Hill News The The Most Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Published in the Biggest Little Town in the State ■ „ P n. ■ ■ , .i i b j i I ■■ VOLUME XXXIX S o W HAT: Hy Wallace Iverson A V V V 'riic ruin thut fullx across the rounty line won't multe Ute grass in our county grow unit the trudc that goes to oilier towns won’t make our town grow. A number ot new «tutes have come over into the column ot the «tales levying a suit", lux. The rea­ son 1« thut the regular sources of revenue ure proving inadequate to mt el the growing ilemtinil for funds Io flounce the «lute and the new social security mid other programs. The (lunger in the sides tax is that it opens up 11 new source of rev­ enue mid though the beginning is small it cun easily be increased to burdensome prnport i o n s. It has bein the history of every other form of taxnlion llial though it lias continued to grow as lime lias pass­ ed, it seems to be u fuiling of our form of government, that, while we talk much of tax reduction, we ue- eomplisli bul little of it. CAR DAMAGED IN ACCIDENT HERE The 1937 Hudson sedan belonging Io Dr. Harvey E. Miller of Medford was badly dumuged in an deei- dent which occurred Wednesday afternoon at 4:45 on the Pacific iligiiwuy alaiut one-half mile east of Gold Hill. The cur was headeit toward Gold Hill und swerved across the highway hitting a state liigliwuy sign und rolled complete­ ly over in the ditch. The top und sides of the car were badly dented in and prac­ tically all of the windows und the windshield were shattered. No one was badly injured in the accident. Ladies Of W.R C. Observe Memorial Day Here Several ladies of the Gold Hill Women’s Belief corjas observed Memorial Duy with a short service in honor of the deud sailors and soldiers ut the bridge. The children threw their flowers on the water. Members of this organisation also went to the cemetery where they pine-«1 flowers on the soldiers graves. They also put flowers on Corps mtmibers graves. Old laws outgrown, often remain Faculty Members Plan upon the statute books mid become , Vacation And Study forgotten. Itecently a bill was intro- ! ■lined into the Indiana state legisla- I With the close of the Gold Hill lure asking for the repeal of a law scluxil lust Friday, May 28, the that bail been on Ibe statute books members of the school faculty have since 1853. The law permitted par­ ents to “bind out” their children us left to tuke up further studies or to enjoy several weeks of vacation. upprenliees. The niuslers liad cúm­ E. It. Knapp left Mnnduy morning plele control of the children as with bis parents for a trip up the much as though they owned them coast. He will spend the summer as slaves. They were required In luw to teach them to read unit write farming near Portland and will at­ und a certain amount of arithmetic. tend Ibe t'niversity of Oregon sim ­ mer school at Portland. The boys were ut liberty when they i Miss Beulah Sharp pluns to spend reached Ibe age of 21 und the girls ' most of the summer vacation at her whn they reached Ibe age of 18 or home in Everett Washington. She became married. will h I so attend sinnnwr school at Corvallis. She und her parents en­ W It C NOTICE joyed a trip to Crater latke lust Fri­ day. Miss Joyce Handley will attend There will lie mi all day 'meeting of the Women’s Belief Corps in the summer school in California. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGuire will city tinII, Wednesday, May 9. There will be u lunch at noon. There ure spend the summer in Eugene where several leu towel sets to work on. j Mr McGuire plans to attend the j t'niversity of Oregon. Mr und Mrs George Dorman and Helen visited Sunday with Mr and Garden Club Flower Mrs Art Bains and family of nein Show Thia Saturday Central Point The Gold Hill Garden club Flow­ GALLS CREEK ITEMS er Show will be b, id Ibis Saturday, June 5 ut the I. 0 . O. F. hull. En­ (By Mumie Harrison) tries will be received from 9 to 10 a. lb. * Mrs. Joe Shoemaker and daugh­ The show will be open to the pub­ ters Pearl and Lillian uttended the lic from it p. m. 10 p. m. Commencement exercises in town Correction—Attention to class 10, Wednesday evening. Pearl w a s lot 2; should read grasses instead of among the eighth grude graduate brasses. Friday ill Ashland Mrs. Shoemaker was present to see her daughter re- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Matthews and ceive her diplomu. children Billy and Bobbie of Klam­ ath Falls called on friends here The roof of Bill Shoemaker’s fuesduy. house caught fire recently and was badly dumuged before he noticed it. I--------------------------------------------------i I THE QUESTION BOX , Mr. Patten’s two nephews who have been visiting him returned In | How much do you know i , their home in Everett, Washington, The (ollewing questions are taken Wednesday. from current events. See how well you are posted. Answers will bi Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Edinglon found on the buck page. were up Io repair their fences Sun­ day. While here they visited Frank 1. The name of what actress has Lawrence. been prominently mentioned ill Hie revival of the William Desmond Happy Deck and Harvey Deck at­ Taylor ease? tended Hie chicken dinner at the 2. Who was William Desmond Grange Tuesday night. Others at­ Taylor? tending Hie dinner were Everell 3. In what large city is the street and Beulah Boseerans. called Piccadilly located? 