Page Two The Gold H ill New*, Gold Hill, Oegon Thursday, November 2Ä, 1035 • • • « • THE GOLD HILL NEWS • • • On Oregon Farms Established 1897 Published by Mac’s Printing Co. R. E. BLANKENBURG, Editor and Business Manager LOIS BLANKENBURG, Associate Editor * « Biggest, Tallest Trees Named by OSC Forester Z Í ' , h* V ay 2 when*1 out óu’ ,h,‘ 31 «*r Mni •» "*‘hl ° f fu’“* •« » reg o li lust year to it im i h< u «■milled in cu rred al lutei sei lion s und pre- The largest tree In the w orld is fin, H h.. , : ..r '" "•‘’•«.rh.» «• the fam ous General Sherm an tree, finii If he docan 1 live to enjoy It? their lives w ere en titled tu (he a redw ood in Sequoia N ational • he Oregon S late Motor association right o f wuy. park, w h ich con tain s 600,120 hoard feel, says T. J. Starker o f Oregon Stale co lleg e sch ool of forestry, in FICK’S HARDWARE recently p ublished articles on "Gi­ l $ l Weal Main — Medford ant G row ers o f the G lobe.” HARDWARE AND PAINTS NEURITIS - ARTHRITIS The tallest tree In the w orld , so M'-ytag a n i Speed Queen W ash- _ R— .«He O m i la h v l.ln . ISvuMndel A g e e l.e r d b .lh e e , . u . f a n ta lw , far as k n ow n , is another redw ood .. „ s ’ »»'«I Service I»»*» M ,.|.,l.a »I Rbeumelum" •«•laid ' ' "»le» It s It, f. igc, o f d ifferen t species in northern »•' JPJ**i»el‘l A,l,lre«e lh<* audio, I a , i r U a r w e ls r I S U 10 16 A » l »«»‘UiwaU Mama C alifornia, w h ich is 364 feel high. The oldest tree has not been d e fi­ n itely d eterm ined, though several B. E. A D A M S are credited w ith ages o f around ALL At Mann*« Auto H’ r v i c . 1000 years. » ■ I» » * A M IR 1C AN WJ» R iverside, Medford M A R I« HUILDKM OF AUTOMOBILE AMETHY.S1 K tliL k A ll L odge 97. R IR A IR ID AND TRUCK BODIKS Meets every W ednesday night at the "If Its Made W e Can Make I f t H f P A IR S I. O. O. F. Hull. Gold H ill. Oregon I O I Z itS o 6 •« ST Belle Sm ith, noble grand. N ettie Stone, vice grand. Mudge Dorm an, secretary. I.ue.v Mee. treasurer. B ays C ertified EnglU h R ye Seed OREGON G U Y — O vel W ilson of Canby w ill be Hie first Clackam as county farm er tu plant certified An Independent Newspaper Hiblished in the Interests of E nglish rye grass seed . Through County A gent J. J. Inskeep. Mr. W il­ Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity son has obtained 200 pounds of seed w h ich recen tly cam e from the PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY pure strain in N ew Zealand. He E n tered at the P oatoffice at Gold H ill, O regon, tor tra o sm issio a through plans to seed 15 acres. E nglish rye grass is a perennial, w h ile com m on the w a ils a s seco n d -cla ss m atter. rye grass is an annual. h n b scrip l.on $2.00 a year in advance. A dvertising rates ou application W ill Peed Sheep S m all Grains LAKEVIEW — F ive Lake county EVER HAVE A EIRE? for that "first tim e.” sheep men are p lan n in g to co op er­ I n less your hom e is differen t ate w ith C ounty Agent Victor W. H ave you ever had a seriou s fire from the average, it con tain s a long Johnson in testin g out the a d v is­ on your p rop erty? The ch an ces are i list o f fire hazards. R em em ber that ab ility o f feed in g sm all grains to that you haven't—and you are j old furniture, those ancient maga- their sh eep bands on th e desert this lu ck y. ! zin es and clo th es you 've been put- w in ter in stead o f the usual corn. But the fact that you haven't su f­ ! ting in the attic little by little for fered directly from fire loss should­ many y ears? T hey o ffer a constant With sm all grains su ch as barley n't give yon a false sen se o f seeur- ; in vitation to fire, no less than the and oats sellin g lo ca lly for $15 to iy. A fire, like an yth in g else, has nest o f a real pack-rat. And the ac­ ?