Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, April 22, 1937, Image 7

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    Thursduy, April 22, 1937
The Gold Hill News, Gold Hill, Oregon
S E u n E
__ *
h o ea
ró u n d the
C a r te r Field
Wanliington. — High army and
navy offictola are completely m ui-
xled on the neutrality laaue as far
M uny public utterance la con­
cerned, and one may be sure that,
remembering the experience of
Gen. Johnson Ilagood, none of them
ure going to prove embarrassing
to the administration even if sum­
moned before congressional com­
mittees, but—they think nothing of
atlon of the dollur with the pound
and the frunc and other national
monetury units. There is a very
right now so far us dollar, pound
and franc ure concerned—in the tri­
partite agreement. But that is just
u gentlemen's agreement. It is not
only unsanctioned so far as the
parliamentary bodies of Britain,
France und. the United States are
concerned, but it is susceptible of
being cancelled on a few hours' no­
tice at any time.
M r. Roosevelt has been thinking
seriously of such an International
conference for a long time. It will
be reculled that he sent up a trial
balloon last summer, during the
campaign, through the New York
Times. It was never officially con­
firmed but no State department
official or diplomat In Washington
has ever doubted that it was in­
spired direct from the White House
W a it on S panish W a r
At the moment, the situation is
waiting on the Spanish war. Present
inquiries are as to whether the gov­
This writer has asked any num­
ber of high ranking army and navy ernments concerned will agree to
officers the very simple question: such a conference when and if the
Spuiksh conflagration stops shooting
Is the senate cash and carry neu­
trality plan, or the house plan giv­ sparks all around the various Eu­
ropean powder dumps.
ing the President wider discretion,
It is likely to come very soon,
more likely to keep tills nation out
now, for though there is not much
of a World war?"
sign of peace in Spain there is a
Sim ilarity of the answers would
almost convince a listener that there growing belief that the danger in­
had been a solemn m ilitary con­ volved of its spreading to other na­
tions is growing appreciably less
clave, at which a formal doc­
with every passing day. Certain
trine with respect to this subject
dangerous figures have learned that
hud been approved. For the answer
almost invariably runs something troops and weapons they thought
irresistible are not truly so. The
like this:
"Neither plan will keep this coun­ Name figures have learned that their
possible enemies in a war are more
try out of war. Both plans are dangerous than they had thought.
vicious in many respects The sen­
Nor docs this apply solely to either
ate plan forces every far-sighted side. It applies to both All of which
foreign nation to plan to get its
has put certain European govern­
wur supplies from some other na­
tion, unless it is sure it has plenty ments in a much more receptive
of shipping to fetch them from this m<K.d to a peace plan than they
were when Mr. Roosevelt sent up
country, and even then there is the his
trial balloon last summer.
incentive to build up supplies else­
Actually, also, there is very real
where. This of course tends to de­
need in the opinion of the Roose­
stroy our export trade, und creates
velt administration, and also in the
un additional artificial encourage­
view of several European govern­
ment to other nations to build up
tlieir own merchant marines, as ments, for currency stabilization.
The New Deal is concerned about
they know they cannot make use of
runaway price rises. It would like
ships flying the American flag.
"The house pion is highly danger­ very much to accomplish Just the
ous becuusc it grants the President opposite of what it was trying to do
virtually power to discriminate be- in 19X3 and 19.34. It would like to
make the dollar more valuable in­
tween belligerents. To discriminate,
stead of less. As evidence of this,
i course’
to take sides, and it has even considered marking
right away this country is, to that
limited extent, on one side or the down slightly the price of gold—in
dollars. Treasury department op­
position has prevented this.
No Sure W ay to Peace
Eggs for Russia
Storms and Hurricanes Are Nemesis of Mr. Purcell
JfoM old ®
® Questions'
New Hot Water Bottles— Have a
little „lycerine added to the water
with which hot-water bottles are
filled for the first time. This will
make the rubber supple, and the
bottle will last longer.
• • •
For Steamed or Boiled Pud­
dings—Puddings will not stick to
basin if two
.trips of
proof paper are put crosswise in
the basin before the m ixture
is poured in.
• • •
Removing Stains on Hands—
Vegetable stains can be removed
from the hands by rubbing them
with a slice of raw potato.