4. How many passengers were on Word lias been received from Ev­ the ill fated dirigible Hindenburg? erell Boseerans llial lie is now em­ 5. Wind man claims that he is ployed as a truck driver for a road Ibe husband of Mae West? construction crew in Eastern Ore­ (I. What horse won the recent gon. Kentucky Derby? 7. Near wluit town is located (lie Mrs. Win. Puhi and Mrs. Lillie Churchill Downs where the famous McKay and their sister Mrs. Frank Kentucky Derby is run? Schmidt from Portland visited then' 8. What well known man. Post* niece Gertie Boseerans, Saturday. muster General in Warren G. Hard­ ing’s cabinet, died recently? Beulah Boseerans spent Saturday 9. What two 'men recently com­ nighl with Evelyn and Bernicce, pleted the first round trip Atlanlie Marlin. Cueille Boseerans spent airplane crossing? Sunday witli Maxine Hale. 10. For whal big league baseball team does Bob Feller pitch? Mr. and Mrs. Hnrnnch of Medford. 11. For what is Lawrence Tibbett Mrs. Bay Eaton of San Francisco known? nod Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Treshnm had 12. What is said to be official dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. straw lint day when the straw hat Darrel Hendrickson. season officially opens? GOLD HILL. OREGON, THL'RSDzVY, JUNE 3, 1937 IL 0 CAL UAPPENLNCSI Mr und Mrs James McGuire of Newburg are visiting with their son and wife, Mr und Mrs Dennis Mc­ Mr. und Mrs. Al Pankey visited in Guire. Jacksonville Saturday. Mrs. Cleo Gilchrist and son (Miss Lola Beed of Medford vis­ Charles William went Io Salem Wed­ ited Tuesday with tier family here. nesday to attend the graduation ex­ Laura Mae Boss of Ashland spent ercises ttiere. the week end wlh Valentine Cook, Bosu and Guy Desimini returned Paul Johnston of Medford visited home Monday from Portland where Guy lia s been attending Benson friends in Gold Hill Sunday. Polytechnic school this winter. Mrs. Dave Hull and Bose Breeds Miss Buth Lance left "unday for of Klamath Fulls visited with Nina Dusenberry und family Saturday. tirants Pass where she will spend the summer with her parents Mr. Mrs. Daisy Gilchrist, Jesse Gil­ and Mrs. Floyd Lance. christ and Mrs. Chas. Lineharger Betti Beed left for Bonneville visited in Grants Puss Sunday. Saturday Io spend several days Mrs. D. Desimini went to Port­ with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and land Monday where she will spend Mrs. Clifford Wright. the week visiting with relatives. Mrs. George Brown and Miss Miss Buth Byerly of Ashland Louise Smith of Medford visited spent the week end witli relatives Sunday evening with their parents, here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and fam­ Lucille Smith visiled from Mon­ ily. day until Wednesday with Wildu Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Livingston Mayfield of Bogue Biver. and children of Bedinond are vis­ Earl Boyer left Monday for Can­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Liv­ ada where he will visit for sev­ ingston and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wise for several days. eral days. George Dorman was a business visitor in Grunts Pusx Tuesday. NUMBER 8 BALL CLUB WINS SEASON OPENER The Gold Hill town baseball team won its opening game of the sea­ son last Sunday when they defeat­ ed the Prospect nine on the Pros­ pect diamond 8 to 3. Gold Hdl took an early lead and made most of their runs in the first part ol the game. Max Marvin loimer («old Hilt boy, pitched for the Prospect team for the first sev­ en innings when he was relieved by Lloyd Dusenberry of Sains Valley. Wihner Bailey and Logan Gardner were the Gold llitl batteries. Dewey caught for Prospect. The local team had practiced for only a few evenings and had gone to Prospect with slight hopes of winning. The Prospect team is considered one of the stronger town teams in this section and it is quite a send off lor the Gold Hill hoys to bring home a win. County Health Society Observe* Anniversary The Jackson County Health So­ ciety observed its 20th anniversary- in Med far d last week. Sadie Orr Dunbar, prominent club woman and active in the state health work and tuberculosis association, was the speaker of the evening. Mrs. I. unbar pointed out that Jackson county organized the first county association in 1917; hired the first public health nurse out­ side of Portland; had one of the first full-tune health units; and in almost every other way has led all counties of the state in a health program and they still stand as probably the best in the state. Those attending the meeting from Gold Hill were Mr. and Mrs. J M Lively and Mrs Millie Walker. Miss Itulh Byerly accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tans and chil­ her mother Mrs. Minnie Byerly re­ dren of Medford visited with Mr. turned Io