r (Mò l i l i 5îdw n . Mmt Itatol W w M y ta Smaltar» O r w , P«fclbh«l in «h. B i , , . . t L itü . Town JX U .t) IHLl-aORKGON, JAS. D. HEDGPETH LAID TO REST TUES. h «h. Stato THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1936 Re-Elected—A nd How! NUMBER 31 I STATE GOES REPUBLI­ June* D. Hcdgpeth of thia ctty, CAN EXCEPT FOR PRES. who died Saturday moriiiiig at |hc Swinging into line with the rest “**' of 74, was laid Io rest in SU of the nation this community voted Miyou Memorial park at Medford. overwhelmingly for P r e s Ident I iHMlay. Funeral services were held Roosevelt Tuesday. The state and "* Hie Conger chapel in that ciiy, county vote for other offices, how­ willi Dr. Sherman I.. Divine deliv­ ever, showed that voters were not ering Hie sermon. voting straight tickets. Mr. Hcdgpeth, who had resided in Although Oregon gave Roosevelt Cold llill for the Iasi IN years, had a 2 to 1 lead over his republican op­ hten in falling health for soim ponent, it reverted to its “normal­ • hue. but bi* | || n............. „ ||o , ly republican” status in the state lhougl.1 critical until shortly before offices with Senator Chas. L. Mc­ he entered Ihe hospital at Medford Nary defeating Willis E. Mahoney where mi operation was found nec­ with a slight margin; James W. essary. Ueeause of his advanced Molt winning a two to one victory “**'• he was unable to rally. New» over Kirkpatrick for congressman of his passing came as a shock to in this district; and Holman and his uiuiiy friends here. Van Winkle, both republicans, re­ Mr. Hcdgpeth was born near St turning to their jobs of treasurer I.ouis. Missouri, in iNtil and caiue and attorney general respectively, west when five years old, with his by wide margins. parents and Ihe Mayfields by os The eight referendum measures team. The family settled in Linn were all turned down decisively. county, which was his borne lor Jackson county as a whole, fol­ about 38 years. In 1904 he caiue lowed the state trend, with the ex­ IO Jackson county where he has ception of one of the two state rep­ since resided. He was a member of resentatives posts, and the office the Presbyterian church in Ashland of county treasurer. for thirty years, and was active in State and county winners are as church affairs iu this city during follows: his resilience here. Former Resident Here U. S. Senator: McNary, re-elected. Hr leaves his wife. Itertha Hedg- LOCAL ITEMS Pastea on Evans Creek Congressional, first district: Mott, pelh. and four children: Claude re-elected. Hcdgpeth and Vada Emery of Port­ PRESIDENT OF U. 8. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Drake were Mury Ellen Baker, mother of Mrs. Treasurer: Holman, re-elected. JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT land, and Lee and Clarence Hedg- John Ritter of this city, pussed Alfred M. Landon Rep........ ..... .... 77 business visitors in Grants Pass Attorney General: Van Winkle, re­ Position No. Five peth of Medford; also three brothers away at her home on Evans creek, Franklin I). Roosevelt, Dem. . 210 elected. Wednesday. unil one sister, and four grandchil­ Saturday, October 31. due to old Norman Thomas, Ind................. . 7 James (J. Campbell ............ _.... 201 County Commissioner: Ralph Bill­ Mrs. Lottie Kincaid of Eagle JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT dren. 80 Point visited her brother. At Pank­ ings, re-elected. age. Mrs. linker was well known in William Lemke, Ind. Position No. Six County Assessor: J. B. Coleman. Pallbearers were Toney Ross, W. this section having lived in Cold John W. Aiken, Soc. ___ ___ < Harry H. Belt _______________ 192 ey Friday. re-elected. E. Allen, \ \ . C. McLean, It. E. Cook, Hill for It) years before she moved Mr. and Mrs. L. Whitsett visited U. S. SENATOR IN CONGRESS County Clerk: George R. Carter, COUNTY SCHOOL 8UPT. Warren Coppock and T. A. Robin­ 10 Evans creek 16 years ago. At the Eric X. Hass, Soc..................... ......