• • •
For Good Gravy—Did you know
thst gravy, to be served with
roast meat, will taste much nicer
and contain more nutriment if it
is made with the water in which
the vegetables have been boiled?
• • •
Protecting Buttonholes—A row
of machine sewing around button
holes in knit underwear prevents
stretching and makes them last
• • •
President G ets First B uddy Poppy
ogpu chief jailed
Boiling Old Potatoes—Old pota­
toes sometimes turn black during
boiling. To prevent this add a
squeeze of lemon juice to the
water in which they are boiled.
• • *
Salmon in Rice Nests—T w o
cups of rich cream sauce, one
egg yolk, two teaspoons lemon
juice, one pound can salmon, one
small can mushrooms, one cup
rice, two hard cooked eggs. Beat
egg yolks slightly and add to the
hot cream sauce with the lemon
juice. Add the salmon and the
sliced mushrooms
and heat
thoroughly. Boil the rice, drain
and form in mounds on plates;
then make depression in mounds
to form nests. F ill with salmon
mixture. Cut hard cooked eggs in
quarters lengthwise and garnish
each serving with one.
WNU Service.
Genrikh G. Yagoda, form er chief
of the dreaded Russian OGPU (se­
cret police), who is the latest ce­
lebrity accused of plotting against
the life of Josef Stalin. Dismissed
from his post of commissar of posts
and telegraphs recently, he is re­
ported now a captive in one of Mos­
cow’s grim prisons.
“There is no sure way of main
There would seem to be quite an
taining peace, and never will be
for chicken farms in Rus­ n ^ T rCo dCnt R° ° seveR shown receiving the first buddy poppy of the 1937
in this world. The nearest approach
u°nd« tCd n y V1” Veterans ° f Foreign Wars, from little
sia, particularly in the vicinity of K
to it is a very adequate arm y and
Moscow. Ambassador Joseph E. Ruth Joyce Bradish. Miss Bradish admires a part of the collection of
navy, the larger and more dan­ Davies has discovered that the egg animals on the President’s desk, after the presentation.
gerous to any possible antagonist supply of every foreign embassy
the better. No nation is running
and legation in the capital of the
around picking quarrels with a na­ U S. S. R. is supplied by diplomatic
tion whose arm y and navy it under­
couriers, who bring the eggs 800
stands to be definitely superior to
miles, from Warsaw, Poland. This
its own.
doesn’t look so far on the map, but
"Any other precaution is just
it is only 787 miles from Washing­
idealistic, wishful thinking, is not
ton to Chicago, only 733 miles from
practical and, if it works nt all,
Chicago to Atlanta, and only 840
is far more likely to work toward
miles from Indianapolis to Charles­
getting the United States into war ton, South Carolina!
then keeping it out.”
It might be borne in mind, in as­
Incidentally, of course, most
similating this rather curious—
arm y and navy men do not like
the idea of discouraging munitions to American farmers— luc1' of egg
exports, even. They like the British production in the vicinity of Mos­
system of encouraging munitions cow, that transportation facilities In
manufacturers, with the thought the United States, both railroads
that when war does come the coun­ and highways, ore immeasurably
try gets off to a flying start, ns con­ superior to those in Russia, so that
trasted with the terrific lag inevita­ actually the difficulty and time in­
ble it there is only govern­ volved in transporting those eggs is
ment manufacture of munitions. much greater than for compurnble
They insist that the government will distances in the United States. And
this entirely aside from the fact
never spend enough money, in
that the eggs cannot be shipped in
peace time, to have the facilities
ready to turn out sufficient supplies ordinary fashion, but must be car­
M ary Christine Dunn, twenty-
ried across the frontier, from about
when war comes.
eight-month-old daughter of M r. and
Only the incentive of private
Mrs. Lawrence T. Dunn, of Bonne
profit, they assert provides that sort center of European Russia, by a Terre, Mo., who, according to sci­
of capacity. Moreover, they do not
entists of Washington university,
like to see the munition-making amination, from hold-up and from has an intelligence quotient of 185.
tariff duties.
m a n te l
" l * man at the end of thi» recumbent line ol
business transferred to some other
This is 45 points higher than the
corps if the trick motorcyclist underesti-
country, possibly one which some
I. Q. normally attributed to genius.
1,16 J.u mp H 'a the end man that’s ridden over rough-
day will be at war with the United sy is the only one in the Russian M a ry ’s parents say she has a vocab­
LondonEVerythlng turned out aU r i^ht’ however, in this test made near
capital that is not supplied with
ulary of more than 3,800 words.
