Thursday, April 8, 19.‘ we caUed the Camp. It Is one of With that sixth sense we all pos­ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhlillllllllllllllHII the most beautifully constructed log sess and which, in that strange in­ i houses I have ever seen. It con­ terval of my life, seemed to hava sists of a big living-room, bedrooms doubled on itself, I became aware and a kitchen; an eU at one side In presently of sounds from the Spin­ which lived Adah and Berry, As ney. Presently Sarah Darbe came came around to the broad front into the room I said, "There's piazza, I saw that Bruce was sit­ somebody in the Spinney, Sarah. By Lemuel F. Ferien ting out in front, reading his Bible. Who do you suppose it is?" Bruce sat at a big, broad, bare “ I t ’s M r. HopestiU and Miss table. He wore one of the tow- Prentiss, Mrs. Avery," Sarah an­ colored smocks with the brown cor­ swered. "They're there all the When Floods Subside duroy trousers in which he always time. I suppose they’re still hunt­ ^ 3 EW YORK.—Two men in dressed at camp. His folded arms ing for clues.” were resting on the table and over the news this week attest "How's Bessie this morning?" I 1 In ez H a y n e s Irwin them his absorbed eyes were read­ asked Sarah. the fact that floods subside and ing from his big, worn, brown calf- " I don't think she slept very weU wars end. It was only a few covered Bible. That Bible accom­ last night, Mrs. A very.” Copyriaht Io n H ito n Irviä weeks ago that Churchiil Downs panied Bruce wherever he went. " I 'l l go out and see her now, Once I took it up and examined said decisively. was a disrrtal swamp.. And now W N U S erri» it; it had I think the most beauti Bessie was busy with breakfast the Kentucky derby, fanfare is ful print I had ever seen. I stopped dishes. Shocking as had her ap­ for an instant watching Bruce. As pearance seemed to me the day on again, with the purse upped though there was something hyp­ before, it was doubly shocking to­ $50,000 and the durable Colonel notic in my gaze, suddenly he lifted day. Had that gray, ironed face Matt Winn taking bows for hav­ MONDAY—Continued his eyes from the book, turned ever shown a sparkle, a dimple, a ing lined up again all the truly " I ’ll promise to do that,” I them in my direction. I shaU al­ smile? “ Bessie,” I began at once, illustrious three-year-olds in the And agreed. "And what have you been ways remember what a pang went "you look tired to death.” through me when his gaze, encom­ then as though Sarah had said country, flood or no flood. doing, HopestillT” O l’ Man River backs away, and "Oh—tennis, swimming,” he an­ passing me, grew soft with affec­ nothing to me, “ Do you sleep tion. well?” * there is assured a braver flare of swered, adding a little evasively, "WeU, M ary,” he exclaimed, ris­ Not so very well. Mrs. A very,” silks and trumpets than ever before, “a lot of things. Caro Prentiss is ing, "how glad I am to see you!” Bessie answered. as the pastures grow green again a swell kid, isn't she?” M y heart began to flutter. I did 'It’s the shock, Bessie,” I ex­ in Wall street and Kentucky, “ Yes. I like her better than any This will be Colonel Winn's sixty- other young girl who’s come to not like the job before me “ What plained it to her. “ I feel better but have you been reading, Bruce?” I am by no means myself yet. So third Kentucky derby. He saw his Satuit. She has a quality." I asked. don t be surprised that you are so first one in 1875, won by a little "And what a face!” HopestiU “The Psalms. They are my com­ broken." red horse called Aristides. He was added. "Figure — personality— fort always. Let me read you!” "No, Mrs. A very,” Bessie said a grocer's boy, watching the race charm—she’s got everything. And Thereupon he read the Twenty- stonily, “ it doesn't surprise m e.” from the tailboard of his employer's such vitality and strength!" third Psalm. "Bessie,” I suggested, “ would cart. " I ’m glad you’re enjoying her so Of course I know the Twenty- you like to go away for a week or much,” I commented. Being a romantic Irish lad. the third Psalm. I know it by heart. two? I think a change would do After luncheon the telephone excitement never stopped boiling. I have