_ g C. R. Bowman ____ __ ________ 268 with the Luke Jennings family of re-elected. son. County Treasurer: Ralph Sween­ Beagle Sunday. time of her death she was 70 years, Willis Mahoney, Dem. ----------- 267 democrat, who defeated A. C. Ted Ritter came Friday evening ey, 11 months and 7 days old, having Chas. L. McNary, Rep. ----------- 103 CITY ELECTION walker, incumbent. for a short visit with friends and Clarence Rudder. Ind...... „ been born November 24, 1805. District Attorney: Frank J. New­ ---------------2 For Mayor— relatives here. He has been in man, who defeated Geo. Codding, Burial was held Monday after­ Albert Strelff, Ind.................... 5 R. E. Blankenburg _______ 151 THE QUESTION BOX democratic incumbent. at the Rogue River cemetery FOR REPRESENTATIVE Joe Pankey, I; Fred Lewis, 2; Portland for some time. How much do you know ( noon Representative: Wiliam McAllis­ Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cook had as with all of the children there. Sev- K. W. Kirkpatrick, Dem. ____ 125 Jack Hays, I; Fern Chisholm, 1; ter, rep., and Ralph G. Stephenson, I . ____________________ ernl grandchildren were unable to their guests Suturdav Sunday. Janies W. Motl, Rep............ democrat. 222 Dick Walker. I; Jake Cook, 1; But) The following questions are tatea attend. Snyder, 1; Abe Becker, 2; H. F. Mr. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. FOR STATE TREASURER W. Cook, of Portland. She Is survived by her husband U. S. Burl, Dem. from current events. See how well SCHOOL NOTES 120 Drake. 1; AI Pankey. 1; Earl Ham Mrs. James Forbes of Jackson­ you are posted. Answers will be of Evans Creek; and seven children, Ruins C. Holman, R e p .______ 183 I; A. Walker, 1; Chris Joreensen, 1; ville called at tbe Sutton home Sun­ found 00 the back page of this Mrs. Anne Smith of California; Mrs. Don Swetland, Ind......... ...... „ 301®* « annon. 1. (Frances Reuntrs, Reporter) day. Maude Moffitt oi Long Reach, Cal­ Issue. City Treasurer— The Sophomore Return party FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Mrs. Rose Hammon of the Del Rio 1. What prominent American has ifornia; W. E„ Earl, and Henry Alfred P, Dobson, Dem. was very successful: The hrgn Bertha C. Coy ....... ------- 132 154 ranch visited with her sister, .Mrs. scoool gyin was decorated tor Hal­ been referred to us the "Happy Rnker of Rogue River; Mrs. E m J. E. Hosmer, I n d .__ Curtis P arker_____ _____ 68 low een with black and orange Tiny Altherr, Tuesday. Hepler of California and Mrs. John I. H. Van Winkle, Rep............... 141 47 Warrior?” Fanny Kies (write in) _____ 3 crepe paper streamers and paper Seth Coy, Merrit Davis. Jack 2. Whut is the name of the Amer­ Ritter of Gold Hill. She is also sur­ City Recorder— lanterns of many colors, hanging Frost and Noel Kellogg report good from ican woman who hus become prom­ vived by 32 grandchildren and 23 FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE W. H. Ferguson ................... 150 above, with alack cats, witch­ Win. ,M . McAllister, Rep............... 88 luck from their duck hunt Sunday. es and other such pictures tacked inently known ns a guest nt the great grandchildren. Ed Roll, (write in 19 Glenn O. Taylor, Rep............... ....82 ........... Mr. and Mrs. At Pankey were on Ihe big canvas hanging on the court of King Edward of Englnnd Ralph O. Stephenson, Dem........ 195 | C ** Louncilmen— business visitors at their ranch in stage. Prizes were given for the 3. For what is Frank It. Kent RERRKAH CONVENTION AT Chas. 146 James Stevens, Dem. “* Kell ______ cleverest masquerade costumes of — -.................220 1 the Seven Oaks district Tuesday. CENTRAL POINT SATURDAY known? Carl Routh ______________ 151 both boys and girts, for the fun­ Ariel Burton Pomeroy, Ind......... 49 Mrs. Lola Reed of Medford visit­ 4. Where is President Roosevelt's niest costume, and for the clever­ Earl Moore ........... 