Senator Bennett C. Clark of Mis­ certain luxuries, and, from the
souri has not had much success American standpoint, necessities
so far in working out his solution by couriers. Young attaches at the
for this problem. He would have the United States embassy keep writing
government manufacture—or buy— their friends and relatives to send
and keep in stock sufficient jigs and them every sort of thing, from
dies and tools so that on the out­ canned tomatoes to tooth paste,
break of war all sorts of factories from Insect powder to coid creatru
and machine shops could be trans­ which, for various reasons probably
entirely in keeping with the scheme
formed into arm ament plants.
of things in Russia, are not easily
Peace Conference
obtainable by purchase there.
Diplomatic denials are always to Russia No Rival
be taken with a grain, in fact a
All of which, being discussed nt
pinch, of salt. This goes for the
recent denial of Secretary of State a recent Washington dinner where
Cordell Hull with respect to better most of the guests were State de­
partment officials and their wives,
prospects of a peace conference
Of course all that Mr. Hull denied with a slight sprinkling from Capitoi
was that this was the errand of Hill, brought forth the declaration
Norman H. Davis in London, and of one senator, who had visited Rus­
sia, that he thought the idea that
in this he was, nt least technically
Russia would be a competitor of
Regardless of any statements the United States within a few years
made hitherto or to be made in the
He made the statement after con­
future, however, President Roose­
velt is thinking a great deal about siderable wonder was expressed
an international conference. He has that the Russian peasants, living
been for a long time. No one in the in such poverty, did not seize upon
diplomatic corps here is going to such an obvious market for eggs as
embarrass Mr. Hull or the Presi­ the various embassies ana lega­
tions of Moscow. True, the m arket
dent by rushing into print about it
no matter what the President and would be small, comparatively, but
his Secretary of State may say, it would be enough for quite a few
but virtually every important em­ farmers with farms close to the
bassy and legation in Washington Soviet capital to do very well in­
knows all about the highly unoffi­ deed.
" It wouldn’t occur to the Russian
■ \\v
cial inquiries that the President has
caused to be made with respect farmers that any one would want
to nn international conference, really fresh eggs,” broke in another
which will have two major objec­ senator. "Several of us were over
there a few years back. We had
One of these is the maintenance plenty of food, but we noticed they
of peace. The second is some more like eggs just a bit 'high ' Wg
permanent and dependable stabiliz- couldn’t eat them.”
'o n t
p o lii king folootl
P ity the Man at the End!
Him Girls Attracted to California Beaches
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
M A K E *1 T O U D A IL Y A T R O M E
r L <7 , . rnu’ h ro? ri1* ,o r “ « *>> c e lla r o r sh e d
A m a z in g , q u ic k , s tead y p r o f ’ s.
W r it e
W e e te rs M u ih rs e a s C e ., P a r t ie n « . O re .
Two Kinds of Secrecy
A proper secrecy is the only
mystery of able men; mystery
is the only secrecy of weak and
cunning ones.—Chesterfield.
To G e t R id o f Acid
a n d Poisonous W aste
Y o u r kidneys help to keep you s d ]
w *«te m atter
Ir o n the blood. I f your kidneys cct
functionally disordered and fail to
rw iio re exceaa Im p u ritie s there m ay be
nX d « ^ wf,0‘*
“ 0
Burning, .c a n ty o r too (rsquent u ri-
“ b ^ W
t^ " 1 k id “’
.T T Ä *•b,tte' < • « * « *
medicine th a t has won country-wide
alm *kan on something less favor*
ably known. Use Doow’e p flU . A m u lti.
D oans P ills
---- A -----
If you subtract the universities
from the life of the world today it
w ill bi a barren, a sorrowful and
shortly a dead thing.— Nicholas Mur-
ay Butler.
The photographer It useful, but
the artist who paints a picture is cre­
ating something new.— Mrs. Franklin
D. Roosevelt.
You should always go forward, but
not too quickly. I f you must have a
car, you must have a brake.— Andre
The good neighbor is tolerant, but
his toleration docs nol include those
who would introduce discord from
elsewhere.—Cordell Hull.
Americans have very little judg­
ment on the relative importance of
foreign news.—Lord Marley