T I m Gold H ill New», Gold H ill, Oregon Thursday, April 15, 1937 Mr*. Bill Force visited with Mr. Wednesday evening. April 21 will | SAMS VALLEY N EW S and Mrs. Bruce Force of Central be birthday night for all Rebekahs CLASSIFIED ADS Point Wednesday. having birthdays in April. There A nice crowd attended the dance will also be degree practice. All UOLD BILL LODGE NO. 12» Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Wilson of Table members please remember and try ut the Beagle hall Saturday night, Anyone having articles t h e y Meets Every Taesday Night given by the Ways and Meuns com­ bad placed in the hands of W. W. Hock visited Friday with Mrs. Tom and be present. Cook. Arthur Gorham, Noble Grand mittee of the Grange. Much praise Trannah for sale, see Dick Walker Robert K. Cook, Vice Grand Rob Kies was Liken to the hos­ was given the Cascade Wranglers for the return of said items within Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blair were din­ Toney Ross, Secretary Janies Davis and children left for ner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hubert pital in Medford Monday night. He for the excellent music furnished. the next ten days. Win. Ferguson, Treasurer fell ubout a week ago while al his The six members of the orchestra Eugene last week. Coe of Medford Sundav. YOU ARE WELCOME HEAL VALVES: Walnut bedroom work and it was found that two were very picturesque in their Mrs. Carl iloyer visited Wednes­ set. studio couch, 2 easy ehairs, virlchrae were out of place in tiis silk shirts, big hals and boots, Don Lundy and Gilbert Lent« left day with Mrs. Bill Allen of Medford. Tuesday for San Francisco where back. He will be placed in a cast lor ' '**' dance proved so populur with table, fruit jars, pipe dies to 2", AMKTHI8T KEIIEKAII I.ODGE »7 ti»e next six weeks. tin- crowd that another was ached- wrenches, tools etc. II. A. Korlb, al­ Meets (lie fits! anil third Wednes­ Mrs. W. E. Heed of Sardine Creek ,h‘‘> w '» U*a«l several days -------------------------- uleil for April 24, with the same or- most opposite Ernies Casino. days of each month at Hie I O. O. F. visited friends in tow n Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Force of Hull, Gold Hill, Oregon Young Men’» Gospel Team ,hvs,|a. Lesin Wise took a load of cement Central Point visited with Mr. and WAN TED — Second hand furni­ Allu Clement, Noble Grand Attends Local Church Tresham *» »‘«ying in Mrs. Bill Force Sunday. to Marshfield Sunday. Pearl Grey, Vice Grand 2tp I ortland for an indefinite period, ture, Mrs. Alden Galbreath. Belle Smith, Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wheatley of earing for her sister who is serious­ Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kent of Sunday morning. April It the Delia Kell. Treasurer WANTED Glendale were visiting friends in Lakeview visited at the A. E. Shoe­ young men’s Gospel team from the ly ill wilh aslhiua and bronchitis. Hides, wool and mohair, junk Gold Hill Sundav maker home Sunday. First Baptist Church of Medford Mrs. Jim Crawford bus been ill butteries, radiators, und ull kinds of GOLD Itll l. GRANGE NO. 534 Mr. and Mrs. H. Hendricks moved were here and had charge of th»- the past two weeks with tonsilitis. metal. Meets first and third Thursdays Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Centers visited Mr. Finley of llie Finley Imple­ GRANTS PASS BARGAIN HOUSE ut 8 p. m., ut their hall aext to trie­ friends in Medford Saturday eve­ Friday to Foots Creek where they services at the Methodist church. There were 57 at Sunduy School and ment Company of Central Point will occupy the Boling property. ning. phone office. II. K. club meets sec­ 026 S. till» Grants Puss i good attendance at the Church completed the installation of an ond and fourth Tuesdays nt 1:38 p. Leslie Cook of Foots Creek visit Mr. and Mrs. John Cook visited at ■ ervicc when Mr. Graham delivered electric milking machine system, Fur information on the best fresh in., usually al Grunge Hull. the Hutchins ranch in Sams Valiev ed