read it numberless times. I you good.” rang. " It ’s Mrs. Thelford, Mrs After that, he never could keep his had heard it read numberless Bessie's steely mask flared with mind on his groceries. He has had Avery,” Sarah Darbe informed me. times. But that day, sitting on the panic. “ Oh no, Mrs. A very!” she I had never liked Brenda Thel­ many a run-around in the racing remonstrated in a frightened voice. business, but. at seventy-five, he ford—Aces cousin. But I knew that "Oh no! I don’t want to go away of course I must call upon her. I isn't the least bit track-sore. As pres­ from here. I can’t go away from ident of the Kentucky Jockey club felt a little mortified that she was here. 1 can't—I can 't!" asking help of me before I volun­ and executive director of Churchill “ You don't have to go. Bessie,” Downs, he rides recurrent floods teered it. "How do you do, Mrs. I soothed, “ if you don’t want to like Noah and always finds dry land. Thelford,” I began. " I feel fright­ go. But somehow, I thought you'd fully to think that you have had to In ltX)7, the late James Butler like a change.” telephone me. I had every inten­ opened the Em pire City track, but Again panic flared in Bessie. tion of calling you as soon as I the nabobs of racing hereabouts "But I'm going to ask Doctor refused to recognize it. Mr. Butler came back to normal. I ’ve just Geary to call today,” I promised signed up Colonel Winn to run it. In crawled to the point where I could hastily. “ H e’U give you something eight months it was given full recog- take a little walk this morning.” that will m ake you sleep.” “Quite!” came Brenda Thelford’s i nition. “ I ’d like that, Mrs. A very,” Bes­ frigid, correct voice. “ I perfectly When Charles Evans Hughes sie declared almost inaudibly. understand. I wonder you are not I had scarcely finished telephon­ squelched racing in New York state. a raving maniac. And of course • • I M G LAD I'm not on the serv- Armscye and neck edges of jum p­ ing the Geary house when the po- [ '! Colonel Winn tried his fortune in 1 ing committee this week/* er require 2H yards of 1H inch I ’ ve been very busy myself." racing and management at Juarez, lice car curved into the drive. muses Mrs. Smith of Walnut bias facing. It must be a dreadful business Mexico, with unhappy results. He "Take me where we can talk for you,” I murmured. street, as she takes stock of hep Pattern 1228 Is for sizes 14 te alone. M a ry ,” Patrick said. I led relumed to Kentucky, where he just " It is. Fortunately with so many self in the m irror preparatory to 20 (32 to 42 bust). Size 18 re­ naturally belongs, and now he just him to the piazza which looked to­ deaths in my own fam ily. I ’ve had leaving for the church supper. " I quires 3% yards of 35 inch ma­ ward the Spinney. “ By God. M ary. about runs racing in Kentucky and look entirely too swell for me— terial. some experience in this sort of Illinois. He is president of the Amer­ I m in a ja m !” Patrick said as he thing. But I ’ve called you up, Mrs. why, I'm almost excited 1 I al New Pattern Book. ican T u rf association, which con­ seated himself in the broad Glou­ Avery, to ask a great favor of you. ways knew surplice waists were Send for the Barbara Bell trols not only Churchill Downs, but cester hammock. “ I might have It wasn’t until yesterday afternoon becoming, but how becoming I Spring urid Summer Pattern also the tracks of Chicago and Laur­ to arrest M argaret Fairw eather. el, Md. that it occurred to Sam Chess that never knew till now. That little Book. Make yout%elf attractive, And anyway, I ’ve got to put a deceptiveness is just what I need, practical and becoming clothes, we ought to notify Bruce Hexson of The years paw at the Colonel’s watch on her house." Ace’s death. I told Sam to call and these sleeves are the most selecting designs from the Bar­ robust person the way the river 'Oh not” burst from me invol­ him up on the telephone. He tried comfortable things! If about half bara Bell well-planned easy-to- paws at the track. So far. neither untarily. to get him at intervals all day. our circle wore dresses like this make patterns. Interesting and has won a decision. The Godolphin That's the way I feel