V The Gold Hill News The Moet^Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Published in the Biggest Little Town in the State VOLUME XXXIX S o W hat Zfv Ye Editor GOLD HILL. OREGON. Junior Class Presents Play THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1937 Gold Hill Grange Officers for 1936 NUMBER i INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF ELLA PATRICK Banquet Given By Garden Club Mrs Ella Patrick who was born in Stockton, California, caine to this section in 1880. She with her par­ ANNUAL DINNER AND ENTER­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths and her TAINMENT IS ENJOYED SCHOOL GYM brothers and sTstvrs settled at Rock MONDAY EVENING Point and took up a homestead on "A Lillie Clodhopper” comes fo Sardine Creek. More than 75 people enjoyed the town Friday night tit 8.00 p. m. The trip from Stockton to Rock annual Garden club dinner in the with a slur coat und featured artists Point was made with two 4-horse Odd Fellows bail Monday evening, for hrlwecn-uct specialties when the ¡earns and took about a month. The which celebrated the fifth birthday Juniors present their pluy at the family passed right through where of the Gold Hill organization, high school gymnasium, l'ho oust in­ Gold Hill nos^| stands, it being all (iuests were husbands of club mem­ cludes the following players: •all timber, such as pine and fir. bers, teachers in the Gold Hill Judy Elliott, Mildred .Smith. Through this valley there were verv school and other invited guests. Septimus Green, Ixivernc Walked. few places where two teams could Places were laid at four long Julietta Green, llaxel Kendall. pass on the road. tables decorated with bridal wreath Ocey Gump, Harry Fredrick. Front Bow: Lindy Krause, substitute for Marjorie Pena, le c ­ In 1880 when the Griffiths family and narcissis and daffodils. Charinian Carter, Meri Kendall. turer; Ola Croft, Chaplain; E. C. Fiene, Muster; Florence E. Howes, arrived here the old buildings of Geòrgie Chiggerson, I.eonurd Kell Mrs. Walter Bower, retiring pres­ secretary; Wm. Ferguson, substitute for Earl Croft, Overseer. t he Dardenell were still standing. Mrs. Chiggerson Boggs, Bosa De- ident, acted as toastmistress, and They were where the Bill Hittle Second Bow: Sylvia Croft, Lady Assistant Steward; Lucy Ed- presented the new officers, who siminl. cherry orchard now stands. The old ington, Flora; Wm. Howes, gatekeeper; Everett Bosecrans, Assist­ are Mrs. H. D. Force, president; Of special interest will he the .entenial bridge which crossed ant Steward. costumes of the 1900 period which Mrs. Bertha Kuikman, vice presi­ Bogue River just above «be present dent; Mrs. George Dorman, secre­ have been genprously loaned by Ttiird Bow: Charles Cray, chairman of executive committee; railroad bridge was a toll bridge. II members of the community. The tary, Mrs. W. C. McLean, treasurer Wilbur Martin and Jesse Fish, finance committee; Herb Bosecrans, was built in 1876. At this time the stage set has been designed to re­ and Mrs Fay Harris, librarian and substitute for Soren Christensen, Steward. stage roach was running through historian. The follwing poem wus written create as nearly us possible the from Bedding to Roseburg. There Fourth Bow: Vernice Martin, substitute for Kennethea Kegg, about the Junior Cluss piny to be same period ami the entire play is Mrs. Bower outlined the past was no train between these two years activities in a short talk fol­ Pomona; Hazel Fish, substitute for Carolyn Kictcr, chairman H. E. presented this Friday, April 10: to he given in the mood of the turn points. The stages used to go down C.; Bui uh Bosecrans, substitute for Nina Croft, Seres; Minnie I. of the century theatre, with special­ lowing the dinner. Mayor Cleo “Alas, there is a villuiness Fiene, treasurer. he other side of the river and cros«. ties between acts, costumed ushers, Gilchrist responded with a talk, With deep and dark design, cd the bridge at Bock Point. elaborate programs, and the music congratulating the club on their ac­ A very haughty villuiness In 1882 when the first railroad nt thirty five years ago. tivities in the past. Mrs. Bud Force, With smooth and silky line; Beaver Baseball Players Health Unit Meets At was surveyed the officials tried to incoming president was presented The play is l«i«l in "Mizzoury" Against our little Judy Home of Mrs. Lively Lose To Grants Pass get the land at Bock Point and build with flowers and said a few words and concerns the fate of the ‘‘Little She plots the deepest scheme, their station there. The owners held Clodhopper,** a wuif from the poor While dinner was being served, lint just when rlouds are blackest The ('.old Hill division of the the price up and when Thomas Cav In u close seven-inning game the ¡loose, and the efforts of Mrs. Chig (iolit Hill high school baseball Jackson County Health Association Miss"Thyllis Miller played several The hero comes to beam parson Boggs to hire her us a maid, team lost to the (»rants Pass team held its April meeting on Tuesday, nier who owned the land here, of­ selections at the piano. Later the Upon our little Judy marry her to George, anil reap the last Friday 5 to 2. The game was April 13, at ttie home of Mrs. J. M. fered to donate the site to the rail­ program was opened with commun­ And claim her for his bride. road company, they