Portland Wednesday after and Mrs. Boh Kies Sunday. spending several days with relatives Mike Van Houten left for Marsh­ here. field Sunday where lie will spend Mr. and Mrs. I.eon Wise motored the summer. to Seattle Friday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Bed Curroll of Mr. and Mrs.Olaf l.okken and con­ Grants Pass visited Sunday with tinued on to Vancouver, B. C., spending the week end there. They Mrs. Bertha Hedgpeth. returned home Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Urris Crawford of Mrs. Bertha Hedgpeth attended th e ’ Medford visited Sunday with Mrs. graduation exercises Friday evening Mary Murelock. ö iir Graduates— at the Medford high school where Alethcu Betts of the Meadows her granddaughter Phyllis Hedgpeth And the Ruad Aliead came Tuesday to spend the week us was a ’member of the graduating Hy RAYMOND PITCAIRN the guest of Mrs. J W Bryan. class. h a k o nai (.hiurm aii Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blevins motored - Sentinkin of th e R epuh lic ■ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sullivan anil to Yreka Sunday where they spent two daughters of Corvallis were As tlüî is written thousands of young the day. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L en ts Americans—sturdy descendants of the hardiest breed of pioneers and uation Mrs. Ida Snyder who is now Wednesday of th is w eek . Mrs. Sul- builders the world has ever seen—are staying at the Glen Spurlin home in livan is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. being graduated from high schools, Lents. colleges and universities throughout the Sams Valley visiled friends here Mr. and Mrs. P ete Sm ith and son °°^2try Monday. What awaits them in the years ahead? Mr. and Mrs. Owen Woods und Pete. Marjorie and Arlene Cameron There are critics who will say that son, Mr. und Mrs. Fenton Woods of of Grants Pass and Leroy Cameron the road to opportunity Is blocked; Weed visiled Saturday und Sunday of Sawvers Bar, California visited that the work) no longer has room or Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter i need for the personal courage and witli Mrs Mary Morelock. Dr. und Mrs. Short) und daugh­ ter Barbara Ann of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lillian Shorh nf Caldwell Idaho und Mrs. Keith Gaines ot Biddle visiled Sunday with Miss Eileen Shorb und Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Livingston. Mrs. Shorh i s Eileen's grandmother and Dr Shorb and Mrs. Gaines ure her uncle and aunt. They went from here to Crater Lake and will visit several pluecs on the coast before return­ ing east. Dr. Shorb is connected with the Agricultural Department of the U. S. Government in their re­ search laboratories in Washington. D unaev I inlt,aUve which carried our fathers ■ J ' across a continent; that certain tired W eek end guests at Hie hom e o f I and crowded and despair.ng populations ,, . .. I .I , I ] of the Old World have charted a better Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wise included 5Urrender of an rights. Mr. and Mrs. (Jias. \ \ isc and daugn- ! opinions to dictators. In return for ter B everly, and Mr. and Mrs B ay promises of economic and political Wise o f Sacram ento, Ike Z ierolf o f guardianship. To such cynics, the energ> «Jd the enthusissm of youth merit Saginaw and E lm er B o s s o i 1 , only a sneer Thompson Creek. But there are others who will tell them that the real joy of life is in Mr and Mrs Earl Moore and achievement, that the American ideal daughter Yvonne. Mr and Mrs Bud stilt remains one of self-rule, self- Force and Mrs Frann Carter at­ reliance. open opportunity, and full tended graduation exercises at the freodom of religion, of speech and of Southern Oregon Normal school thought. Wednesday. June Moore, daughter | The first idea Is foreign both in spirit and in origin. The second is of Mr and Mrs Earl Moore was a outstandingly American. Here is how member of the graduating class. one great American. Theodore Roose­ velt, expressed it: “It is not the critic who counts, nor man who points out how the strong Driver* Application Blank* the man stumbles, or where the doer oi And Manuals Available Now deeds enuid have dene better --------- “The credit belongs to the man whe Grange Dinner Draws Crowd The chicken dinner sponsored by the Gold Hill Grange in their hall Tuesday evening, June 1, was a success in every way, and was welt attended by local people as well as residents of all parts of southern Oregon. 