with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook the address and the young men fur­ last week for James McDowell and Monday. paint obtainable at money saving GOLD HILI. WOMEN'S RELIEF Sunday. nished the music. After the services son. prices see or write lo E. A. Pell« tier, CORPS, meets twice a month on a pot luck lunch was enjoyed by Ted Ritter returned to Portland Mrs. Joseph Carone of McMinn­ The California Oregon Power Gold Hill representative of Hie Dav­ Hie 2nd and 4th Wednesdays ut their ville visited Monday with her sis­ Tuesday after spending several ‘lie church members, visitors and Company completed Hie hook up of is Paint Company. Money buck cor|ts rooms in the city hall. days visiting friends and relatives he pastor. ter, Mrs. Earl Ham. tlie new extension line serving the i guarantee, freight prepaid. Daisy Paul, President Nest Sunday. April 18 Sunday here. McDonough and Kinne homes. As ; Madge Dorman, Secretary School will begin at 10:00 o’clock F. I. Bristol and Mr. Sullivan of 8PBC1AIH Rose Gay, Treasurer Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dusenberry vith Dennis McGuire, Supt. Church a result these families are now en­ Grants Pass transacted business joying the benefits of electricity. All sixes of water pipe and fit­ and Miss Mary Force visited at tin ervices at 11 o’clock conducted by with Jim Clement Wednesday. Ted .Sims and his blight cutting tings; farm logging, and mining im­ i.OLI» Hil l. TOWNSEND ( t i l l H. W. Lewis home in Saws Valley ev. Roy Garland. Meets every second unit fourth Miss Edna Dunlap anil Miss Merl Tuesday. Why not he at Sunday School and crew ol deilford have been doing plements; exceptional low prices Thursdays of the month. Every Kendall stayed with Mrs. Tom Rob­ some work in local orchards the on quick silver. ■lay for church and wilh your pres- Bill Cortwright recently moved inson Tuesday night. All kinds and sixes of incubators, fourth Thursday a social meeting, nce be an encouragement for oth­ past week. into the Bob Watkins property on coal-burner brooders; cream sep­ ford, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs Ed Morgan made a Harold Gardner underwent an the highway. He has been in Sam• ers to be there. Everyone is wel­ arators; large assortment of sew business trip to Klamath county last come. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTICE operation for an attack of acute ap­ Valley for several months. mg muchines; exceptional low week. Christian Science services are pendicitis Tuesday morning at the WOMEN S RELIEF CORPS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ham and family County Judge Earl Day was look­ prices on buttery set radios; Sim­ held caeti Sunday morning at elev­ Community hospital in Medford. He ing after his cuttle interests in the mons beds and springs; a complete en o'clock in the building across is reported as getting along nicely. visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. line of garden tools, including band from the Odd Fellows hall. The Women’s Relief corps of Gold Valley Sunday. Whillock and family of Medford cultivators unit lawn mowers. Gel (ill held an all day meeting in their Tuesday evening. Everyone is welcome. Practically all creeks in this sec­ oom Wednesday. April 14. Lunch tion were out of their banks and our prices on building und roofing paper, barb wire and nails. Mr Bratton visited Monday wi h as served at noon. A number was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyer. He is leav­ Irawn on the quilt and Herb Rose- water flooded roads and fields dur­ («RANTS PASS BARGAIN HOUSE »******»»»»*»» v v ssv v ssw svsw vvvsv ing the heavy tains Tuesday. Tues­ ing for Hoffman, Minn., in a few Tans wilh number 99 was the lucky 628 S. 6th Granta Paaa day night Rogue River was flooding CAREFUL days. me. The regular meeting was held the road approaching Bvbee bridge FOR TRADE: Good ID lube Vic­ SERVICE Miss Grace Carney of San Fran­ in the afternoon. - Daisy Paul, press for a stretch of seventy-five yards. tor