THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 Th« Gold HiH Nww», Gold Hill, Oregon THE QOLD HILL NEWS than 23.000 of the nation's insane and feeble-minded have been ster­ ilised, more than half of whom are women. Established 1897 Published by Mac*« Printing Co. Certain groups are agitating an W A L L A C E G. IV E R S O N , E d ito r a n d B u s in e ss M a n a g e r exemption from taxation of 93000 for a homestead. The move is op­ posed by farm groups since, unless A n In d e p e n d e n t N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e d in th e I n te r e s t s ol a similar exemption is extended to the farmer, the extra burden of tax­ G old H ill, O re g o n , a n d V ic in ity ation that the city man would es­ cape would be (brown back upon PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Ihe farms. In one slate in which this is proposed il is estimated that Entered at the Postoffice at Gold H ill, Oregon, for transmission through such an exemption would result in the mails as second-class matter. a valuation loss of over 9150.000,000 hat would have to he absorbed by A dvertising rates on ap p lican o i other property. Subscription $1.50 a year in advance ' live is a country that has been built INKLINGS— up by others that communists. John Hamilton has been rhosen as National chairman of the KepubL- can party at a salary of *'(5,000 a year. A condition that is not empha­ Everything has its drawbacks. sised in the contract is that H am il­ One of the prices of fume is being ton has to collect the money iro n pursued by reporters, photograph­ which the salary w ill be paid. ers and interviewers who dog one's foots.eps and give one the feeling A sales tax is a nuisance, but of being constantly spied upon. No when people want things that the one but a petty mind can enjoy such regular sources of income w ill no constant publicity. provide they are w illing to put up Bits of this and that gleaned from everywhere. The new H itler code «•r ikes ut a .ital spot in Ihe building of a su- »erior race when it announces ster­ ilisation of unfit persons as u national policy. Mawkish sentiment may shrink from such a procedure but the final facts are that any na­ tion that has Ihe courage to adopt such a policy is going Io profit from il. There is as little sense in permit ing unfit and inefficient humans to multiply and roll up costs against Ihe public for their support as there would he in Ihe production of worthless live slock. with some inconvenience to secure The war has been going on in I the money. Spain for seven months. Thousands I of people have been killed, hundreds I The fact that the president of the of thousands of dollars worth of Cuban senate drew his gun and property has been destroyed and threatened to k ill the first senator cities that have been years in build­ who fired a shot, indicates that one K A ) M O M » P IT U A IK N ing have been blasted by artillery. of the requirements of successful j Still nothing has been decided. If leadership in that body is the abil­ . 'irntinrl* ol 'h r K r /iu k lir the w ar is continued for a year or ity to draw first. The American peop;.- nave rec.ntly two or five years nothing w ill be n.-ard from Washington a statement decided. Wars never decide any- 1 Every community should attempt which they can greet with a whole­ thing except which side is Ihe at least one thing each year that hearted welcome strongest, which after all is often w ill add to its desirability as a It Is the assurance that a Balanced not at all important. i place in which to live. By eonccn- Budset is actually in sight There are ditheultles in the way. ot --------- trating effort on one project at a The best way Io cure Ihe coni- i hme and stay ing w ith it until it is course Out every n i - s n with the wel­ fare of the nation nt heart will hope munists of communism would be tc 1 completed more can be accomplish- th a t these will be surmounted gather them all together on an Is- e(l antl better results attained than Whv’ land in Ihe middle of the ocean and would be possible if the effort is Because a Balanced Budget means >ar more than « m atter of bookkeeping let them practice on each other. The J spread out over several projects, routine --------- thing would die out in a short time, i It i an 'itter u government the Dene- The only place that communism can The best evidence that good ad- __ ____________ _____ ___________ Ivcrtising sell is the fact that the fit* which everv wage-earner and tMiuaer.tfe understands -nt living within most successful firms in this coun­ ts in"i>me try advertise. They advertise be­ It can lessen ne danger»- -which cause it sells their merchandise. If very farm ei a m mi .in man recog dm? have to be i es ol mnr ,• ' : ihe lu tu rr through it didn’t they would not spend a . to enjoy itcA whiskey! dollar in advertising. To sell, an ad­ e.Ktea* «CC'iinu ¡tlixp at debt,- to be ■aid out at tam ings n 'he »cars to vertisement must have thought put sum into it. It must tell something that But It can do still more interests the reader. If the reader It ran bring a reviva' it tha confi­ is interested he w ill read and if be dence which alone win -ics d up Am eri­ ca's latent capacity lot product' >n and reads he w ill buy. H In U t* Need A Balanced Budget According to the Literary Digest tw enty eight states of the United States have sterilization laws, most | of them enforced. To date more THE ONI C3NTAIHIHGW7ANIK Consumption a p nm ar requisite for arid « i o i rend re-employm ent ru Congress the lob may seem a nard on» But the course has been charted It demands definite steps toward economy in government -in ­ volving the paring-down ot swollen » U tlc a l payrolls reduction ol overlap­ ping bureaus insistence on a dollar's worth of vplue for every dollar spent from public fu ,ds and emphasis on efficiency ra 'h e i than «H r avagance In the adm inistration of relief All these policies are ol great value tn themsrlvex And if a sincere adher­ ence to them un the part of Congreaa ran bring a Balanced Budget, their value will be multiplied Franklin Delano Roosevelt horn January 30, 1882. CHRISTIAH SCIEWGF CHURCHES 1FE" was th» subject of th» “L‘ L • 1 a o n-S e r m o n In all Church«« of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, Jan. 17. The Oolden Text was, "The Lord Is the portion of mine Inheri­ tance and of tny cup: thou maln- talnest tuy lot . . . . Thou wilt shew tuo the path of life " (Pa. IS : I'. 