®be (Solí» Hill 3?etos The Most Thoroughly IWad W n U y ia — ■i V O L U M E X X X V i II FvUUlMd in the Big g Mt L ittle Town in the State OOLP HILL, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 8, 1936 N U M B E R 27 BEAVER PORTLAND TO TAKE UP OPTION All MembersG.C. Robbins Family HurtlnBadCrash IIBAD-ON COLLISION SATURDAY KVK SENDS EIGHT LOCAL PEOPLE TO HOSPITAL FOOTS CREEK NEW S lnni “split the melon” Iasi to check the fire that had burned I well. grade Safety First experts were in­ en Parish. Miss Lyndall Jacobs and week— Hie melon being a huge wa­ over the top of the mountain from Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Barnes were C. E. Bratton of Herman, Minne­ terested in a new car which over­ Mrs. Emily Lively. termelon Unit had grown on a vine Caris creek and also Applegate dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and sota, and Miss Lucille Bratton of turned near Thorne's place. whieh hud come up near the plum, Mrs. Ed Fiene. Minneapolis, Minn, father and sis­ Benny Reams killed a black evidently from seeds tossed away I.O.O.F. N E W S Mrs. Norman Baxter was taken to ter of Mrs. Wm. Allen arrived this widow spider Tuesday morning the year before. All of whieh again the Sacred Heart hospital at Med­ week for a visit here. (By Toney Ross, Sec.) Mrs. Harold Smith was in Med­ w hile waiting for the bus. proves lliat dust from the plunt does ford Tuesday suffering with a very ford on business one day this week. Outdoor basketball practice has Miss June Moore of Ashland, spent not hinder vegeglatiou. Tile plans are to go w ith our can­ sore throat. the week end here w ith her parents, been started. Ralph Dusenberry is employed i l didates Io Golden Rule Lodge No. Nathan and Edwin Banry walked Hurry Easton, who prepnred the 78 and have them confer the second Mr. and Mrs. Henry M iller from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. She is at­ the Lively Lime company. barbecue for the fuir here and sick Grants Paasx were visiting Thurs­ tending Southern Oregon Normal w ithin a few feet of a doe Sunday. degree for them. Wednesday, Oc­ Some good pictures of colored ever since, wondering how come the day at the home of their son Lloyd for the second year. Miss Beverly Christensen spent tober 14. Everyone that wishes to people were drawn by eighth grade other 2,1)00 survived so well. go should be at the lodge hall not and fam ily near Riviera. Sunday in Ashland. Monday evening Mrs. Dennis Mc­ history class members. The seventh later than 7 p. m. Don’t forget the Guire entertained her patrol of grade students are drawing pictures Mrs. Noel Kellogg limping nround date and be sure to go. That means Rally Day w ill be observed by G irl Scouts at a pot luck dinner. A f­ A DOLLAR of Indians. from rheumatism after wading in the Foots Creek Sunday School you too! ter dinner the girls studied on their the Rogue while fishing, bui saying Sunday, October 11, w ith ■ basket Is a Good Friend tests. Those enjoying the evening it was worth it ns she caught a fish lunch at noon. C. D. WOOLVERTON PASSES Save One. were Jill Martin, Mildred and Lu­ Sam* V alley Student* about (-------------) that long. AT ALMEDA, CALIFO R N IA Many are better than one, cille Smith, Dorothy Ham and Ruth To Give Play Friday Eve I-. A. Rates of Albany has return­ Lance. Save Many. ASH, W ALKER was seen tearing ed to look after his property, the C. D. Woolverton, a form er resi­ Look upon each one The Sams Valley high school stu­ across a field and then hurdrling Black Channel mine. dent and father of Alex Woolverton As a Good Friend. B EING IN TW O BUCKS dents w ill give a three-act comedy- ¿p an oak tree, nt the Chief W h it­ of this place, passed away October Then you w ill not part drama entitled "W here’s Grandma. sett ranch Wednesday. The big rush second at the home of his daughter f W ith them foolishly Clyde W alker and two sons Trestle Friday evening, October 9, at 8 p. m. CARD OF THANKS was caused by Molly Moo Cow. Mrs. Rertha Gamble of Almeda, Cal­ --------- . and Leo and Frank Carter returned A small admission fee w ill be FARMERS A FRUITGROWERS ifornia. His body was shipped to We wish to express our apprecia- Wednesday noon from a successful charged. The pupils are working U N T IL NOVEMBER 15 an en­ BANK Forest Lawn cemetery at Los An­ tion to all Ihe kind friends and rnorn,n«’s hunt Sardine creek, fo r new basketball suits and pro­ Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp largement free w ith every doxen geles to rest beside his w ife. neighbors who have assisted us In P y?e ¡.nd b° ¡ h ’ n,ce ceeds from the play w ill be used for portraits nt Then's Photo and Em­ many ways during our recent fire L . o n e ' M ^ S S J n . i J ” Mrs. Alex Woolverton who left that purpose. The public is urged Mr. and Mrs. A. Meunier and fam­ here Tuesday evening to be with broidery Studios, 72 So. Sixth St., to attend and help the students in ily of W o lf Creek spent Sunday In him w ill return home Sunday Grants Pass, Oregon. 01-29 loss.— Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith. I seen. this w orthy cause. Gold H ill w ith relatives and friends. morning. 77>e S p v - G la fi