(Sol) Hill Bîdw Th« M o« Thoroughly Roed Weekly in Souther» Prego». Puklbhed in the Biggeet L ittb Town in the S u te Prisoner Shot By Jailer In Try For Freedom TW O BOYS H E LD ON ROBBERY CHAKGKH. A TTE M P T BREAK T H A T LED TO Hll DOTING NUMBER 26 Messenger» Sue C ity For Fire Damage T o Building H. C. and N. II. Messenger last week filed suit in circuit court at Medford ugalnsl the City of Gold H ill, W. I,. Van liouten, marshal, and Chas Kell, fire chief, for dam- ages to an old store building in Gold H ill w hirh was destroyed by fire July 2». Damages of »500 are sought The building (hat burned, formerly housed the Smokehouse whirh was operated by John Hays until at »out a year ago. Tlie Messengers allege that Van lloutrn and Kell, representing the city of Gold H ill, set fire to the grass In the vacant lot next to their building, the fire getting out of con­ trol and burning Ihc building. The damage suit w ill probably a« to trial In Ihc near future. Local and Personal Item» Booster Night Program D raw » Good Attendance Grange booster Night, the annual Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Aulenrieth Miss Mae Filler of Beagle spent motored to Klamath Falls Sunday. Hta week end with her mother Mrs. program honoring the charter mem­ bers of the organization was given O lla Edler. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kenatlon Wednesday evening at the Grange spent from Wednesday until Sun­ Miss E fle Patton is working at the hall here. The annual affair is open day at their place In Rogue River. Chamber of Commerce in Medford to tbe public and its purpose is to od the Community Chest Drive. acquaint more people with the work Ben Paul is carrying his lelt arm of the grange. A good sized crowd in a sling, the result of breaking a Mrs. John McFadden left Thurs- blood vessel last week. The injury ld in to assist in this work msy leave U N T IL NOVEMBER 15 an en­ West, E. H. Knapp, Paul Thompson, the county jail on assault anif bat­ thetr money In any of the tmaha ha largement free with every dozen W. W. Hittle, Art Gorham, H. D. tured right arm. All aak sums for went up in smoke. Firefighter» from the CC camps tery charges. District Attorney Geo. Medford or Ashland or the b u l l at portraits at Theo’» Photo and Em Force, T. J. Cook, J. A. Clement, loaa of-tim e as laborers, and hos­ Codding said the pair had signed a Eagle Point, or make payment direct broidery Studios, 72 So. Stxlh St., and Toney H o m . The meeting was pitalization. At the time of the ac­ were summoned and they battled to cident the boys were employed at save other property. A number of statement admitting a series of rob­ to the local Red Cross office in the Grants Pass, Oregon. 01-29 enjoyed by everyone. other farm buildings on Sardine a hop yard near Grants Pass. beries at Phoenix a month ago. They Court House. Medford. On Tuesday night, October G creek were threatened but saved. "Word has been received from the When donations are made, the allegedly stole two automobiles, Gold H ill lodge. No. 129 w ill confer The fire spread up both forks of the robbed three men besides beating up donors should be sure and leave Harry Newnhani family that they the first degree on their candidates SATURDAY. OCTOBER S creek and extended over the moun­ J. C. Herr.mg, one of their victims. their name and address aa the local arrived safely at Iheir destination, and we expect to have visitors from LAST DAY TO REGISTER tain to the Sams Valley side of the Murshult w ill he sentenced this office w ill want to mail thetr re­ San Diego, California, last week, all valley lodges. We w ill also have where they are now making their a presentation of the Boy Scout Saturday of this week registra ridge. Several hundred acres of week. He was very much frightened ceipt. home. lion books for the November 3rd timber and brush were burned over. when his compnnion was shot after charter for troop No. 17 to Gold Blaze On Birdseye Creek election w ill close. That means falling to heed Jailer Ingling's w arn­ LEO W ALKER TO HEAD Fred Lewis, Lonny (Junior) Rob­ H ill lodge No. 129 their sponsors by A forest fire broke out Monday ing that he would shoot. H IG H SCHOOL STUDENTS inson, Buster Mullin and Dale Clem­ Inspector Irving P. Bees ley. This there are only two more days in which you have time to register if evening on Birdseye creek in the ents attended the wrestling matches w ill be done at 8:30. Lodge starts you have not already done so. Per­ gulch back of the Martin place. The T A L E N T PEAR AND TOMATO Ai the high school student body in Medford Monday night. They en- at 7:30 next meeting. sons voting for the first time, those ! fire swept op the Birdseye creek FESTIVAL OCTOBER J -l 1111 cling lust Friday Leo W alker was I joyed the fights very much and re­ who have not voted fo r the past two divide toward the head of Savage elected president of the students for GARDEN CLUB NOTES port a big crowd was in attendance. years, and those who h » ~ changed 1 creek. It had traveled seven or the coming year. W alker is a senior Plans have been completed for precincts must register by Saturday eight miles by noon Tuesday. M r ». Millie Walker, daughter staging the first pear and tomato and is very uctive in all school af­ The executive board of tbe Gold This blaze was put under control show to be held at Talent this F r i­ fairs. He is considered one of the Sybil, Miss Mildred Smith and Mrs. 1 H ill Garden club met September 25 or lose their right to vote at the day and Saturday, according In Ray most valuable players on the high Marjorie Pena motored to the ex­ at the home of the president, Mrs. general election next month. Other* by the forest patrol Wednesday. No homes were burned but several periment station at Taleni Friday W. C. Bower to transact business need not re-register. Schumaker, chairman of the com­ school basketball team. were threatened it was stated. Other officers elected were: vice evening where Ihey studied the and plan a program for tbe winter mittee in charge. All fires in Jackson County are DANCE A FLOP The word’s biggest |»car pie, con­ president, Phyllis M iller; secretary, heavens through Mr. Reimar’s large months. now under control, according to the taining some 50 boxes of Bose pears Merl Kendall; treasurer, Frieda 1 telescope. The October 2 meeting is to be a The dance scheduled for Gold H ill forestry department, but a careful and being nine fed from crust to Young; news reporter, Frances Curtis Parker, R. E. Rlankenburg. field trip to the Primerose Gardens pavilion Saturday night turned out watch is being made for new out­ crust, w ill he calen during the cele­ Benins; sargent at arms, Roberta near Grants Pass. Members wish­ “Lonny" (Junior) Robinson. Vern to be a fizzle and when no crowd breaks. Mullin nnd yell leaders Sybil Walk bration. Dungey, Jack Martin and Wallace ing to take this trip meet at Drake’s Smoke Obscures San er and Lloyd Hammond. appeared the hall was closed at 11 F ru ll nnd vegetable displays w ill Iverson attended Ihe football game Grocery at one o'clock. The cover­ p. m. Smoke from the coast and local be housed In the school auditorium in Grants Pass Friday night. The ed dish luncheon planned for this fires have filled the atmosphere to at Talent. There w ill he a program C IT Y BUDGET HEARING Grants Pass team won from North trip has been postponed. a heighth of 15,000 feet according to AT HALL OCTOBER M for the entertainment of visitors Bend 7 Io 0. airplane pilots. The sun has been al­ THE QUESTION BOX also, according to plans. OPENS REAL ESTATE O F F IC E most hidden since Monday, only a The proposed budget for the city H o w m uch do you know ( Mr. and Mrs. IL D. Reed drove to faint red spot being visible most of of Gold H ill for 1937 was drafted Klamath Falls Saturday where Mr. Vivian Norman Bartow, who has ------------- — ------------------------------ - _ J the time. last week and is published In this Reed attended a meeting of the been operating a real estate agency Property damage from the past The foUawing questions are takes issue of the News. Southern Oregon Law Enforcement near Rogue River, this week moved A public hearing when taxpayers Officers association, of which he is her office Io Gold HilL It is located from current events. See how well week’s fires in the state w ill m ark The Republican bandwagon went may voice the approval or dis­ secretary. Sunday the Reeds motor­ in the Mullin house on the highway. you are posted. Answers w ill bt 1936 as one of the worst fire years through town Wednesday pluying approval of nny Item w ill be held at ed from Klamath Falls to Yreka Io Mrs. Bartow represents the Strout found on tbe back page of this in the history of the state. Up to issue. this time Oregon had experienced “Oh Susannah,** and Hie local demos Ihe city hall on Friday evening, Oc­ attend the Gold Rush celebration Agency. What major league ball team is very few fires this season and this chirping “Landon Bridge is Falling tober 23. year would have been a record- known as the Cardinals? Mr. anti Mrs. W illiam Hittle were Down." NUGGET NEWS NOTES 2. On what river is Boulder Dam breaker for the small loss. A heavy hosts Sunday at a birthday dinner GIRL SCOUT NEWS From 7th A 8th Grades rain or two would have changed the Located? in honor of Mr. H ittle, Mrs. Lyle Marshall VmiHouten singing a whole picture. 