Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, October 08, 1936, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
The Gold Hill News, Gold Hill, Oregon
THURS., (M’T. 8, 1936
in Bob
Id, Davi/
One Human Shipload
A Floating Microcosm
Intelligent Mrs. Widener
Mrs. Astor and Dr. Carrel
On Board the Normandie.—The
Praising California.
Annals of Kauai, the Garden
ancient w riter made this admission: , T 7E R N A L IS , CALIF. — They
Island—Mother litre.
There be t h r e e |
^ p O D A Y the Hawaiian islands
things which are
too wonderful for j flov ers had no real smell, and that
are among our richest posses­
me, yea, f o u r California birds had no song —and sions, otic of the world's finest
w h i c h I know ! that’s a lie because the resident
playgrounds; the most prolific
mix-king bird feels it his Christian semi-tropical spot under the flag,
“Room 27“
The way of a n , ....... ,
eagle in the a ir; | dut* t o . « '/ r,« ht Ullder «‘X bed'
a renter of culture, educational
the way of a ser- room window and sing all night facilities, industry and natural
Famous Headline Hunter
p e n t u p o n a j — and that C alifornia grown foods
beauty ; the halting spot for lux­
rock; the way of had no flavor.
t p ROM the hair-raising and blood-curdling to the weird and eerie,
ury ships touring the globe in
a s h i p in the
A these adventure yams strike all the keys in the scale of human
It s true California still produces
midst of the sea; one pear which suggests a low search of earthly splendors—a
emotions. Here's one that's bizarre and gruesome as well, and
and the way of a grade of damp cot­
Pacific ixean oasis between the
packed full of a sort of danger that would make any man shiver in
m a n w ith
a ton batting, and one
Far East and the West and a fruit
his boots. Frank Ritno of New York tells it—the story of a true
variety of fig which
and floral kingdom second to
What w o u ld could pass for li­
and terrifying experience that happened to him in 1931.
none on the two hemispheres.
th a t
inspired brary paste, and a
In June. 1931, Frank Ritno was a junior clerk in a small hotel in Man­
Midst this archipelago of riches,
hattan’s Roaring Forties. He came down to work at eight o'clock one
Kauai, in which pineapple and sug­
morning, destined to walk into the most fateful moment of his life— the the midst of the sea? The biggest p a w p a w
ar reign as twin monarchs, is known
atrange episode of Room 21. It may be that you have read some of the ship he ever saw could be hung makes you t h i n k
as the Garden Island, upon which
details of that story in the newspapers. But here is the yarn, told for the from the ceiling of the dining salon you've been licking
on this boat or tucked away in a postage stamps. And
37,000 industrious und prosperous
first time by its principal character.
corner of the sun deck, disturbing there's
people live contented lives.
a special
“ When I arrived in the lobby.” says F ra n k ,"I found that
no one.
breed of mushrooms
It was on Kauai that Captain
both (be elevator operator and the bell-hop were ill. That left
Cook first landed 1778 to meet death
which is about the
no one but myself and the switchboard operator on the main floor,
A modern ocean liner, Queen size of a derby hat
so I settled down to a busy morning running the elevator, an­
Irvin S. Cobb the following year. It was 40 years
Mary, Normandie, Rex or Europa, and tastes like one.
before this group of islands began
swering caUs, and taking care of the desk.
But we can grow apricots and to attract world attention. Mission-
“ It is customary for hotel guests who go to business to leave a steady as it crosses the ocean indifferent
call for a certain time every morning. At 9:05 a. m. the telephone operator to waves and winds, is a small ‘ cherries and nectarines and peaches aries arrived 1820; recognition by
told me that Room 21 did not answer. I knew that one of two young women world in itself, a microcosm, with ns toothsome as you’d ask for; and the United States 1842; provisional
who occupied that room had got a job just a few days before, so I went up­ this little earth playing the role of noble berries and luscious prunes cession to Great Britain 1843; pro­
stairs to knock at her door. There was no response to that knock—or to ‘Cosmos.” I f this ship should sail and delectable grapes; and. on this tectorate offered United States 1851;
to some new, uninhabited island of great ranch, about the finest mel­ reign of kings and queens up to
several others."
Utopia, it might supply everything ons I ever ate. There's likewise a 1893; republic established 1894;
Decides to Open Door With Pass Key.
necessary to start a new civiliza­ red onion which has a taste all American annexation secured 1898;
Frank figured that the girl was sound asleep. He knew she needed tion better than the one invented right—eat it raw and you taste it territorial government began 1900.
her job, and he didn't want to see her lose it for being late. He decided by Sir Thomas More, who has been for days and days.