-‘0 a ton. and No. 2 y ello w dent GOLD HILL CHAPTB r ' w , R. e . to happen a first tim e. And the cum ulations of greasy rags or ref­ corn co stin g about $45 a ton laid Meets tw ice a m o n t h on the 2nd dow n at L a k ev iew , a substantial p rop erty-ow n er w ho disregards uge in the basem ent or garage__ and 4th W ednesdays at their Club w arn in gs co n cern in g fire hazards, what m ore could th e force o f sp on ­ saving in fees! costs cou ld he m ade room s In the City Hall. if the plan Is effectiv e, it is pointed th in k in g that such matters may a f­ taneous com bustion w ant to it iu D aisy Paul, president. out. fect oth ers but not him, is all set its w ork? And those electrical re­ Lucy D esim in i, secretary. pairs you made y o u rself, in order Ella P atrick, treasurer W ater Increases Seed Yield to save the few d ollars an expert HII.I.SHOHO— Irrigation of a field CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTICE electrician w ould h ave charged to o f red clo v er gave an average seed Christian S cien ce services a r e || do the job properly— perhaps you yield ap p roxim ately seven lim es as held each Son,lav m orning at elev ­ don't know that electrica l hazards much as on an un irrigated field en o'clock in the building across are one o f the most p ro lific sou rces that had, if an yth in g, a little the b et­ from the Odd F ellow s hall. of fire. And that h eatin g plant that O f all th e p o ssib le sources of ter soil on the farm of John T h orn ­ E veryon e Is w elcom e. is go in g full blast th ese first days ch ron ic and d istressin g head­ burgh at F orest Grove, he reported o f w in ter— u n less it has been re­ aches. EYES are perhaps the recen tly to County A gent W. F. cen tly insp ected and overh au led , i: m ost frequent and least suspected. HAMBURGER INN Cyrus. T he seed crop from the un­ is one o f the fire dem on's best Mr. and Mrs. Chet Parker. Prop. irrigate,I field averaged 55 pounds allies. Dr. Orville H. Scheetx TAMALES and CHILI per acre, and on the irrigated field Almost every fire hazard can be OPTOMETRIST Short O rders Our S p ecialty 355 pounds per acre. At 35 cen ts a elim inated— furtherm ore, it can be 606 East H St. — Grants Pass SILEX COFFEE pound for seed, this m eant a gross elim in ated q u ick ly, ea sily and N ear P ost O ffice 10$ W. Main Medford. Ore. return o f $39 an acre from the ir ­ cheaply. Som e o f the most danger P ortland O ffice: 719 S ellin g Bldg rigation. Mr. Thornburgh n ow has ous hazards, suelj as im properi»- a major part of h is land under ir­ stored inflam m ables and p iles of rigation and has recen tly laid out rubbish, can be done a w a y w ith en ­ an additional 35 acres to receive tirely w ith ou t cost. D oing that may supplem ental w ater. - B $— —« W fron autla" Up N1IhtK save lives and irreplaceab le prop­ Pela«. Swollen Jalaia erly — is it w orth the little w ork that P lanting Space A ffects M oisture rùÎMi"raV '1uSi ’«•“«■a AatOMjr « is in v o lv ed ? — Industrial R eview . I HE DALLES — A d ifferen ce in planting d istan ce of as little us five V. O. AGAIN CHOSEN feel apparently has co n sid era b le in ­ AS W EST ART CENTER fluence on the am ount o f soil m ois­ ture availab le to fruit trees, says I n iv ersify o f O regon, Eugene. County Agent W. W ray I.n w ren e-. N ovem ber 25— T he U n iv ersity o f Soil sam p les w ere taken this su m ­ WATCH REPAIHING Oregon in the w est, and Harvard mer in 17 sw eet cherry orchards, 4 Larry Schade U n iv ersity in th le east, for the sev ­ peach orch ard s, 5 apricot orchards, S. P. W atch Inspector enth con secu