11). Among the eltatlona which com­ prised the I.eston-?e.-mon was the following from the Bible: "And this la the record, that Cod hath given to ua eternal life, and this' life le In his Son" (1 John B: It). The Lesson-Sermon also Includ­ ed the following correlative pass­ ages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Kddv* "The under­ standing that Life Is God, Spirit, lengthens our days by strengthen­ ing our trust In the deathless re­ ality of Life, Its aluiightlneaa and ttnmortality . . . . That L ife Is God, Jesus proved by hie reap­ pearance after the crucifixion in strict accordance with his scien­ tific statement: 'Destroy this tem­ ple (body) and tn three days 1 (S p irit) w ill raise It up.' It It as If he had said: The I — the Life, substance, and Intelligence ot the universe— le not In matter to be destroyed" (pp. 487. 2 7 ). IN T E R E S T IN G NEW S FRO M H E R E A N D T H E R E Since 1899. Washington has ex­ trie«. Cuiineclig-ut la with a permanent cense piale. ex|M*riinrnling ceeded all other stales In shinglo automobile II- production. Of the total 1035 output of 4,407.808 squares, Washington produced 3,554.630 squares or 80 Pacific State« Lumber Importance 1« Shown per cent. Washington, Oregon and Cal­ ifornia produced nearly 42 per cent of the total lumber cut of the United States in 1035, according to lirrlim in ary figures of the Bureau of the Census, the Pacific North­ west forest experiment station an­ nounced this week. Of (lie 48 states. Washington ranked first in lumber production with a cut of 3,452,527,000 hoard feet. Oregon second with 3.145,237,000 bourn feet and California third with L- 355,713,000 feet. Produci ion for Ori­ gon and Washington showed an In ­ crease of 21 per rent above 1934. The total cui for Ihe United Stales in 1035 was 19.158*601.000 board feel. With the exception of 1014, Washington has ranked first In lumber produdinn every year since 1905, the experiment station points out. Oregon has held Ils present po­ sition since 1923. Of Ihe national cut in 19.35. south­ ern pine lumber totaled 5,741.117.- 000 board feet. Douglas fir 4,772.- 421.000 and ponderosa pine 2,525,- 949,000 board feel. You don't have to lie a mechante to tell whether or not sour brakes are working. Any cur driver can lest his brakes. If you cant see through your windshield, don’t drive. A good place Io park your cur when the streets are Icy ami slip­ pery Is at Inline in the garage. Most accident» are caused hv some one being in loo Ing a hurry. In nine cases mil of ten hurry is un­ necessary. Arthur Brisbane, news w riter, who died Christmas morning was City Cleaner« & Dyer« reputed to he the highest salaried Grants paaa newspaper w riter. His salary is said Caah & Carry oaves your 2» to have been 9260.000 a year. Suits cleaned and pressed 85c Nebraska is experimenting with a Dresses cleaned and pressed 85c unicameral or one house legislature Huts cleaned and blocked 75c this year. The experiment was put Phone 71 722 So. 6>h across by Senator George Norris. To get the proposition on the ballot in November il was necessary to se Flahnrty Realty Co. cure Ihe names of 60,000 voters on 227 West Main the petition. Instead of Ihe required 60.000 signatures 100,000 were secur­ We have listings in your com­ ed in a few days. Senator Norris munity. See us 'o buy nr sell financed out of his own personal Tel. 154 .Medford, Oregon funds the expense of circulating the petition. The Nebraska one hou legislature is the first of its kind in the United Stales. The proposition carried by 50,000 votes. Other states are watching Nebraska’s experimen w ith interest. Q p fo w fru f There are only four companies in the United States engaged in the 6O6E««H STxtfFO manufacture of glass eyes. It is esti­ ««ANTS etss oai mated that one out of every 300 per­ sons is a prospective customer for a glass eye. Prat lira I ly all glass for glass eyes comes from Lauscha, Cen­ tral Germany, and is made from a EDW. C. COATES formula discovered by Ludwig Mull er-U ri over 100 years ago. The form ­ AUTOM OBILE LOANS ula has been kepi secret by the de­ and INSURANCE scendents of its discoverer who have 60» So. Sixth St. — Grants Pass a close monopoly on the product. Practically all glass blowers engag­ ed in Ihe manufacture of glass eyes are German, there being only three F o r the Best Brakes and Lining American born. Custom "•■'de eyes or eyes made Io order cost from 915 S E E B E R N IE A T to 930. An expert van turn out a WIMERS Battery Shop finished eye in about an hour. Basketball, which originated in 624 8. 6th Phono 181 America forty-five years ago, is Grant« Pass now played in sixty foreign coun- Exide — Rex-Hide SAFETY SLOGANS JAPANESE OIL Hate ta V t AT r o l l H A IR A N O S C A L P ITS 4 tC4tF M &KIW fl Ht A tl. HM H W OAKI AI AM f r u t f f c h W Hb Hr r a f t M M Tbg TM » A M Tba Hair.*' H a u « ^ ««rate* 0a . k w Tart DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU’VE FIN IS H E D ORCSSINO R oyer T a h iti! D hnifeo A linoti _ In tta n tly £•' (T/ la S aae«>t*«A» by atep w a ic b . a f a a a la a HA Y KM A a r irla labte« M a rte ta dkaialagrate • a d < • la w a rb . D ro p a *lla y a r AagUrtn tobte l la« la a glaaa «»f w a te r H r lb« lias* I« bit« Ib a trai- I^«a a t Ib a glaaa it la d la ia la g r a t la g Ubai l a Ib te glaaa I raw« When you wake up with a head­ ache,