The first English newspaper was es­
to open the door with a pass key and see to it that she was awakened. made a s a i n t since he wrote
And if you think our flowers don’t tablished 100 years ago.
He got the key from downstairs and went in.
"U topia” to amuse himself and had smell enough, try our politics.
Klee Fam ily Distinguished.
• • •
“ The door,” he says, “ closed automatically behind me. It was
his head cut off for his Catholic
Lacking space in which to do jus­
an airshaft room with the curtain drawn— pitch dark inside. I
of a Pioneer.
f r 'l '
I tice to
V w ll
t the
u t.
I I I <111V
| percent-
r ilk .L llla
couldn't see a thing, but I had an idea where the light - switch
On board, w i t h
h is friend,
1 . . ln y*ese parts is just one age of those countless noble und out-
was. I groped until my baud found it. The lights flashed on. The
George Bacon, is Myron Taylor,
thing after another, and some­ standing figures identified with the
glare made me blink. And when I opened them, I saw a sight
head of the United States Steel com­ times it’s several things after an­ development of Kauai, what re­
that 1 will never forget.
pany, biggest industrial unit on other, all at once—such as the rush
“On the bed lay one of the occupants of the room, scantily clad, earth. He would supply the m a­ of the autograph collectors upon a mains of this column I dedicate to
her head and body frightfully bruised and discolored. Her tongue, livid terial for skyscrapers, ships, rail­ poor, shy movie star, or the yelp­ that benign character, M ary Water-
house, born in Tasmania in July,
roads and machinery, plus organ­ ing onslaught of our estate beagles 1847, died in June. 1933, beloved of
when a visiting nobleman incau­ every man, woman and child, na­
Simon Guggenheim w o u ld tell tiously intimates that he might tive and otherwise, living on Kauai.
them how to make corporations sell his trailer and buy a lot.
To all of these she was known affec­
profitable, by “ holding on.”
But complications also pile up for tionately as “ Mother Rice.” She
a life-long resident who has been was the granddaughter of a superin­
Various newspaper workers on here, as I have, nearly two years tendent of the Wesleyan Missions
the boat would be ready to start now and so is qualified to join the in the South Seas, from which she
“ the New Utopia Gazette” ; Floyd E arly Pioneers' California society. caine with her father in 1851 to
Gibbons for w ar correspondent, plus Here I go and take on a radio pro­ Honolulu, where in the course of
members of the Edward H. Butler gram—and I did so hope to fly east events M ary Waterhouse in her
fam ily, that own the Buffalo News, to see what Mrs. Harrison Williams twenty-fifth year met and m ar­
j and t h e able Abraham Cahan, will be wearing this fall. At times ried W illiam Hyde Rice, two years
known to more New Yorkers than the temptation just to drop every­ her senior, the son of W illiam H ar­
any editor in America, with one thing and start has been well-nigh rison Rice, teacher of the Ameri­
exception. And, most important to overpowering.
can Protestant mission to the then
• • •
Sandwich Islands.
Frank Saw a Sight He Would Never Forget
Not 1 in
all the
.... ship
• ~ ear­ 1 W T C” D C ’ r v w n . t —
(1 <111
I history
llb lO I >
( of
I Hawai-
1Ü W Ü 1*
and blackened, protruded from between swollen lips, and her face was
covered with a mass of clotted blood.
Tries to Restore Girl to Life.
“As I stared at her horror stricken, I thought I saw her move. I went
over to the bed and noticed, for the first time, that a bath towel had been
wrapped tightly around her throat. I snatched it away— started to give
her first aid. That was my biggest mistake.”
In vain Frank worked to restore the breath of the g irl’s lungs.
Finally, he knew the truth—the girl was dead. He went back to
the elevator and ran it down to the main floor. He told the switch­
board operator, who immediately called an ambulance and ran
outride to get a policeman. Inside of fifteen minutes the hotel
swarmed with policemen in uniform, plainclothesmen and
detectives, reporters, photographers, ambulance attendants.
“ And last, but not least.” says Frank, “ the Medical Examiner ”
Police Grill Frank About Murdered Girl.
The Medical Examiner went to work and announced that the girl had
been murdered. He found a lot of things that didn’t quite look right. The
victim had been moved recently. Someone had been tampering with the
body. The detectives went to work too. They found Franks fingerprints
all over the place.
