Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, July 22, 1937, Image 4

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    Fhe Gold H ill N e w s, G old H ill, O regon
T h u rsd ay, Ju ly 22, 1937
buying to n po in t where a safe cash ius run snatch fro m behind the cu r-
reserve is m aintain?«! Unless this Is ,uhia o f H o sie ry the secret o f p ro
done these sections are going to
and trans
, hde II Into fungible fo rm * tliu t all
continue to operate w ith a low cash )||||x
reserve ami live In constant p e ril o f
hardship w ith each re c u rrin g de 1 Some o f the sm all to w n w o rke rs
Established 1897
Published by Mac’s Printing Co.
WALLACE Ci. IVERSON, Editor and Business Manager
ptession o r crop shorlaifc.
An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests ot
Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity
Entered st the Postoffice at Gold Hill, Oregon, for transmission through
the mail* as *ecood*class matter.
Subscription i t .50 a year In advance
Bits o f this and that gleaned
from everyw here.
We have h e ard the c ritic is m o f­
fered o f the present re lie f program
that federal aid demoralizes an in ­
d iv id u a l. As we see it the fe llo w
w ho is demoralized because the gov­
ernm ent steps in and gives him as­
sistance a fte r he has exhausted a ll
the means at his disposal to make
n liv in g , has always been dem oraliz-
Advertising rates on application
New Y ork state in an e ffo rt to
cu rb reeklesx d riv in g d u rin g the
firs t fifte e n days o f March, revoked
o r suspended " til d riv e rs licenses.
I he best kind o f trade stim u la tio n
fo r a m erchant is, fir s t; to keep a
good store, clean fresh stock attra c­
tiv e ly arranged, fa irly priced, and
second; to let people know n through
a d ve rtisin g w hat he has. It is i m ­
portant that readers w ill be fille d
w ith a desire to see the merchandise
pleasant one's supply o f good w ill
and smiles rem ains the same, t ike
A beautiful bouquet o f roses d is ­ Ihe perfume o f the rose smiles arc
seminates perfum e in to the room not lost though given fre e ly.
u n til the perfum e fills Ihe room. As
fa r as can be observed Ihe fact that
a hundred people enjoy the perfum e
o f a rose does not p e rc e p tib ly d i­
m inish its fragrance. The perfum e is
just as sweet to the h u ndredth per­
son as it was to the firs t one. The
same th in g is true o f a sm ile and a
pleasant greeting. It lakes no more
e ffo rt to be pleasant to a hundred
fo lks d u rin g the day than it does to
be pleasant to one, .and. having been
A ir -c o o le d T ra in s
BIGGEST B O O N io pleasant travel
is air-coadiuoning. A ll cars regularly
assigned our trains have this weather-
controlling equipment. This means,
that no matter what type of accom­
modations you choose— coach, tourist
or first class— you'll ride in cool, clean
comfort when you go by train. Car
temperatures are automatically regu­
lated at just the right degree. Dust
and d ir t are eliminated. Noise is
L o w R a il F ares
Next time you go to California, travel
the cool way. Rail fares are 2c a mile
and less. Dining car meals are low in
cost. "Off-the-tray” service in coaches
and tourist sleeping cars features cof­
fee, milk, sandwiches and a variety of
similar items for 5c and 10c. There's
no need to travel less comfortably
when rail travel is so economical.
Southern Pacific
See lo c a l S P. age nt o r w r ite J. A.
O R M A N D Y . Ceo. P a s t. A g e n t, 622
P a c ific B u ild in g , P o rtla n d , O reg on
Theatre — Grants Pa».
Thurs.. Fri.. Sat., July 22-23-24
Charlie Ruggles — Eleanor
Whitney in
Prevue Sat. Nite 11 p. m.; July 24
Edward Everett Horton in
Sun., Mon.. Tues., July 25-26-27
Spencer Tracy and Freddie
Bartholomew in
“Captains Courageous”
Wednesday Only, July 28
‘Last Train From Madrid”
Mon., July 26
E x c ite m e n t —
T h r ills
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O
tV S SS S SS SS SX V V SSV SSV SV S«,SV ,,**,vs,,*,*,,«,,,,,,,,,,,,«*,
In the th irty years fro m HMM» to
193(1 more lives were sacrificed in
celebrating A m erica's independence
than were lost in achieving il in the
w a r o f the It. vo lu tio n. F rom Lex­
ington to Y o rk to w n tin- total num ­
ber o f Am ericans k ille d in the w a r
was 4,044 w hile 6,004 were wounded.
