Page Four The Gold Hill Newa, Gold Hill. Oregon ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ i .■ i r llOCALIRPJININGSl ! hr. and Mrs. L D Inskeep were visitors in Gold Hili Friday. No much inc, no electricity. $3.00 and $7.30 Genuine DU ART Nu-i’ad Wave $3.75 and $3-00 Olher Permanents $t.50-$2.50 Shampoo and Finger W eve 75c Electric Manicure . .........„ 50c BO W M A N S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor IS S. Cent.—Medford—Ph. 57 Oregon Scenes and Other Assorted Cards CHRISTMAS TAGS and W RAPPINGS I MUSIC & PHOTO HOUSE STANTON ROWELL. PROP. Grants Pass. Oregon Saturday Only W arner B axter ¡ n 'Under a Pampas Moon’ “ESCAPADE” Luise Rainer Tuesday and Wednesday BURNS and ALLEN in “LOVE IN BLOOM’ Mrs. \ \ . Martin returned to her home here Thursday after spending several days in Medford. Mrs Blaine Biles visited Friday with her mother. Mrs Harry Chil­ ders of Eagle Point. Micky Began from Foots Creek, was a visitor in this city the first of the week. "PRIVATE W ORLDS” Thursday, November 28, 1935 --------------------- , — mountain during Ihe summer. The Acid Test down and pushed the bottom half Teacher: "Some acids bring about all Ihe way up.” instuut death. I’ll lake eurholie acid, for instance.” Independent Laundry Student (waking up): “Whoop­ and Dry Cleaners ee I" Dresses 75c lu *1.35 J. J. Skinner, of the California Oregon Power com pan*, was a business visitor in this city Mon­ day. m o re fa v o ra b le f o r young people to a c q u ire homes NEVER « . « » daaa Amsrtssas U lH tkalr k» ™ « ( ,« « kg, k u it b a .« ,o • Rssssial Uaadpala« far yaaag maniad paopla to lacura « good aaw keaia OR farm» «key aaa afford. Uadar tko tarn«, of tka no« N A TIO N A L H O U S IN G A CT (Tltla l l | Undo San« I. going to goarantoo C O N S TR U C TIO N LOANS mada for aractlen of naw ra.ldancai. Sack loan, will ba tka mart likaral a b t.ln .W a -R O par cant . f tka a p p ,.l..d , . l „ Think ebout your new home N O W — let m * «how you pl«n« XMAS SPECIALS Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and baby from near Sacramento, Cal­ ifornia, who formerly owned the Arthur Frost property known as the Dirk Richman place, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Rootusiuiter ami N. A. Mortenson of Klamath Lake «laughter. Mrs Beth Bowers. Ri­ resorts in California, returned to viera auto park Thursday while on his home the last of the week after their way to Portland to visit Mrs. M Ä ± * WeekS “ H° kOmb . H - i s ^ ^ T ' h X , - Mineral Springs. employed as road contractor Mr. and Mrs. Art Gorham and California. daughter Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson and Mrs Minnie Byerly left Wednesday for Portland to visit relatives over Ihe Thanks­ giving holiday. They will return Sunday. J .R . B IE R M A TYPEWRITERS STATIONERY SUPPLIES 116 N. Cent. Medford—Ph. 282 CHRISTMAS CARDS, SEALS, W RAPPINGS GIFT NOVELTIES andPERFUM E LOVELY TOW ELS and TABLE CLOTHS Tree Decorations and Lights Shop at Your Home Store FIRST for Your Christmas Needs DRAKE’S General Line Groceries and Hardware —make eitiwete« (Free). E. Guetzlaff. who is one of the largest turkey raisers in the com­ munity, has had a crew working day and nigTit over the week end preparing his fine birds for the San Francisco market. Dick Tur­ pin and Claire Stumbo also ship­ ped a fine lot of number one tur­ keys. Lloyd Lance of Wolf Creek was calling on relatives Thursday aft­ ernoon. He reports his wife recov­ ering nicely from her reeeni ma­ jor operation performed by Dr. E. R. Seely formerly of Medford and Dr. Saari at the Good Samaritan hospital at Portland. Mr. Lance was accompanied home by Mrs. Lance's aunt, Mrs Frank Elliott, who will stay with his daughter, Ruth, as Mrs. Bob Cook left Fri­ day for Portland, where she and her daughter will occupy an apart- men while Mrs. Lnce convalesces. Mr. and Mrs Elliott have changed their plans in regard to going to Redding, California, to engage in business. Be reedy to teke advantage of tho mo«t It bore I opportunity N EW S Mrs. Cal Dusenberry an«« son. Donald of Loomis, California, ar­ rived Sunday for a week's visit with Mrs. Dusenberry's daughter, Mrs. Ellis Matthews, and family. of tka cam- pitted property will be loaned bu.ider« et H V i H H C tN T . every day. (By Mrs. .Martoa Lanca) *1.00 Gents' Overcoata ... *1.00 Cents' Suits 85- Phone for Laundry Prices ,73* N. Riverside Phone 535 Medford, Oregon H ave circum stances been 5 FOOTS CREEK Ladles' Coats NEVER Bert Sargent of Gold Hill spent tho first firs‘ of ?f Ihe ,l?e week nt the Charles McM*rrick *«»• Jesse Ad- ilington, who is caring for the prop­ erty. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Chisholm and Read the ads. They will save Those 22 SHOPPING DAYS TIL family moved Friday to the Mea­ CHRISTMAS will soon he goni you moneyI dows, where Mr. Chisholm will tnd so will your chance to give mine. Photographs as Christmas gifts un­ Mrs. Veltie Biles and son Rich­ less you act soon. Cull SH AN’Gt.E ard Lee, returned io their hottie THE PHOTOGRAPHER. Ph. ,30». here Tuesday from Sacred Heart Medford, for your appointment. hospital in Medford. Mrs. W. I). Moore of Evans val- Will Blanton has moved into t h e l’*?’ ans«ted Monday with Mrs. west part of town. He will mine on while Mr. Moore and the hill back of the place. Mr. White transacted business in Central Point. Mr. Moore is Mrs. 130 East Main-Medford 5 Merrill Davis and Ralph Cupp Cook’s brother. left Friday for K la m a t h ____ Falls, ____ Come in «tnd watch ns where they will trap. They ex pee make your candies fresh « to be gone until after Christmas. Wed. Nite is Cash Nite Thursday and Friday CLAUDETTE COLBERT ., Price’s Candies , SEALS Sunday and Mondav WTLLIAM POWELL in Mrs. Mary Moreloclt spent Friday as the guest of Mrs. L. R. Darling. i Boh Cook of Gold Hill span! Hie past week at Ute Higiiiand Mine on the rigid fork of Foots Creek. Mrs. L. R. Darling visited rela­ Toney Boss, also of Gold Hill, is tives iu Medford Saturday. working the G. J. Alldree mine for Billy and Beth Reed spent Sat­ A. E. Neltlehlud of Seattle, Wash­ Too Thorough urday in Medford with their moth­ ington. Mother: "Tom, did you open your er. Mrs. Lola Reed. Mrs. Minnie Byerly spent Sunday window wide?" 1 he J. Harris family from near at (¡old lliil as.the guest of her Tom: "You bet I did. Mother. I Medford, moved Saturday into the guest of her daughters, Mrs. Eve­ pulled the top hnlf all the way Jas. Chisholm house. lyn Thompson and Mis. Arthur K ilt BENT: Modern five-room Gorham, house. Close in. Inquire at The Margaret Bates, duughtrr or Mr. News office. an«, Mrs. Guy Bates of Bogue Rlv- Must repossess standard make 1 er, has been quite ill during Ihe piano in this locality. Will sell for past ten days with throat trouble, unpaid balance. A bargain. Easy The Bairs formerly lived on Foots terms. Write Tallman Piano Store. Creek while Mr. Hates was em- Salem, Oregon. Nil-D5* ployed at the dredge. Hosa hesimini returned to school Mrs Kate Smith of Salem, was Monday after a week’s absence on Ihe guest of her brother, W. E. account of sickness. Boss and Mrs. Boss on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H F Drake were She was on her way to Ashland to Grants Pass visitors Tuesday , where visit her daughter, Mrs Dorothy Perrin. Mrs. Drake consulted a doctor. Christmas Cards Plus Episode 11 "Red Rider” with Buck Jones Jim Cook of Ashland was visit­ ing relatives in this city Sunday. ■ 3 every o f f e r e d p r o s p e c tiv e home builder«. ■) a ? Be reedy when application« for tho now loon« ere opened i (.AND) CANES from le up FANCY CANDY BOXES 50c up 1 lb- Rag ASST. CANDIES 40r 2-lbs. • 75e 3 lbs. " 4 lbs. ” *1.(5 5 lbs. ” $ FAMILY CHOCOLATES 30c lb DeLl'XE CHOCOLATES 50c lb. ----------- Io a few week«. 5 f. T | 3 3 I _ im b e r P r o d u c ts C o. End North Central Phone 7 Medford, Ore. SH O P a n d S A V E MAKE BOTH W ESTERN THRIFT CUT-RATE DRUG A N D T O R A r r o STORES YOUR XM AS SH Q PPIN C H EADQUARTER? TOBACCO 51.00 GIFT SETS 49^ FLASHLIGHTS 51-00 BILLFOLDS CHOC. CHERRIES 1 lb..... VELVET and PRINCE ALBERT .............. MAIN & CENTRAL 39 ç to 490 590 290 100 Bank Bldg. c u 25 51.00 Guaranteed W ATCHES T R A T E 840 250 XMAS CARDS 51.65 Yardley’* TOILET W ATER $1.39 IX RAZOR Fit B L A D E S...... Gillette 50c PIPE S ” 390 J usi Back" of Wurti 125 EAST SIXTH W ESTER N T H R IF T Everett Kubli and Orin Cook of Applegate spent Sunday on Foots Creek driving out the last of the cattle that range on this side of the Holiday Clearance on Coats Women’s Sweaters $5900 FUR TRIMMED COATS $4500 and 4950 C O A T S............ $3950 and 55” .............. $2950 COATS ......... Value« to $X975 ............. Bullon or Zip­ per styles, plain knit or brushed wool. $2.98 to $4.95 Holiday Clearance on Hats Men’s Wear SHIRTS — styled in fine striped madras. 98c to 5L95 TIES—colorful beauties in novel p a t t e r n effects. Hand made. Durable. 50c to 5L 00 Men and Women's House Slippers 56.95 and $5.95 Values «•» oc Value« to 53.95 ............................................. 5L00 V alue. ............................................................... Kid, Fell or Sheep-lined. Phoenix Silk Hose for Men and Women T h e G o ld e n R u le Ladies’ Hose 79c — *1 _ » u s Grants Paas, Oregon 35c to 50c Men’s Hose ■ 59c to 51-69 Big Specials on Everything to Wear in O ut Bargain Basement M. M. DEPT. STORE Medford, Oregon