Thursday, November 26, 1935 Oregon Ranks Second In Nat'l Safety Record (Hy JEAN MOELLER) dipped, before frying give» it a de­ licious flavor? 3. If a pinch of salt is added be­ fore whipping, cream or eggs will whip more quickly? RIVOLI Dressing Theatre Grants Pass I cup bread crumbs. ON WASHING THE WASHING Here is something that will come Thurs. Fri., Sat., Nov. 28-29-30 I tublespoon minced parsley. MACHINE In very handy und you will want 1 tablespoon minced onion. Io rile. Jœ E. Brown in Mi teaspoon salt. Definition of Oven Heata Mi teaspoon pepper. “B right Lights” Slow oven 250 to 325 ,|eg. v 3 tablespoons melted shortening. Enough milk to moisten. Preview: Nov. 30, 11 p. m . Spread on the steak. Hull up and “The Public Menace” skewer or tie firmly. Brown in a .11.110 wuier marks, soap rings, and with Jean Arthur, small amount of fat. Pour over three I scum from your washing machine. Oregon Slule Motor association, George Murphy tablespoons of Worcestershire sponsor of the "Let’s Quit K illing’ Sprinkle the stained surface with sauce, and an inch of water in the | thut safe, quick-acting cleanser i traffic program. I hut the development of mutual Sun. Mon. Tues., Dec. 1-2-3 pan. Cover uod roast for ubout an made with seismotite. It doesn’t | Oregon's reduction in the first Hi understanding and cooperation be­ hour to one and one-half hours. months of this year bus been 21%, tween cities and the rural sections scratch and it is a cieasing agent j “H ere Cymes the Band” RECIPES meaning a saving of 54 lives, the will do much toward the up-build­ which safely cleans and polishes Brown Betty Pudding with Ted Lewis, Virginia Bruce DO YOU KNOW THAT: motor association pointed out. Na­ ing of both. any washable surface. Rub gently 3 cups broken bread crumbs. 1. When making drip coffee, you until ail stains are chased aw ay,' It would soon show the city man tional reports for the first nine 1 cup apples, cut fine. can gat rid of the dust particles in then rinse and dry—and behold , Wednesday, Thursday, Dec. months of 1935 show that the ter­ that the farmer is a business man Butter baking dish, put i coffee by rinsing the part that the your immaculate, spick-and-span | “Anna Karenina” rible death rate of 1934 continues who is planning and working at of bread crumbs, then a li coffee is put into? unchecked and that the same num­ all limes to develop the business of apples with one-half cup su| clean washer will be washed as i with Greta Garbo, 2. A tablespoon of lemon juice thoroughly and as painstakingly as ; ber of highway fatalities occurred farming. He is a real neighbor and a little butter ami cinnamon < Frederick March added to the egg in which fish is are your finest household linens! the first nine months of 19.35 as does his own share for the better­ layer. occurred during the sunie period ment of the whole community. Bake slowly for one hour. last yea . It will show the farmer that the Serve with sherry sauce. Of 23 stales which have lowered city man is always willing to do The Sherry Sauce their record of traffic fatalities his share. 1 bottle whipping cream. The cities and the country face this year, only Rhode Island sur- 2 egg yolks. passes Oregon, National Safely the same big problem—that of 2 tnbk*s|M>ons sherry. Council figures show. The tiny eas­ building up their community. Sweeten Io taste. Whip Enlightenrd men should cooper­ stiff. Then beat eggs stiff. 5 tern state, with a population little more than two-lhinl» that of Ore­ ate together to success—a success gether ami add sherry and si gon. showed a reduction of 31% thut ignores selfishness and works Stuffed Flank Steak at the end of the first nine months, only to the common good of the 2 pounds flank steak. while Oregon followed with u 16% whole community. Rub the juice of a lemon over drop In the same period. both sides. Other states recording outstand­ Poultry and Rabbit Show ing .-eductions were Delaware 15%, in Ashland, Dec. 13 and 14 Massa» ’mselts 14%., Illinois 12%. (8 months only); Minnesota 11%; Mis­ souri 10% (8 months only); Iowa 7% (8 months only); Florida 6% (8 months only); and Pennsylvan­ ia 5%. Twenty-five states showed an Increase. "Every motorist who bus co-op- eraled in Oregon's program ol highway safely is Io be congratu­ lated on the reduction we have EAKI.Y CHRISTMAS SHOP- shown," said W. It. McDonald, di­ PERS will find a lovely stock rector of Hie Oregon State Motor of Gift Jewelry at Our Store association in charge of safety. "We cun be justly proud of our position among other slates. Kings "Il is probable thut the next an­ Sterling and Gold, newest de­ nouncement of nutionul traffic fa signs, 81.00 to 8100 Fooled Him? la llty figures will find Oregon even Collegian: “Our economics prol closer to the leading stute, inas­ talks to himself. Docs yours?" much us such a splendid reduction Collegian: “Yes, but he doesn’t W ris t W ¿tches whs made in October.” know it. He thinks w e’re listening.'* AT ALL PUCES The secretary of state's figures show 33 denths In October, 1034, lie Still Has 'Em and only 19 in the same month this First Stude: "I hear you and year. Fatulities for the 10-month vour girl had some words." period of lust year totaled 258, Second Stude: “Well, I didn't. while this year they numbered That is. I had some, but I didn’t only 204. get to use them." "This decrease, I believe, can be Attributed directly to Oregon's ex ­ tensive program of sufety educa­ Small deposit will hold any tion," McDonald added. "It is defi­ item "til Christmas. nite indication that the serious problem can be solved. “We can not, however, allow CRANTS PASS ORE ourselves to be content with this reduction. All accidents nre avoid­ able. There is no need for loss of life on our streets and highways. W ATCH If every motorist continues to help, P E P A 1RS we can prevent the wasting of > 6 T H ST human lives." inta’s Stocks at Grants Pass ARE MORE CO M PLETE TH A N G ifts that endure and give service during the to come. E V E R , T H IS Y E A R , Formal Just a few of the many items now on display H O T P O IN T A P P L IA N C E S Luncheon Service (Sandwich grill, tray and accessories.) Coffee M akers and 8 cup size with or without electric hot plai and W indow Unveiling W a ffle Irons Chromium plated with heat indicators Tuesday, December 3 Many other new and useful appliances that will be please the the most fastidious homemaker. Also Washing Machines and Refrigerators. S P E C IA L P R E -C H R IS T M A S E V E N T S E A C H W E E K E N D U N T IL A Sm all Deposit W ill Hold Any Item U n til Christmas, C H R IS T M A S Brownie’s Radio Shop 106 o. S. 6th St. iuo Din o i. G rants U rants Pass, Pass, Oregon Oregon — Sponsored by — Grants Pass M erchants’ Com m ittee — Oregon Cavemen, Inc. Phone 56 56 Phone We service and repair all makes of Radios, Washing Machines and Electrical Appliances. Cirants Pass Is A. Good Place to Trade