F rom 1‘JlMl Io 193u 4,290 w ere k ille d
and 96.000 w ere in ju re d by fire ­
w orks and firecrackers.
Oil«’ o f the problem s lh .it must
be solved by a g ric u ltu ra l se ctio n ,
o f Ihe country is the p ro b le m o f
producing income s u ffic ie n t to stued
up u gainst Ihe enormous fin a n cia l
d ra in brought about by
ttie general purchase o f autom obiles,
tractors, trucks, radios a n il meehan-
•eal iee boxes anil those thing*,
w h ich remove the aioney fro m the
com m unity. In many sections the
cash outgo fo r these Klings and fo r
o il and gasoline is greater than the
, d u ra l result has been that these
Communities have been, and are
th e ir cash backlog Io Ihe extent
I that hard lim es w h ich m ight have
, Ibeen weathered by the sa ne com-
I unity th irty and fo rty and fift y
years ago now create in a b rie f
I tim e an acute c o n d itio n . The cash
reserve is s«xin exausted. Forty and
fift y years ago much o f Ihe money '
rem ained in the co m m u n ity amt
it was no uncommon th in g fo r bank-,
to have large deposits from in d i- ,
vidual depositors both fa rm e r an I
wage earners and small business
men. Such a th in g is the exception !
today. The question n a tu ra lly sug.
gests its e lf: W hat is to he the soln- '
tio n o r Ihe outcome. T w o courses o f
action suggest themselves: The ag­
ric u ltu ra l com m unities m u s t in ­
crease th e ir income o r c u rta il th e ir
The most pitiful thing In this age
of tolerance mid broad m liiitednes*
Is Ihe n a rro w m inded In d ivid u a l
w ho sees no good in Ihe Idea* and
Ihe visio n * and dream * o f other*,
who I* o nly interested In the petty
lliin g s to w h ic h his Ii lu lle d m ind I*
open, lie I* a fra id o f new Ideas, and
because o f lack o f courage hide* be-
h ind n a rro w itiiiide<hie*s and ex.
trenie couservalisnu «hit o f the lives
o f sucli progress und developm ent
1936 CHEVROLET COUPE—New Rubber, new
paint, low mileage, make your own teat.
1936 LORD SEDAN — 1400 mile», good rubber,
a real family R and G car.
1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN—look, and run»
like new. Locilly owned. Low mileage. Save
the difference for that vacation trip.
K nife and
Fork Tray
o f green lithographed
steel. Helps keep yo u r p a n try
neat and clean.
M ade
C oburn and
$11.00 down with small weekly payment»
V isit our new school w here the
best N n lio iia lly k n o w n Permanent»
are given such us:
D r G ru ff machine und niuehinrlcss
F re d e ric* new w ireless mid
b u rn t ami Eugene.
E n ro ll fo r Summer Clus*
$1, $2, $3, $3.50 and $5.00
A ll w o rk under supervision
O rville r
O p tó m e ! r i l l
~ ----------___
6O 6Í.11H ST« m FO
A ll Graduates Placed in P aying
Always remember you can save 50 per cent mt all
Beauty Service
235 East Main
Medford, Oregon
8:30 p. m.
Seats on sale at Valentines
Cafe and Brown’s
o’ the day* of cowboy* *nd Indian* ol the fro ntier
be re-enacted at the trienn ial Oregon T r j I Fegeent
celebration at Euam e, July 22. 23 and 24 when citlcana of Lane
county present the fourth pageant depicting the history of the old
Orer en wet«. In this photo an Indian points the way to the great
Oregon ccantry to aooute Joe Johnson and C. F. Farm er Johnson
and Farm er w ill be p'aylng real life ro'es In the p igeant since
both were fa out Indian fighters and covered wagon t a n scouts
of p oneer days- The characters are wearing the a.iti en’ lc coe-
tume of the days ot 1E43.