took up his of­ rewards of a fortunp. Ocey and played on the Climate Ci'y dia­ And the villaincss, remorseful, Lively. Reports from committees fer .Mr. Cavnier gave every other lot ity singing. Other numbers were, Julietta, as the back-country bride Goes to work with humbled prid< mond. Batteries for Gold Hill were showed much good had been done to the railroad company and kept piano solo by Miss Mitchell, “Ah and groom, provide real comedy, Korth and Ix-o Walker to MulHn. by the sale of the T. B. stamps and the other lots for his own use. The Sweet Mystery of Life”: original A kidnapper confined in the city while Septimus Green, the enter­ Kenneth Ward brought in the the making and distributing of quilts de|>ot which was the present freight poem dedicated to Garden club husbands, Mrs. Carl Boutb; truinp- jail of Buenos Aires hung himself prising young book salesman be­ first run for Gold Hill in the first and garments. part was on the south side of the before his trial came up. The idej comes a most entertaining hero, nnd inning. He was walked to first Refreshments of tea and cake t ^ x J B U Jacoby was .he f.rst . O - f ^ H e Z ^ H ^ Z S t a S has niertf. Just think what a lot of tiw romance of (Scorge. the knittinx when hit by a pitched ball and hit Were served by the hostess, a fte r ral'agent Long Ago,** sextet of boys; reading, money the taxpayers saved by he hoy wonder, and Charmian, the In­ ihe home suck on a single by Mull­ which the meeting was given over Medford was started soon after genue actress, adds more laughs. ing spared an expensive trial. in. Lents brought in the other run to Mrs. Millie Walker who gave a Gold Hill in much the same wav. Betty Shoemaker; duet. Mr. and The between act spieiulties are by in the fifth inning. He singled, stole most interesting (aik on posture, The railroad company tried to lo­ Mrs. Dennis McGuire; piano solo, Ask any young man to hold • six the foremost entertainers available. Io second und third and completed compiled mostly from the magazine cate at Central Point but here too Phyllis Miller; vocal solo, Mrs. L. T. months old baby and he will pro­ Elwyn B. Knapp, ventriloquist ex­ the rounds when the pitcher threw Hygeia, a subscription gift to the the land was too high, so the offic­ Cook; selection by Mr. and Mrs. test thnt he doesn’t know anything traordinary, will be featured in the hall into the stands. unit from the Health association. ials located at Medford. Ashland Skeeters and community singing. Following the program the rest about holding six months old babies answering a series of questions ask Grunts Pass got four of their Mrs. Jean Boye. Mrs. Walker and was a thriving town of about 1000 but if the baby is sixteen years old­ cd from the audience. There will runs in the fourth inning and their Miss Helen Parish acted as demon­ people at this time. The next stage of the evening was spent dancing er the same young fellow will in he a girl's trio, a boy’s singing and fifth run in the fifth inning. strators for thw exercises necessary stop was at Gasburg, the present with Mr. and Mrs. Skeeters of Med­ sist that he know’s all about how dancing team, a featured dancer, and Deal of Grants Pass officiated. for good posture. site of Phoenix. Jacksonville wax ford furnishing the music. selections by the high school band she should be held. The next meeting of Ihe unit will the metropolis of southern Oregon. You will not want to miss this NEWS HAS BIRTHDAY SAVE MONEY - SAVE LIVES be at ihe home of Mrs. Carolyn Rio­ The first building in Gold Hilt The gas explosion that wrecked unique entertainment. Tickets cm ter on May 4th. was the one which housed The Del­ With this issue the Gold Hill It would take policemen the school building at New London. he obtained from nny member of Those present were Mesdames ta until several years ago. It was On every corner Texas nnd took the lives of 455 chil­ Ihe Junior class or purchased at the Lucy Ellington. Ruby Whitmore, Ag­ built by Mr. Pogue and was a gen­ News enters its 39th year of contin­ To stop cureless drivers. dren is easily the greatest single door. nes Bower, Marjorie Pena, Florence eral store. The second building to be uous publication. The News was es­ Let’s gel together tragedy that has occurred in th< E. Howes, W. F. Boye, Jean Boye, finished was the present section tablished in 1889 by T. K. Roberts. AB together history of this nation. The blight­ Charles Smith Marries Carolyn Hicter, Millie Walker, Emily house. The first dwelling house was It was then located in the old Ray And cut down the fatalities. ing effect of such a tragedy upon a Lively and Miss Helen Parish. Prospect Girl Saturday FARMERS where the copco sub-station now building which stood on the corner A FRUITGROWERS community i* something thut can stands and Ihe second residence beside the Ben Paul home. Mr. Ham- BANK scarcely be imagined. Not many Lou I.ingren and son Glenn left was the present home of Mrs. Ella inerslc, uncle of George Hammersly Charles Smith, son of Mr. and was the second owner of the paper persons slop to think however, that Mrs. J. U. Smith of Sardine Creek Mem ber Federal Deposit In *. Corp. for Pasadena. California Tuesday. Patrick. It was built in 1887 or 1888. and a Mr. Churchill was the third ten times as many children are kill­ wus murried last Saturday Io Miss