tiv e year, have again 2 prune orchards and 1 apple o r­ i S in ce 1918 been ch o sen as cen ters for norm al chard. In m ost of the b earin g ch er­ LO W -C O S T FOOD 21 S. Central— N ext to Graterian art appreciation train in g cen ters ry orchards, w ith trees set 30 feet M edford, Oregon on T R A IN S to by the C arnegie foundation of N ew apart, the w iltin g point w a s reach­ York, it w as an n ou n ced at E ugene ed about August 1, w h ile in bearing C A L IF O R N IA th is w eek by Dr. C. V alentine B oy­ orchards w ith trees set 40 feet apart California-bound travelers will er. p resid en t o f the u n iversity. W ord the w iltin g p oin l w as not reached be happy to know about our o f the d esign ation w a s received by until after O cober 1. In the bett<- Our Reconditioned oew food service in coaches and w ire from E llis F. L aw rence, dean enred fur o t the latter orchards, the Tourist Pullmans. A white -uni- formed attendant serves coffee o f the sch o o l o f A llied Arts, w h o is w iltin g point w as not reached this or milk for 5r, sandwiches 10c n ow in the east atten d in g a number season. have m any m iles of unused doughnuts 10c,fruit 5c,etc. Next, o f m eetings. transportation. time try the train—save money. T he grant fo r the com in g sum ­ M otorists m ay now d rive from C ity w ithout m er w ill be $6.000, w h ich w ill pro­ Oregon to M exico CHEVROLET Quality and Econom y vide sch o la rsh ip s for approxim ately fear of unpleasant road con d ition s, Seeyour locals. P. agent or write See the 1936 Standard and Monter J. A. Ormandy, Gen. Paa. Agent, 20 students. T h ese are selected from it is announced by the O regon State D eLuxe. T he on ly C om plete low 705 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. 769-m lles sch ools o f the w est, and all e x ­ -Motor a sso cia tio n . T he priced car. penses, in clu d in g tu ition , arc paid stretch from Laredo, T exas, *o ROGUE RIVER from the fund. T he students en ro ll M exico City is con sid ered in good in fhe sum m er session . CHEVROLET, INC. con d ition . All but 22 m iles is eith er 32 No. R iverside Medford, Orc. paved or graveled. HEADACHE? Getting Up Nights USED C A R S ‘ RHEUMATISM! £ U n u s u a l V a lu e s IN DESIRABLE USED CARS ’34 FORD COUPE ’34 FORD SEDAN ’31 FORD COUPE ’30 FORD TUDOR ’31 FORD PICKUP ’28 CHEVROLET COACH ’30 DODGE COUPE REASONABLE TRADES• O tis $495 $585 $285 $260 $255 $145 .......$285 EASY TERMS E . H a c k e tt Grant* Pass Ih c lo p N o tch t a t s WILL SATBFY THAT HUNGRY FEELING Souih r , i 5c. Lunches ■— Sandwiches — Salad* Off Main Medford. O r ^ . . Southern P acific Find Out From Your Doctor if the Pain” Remedy You Take Is Safe. Don’t Entrust Your Own or Your Family’s Well - Being to Unknown Preparations B E F O R E you take any pr»para- , ,u °n y,ou, do.n 1 know ™ about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia ask your doctor what he arith^Co81*0111 n 1 ~ in comPAri*on with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. We say this because, before the ®?yer A?plnn> mo,t •o-called pain remedies were ad- vised against by physicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the neart. And the discovery of Bayer Aspirin largely changed medical practice. " Countless thousands of people who have taken Bayer Aspirin year in and out without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: Genuine Bayer Aapirin is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and safe for the average person to take regularly. You can get real Bayer Aspirin at any drug store — simply by never asking for it by the name “aspirin” T c o r o r x i “¿WayS sa7 ‘n« BA YEP ASPIRIN when you Buy. B ayer A spirin MEDFORD SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE PHONE 84 419V, East Main — Medford PERMANENT W AVES ...... $1.00 F inger W ave 25c; Comb W ave 25c Shampoo .............. 