Gold Hill Newa, Gold Hill, Oregon THE QOLD HILL NEWS A wholesome thing happened re­ cently in Kansas City, Missouri. Im­ mediately following election a group Established 1897 of the better citizens of tlie town Published by Mac's P rinting Co. brought before the court evidence of fraud in voting. The hearing de WALLACE G. IVERSON, Editor and Business Manager veloped that wholesale fraud had been practiced by ward and party An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests oi leaders. The trial that followed re­ sulted 111 over a down political lead­ Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity ers and want heelers being sent to the penitentiary. A vital safeguard P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y in a democracy is that the ballot Estere«] at the Poatoffice at Gold HiU, Oregon, (or transmission through shall be kept free from fraud. The judges and the courts of this mitt- the mails as second-class matter. western city are to be commended Subscription tl.50 a year In advance Advertising rates on application in the highest terms for their cour­ age in doing a difficult task well. Thuraday, A p ril 15, 1937 he loses it. More money is lost In other people's schemes than is lo.t by the owners of businesses in heir own misfortunes. Most every business man can count up hun­ dreds of dollars that he has invest- < d in the schemes of others and lost that would have materially promot­ ed Ins own business. Benjamin r raukliu $ advice to a man Io keep his money in his own business anil watch it I, still good. If we were a painter or a sculpt­ or we would he tempted to put on canvas or in bronze the Individual who represents thousands of Ameri­ can citizens, lie is the man who is found in every one of Ihe towns of Hie nation, the man who works ull week and receives his cheek and Saturday night comes to town and liuys with it an armload of grocer­ ies and provisions to take home to tlie family, lie lias little money for ' Ihe pool hall or the slot machine. Ills budget does not include any such allowance. He is the salt of the earth. It is from such men thul communities and institutions are built. There is something sound and sturdy and elemental aboui his homely and prosaic practice that de­ serves to he immortalized. in the memory. A one time adver­ One of the most valuable assets tisement leaves a faint mark that any community can have is the is soon forgotten. Unless an adver­ spirit of cooperation among its bus­ tiser is prepared io repeat his ad­ Bits of this and that gleaned iness men and citizens. Without this vertising sufficiently often to take from everywhere. spirit the town is forever pulling advantage of this well known natu­ up hill. It is unable to take advant­ ral law he had best save his money. age of the resources and possibili­ An advertising appropriation spread There is little value to spastuodic over fifty-two issues is of more té s that it has for development and advertising. The chief value of ad­ value than the same appropriation advancement. Every pull in the right direction is offset by a pull in the vertising lies in its cumulative sales spent in one or two issues. apposite direction. Such a town sel­ effect. Advertising has no power to dom unites its energies behind a perform miracles. It merely works We never blame the church be- along certain well known, well de­ i cause wc know one of its members program and as a consequence fails fined laws of nature. It is well is a grasping skinflint, who grinds io tnaki the progress it might other­ known that few facts are impressed down every one he can and takes wise easily make. The ideal condi­ tion in the average small town on the human mind Ihe first time every one who deals with him to a maintains, when, if some one pro­ they are’present«!. It is only by- skinning. It is not the church's fault We note in one of our dailies that repetition that they become fixed he has sought its sanctuary as a poses a good plan that has recog­ its editor has u paragraph to the ef- nised merit the rest of the commun­ i cloak for his crookedness. The ity gets behind it and works for it faet that a woman who raises a big church cant help itself. Bather we ."'id puts over. There is no jealousy ainily should receive n pension. We j feci the church is being imposed on. because it is some one else’s plan. ilo not agree that Ihe mere raising J This type of