Electric treatments and d ie t Steam medicated baths. Women’s and children’s ailments a specialty Drs. Walton & Miller “M E E T M E A T T H E M A N X ” On Famous Powell Street 303 EAST E STREET To make your dollar go farthest, select a reliable business establishment. The business and profes­ sional men listed in this directory are leaders in their respective lines. They guarantee their mer­ chandise which gives you assurance that you will be satisfied. When shopping, use this directory. J. W. C o p e la n d Yards $5.45 and up will build that additional room, re-roof or modernize the old bouse — Nothing Down Se$ us for details Copeland Lumber Yards — Grants Pass, Ore ...................................................................... i n u m . u ^ u ^ .