145 people were served during the evening. The three long tables in the grange dining room were crowded for three shifts and the unexpected large crowd kept the kitchen force on the run. The meal was served by the younger members of the grange. The ladies of the Home Economics club head­ ed by Mrs. S. K. Barnes, had charge of the dinner. The menu consisted of creamed chicken, peas, carrots, mashed po­ tatoes, hot biscuits, ice cream, cake, coffee and ice tea. The California Oregon Power company furnished an electric stove which came In handy in the preparation for the meal. A short program followed the dinner. Mrs. Ivie Addresses Local Townsend Club Members of the Gold Hill Town­ send c?ub gathered at their meeting room here last Thursday evening to hear Mrs. Nora E Ivie of Oregon City give her chart lecture, “The Vision of the Ages.” About 60 members attended the meeting and enjoyed the interesting and instructive talk by Mrs. Ivie. Friday, May 27, Bill Bailey, Bill Courtwright and E A Pelletier, the Townsend olan club “kids” went to Ashiamf to hear Mrs. Ivie talk on the ‘’Insecurity Bill.” They en­ joyed themselves very much in con­ suming the brew at the Lithia Fountain. They made the trip in Bill’s fresh air taxi cab. The Eagle Point Townsend club is sponsoring an old fashioned din­ ner and picnic Sunday, June 6 at Shady Cove. All Townsendites are urged to attend. Surety Bonds Of Bus Drivers Are Accepted Bus drivers were hired and their surety bonds accepted at a special meeting of the school board Mon­ day evening. The drivers will be Veltie Biles, Carl Bouth, C. W. Walker and J. C. Walker who were rehired and Bill Ferguson, who will replace Ernest Ross. The Board will hold another special meeting Friday night. Mr and Mrs S A Knapp of Malal Oregon visited Sunday and Mond with their son E B Knapp. He i turned north with them. The Spy-Glass MBS. BONNEY having to act waitress as welt as cook one d while her daughter Lois took tir out to explain to her young s< A supply of application blanks i strives valiantly; who errs and may fail Tony, just where and where not During the summer months Miss for tl/B renewal of drivers’ licenses •***« and again, because there 1* play ball. , ,. effort without error or shortcoming, but Phyllis Miller will direct the drum , has , been received | by the (.old Hill wh0 does actually strive d0 thP section of the (■old Hill high school BRYAN WARD saying “if the News from the office of the Secre- deeds; who does know the great en- orchestra. The orchestra will play tary of State. Persons who have thusiasm, the great devotion; who l.ord is Willin’ I’ll take them cats for the parade of the Northwest not vet renewed their licenses may spends himself in a worthy c®use; who for the third ride this week and I’ll Jackson county fair on September obtain the blanks at the Nisss of- uniph 0{ achievement and who at betcha they won’t come back this 18 and it will add materially to the fice, fill them out lid mail them with J the worst, if he falls, at least fails time.” marching force of the band to add a dollar Io the secretary of state, while daring greatly, so the his plac the drums. Those taking instruc­ Operators manuals are also avail- sha11 never be with those cold and RI D (Super Suds) SNYDER ta ttnitd souls who know neither victory tions are Maxine Holifield, Duane ble. ing pointers from the Southwi« or defeat.” Hutchins, F r e d Herrin, Beulah children on tap dancing. Current drivers licenses expire on There is a message spoken for an Boseerans. June 30 of this year. It is not neces- earlier ge.nerat’on of young Americans. Special charts from the cast are sary for applicants holding a valid It remains a ringing message to youth G W (High pressure) HANNC being used in conjnnction with Oregon license Io appear before an today. leaving the Climate City and r phonograph records. There will tie examiner if they have not reached turning to Gold Hill to put “Tv four snare drums and one base the age of 70 years, nor suffered any PAST NOBLE GRANDS cook books in every kitchen.” drum. This will bring the parade to­ physical disability. tal to 17. Past Noble Grand cluf) met According Io fads issued from Jt is rumored around the Ham the office of the secertary of stale, Thursday at the home of Mrs. Vi­ neighborhood that the reason for Bridge was played with Buth By­ there are 450,000 drivers Io be re- ola Moore. Those present were Pearl Ernest Kell and Dick Robinson erly taking high ladies and Bud licensed. Applications are being re- Ferguson, Delia Kell, Lucy Mee; moving this week is the poor con­ Force taking high m en’s. reived al the rate of approximately Elinor Force, Etta Carter, Mabel trol L. T. Cook has over trailers Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 1,500 a day and will Increase ma­ Hittle, Ada Cook, Madge Dorman; when he runs cm by hand. George Huff, Mrs. Frank Garter,! terially during lube few weeks re­ Belle Smith and Viola Moore. Next Mrs, Joe Blair, Mr. and Mrs. P au l1 maining. meeting will be held al the home of Well! Well! Well! What do you Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Bud Force, Mrs. Kathryn Lance in Grunts Puss. know about that. Fred Lewis, our Mr. and Mrs. Art Gorham, Miss Mr and Mrs. Clarence Hedgpeth A birthday party in honor of Art delivery man, was eating breakfast Buth Byerly, Mr. and Mrs. Earl of Crater Luke visited with Mrs Gorham was given Monday evening this morning when the sun was Moore and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bertha Hedgpeth from Friday until at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl coming vertically over the moun­ Blankenburg of Grants Pass. Monday. Moore. tain. Mis* Phyllis Miller To Direct Drum Section