person, in addition to The only question is Iris it merit of a big family should entitle any­ A NEW TRAVEL THRILL! his effort to skin his fellow man. is If it lias not it is rejected. If it has, one lo a pension. It depends upon also trying to take the church to a everyone works whole lieartedly Io the kind of a family that has been skinning. put it over. Manx towns that have raised. Some homes should receive succeeded and done big things have aol only a pension but a bounty for followed this simple formula and the type of citizens they ure able to produce. On the other hand there no other. ire homes in which the production We do not entertain much faith of off-spring should he restricted O p to m etrist that a system of fines will cure the ind limited and even prohibited al­ careless driving habit that some together. ( 0 6 ( « t r M ST mm RO S A FETY IN ear owners have. A better plan («AKTS HSS one. GOOD VISION would be to suspend the driver’s The man to whom the plaudits of j license. Such a law -.hould require tiie multitude are a prize and a that a third suspension would re- goal is building his future upon the • lit in a permanent r.vocation of most treacherous sand. There is Getting satisfaction from your ♦ he license. A car owner found driv­ nothing more fickle or unstable or battery depends on its condition. ing a ear during the period in inconstant than the admiration anil Doctoring your battery bark to which his license is suspended applause of Ihe public. The public a healthy, efficient condition i* should be punished by having hi- only applauds the man who gives our specialty. Experl and de­ license permanently revoked. Un­ i a thrill. When Ihe applause for pendable recharging. BAILY BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO less and until some such effective bat particular thrill is appeased AND LOS ANGELES preventative measures are taken we Ihe applause dies and the fickle W IM E R ’S B attery Shop Speeding from San Fraa d ico to Loa will continue to see the mounting i rowd turns to look for another en- 624 S. 6 th St. G ra n ts Pass. O re. Angeles over the scenic Coast Line, loll o f dead and injured and maim­ ertaincr. The only way to retain the new stream l i ned D ty lig b l offer» ed along the highways o f America. the admiration and respect and ap­ die fastest service in history betweea plause of the public is for one to •ba two cities. The "most modern and beautiful train in America” leaves San The wisp man will keep his innn- turn his hack upon it and show it Francisco at 8 : 1 ) every morning and ey in his own business where he can that it has nothing to give that is in­ arrives Loa Angeles 6:15 p m f u m . xvalch it and know where it goes if teresting. The man who can do that schedule northbound). A U seats a rt has the public at his feet always. reserved for this th rillin g daylight nde, yet the D ty lig b t is nor ea n t r a There are few men who are strong IT MEANS FAST RELIEF / * * * trot»! O u r lowest ooe way and enough to do it. INKLINGS- REMEMBER THIS CROSS roundtrip tickets are honored. For da- tads, reservations, information on con­ nections on the D tjlig h t , sea your local railroad agent o r w rite I. A . Orm andy.622 Pacific Bldg . 15C FDR It i i mu. dozen Some one has suggested as a good recipe for happiness the plan to try wanting only what one can get. One won I be a worlti conqueror witli such a goal, but with it one can get a lot out of life. fr o « & ANO Southern Pacific GET MYER ASPIRIN W lL K E N F A M IL Y ** »J llf- Among hobbyists anti collectors, I I'red Aatair’s signature is valued at j 25 cents, Helen Hays 10 cents, and Greta Garbo’s at half a dollar. «TM» n.«»,«I „i,^. T h e W i i k . . » « a rity . l e e . , « I.H u e ., C a e a M Iu . O t t f e « .. H . V . C . WRESTLING Mon., Apr. 18 S H O E R E P A IR IN G Goodyear S H O E Service 107 So. 6th St. Grants Pass Dyeing—all colors, to match your gown Finest equipped shop in South­ ern Oregon. See uotchells. HOW TO "K EEP ED U C A T E D ” Head D aily the W orld-wide ConMnietive New» io bi ♦«•••*»• I M " In spite of steadily increasing wholesale prices, here is our G E T A C Q U A IN T E D o ffe r: B U Y A S U IT A t the regular price, and G E T A H A T FREE W ith every $32.50 suit your choice of any $5.00 M allory H a t — F R E E W ith every $27.50 suit — Your choice of any $4. M sllory H a t — F R E E W ith every $24.50 