rudio f o r good ty|>ewriter, correspondent. cisco arrived Saturday to spend sev Farmers were kept busy throwing (tacar Shepherd. cral days with Mr, and Mrs S. K, up temporary dams along creeks in GIRL SCOUT NEWS Barnes of Blackwell Hill. an effort to save the flooded grain M n a a B a r a m r a a B ............. (Mildred Smith, Scribe) fields. Mrs. F. N. Tygart of Sardine COY’S SERVICE STATION Saturday night is regular meeting Creek and Mrs. Roy Centers were Four girls, Virginia O uters, l.a- FOR SALE Seth Coy, Prop. business visitors in Medford Thurs- hala Suddilh. Margaret Helen Moul- of Sams Valley Grange. The Lectur­ er announces "hobo night." All those day. n and Lucille Smith represented not coming dressed in old clothes 1937 FORD SEDAN Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook and Mr. the Wild Rose troop at a recreation­ will be Tined accordingly. Prises VERY GOOD CONDITION and Mrs. Merritt Merriman visited al demonstration given last Friday will be given for most tattered and evening at four o’clock by Miss Izola i with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lance of torn costumes. Jensen of Oregon State C.ollege. INQUIRE AT NEWS OFFICE ; Grants Pass Sunday. “GAS U P !” The girls were taught many new Mrs. L. K Darling and son Jack of games and songs, which they FOOTS CREEK It at the Port Chicago, California visited brought home and taught to the NEW S | friends and relatives here over the other members of the troop. GOLDEN. STAR week end. The regular meeting of Girl Scouts Mrs. Mary L. Kingery. age 88 SERVICE STATION BUNDLES OF OLD CARI. ROI T il. Manager Saturday Only Mrs. J M Lively and Mrs. Millie was held Wednesday evening in the passed away ut the home of her j daughter, Mrs. Elsie Baltin who liv -1 BOB STEELE IN Walker drove up Rogue River Sat­ Grange hall, with a gooil attendance. ed on the former Carle place Wed- I urday afternoon where they visited “THE GUN RANGER” nesduy morning following a stroke. KANES CREEK ITEMS ; with Mrs. Lovie Tylee. Our pumps contain four dif FOR SALE AT Plus Episode Number 1 She was the mother of seven chil-l (By Helen Shoemaker) ferenl well-known brands of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kichardson and dren, four now living. Jay B. King- 1 “FLASH GORDON” gasoline. We can give you family of Talent, Mrs. Harry Chil­ Mrs. Hattie Lawrence and Mary ery of Eugene, Oregon; Mrs. Elsie what you want. ders and Mrs. Eddie Conlon of Shoemaker were callers no Kanes Baltin of Foots Creek, Orlen King- Sun., Mon., Tues-, i Eagle Point and Leonard Dagiing of creek Thursday, calling on Mrs. cry and Mrs. Stella Stuilehaker of i JOE E. BROWN IN California were Sunday guests of Shoemaker and Mrs. Buddin. They Lucurne, Ind. She was a member of OIL — ALL GRADES “Earthworm Tractor” I Mr. and Mrs. C. M Richardson. the Baptist Church and very active ’ were looking for cattle. *************************»»*****♦, in W. C. T. U. work. The body was The lime burner has closed down Wednesday Only forwarded by the Conger Funeral for the time being Pat O’Brien — Margaret Lindsay PERMANENTS, »1.50 up to »6 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ridings of Parlor of Medford to La Pork In­ “Public Enemy’» W ife” Machine and Machineless waves Kanes Creek visited in Grants Pass diana Thursday evening accompan­ ied by Mrs. Battin, for services and Thursday. Thursday and Friday Ferry’s Garden Seeds — Onion Sets Haircut, Shampoo and Finger interment in the family plot beside Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shoemaker her husband. Mrs. Battin has rented Wave, »1.00 WARREN WILLIAM IN Fresh Vegetables and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shoemaker her house to Mr. and Mrs. H. Hen­ ‘Case of Velvet C law .” COOK’S BEAUTY SHOP called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Law­ dricks from Missouri. Mr. Hen­ rence Sunday evening and also al dricks is a brother of Mrs. Coppick 14 S. Bartlett Medford SPO R T S H IR T S the home of Joe Shoemaker on Galls of Gold Hill. Mrs. Ratlin’s husband, Rayon ..........._...................................... 