3. Who is the Communist candi­ Lindley and M erritt H ittle whose one-man rodeo in rounding up n (Omitted Last Week) Diagnostic tests were given this herd of stray entile unit esrorting September 17, Ihe W ild Rose birthdays nil occur within a week. week. Mr. McGuire also gave tests in date for president? 4. From what state is the Com­ JEANNE HAMMERSLY MARRIES Those enjoying the day were Mr. them to (he city limits. troop held their first meeting. The history. munist candidate? CHARLES SANTO OF MEDFO RD following are Ihe patrols nnd their and Mrs. Lyle Lindley and Merritt Some Indian art and arrowheads 5. What is the w o rld ’s tallest Hittle of Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Delos W alker, new member of leaders: attracted attention Monday. Two building? Miss Jeanne Hainmersly, daughter the "PP (proud pappa) club”, trying Pine Cone, 5th grade, Edith Ham, Wm. Hittle. Navajo Indian rugs from New Mex­ 6. Where is the Empire State of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamraersiy, Io decide whether Io nmne his new lender; Weegie Dungey, Second and Gilbert Lentx received painful in­ ico and a buckskin jacket with building located? former residents of this city, became son Kooscvelt, Landon or nfler him­ Miss Joyce Handley, Lieutenant. juries Inst Friday morning when he fancy bend work were among the 7. What prominent woman am­ the bride of Charles Merl Santo, self. Sunshine, 6th grade, Janet Mullin, lost his balance and fell down the Indian art exhibits. bassador to Denmark recently re­ eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. It. lender; Bonnie Ben Galbreath, Sec­ stairs at tahe school house. He was A committee was appointed to signed her position that she might Santo of Medford, Sunday after­ Seen in n daxe: Dnlsy Gilrhrist ond nnd Mrs. Mary Cook Llrutenrnt. taken to Medford by Supt. L. T. draw the state flag, showing its ac­ campaign for President Roosevelt? noon. The ceremony waas solemniz­ over in the fire zone nt Coquille Peaches. 7th and Rih grades. V ir­ tual size and color. It is nearly 8. Where is Arlington National ed in the First Methodist Episcopal with smoke in her eyes . . . W. E. ginia Hnm, Leader; Valentine Cook, Cook where x-rays showed his ankle was sprained. He w ill prob­ done now. cemetery located? church at 3 o'clock w ith Rev. Joseph (Pop) Boss, parting his hnlr in the Second nnd Miss Helen Herts, Lieu­ Benny Reams was absent Tues­ able be unable to walk without 9. What prominent New York Knotts reading the service. middle . . . Curtis Parker betting a tenant. day. We expect he was fighting the night club entertainer, w ith his crutches for about six weeks. Preceding the ceremony Miss nlekle seegar on the Yanks nnd then H ipplly HI R, high school, Lor­ forest fire near his home. pilot, flew to England and made the Marjorie Ruth Santo, sister of the hedging by placing a five cent wag­ raine Force, lender; Lucille Smith, Several seventh nnd eighth grnde return trip? DELOS WALKERS H A VE SON groom sang, “Oh Promise Me,” ac­ er on the Giants . . . Pearl F'erguson Second nnd Mrs. Dorothy McGuire, boys caught the lim it in fish during 10. Where is ihe eighteenth an­ companied on the piano by Mrs. hnrvesling her third crop of this IJeulennnl. Mr. nnd Mrs. Delos W alker are the week end, but no deer were nual American Legion National Joseph Knotts. The bride came season’s hay. Mrs. M illie W alker, Mrs. Em ily convention being held? Ihe happy parents of a son born shot. down Ihe aisle on the arm of her Lively and Mrs. Rose Gay are the Boys nre practicing baseball and Mrs. Murial Devine, of Portland, brother, W illiam Hainmersly, to the Frank Carter, Clyde, Leslie nnd committee and Marjorie Skeeters Thursday, September 24, at the girls arc playing volley hall. We arrived Wednesday morning or a strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding Leo Wnlker returning with a dandv Pena the captain. Sacred Heart hospital in Medford. are hoping for a game next week. visit here w ith her mother, Mrs. March, played by Mrs. Doris Lantz. two-poinler. Lea snw II, Leo hit It. The Gold H ill Grange sponsors The boy weighed in at 7 and 3-4 An exciting debate on “Slavery” Matte H eller and w ith her brother The young couple left Sunday eve­ first. Clyde grazed it on the belly tbe Irnop nnd allows their meetings pounds. Mother and son are doing was held Monday by four eighth in d sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. A ll­ ning for a several days’ honeymoon nnd Frank brought It down. nicely. to he held In the Grange hall. graders. 1 an Heller. in California. The Spy-G la ss