25c Haircut .......25c Marcei "’“ ’25c M anicure .............. 25c E ye B row Arch ................... ......25c Scalp T reatm ent .... ............... _.50c Hot O il...... 50c; F acials .......... 50c E nroll N o w — P ay as you learn. W ork done by stu d en ts under supervision. THE DOCTORS ARE RIGHT W'omen s h o u l d t a k e o n l y tmrei 7 ms* 1T0 REUIVIH* ------IC W n M W M SHOE REPAIRING DRUGS Goodyear SHOE Service OWL PHARMACY 107 So. 6th St. Grants Pass D y ein g — all colors, to match your gow n F in est equipped sh o p in South­ ern Oregon. See GutcheBs. RELIABLE REASONABLE S U N D R IE S , P R E S C R IP T IO N S Cor. flth and H S U , Grants Pose OPTOMETRIST b'ine W atch 4 Jew eh-y B epairing R eady fo r you w h en prom ised. P rices Most R easonable. You can k n ow your EYES L enses on ly w h en required Buhn’s Jewelry Store Dr. Herbert W. H erm ann P ass- Oregon “ We Buy o ld G old” OPTOMETRIST .. Grants Pass 519 H SI. P hone 258J BEAUTY SHOPS CAFES E xpert b eau ty w ork at reason* able prices. Perm anent W aves, Manicure*. F inger W aves, M arcels, F acials CAVE BEAUTY SHOP III O. S. BLANCHARD laxative, and keep reducing the dose until the bowels need no help at ail. r Reduced dosage is the secret of aiding Nature in restoring regularity. You must use a little less laxative each time, and that’s why your laxa­ tive should be in liquid form. A liquid dose can be regulated to the drop. The liquid laxative generally used Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara — both natural laxatives that form no habit even with children. Syrup Pepsin is the nicest tasting, nicest act jpg l*x&* live you ever tried. DH U«S. JEWELRY Phone 73_________ G rants Pas* A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each lime, until bowels need no help at all. MEDFORD, OREGON ..... ................... ............................................ .. ....... «..................... ......................-T-T, WHEN IN GRANTS PASS USE THIS DIRECTORY l i q u i d la x a t i v e s M any b elieve 8Dy laxative th ey might take only makes constipation A n d that t h a t isn’t ia n ’l true. worse. . And Do w hat doctors do to relieve Uns condition. They use a liquid Conger Funeral Parlors LAWYER Grants P ass, Oregon General p ractice in all court*. R eferen ce: Grants Pass A Jose­ p h in e Bank. P h on e 270 OFFICE SUPPLIES Station ery — O ffice Supplies T y p ew riters Gift Merchozidi** Books — Drugs C. H. Demaray N 6th St. Grant* P» « Teach Your Dollari toHave More 'Cents' Palace Cafe and Lunch Open 24 Houns _ H,,„) C offee Meals and Short Orders Booths and Counter G raris Pass CLEANERS Valley Cleaner* « U H East H. St.. Grants Pass O pposite P. O. P hone 266 Suits clean ed and p ressed >1.00 ni ? S,eaned and blocked $1.00 f lain dresses clean ed , presaed $1 AUTO REPAIRING McQueen’* Repair Shop Buick and P on tiac A uthorised service. —- General R epairing. H adtator flushing. Six year* in xwne Icaatlon. Across from P. 0 . — G ran t* Pass ..................... ....................... .. ■ ■ ■ 1 x. To make your dollar go farthest, select a reliable business establishment. The business and profes­ sional men listed in this directory are leaders in their respective lines. They guarantee their mer­ chandise which gives you assurance that you will be satisfied. When shopping, use this directory. 1. W. C o p e la n d Y ard s 4th and G Street* Grant. P ... “ “ ENT - LUMBER J DOORS ’ '' r * v iTu ¥"!* Material* of All Kind. Get Your F.HA. Loan* Thru U»— You Pay Like Rent ’