Mrs. Patrick taught her firs» publisher. ed each year in highway accidents Esther Chamberlin of Prospect. The school at Rock Point and John as were killed in the school house ceremony was performed in Med­ Hays and LiTTy McKay were in her explosion In the illfuted New Lon­ ford. first class. She also taught the first don. Many of these highway acci­ The young couple will make their school that was established in Gobi dents are due to carelessness and home at Prospect for the present Hill nbout 1884 in an old building everyone thnt takes the life of a where Mr. Smith is employed in a where Ihe Opera house later stood. Bl D SNYDER measuring out child causes the same degree of sawmill. She taught all 8 grades and three grief In some family circle that vis­ Mr. Smith is well known in Gold months of school were held in the just the right amount of tobacco in his hand to fill his pipe and then ited the families of the hapless chil­ Hill nnd is n graduate of the high spring and three in the fall. dren in the Texus school district. school here. The next school was where the discovering that he was smoking a cigar. Newell brothers now live. The fol­ Grange Card Party lowing year school was held in the Past Noble Grands Club OSCAR SHEPHERD taking the church which was located whe^e Draws Good Attendance Meets At Chas. Gray Home traveling prize at 500 at the card the Tom West home now stands. The first real school was on the party. He moved five times around Over fifty people gathered nt tin The members of the Past Noble the same table. present site-of the Douglas Camer­ Grange hall last Friday evening for Grands club met Thursday afternoon on home. In 1895 the present city the card party sponsored by that April 8 at the home of Mrs. Chas. CLARENCE COOK joining the hall was built for a school und the organisation. 500 and bridge were Gray in the Colony. Regular business ranks of the intelligent in Gold Hill old building was moved down and played throughout the evening. was attended to nnd a social hour and buying himself a new 1937 V-8. used for the primary rooms, ft is High men’s score for 500 was held enjoyed. To Be Presented as a Revival of the Theatre of tRe present library. J. H. Griffiths by Wm. Autenreith nnd high ladies Lovely refreshments were served HAZEL HOLDERNESS and CARL had the contract for building this by Mildred Duggan. High scores at Io Mesdames Etta Carter, Evelyn ROI TH dancing the “whatchya may 1900, with Special Scenery and Costumes. school. bridge went to Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. M. Thompson, Emma Haff. Alta Clem­ call it ’ at the Garden club dance. Mrs. Patrick says that her most Lively ent, Madge Dorman, Ada Cook, Del­ thrilling Experience was when they At the close of the evening re­ ia Kell, Belle Smith, Elinor Force, DON DUNGEY staying dressed ADULTS — 25c were moving into this country in up all day Sunday in hopes Miss CHILDREN — 15c freshments of doughnuts and coffee Pearl Ferguson, Ethel Martin and 1800. They were on the Siskiyou Sharp’s sister would be visiting in were served. Ihe hostess. mountains and had to turn out to Gold Hill. let two 6 horse teams pass. There MONTANA MAVERICS TO I O. O. F. LODGE NEWS were bells on the leaders so you ENTERTAIN HERE APRIL 23 (By Toney Ross., Sec.) BILL FERGUSON bemoaning the could hear them coming for sev­ fact that he missed the one chance eral miles. It fairly toTik your of his life to make the headlines The Boy .Scouts arc bringing the Those who will represent Gold Montana Maverics, cowboy enter­ Hill Lodge No. 129 id the Grand breath away to watch them dash with a young lady. A mistake in tainers, in person, to the school Lodge in Portland May 19th to 24th past. It was one of the beautiful Ihe News gave the credit for ap­ gymnasium, Friday evening, April arc H. D. Force and Wm. Ferguson. sights that passed with the coming pearing in a Grange play to his 23, the show Io open at 8:00 p. m. of the railroad and Inter the auto­ wife. So fnr we have had no notice of mobiles. There will be trick nnd fancy rop­ n visitation from the Grand Master ing, cowboy songs and rangeland hut hope to hear soon. 0 . H. MILLER “sitting down and High School Gym drama. In addition, motion pictures FAIR BOARD MEETING Medford Lodge No. 83 invites the crying just like an old man on the of the Pendleton Boundup will he Odd Fellows nnd Rebekahs of Gold curb" when he lost a dice game and This Monday evening, April 19, had to go and load wood. shown. Produced by special arrangement with Hill to attend a special service at the fair board for the northwest the Christian Church on Sunday F. S. Denison and Company Mrs. Mniftle Hohinson nnd Miss morning, April 25. Everybody is to Jackson county fair will meet pt TOM ROBINSON remarking that Virginia King of Wimer visited with meet at Ihe I.O.O.F. hall at 10:39 the city hall. All committee chair­ the Junior play is sure going to be the Coy fam ily Tuesday evening. men and members of the board are good. He even escorted one of the a. m. and go from there in ■ body. urged to attend. young ladiej to practice one n ig h t Mrs. Curl Routh puls her l«lea ol the Garden club banquet into (hr following poem: Onre more the yeur bus rolled ■round, And giithered here again The Indies of the Carden Club Have come Io bed llie lr men. All year the thought bus been of flowers,