The detectives asked Frank a few questions. Then they took
him to headquarters where he was grilled by a police inspector
and an assistant district attorney. Frank told them what he -aiew
— but it didn’t make a very convincing story. When he was
through, he saw his questioners exchange a couple of significant
glances. “ And suddenly,” be says, “I realized I was in a tough
The shrewd questioning of the police had brought out a lot of facts
that Frank had never thought of before. His wife was away, and he had
slept at the .iotel that night. His fingerprints were found, not only on the
g irl s body but even on the towel with which she had been strangled.
Frank could feel himself getting hot all over. His face was red and he
knew he must look the very picture of guilt. He had to think now as he had
never thought before if he wanted to convince these cops of his innocence.
And if he couldn’t —a trial—and the electric chair.
Sees Electric Chair Looming Ahead.
Again the detective inspector was questioning him while the assistant
district attorney looked on and took notes. Again Frank had to repeat
his story, and as they went back over it, it seemed to him that he was not
giving the same answers he had in the first place. He was getting more
and more confused. With every word he was getting himself deeper into a
tangle of suspiciously conflicting statements. Again Frank saw the grim
outlines of the electric chair looming up before his eyes. Then _ an
A detective walked into the office, a big grin on his face, and
announced—that he had caught the murderer! The girl’s own
roommate had killed her in a fit of drunken fury. When the detec­
tive started to question her, she broke down and confessed.
“Relieved?” asks Frank. “ And how!”
® — W N IJ S e rv ic e .
“ Point” in Market Reports
"Point,” as employed in market
reports, means a recognized unit of
variation in price and is used in
quoting the prices of stocks as well
as various commodities. In the
United States stock m arket one
point ordinarily means one dollar a
share. T h ^ value of a point, how­
ever, varies according to the com­
modity in question. Therefore in
order to understand the market re­
ports one must be acquainted with
the value of a point in reference to
any given commodity. In the coffee
and cotton markets, for instance, a
point is the hundredth part of a
cent; in oil, grain, sugar and pork
it is 1 cent. When cotton goes up
200 points it goes up 2 cents; when
grain goes up 5 points it goes up 5
Base Bail erms
Some base ball hitters refer to
left - handed pitchers as “ twirly-
thumbs.” There are many terms for
the different types of hits—mostly
to describe scratches; nubber»,
bloopers, bleeders, squibs, hump­
backed liners, blue darters. The
latter are low, hard liners, the name
deriving from the snake known as
the blue darter, says a writer in the
Chicago Daily News. A hard hit ball
is one which they say was “ hit
good," or “ he got a hold of that one
right,” or “ that was a well-whipped
ball.” A change-of-pace or slow ball
is a "puff ball," and a ball that
hasn’t much on it is a “ nothin’
ball.” A batter who swings with the
count three-and-nothing, or three-
and-one is “ picking on a cripple.”
A tall, easy fly is “ a can of corn.”
,Wide?e: of W
8inc* ‘hr arrivai °i
something, but, just then, from the outer world, had there
Philadelphia, who has traveled up
and down in every corner of the along comes a flew crusade or a been a more profound student of
new movement or a new style in di­ Polynesian life, manners and char­
earth and says to your narrator:
“ M r. Brisbane, I have always vided skirts and we trail off after acteristics, or one more highly es­
wanted to meet you, because I read that, forgetting the issue which had teemed among them than William
seemed so passionately important.
your articles every day.”
Hyde Rice. He died in 1924. His
Last January we were all enlist­ wife survived him nine years.
There spoke the nucleus of a high­
ing to make 1936 a safer year on
ly intelligent reading public.
William and M ary brought up
the highroad. With the year nearly
eight children—five sons and three
Mrs. Vincent Astor, on her way
daughters—all save one daughter
done to reduce the appalling mor­
back from a grouse moor in Scot­
‘ living. There are twenty grandchil­
tality? And what are we going to do
land, would resume her real job
dren and twenty-three great-grand­
before all of us, except the idiots
children, with three or four ex­
of promoting deep music, finding
and drunkards, who are supposed to
co-operators in the passenger list
ceptions, all residing in the Hawai­
be the special ward of providence,
ian group. The adult progeny adorn
—Madame Flagstadt, the admirable
have been mowed down?
Norwegian singer, a deep soprano
the professions, while the younger
I'm reminded of the colored man
generation prove the adage that
able to make Isolde more impres­
in Mississippi who was convicted
“ blood will tell.” Blessed is the
sive than Wagner ever imagined
of murder, and his lawyer forgot
union responsible for the Rice pos­
her. On board also is Arthur Bo-
to file an appeal, and finally the
terity. Kauai, to its eternal credit,
danzky, ready to conduct the “New
condemned man sat down and wrote
has at least a dozen families equal­
Utopia orchestra."