98c creek. the late Charles Battin, who passed Cotton .......................................... *....... 79c Miss Vivian Dunlap and Mr. and away two months ago was interest­ V*******»************************************V**********S*W***%***** Mrs. Ralph Dusenberry spent Sun ed in a mine on the left fork of day at the Shoemaker ranch on Foots Creek. Kanes creek. Ross Turpin is able to be out af­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Law and P. ter being ill during the past week GENERAL LINE OF GROCERIES AND R Backus were Medford shoppers with an attack of tonsilitis. Harry HARDW ARE RIB STEAKS, Per lb. ..................... Saturday. Cramer of Birdseye Creek is con­ fined to his bed, reported to be an attack of flu. GALLS CREEK ITEMS QUALITY HAMBURGER, per lb. (By Minnie Harrison) , Mr. and Mrs. Boy Tompkins and daughters Loraine and Loretta from **************************************************** V*V*W*W*V*V**** Hattie Lawrence and Mrs Joe near Medford were Sunday after­ MEDFORD SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Shoemaker were hunting cows on noon callers at the home of Mr. and Kanes Creek Thursday. Mrs. Louis Druif. They formerly The small bridge over the creek lived at Riviera Plantation Orchard. Oscar Shepherd Owner Visit our new school where the that the Rill Shoemaker family and Mrs. Effie Blackburn from Rogue best Nationally Known Permanents Robert Leep use was washed out River and Earl Smith of Grave are given such as: Tuesday morning by the high water. Creek were Sunday visitors at the W e handle quality meat and buy local de Graff machine and machineless Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rouse have home of Mr, and Mrs. Marion Lance Beef and Pork moved to California. and Mrs. Stead. Frederics new wireless und The road grader was up the Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kingery and ************************************* **WW*WW*»WW*S*V**V*»V****’ creek Monday. Duai't und Eugene. two sons left for their home at Mrs. Doris Harrison was at (he Eugene Thursday after being called Thompson ranch Monday. ■ ■ ■ ■ here due to the illness and pussing The Ed Shoemaker family visited of Mrs. Mary Kingery. hi« brother, Joe Sunday. Raymond Mayfield and another PRICES FROM party from Rogue River have tuken SARDINE CREEK NEW S a contract to cut a large amount of By Mrs. F. N. Tygart wood on the Churles McMerrick property for John Karkas of Rogue Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Wait attended River. the banquet Monday evening given Always remember you can save 50 per cent on ull Dick Swacker of Grunts Pass ac­ by the Gold Hill Garden club. Beauty Service companied by his son in law, Shir­ Mr. and Mrs. G. IL Meyers an Now is the time of year to change from ley Dellinger spent Sunday in the 235 East Main Medford, Oregon nounce the arrival of a baby girl, vicinity in the interest of his winter to summer oiL Let us make this necessary weighing 9 pounds at the Sacred quartz mine on Rirdscye Creek. Heart hospital in Medford April 8. change for you before the hot weather sets in. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Riles and fam­ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Badley of Hogue River were visitors in the ily of Rogue River were culling on Mr. and Mrs. Veltie Biles and Ray Wait home Sunday evening. A miscellaneous shower followed Gaunyaw Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Effie Birdseys and son by a dance was given Saturday eve­ ning at the Sardine Creek dance Glenn and nephew Bobbie Cameron MEDFORD, RELIABLE hall In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Shell Service Phone 16 AAA OREGON REASONAÖLE vin Burnett. Everyone reported £. Victor Birdseye and family south of Phoenix. good time. «OXY Newspaper: THE NEWS OFFICE 5c Specialsfor S a tu rd a y D R A K E ’S 220 200 Gold Hill Meat Market Change Your OIL K e ll's G a r a g e $ 1 .5 0 T" $5.00 Conger Funeral Parlors