about it!" Then we gave it up. Sam felt that it would be better for all con­ exclusive fashions for little chil­ Arab, ancestor of all the Bangtails, Patrick commented grimly. he knew what had happened. Bruce cerned; so many of us have out­ dren and the difficult junior age; was never more alive than the white " It would kill Flora if M argaret Hexson often takes his two servants grown the tailored streamlined slenderizing, well-cut patterns tor haired Colonel Winn, with his genial, was arrested.” —I've forgotten their names------” styles. Now, Mrs. White for in­ the mature figure; afternoon round face, up-tilted Irish nose and stance—” “ That’s the way I feel about it, "Adah and B erry,” I informed dresses for the most particular "How Glad I Am to See Ton!” bright, twinkling eyes. her. Patrick repeated, more grim ly young women and matrons and Enter an Adm irer. "Yea. He often takes them up little rough porch of Ace’s log cab­ still. other patterns for special occa­ "W hy Mother, you look de-love­ Proof the War is Over. “ Queer I never thought of her the river to Ace’s island camp for in and looking off at the tranquil ly in that shade of blue! And you sions are all to be found in the the week-end. There's no telephone sea, I really heard it for the first when Tony told me about the tall I T IS D r. W illiam R. Valentiner, look real stylish, too—you ought Barbara Bell Pattern Book. Send there. Sam thought they’d come time because it was the first time woman in dark clothes. You thought 1 curator of the Detroit Insti­ 15 cents (in coins) today tor your to be going to a Coronation.” tute of Art, who provides this of her at once, didn't you?” back this morning. They did, but I ever saw it. "Oh, I ’d much prefer the church copy. Bruce’s voice always deep—what not until fifteen minutes ago. At first I did not reply. Then I week’s reminder that the war's over. Send your order to The Sewing supper, dear. I'll be a somebody Somebody’s got to break the news with emphasis and stress— grows said, “ How did you know that?” As one of the most authoritative and Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New there in my new dress but at a of Ace s death to Bruce Hexson. sonorous when it touches Holy Writ. "Because later, when I thought highly respected art critics of the Coronation I would be little po­ Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, I ’ll be up to my ears in work, get­ Somehow with that roll of the in­ of it myself, I could remember country, he passes as authentic the tatoes. By the way, what did they Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) ting ready for the funeral. I can­ coming waves below as a steady your face. I realized that you’d lost Rembrandt “ Juno” portrait, say about your new jum per at edch. accompaniment, the thought of it. Not that either of us which arrived ifi New York recently. not very well spare the time to underlying e Bell Syndic. I«.— WNU Scrvlc. school?” Seventeen years ago, there was drive over to the camp and I sim­ Biblical words seemed to take on a said anything.” "M other, I meant to tell you. Per­ ply cannot bring myself to tell him stupendous impressiveness. He paused for a moment. "P e r­ considerable public concern as to M ary Jane and Betty are both go­ over the telephone. I wondered if haps all words are empty vessels; haps I could fix it to let Margaret whether D r. Valentiner should be ing to coax their mothers to make you----- ” we fill tnem with wfliatcver essence stay in her own home for a while. allowed to return to this country. one just like it. I said maybe you M y heart sank. "O f course I we have of mind, of heart, of soul. I could detail a car to saunter up This w riter dredged up a most in­ would loan them the pattern B U C K LEAF 4 0 ' will, Mrs. Thelford,” I answered. Bruce filled the words of the Twen and down the cliff—without rais­ temperate editorial on that subject would you?” Keeps D eft A n y fro a —Yellow with age and strangely un­ ‘T i l go at once.” ty-third Psalm until they brimmed ing suspicion, I guess.” («rTzreenx.ShfMhxele. “ Why of course. Did you tell real in the world of today. He closed the book. “ I t ’s too "Oh thank you, thank you,” she "But you haven’t any real evi­ them it took me only two after­ answered, the stress of a great re­ early for tea, M ary. Can Adah dence on M argaret,” I remonstrat­ Dr. Valentiner, frock-coated and noons to make yours including lief in her voice. bring you a cool drink—a temper­ ed. dignified curator of decorative arts two blouses?’