159 FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY ed with relatives here Tuesday and est costume that cost the least. Rebekah District Convention con home residence? J. A. Clement ................... 159 Wednesday. She also served on the Of the first, Kennethea Kegg won 5. What team won Ihe World ser­ vened in Central Point, Saturday, George A. Codding, Dem. ____ 169 Toney Ross ____ 143 the prize for the girls, dressed as a 185 election board Tuesday. », October 31, with Central Point and Frank J. Newman, Rep. ....... ies? Cleo Gilchrist ................... 163 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Clinton Walker returned the lat­ Japanese lady, and Champlin Gar­ 6. Whal Giant team pitcher broke J*ckaonvllle Rebekah lodges acting rison won the boys’ prize, dressed W. E. Ross _________ 107 ter part of last week from the Med­ as an Arab. Bob Gorth’s ghost cos­ Estella »»'— Weed, a 16 game winning streak during the as hosesses. ,w“ > state Ralph Billings, Rep. ................... 210 Ralph G. Jennings, Dem______ 146 ford hospital and is now staying tume was the one that cost the least, president was present World series? GRANGE TO HOLD BENEFIT FOR COUNTY CI.ERK with his sister. Mrs. Della Whitsett. rtts shroud was made «r sheets, Officers were: 7. Whal unusual ex|»erienee did FESTIVAL MONDAY NIGHT Miss Helen Wilson of Willow i'ne tunnies! costume was worn bv G. R. Carter. Ren. ................ ..... 241 Claru Vincent, chairman, Central Ihe Communist candidate for presi­ Springs spent the jveek end witii Donald Dungey. He dressed as a girl Clarence R. Pankey, Dem......... 120 Point; Estella W'eed, right support The Gold Hill grange will hold n dent recently have? in a long green dress, silk stockings Lucille Smith. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Benefit Festival at the grange hall and girls shoes. His face was naim, er, Portland; Louise Perozzi. left 8. To what extent did France de­ on Monday, November 9. J. R. Coleman. Rep..................... Mr. and Msr. A. A. Walker of this cd very nicely with make up. He 219 supporter. Ashland; Elinor Force, value the franc? There will be fun for okl and a "cute’’ girl. The prizes 9. For what Is Anthony Fokker warden. Gold Hill; Georgia Hess, L. H. Hansen, Dem. . ............... 136 young. Valuable prizes are to be city and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hayes made of Grass VaRey, California, left were such things as noise makers FOR COUNTY TREASURER conductor, Medford; Bertha Batman, known? given, candy to be sold, fish pond early this (Thursday) morning for which usually add such fun to these 10. For whal Is Mrs. Eleanor Holm chaplain. Grants Pass; Gladys Rob­ Ralph E. Sweeney, Dem........... 191 and many other interesting con­ a trip east. They will go to De­ parties. Booths containing fortune cessions. A. C. Walker, Rep. .................... 160 telling wheels and “try-your-skill'' bins, inside guardian, Ashland; Lil­ Jarrell known? Save your pennies, then come troit, .Michigan by the northern games of ring-toss and dart throw­ FOR COUNTY CORONER lie While, outside guardian, Kerby; and see for yourself. No admission rout on Ihe train. There they will ing were situated along the wall. ami Viola Moore, musician, Gobi Frank Perl. Rep.-Dem.......•........ 269 charge. Everyone welcome. I.O.O.F. NEWS purchase a new Terraplane and Everyone played games, among H. W. Conger (write in) ... Hill. plan to return through the south­ which were “Hallowe’en Upset” and FOR CONSTABLE The convention next year w ill be BILLY CENTERS HOST 11 he " in« CARL ROUTH, MANAGER 0 PaRj Position No. 1 visited with her sister, Mrs. Earl XXXXXXKXXKMXXKMMXMKX^^ R. Kelly 211 Moore Friday. How Gold Hill Voted Tuesday Be In dependent I Golden Star Service Station DRAKE’S