suit — your choice of any $3.50 M allory H a t — F R E E W ith every $19.60 suit — your choice of any $1.95 M errim ac H a t — F R E E W ith every $5. trousers or slacks — choice of any $1.00 Belt — F R E E W ith every $4. trousers or slacks — choice of any 75c belt — F R E E Buy a P rir of Shoes And get a pair of V /ilto n B roi. ir Holeproof Sox fre< W ith every pair of $8.75 Florshcim Shoes — Any $1. «ox F R E E W ith every pair of $6. Ml . v ic Shoes — Any 75c sox — F R E E W ith every pair of $5.00 W eyenberg Shoes — Any 50c sox — F R E E This offer is made without any restrictions. Your unrestricted choice ci fi„ e goods from our entire stock. Buy your summer clothing needs while this offe r is on. L E T ’S G E T A C Q U A IN T E D — W e want to know you — W e w ant you to know our fine stock of m er­ chandise, the equal of any in Oregon. (This Offer For A Limited 'I 'inte Only) Griffon Clothes Elorsheim Shoes Arrow Shirts Columbia Knit Sweaters X / / Z / TJ 1 I A -V / X l Timely Clothe Mallory Hals W ilson Bros. Huis I T M M K i r 1 h „ i , T . „ Grants Pass, Oregon You can know your EYES Lenses otriy when required D r. H erbert W . Herm ann O PTO M ETRIST ♦ « b U lb . O a U , CAFES 1 V M U , Ma,aataa Saatlaa, . M i „ k , Zfattauuiabad . » l k . n l . . . . . M “ ‘‘ - »- * * * 1 • * * p M i n l p r . b i . « . . | t - - . a af « .r i d . f a i r , Grants Pass Phone 258J CLEANERS O a <«aara.b«aat i > . 4 , >b« « «» .O a c ti.a * • ' • « a m bu, 4«aa M a ap l.H (rim a aaU "T b a V a r ie ’, Da?” — a . « , bi ■ ,:■« <• fa , w F L O R S H E IM & W E Y E N B E R G shoe., T IM E L Y & G R IF F O N clothes, A R R O W , W IL S O N BROS. H O L E P R O O F H A B E R D A S H E R Y , C O L U M B IA - K N IT & W IL - W I T E sweaters, M A L L O R Y & K N O X hats, etc. O P T O M E T R IS T 51# H St. The Christian Science Monitor V m IIS» lb« J “ d7 ' k* ' W e feature the following makes, and want you to feet acquainted w ith them. ............................................................ ................................................................................. .... 1:30 p. m. Seats on sale at Valentines Gafe and Brown’s i W e want to get acquainted w ith the "clothes conscious men, young and old, in this vicinity. W e •Iso, want them to get acquainted w ith our complete up to date stock of F IN E , N A T IO N A L L Y K N O W N , U P -T O - T H E -M IN U T E M E N ’S W E A R . \ WHEN V H P N IN FM rD A K IT C PASS r» a c-c . USE ______________________ GRANTS THIS DIRECTORY Excitement — Thrills M EDFORD ARM O RY ** LET’S GET ACQUAINTED V alley Cleaners Tk» Christian Science Publishina S d r t ÿ € * « , Norway Street, Boston, Muaachusetti , FI m m M te, my Mibacriptioo w I o C s a u n a s S c t in c i M o n j t o i lot » period of O l year $9.00 □ 6 months $4 50 Q J month» $2.25 Q 1 month 75c Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60; 6 issues 25c 6 1 East H. St., Opposite P. O. Grants Pass Phone 260 Suits cleaned and pressed 61.00 Hats cleaned and blocked 61.00 Plain dresses cleaned, pressed 31 Cave Shop Restaurant MEALS — FOUNTAIN 209 N. 0th Grants Pass Teach Your Dollar toHave More 'Cents' S tU P tl COPI on IttQVtST O F F IC E S U P P L IE S HOTEL ' r z z ? -,-.> 0 7 /4 ^ a t it Stationery — Office Supplies Typewriters Gift Merchandise Books — Drugs C. H . Dem aray N 6th St. O. S. B L A N C H A R D LAWYER Grants Pass, Oregon General practice In all courts. Reference: Grants Pass A Jose­ phine Bank. Phone 270 Grants Pass Chiropractic Physicians sun FRnnciscD GRANTS PASS O R E /5 ALL swim a A N IS IC AB M A K IS R IP A I It I D X^ fI*-A “MEET ME AT THE MANX” On Famous Powell Street f, XVATCH REPAIRS '9 ? '■$ S o f i ’ - S ’ I ’M I Electric treatments and diet. Steam medicated baths. Women’s and children’s ailments a specialty Drs. W alto n & M ille r 701 H . SL Grant« Pass To make your dollar go farthest, Select a reliable business establishment. The business and profes­ sional men listed in this directory are leaders in their respective lines. They guarantee their mer­ chandise which gives you assurance that you will be satisfied. When shopping, use this directory. J. W . C o p e la n d Y a rd s 4th and G Street« Grant« Pa»«. Ore C E M E N T - L U M B E R - DOORS Building M aterial« of All Kind» Get Y our F .H .A . Loan» T h ru U«— You Pay Like Rent ................................. “ “ “ “ “ “ v v i m i i i D in n i