* ance drink,” he reminded me. at the Metropolitan museum, had I had said yes quickly enough, " It is a little negative. I ’ll ad­ E nter "The Duchess.” I was not conscious of being been in Germany when the war for there was nothing else to do. mit. But here you are. No woman We Underrate "Sis, you’re pretty young to be But the moment I put the receiv­ thirsty but I had a cowardly de­ left the masquerade until long aft' started. He remained to fight for I have somewhere heard it is a talking about clothes so intelli­ er back, cowardice enveloped me. sire to put off the fatal moment. er midnight—with the exception of Germany. He was an artillerym an, gently. When you get a figure m axim that those to whom every­ “ Yes,” I answered. " I'd like Molly Eames— Molly Treadway, I twice decorated. It seemed a task too terrific for that clothes really count on— body allows the second place, my over-wrought nerves. I said some of your delicious root beer.’ mean. Molly left with Walter. No He wrote happily to his confreres ahem, like Yours T ru ly ’s for in­ have an undoubted title to the Bruce reached up toward the roof other woman came over to the at the museum that his elevation nothing to HopestiU about my er­ first.—Swift. stance; then it might be different rand to Bruce Hexson; for I knew of the piazza, tugged at a hanging Head that night. There was no to the rank of vice-sergeant major —oh Mother, how nice! I ’m crazy rope. Inside somewhere a bell it I told him where I was going, other woman at home that night on relieved him from currying his own about it. Gee, such sm art lines I Presently Adah appeared. the Head—except Flora and M a r­ horse. he would insist on accompanying rang. He resigned from th e Remember, you promised to help me. And for Bruce Hexscn’s sake, Bruce gave his order. Adah van­ garet Fairw eather and Hannah. museum when we entered the war. me with a new party frock next I did not want any onlookers at ished and reappeared with a foam a x i M a s s a ' . s a i s Before coming to America, he had One of my men called with his wife week it I did well with this shirt- ing Wedgewood pitcher. Moving on Hannah last night. He called, attained distinction as a curator at the scene. What I did say was waister. I wish all dresses were “ HopestiU, I think I ’U take a Uttle with her noiseless speed, she filled of course, because I sent him, but the Hague and at the Royal mu­ as easy to sew aad as swell to drive alone. I think it wiU do me a glass for me and one for Bruce. Hannah doesn't know that. N atur­ seums of Berlin. He became one of wear as it is.” good.” Presently Bruce put his glass ally they talked about nothing but the world authorities on Rembrandt. HAVE FfCOGNFZFD M PIT "P erfectly cut patterns spell “I think it wiU be good medi­ down. He looked at me a little the murder. He established that He contends that, of the 175 sup­ success for any frock, K ay; your cine, Aunt M ary,” he, to my great questioningly I thought. Hannah spent the whole evening posed Rembrandts in the United party dress is as good as made "Bruce,” I said, in a trembling with Flora. M argaret slept, as she States and Canada, only forty-eight reUef, approved. right now. But I must be on my I was glad that the road to camp voice, " I ’ve come with bad news. frequently does, downstairs on the are genuine — incidentally, worth way or I ’ll be more than fashion­ I ’ve got something dreadful and porch. Hannah said that M argaret $50,000,000, as "tim e and the riv e r” did not go through the vUlage ably late for the affair. Bye, bye did not feel like seeing people. At something heartbreakingly sad to went to bed early because she was roll on for 350 years. —be good girls and see that Dad the cross-roads. I turned to the left tell you.” so tired. Hannah sleeps on the dy gets something to eat.” "M y dear friend,” he abjured me porch outside F lo ra’s chamber. and followed Bradford street. Campos the Conqueror gently, "tell m e!” The Patterns. Now as soon as Hannah was asleep A few cars, carrying friends, A N O TH ER Harvard man in the Bruce—oh dear, dear Bruce, why couldn’t M argaret have slipped Pattern 1288 is for sizes 38 to passed; a few pedestrians were news— also in ja il. The incar­ it’s Ace. Ace is dead. I t is more out quietly from the piazza to meet 52. Size 38 requires 5V« yards of sauntering along the earth side­ cerated Pedro Albizu Campos has awful than that. He was murdered. 