M a y o r La­
this letter: "D ear Guvnor: Please,
ly distinctive.
Guardia of New York will tell you
sub, I is on the middle of a purticu-
how earnestly Mrs. Astor talks to lar fix and onlessen you do some­
Believed In Work.
him about her plans for a great thin’ right away, they hang me
"Satan finds work for- idle hands
musical center. But M r. LaGuardia Friday—here ’tis Wednesday al­ to do,” was the text upon which she
w ill never know what shudders ready!”
fashioned the course of her life and
would s w e e p f r o m
Ward Mc­
those about her. She kept every­
Allister’s pineal gland to h is
body busy. With the true instinct of
Saving Your Teeth.
Achilles tendon if he could hear T ’ HOUGH thy teeth be but state- a pioneer woman she recognized the
Mayor LaGuardia say of the young
ly ruins, with English ivy grow­ worth of labor. In her opinion hon­
lady in question, “ That Mrs. Astor ing all over them and bullbats nest­ est toil, self-sacrifice and the doc­
is a nice, serious girl, thoroughly in ing in the hollows, fight off for as trine summed up in the golden rule
long as possible those who think the was the road to attainment. She
root of all evil is the bottom of your was mother to all. To her came the
To make this list complete, P. remaining bicuspid. Don’t let ’em lame, the halt and the blind; the
G. Wodehouse is on board, one be too fast about photographing rich and poor, when in extremes,
certain that Mother Rice would not
who could and should describe this your jaw either.
shipload of “ important humanity”
No man ever yet had an X-ray turn a deaf ear, nor withhold coun­
going nowhere in particular, for no picture that flattered him. Particu- sel. When the telephone came to
reason in particular, some in the , larly is that true when it’s an in­ Kauai she turned it into a voice
and an ear to widen the scope of
steerage, some "tourist” and some, terior view of the human face.
with cabins on the sundeck, whose
Because, the next thing yoL know, her action. Possessing a Napole­
names break up passenger list con­ a gentleman in a white smock is onic passion for detail, an insatiate
tinuity to make room for the magic testing some forceps and saying, yearning for particulars, minor and
words “ maid, valet a n d chauf­ “This may hurt—just a little.” And major, always with the single idea
: then the next thing after that, your of serving others, she became an
impelling force among the people.
uppers are as false as Judas.
Her purse, her heart and her
The contest between modern ships
I did so and the result is that, no
for the "Atlantic blue ribbon,” or matter what else is on the menu, I mind, always open to the needs of
ocean championship, held at this go in for the Cobb pink plate spe­ others, seemed never to be drained
moment by the British Queen M ary, cial. A fellow does get tired of to emptiness. She founded schools,
supplies most amazing proof of mod- having everything he eats taste like libraries, hospitals, playgrounds,
kindergartens, when and where
ern engineering efficiency. Consider rubber.
needed. She discovered before it was
that, in a race icross 3,000 miles of
- W N U S e rvice .
too late every weak link in the moral
water, the Queen M ary, after being
and economic fabric of the island,
beaten several times by the French
Sea Horse Is a Fish
coming to the rescue without wait­
liner Normandie, beat the latter
The sea horse is a fish, but a very ing to be called.
and took the Atlantic blue ribbon
In her later years, stricken by
by a margin of less than half a strange kind of fish. It spends al­
mile, across 3,000 miles of ocean. most all the time in an upright posi­ blindness, Mother Rice, accorded
tion, with its head up and its tail the franking privilege over all lines
down. With thé tail it can do some­ of communication throughout the
The oftener you cross, the more
thing which the common fish can’t islands, telephone, telegraph, radio,
clearly you realize that the ocean
do. It can cling to a weed. A sea with every inhabitant a willing mes­
is a great deal too big for our
horse swims while in upright posi­
small planet. I t is all one ocean— tion. A fin on the back is moved senger, subject to her beck and
Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Antarctic, to give forward motion, and this fin call, directed the movements of an
all touching—water covering three- has been compared to a propeller. arm y trained and anxious to take
orders for the common good.
quarters of the earth’s surface.
It does not look or turn just like a
A birth or death occurring on
Consider the Pacific; take your propeller, but it gives about the
world map, Mercator’s projection, same result. An air sac, or “swinr. Kauai at any hour of the day or
fold it over from Asia toward New bladder,” helps the sea horse keep night was first recorded in the ear
York and beyond.