Itegardlcss o f how w e look al tin
question of equality of men, the fact
remain:, that the mass o f people urv
dc|>endrnt u | n > ii ii few in d iv id u a l*
fo r the creation o f those things
w hich provide clothing, food, and
the lu xu rie s o f life . The mass o f
p«*ople is also dependent on the
genius o f the few w h ich «rente* r.n -
' ploym enl in Ihe p ro ih ictio u o f these
j u tilitie s . W ithout the creative few
! we w ould s till he laborously p lo w ­
ing the soil w itli a crook e«l stick,
| tra n sp o rta tio n w ould he ca rrie d on
J Ihe backs of animals. L ife wmuld
1 d ro p hack to its simplest elements
and drudgery , common place itru ilg -
er.v w o u ld come again. The race
owe» much to Ihe man whose gen-
w lio th in k they have a hard jo b
should visit a few fa cto rie s and
watch the men. women and g irls
w o rk w ho have to keep up w ith a
machine o r conveyor h e ll. T h e y
w o u ld fin d out that there Is a vast
diffe re n ce between a c o u n try to w n
Job and a Job in In d u stry.
Goodyear SHOE Service
You can know yo u r RYES
lenses o n ly w hen required
107 So. 6th St.
H rants Pass
D yeing— a ll colors, to match
y o u r gown
Finest equipped »hop in South­
ern Oregon. See Gotchells.
Read Daily the World-wide Constructive News in
Dr. Herbert W. Hermann
519 11 St.
Grants Pass
Phene 25&J
T h e Christian Science M on ito r
4 a International Daily N a m pa per
I t g f v o a ll th a e *a « tn a rti« e w erld new» h m doe» not e x p lo it crim e and
M a n lik e th e co lu m a, " T h e W o rld ’» D a y ” — oa»» a t a rlarw-e fa r
th e busy re a d e r. I t h a* in t e r n ting fe a tu re pages fo r a ll th e fa m ily
W e e k ly M a g a n a a S a rtio a , w ritte n by distin g u ish ed a u th o ritie s oa aco-
a o m ie , social and p o litic a l pro b lem s, gives a survey of w o rld affairs
The C hristian Science Publishing Society
One, Norway Street, Boston, Masaachusetts
Please enter my subscription to T w t C h r is t ia n S c ik n c b M o n it o r
for a period of
□ l year $9.00
□ 6 months $4 50
Q J months $2.25
Q I m onth 75c
Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2 60. 6 issues 25c
Narot_ _
Add rest
Valley Cleaners
611H East H. SJ..
Opposite P. O.
Grants Pass
Phone 260
Sups cleaned and pressed 01.00
Hats cleaned and blocked $1.00
P lain dresses cleaned, pressed j l
Cave Shop Restaurant
209 N. 6th
Grants Pass
Teach Your Dollar
to Have More 'Cents'
hote L
^^X -
" *< 5 1
S ta tio n e ry — O ffice Supplied
T y p e w rite rs
G ift Merchandise
Books — D rug*
C. H. Demaray
N 6th St.
Grants Psss, Oregon
General practice in all court».
Deference: Grants Pass A Jose­
phine Bank. Phone 270
Grants Pass
Chiropractic Physician»
snn manoseo
tw is t a
“M E E T M E AT TH E M A N X ”
O n F am ou s P o w e ll S tr e e t
IO ? ,z’ SZ 6
E le c tric treatm ents and diet.
Steam medicated baths.
W omen’s and ch ild re n 's ailm ents
a specialty
Dr». Walton & Miller
791 H. SL
Grant« Pass
To make your dollar go farthest, select a reliable
business establishment. The business and profes­
sional me>t listed in this directory are leaders in
their respective lines. They guarantee their mer­
chandise which gives you assurance that you will
be satisfied. When shopping, use this directory.
J. W. C o p e la n d Y ard s
4th and G Street»
Grants Pas», Ore,
Building Material» of All Kind»
G et Y our F .H .A . Loan* T h ru Ua— Y ou P a y L ik e R en t
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