39 inch m aterial. Ace Blaikie in the Spinney?” walks. Fam iliar faces—swift as been the spark plug, or main irri­ He was murdered the night of Mat- Pattern 1998 is for sizes 6 to 14 “ But what would she want were the nods and glances we gave tie Stow’« masquerade. He wore a to meet Ace for?” I queried me­ tant, of the incipient revolution in years. Size 8 requires 1% yards one another—showed me, more Puerto Rico, flaring up again at San of 39 inch m aterial for the jum per definitely than anything yet, what a costume of a Roman soldier and he chanically. Juan with seven killed and fifty was found dead, stabbed to death and l H yards for the blouse pall lay over the town. Patrick did not answer me. But injured. by his own short sword, in my I was glad when the road, pull­ Spinney.” he looked at me. I made no com­ A wavy-haired mulatto with Valen­ ing away from the town, puUing I could not look at Bruce Hexson. ment. But I looked at him. Un­ tino sideburns, pearl-button shoes away from the houses, pulling said things began to whirl in the closed my eyes for an instant. and a Harvard degree, he has as­ away even from the wine-glass For that interval, there was com­ air about us. And then I heard pired to become the Henri Chris­ elms which guarded it, became plete silence. Then a strange sound an automobile crunching up the tophe of Latin America, spilling more and more rustic, more and pulled my eyelids up. I hope I drive. A K d y comas to sesquipedalian words over eleven more solitary. “ Miss Fairw eather is here, Mrs. countries. His father was a Basque never hear that sound again. I clean our house. A fter a few miles of this, I turned hope I never see that sight again. A very,” Sarah Darbe announced and his mother Spanish, Negroid and from the doorway. “ She says she into a road, little more than a lane, W ho bothers m e a. Bruce Hexson had turned to the Indian. He is frail in physique, of which wound in a humpy, rutty table, had dropped his head on would like to see you and M r cafe con leche coloring, passionately lo t, curve off to the left and toward the his folded arms, was sobbing— O’Brien.” intense and racked with patriotic M y thoughts began to spin. I fervor. ocean. I t ended presently in a the great hoarse, racking sobs of 5o sc o rn fu lly she made up my mind to say nothing cleared space. I stopped the car uncontrolled male agony. Last month, the nationalist party, tajrds eround about Hannah's nap. and got out. leading the present agitation for In­ fTO BF. CONTINUED) Ace’s camp lay fully revealed as W het little TUESDAY dependence, again elected him pres­ I crossed the expanse of shorn ident. Several years ago, he started thinds Iv e meadow which surrounded it. Diet of Ostriches I slept a little that night. 1 got The ostrich's diet is almost his movement with a black shirt Ace had always known in­ up at the regular hour, ate my dot. arm y with wooden guns. His arrest stinctively what beauty was. He breakfast with HopestiU and Sylvia. wholly vegetable, consisting ol *A.TC—l and tria l for sedition, with seven had hired a p air of Maine guides Soon after breakfast, HopestiU left seeds, fruits and grasses. Eggs and others last July, hut kept Puerto to m ake the two-story log cabin— for this morning game of tennis with insects are rarely eaten. They swal­ Rico boiling ever since. low small stones and gravel to aid log-house, I should call it—which Caro Prentiss. C Consolidated News Features. digestion. W HO’S NEWS THIS WEEK... From Perfectly Cut PattemsJ ............. m m ,, imimmmmmmniimmmi DOGS fo r colds Salieen Tablets THE CHEERFUL CflESUB W N U Service C epyrlekt—WNU •errlee.