I t will cover in balance. Most of the time, how­ of Mother Rice, who at once related
the United States, the Atlantic ocean ever, the fish holds tightly to a sea­ the news, good or bad, over the
grape-vine system where she sat in
and all Europe to the Bosporus.
weed, wrapping its tail around in control.
® K ing FAftturen H yndlcate, Ina,
W NU S ervice.
Copyright.— WNU Service.
Life of a Grain of Wheat
Stories have appeared from time
to time regarding the finding of
wheat In Egyptian tombs which hud
been stored for centuries and which
germinated when planted. There
Is no truth In such stories. The m ax­
imum life of a grain of wheat Is less
Uinn 20 years, and a grain buried
for so many years would have ab­
solutely no viability.
Dame Durden
Dame Durden was Uie notable
housewife of a (unions old English
song. She kept, so the ballad says,
five serving girls to curry the m ilk­
ing palls, and five serving mon to
use the spade and Hail. The careful
and conscientious Esther Summer-
son in Dicken's “ Bleak House” Is
nick named "Dame Durden."
Glue l ong In Use
The history of glue dates as far
hack as the story of civilisation
runs. Among the possessions of King
Tut which were brought to light
plaques that were put together with
glue Apparently it was one of the
first manufactured products which
are still in generul use today.
Mararonl. Spaghetti Shapes
Macaroni and spaghetti in Italy
have iilmost us many shapes us
there are cities In the country. Zit
Bologna it is ribbon sha|x*d; in
Rome it comes in strips, but that of
Sicily amuses travelers most of all.
It Is skillfully rolled around knitting
needles to muke It u tiny spirul.
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island was long
called St. John's Island, but was
given its present name in 1799 in
compliment to Prince Edward,
Duke of Kent, who paid II a visit.
The prince was the fourth son of
King George H I and the father of
Queen Victoria.
Color Symbolism
Color symbol in, has some of Its
roots in mythology. For Instance,
divine beings were supposed to in­
habit heaven which was in the blue-
sky region. As a result blue be­
came symbolic of much that wus as­
sociated with divine beings.
Forestry Saves Water
The Hawaiian Sugar Planters* as­
sociation sets out hundreds of thou­
sands of trees annually to restore
the native forests of Hawaii, chief
watershed for the American sugar
producing area In the islands.
Panama Clouds Tricky
Panama clouds may be tricky.
The rainfall of 140 Inches a yeur on
the Caribbean side of the Republic
is more than double that on the
Pacific side, a feature of trade wind
Natives Wall for Joy
Walling is a sign of joy among
natives found on the Andaman
Islands in the Bay of Bengal, and at
weddings or other festive occasions
they huddle together and wail for an
Mats From Trees
In Hawaii, where the ancient na­
tive and modem American customs
blend, hula trees furnish leaves
from which are woven mats used In
Airplane’s Nhadow (onalanl
The shadow of an airplane Is al­
ways the same size regardless of
the altitude because the sun's rays
arc virtually parallel.
Inspiration In Teaching
The teacher who is attempting to
teach without inspiring the pupil
with a desire to learn is hammering
on cold iron.
Hctenee Enriches Land
Two-thirds of America's produc­
tive agricultural land in Hawaii Is
devoted to growing sugar cand.
Designed Original White Heuae
The original White House was de­
signed by James Hoban, a native of
Five Wars Regan In Hprlng
Five of America's big wars began
in tho pleasant spring month of
Many Planta In Bermuda
Bermuda has nearly 2,000 distinct
species of plants.
¡»due to acid, upset stomach.
Mdnesis wafers (the orig­
inal) quicldy relieve acid
stomach sod give neceatery
e lim in a tio n . E ach w a fe r
equals 4 teopoonfuls o f m ilk
of magnesia. 20c, 35c 6t 60c.
Watch Your
Be Sure They Properly
Cleanse the Blood
V O U R kidneys are eonstsnlly filUr-
I Inp waste matter from the blood
stream. But kidneys sometimes lag lit
their work— d o not set as nature in­
tended— fail to remove impurities that
poison the system when retained.
Ihen you may suffer nagging beak-
id le , dizziness, scanty or too frequenl
urination, getting up at night, puffiness
under the eyes/ feel nervous, misera­
b l e - a l l upset
D o n ’t d e la y ? U se Doen's PMIs.
Doan s are especially lot poorly func­
tioning kidneys. They are recom­
mended b y grateful usen the country
over. G et thgm from m y druggist,
D oans P ills