Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, November 21, 1935, Image 1

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    Th. M o.. Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Pubh.hed in the Biggoat Little Town in th. S tet,
M '
" 1
VOLUME x x x v i n
(Hy Mr». Marlun l.anre)
Mr». Lloyd Miller from here, her
slater, .Mrs. Millie Walker mid Mr.
Mini Mr». Perry Walt of (¡old Hill
left Wednesday for Sacramento,
California, Io attend N a t i o n a l
(¡range a» representative from the
Hogue Itlver grange
■ -
Odd Fellows Plan Benefit
Dance Thanksgiving Eve
Thanksgiving eve hus been set by
the Gold Hill Odd Fellow lodge for
the benefit dance to raise funds
lor their unnual community Christ­
mas parly and baskets and gifts for
needy fumilies.
I’be dunce will be given ul their
hall and good music and good food
is promised.
The committee urges that every­
one support this project, and If it
is nul possible Io attend, contribu­
tions ami purchase of tickets in ad­
vance will he grealy appreciated.
This year's Christmas party will
he the eleventh annual such event
sponsored by the lodge.
"I. Franklin D. Itoosevell, president of the I'niled Stales of
America, hereby designate, Ihe 28lh of November. 1935, as a
•lay of national Thanksgiving.
"Ill traversing a period of national sires», our country has
I,cm knit together in a closer fellowship of mutual interest and
common purpose. We can be grateful that more and more of
our people understand ami seek the greater good of the greater
number. We can be grateful that stlfisb purpose of personal
gain, at our neighbor's loss, less strongly asserts itself. We can
In grateful that peace -at home is strengthened by a growing
willingness to common counsel. We can lie grateful that our
place with other nations continue» through rtcogniion of our
own peaceful purpose.
Bui, In appreciation of tin- blessings that Divine providence
has bestowed upon us in America, we shall not rejoice as Ihe
Pharisee rejoiced. War und slrife still live in Ihe world.
Bather must America, by example and in practice, help to hind
the wounds of oilier», strive against disorder and aggression,
encourage the lessening of distress among people ami advance
peaceful trade and friendship. ’
"Tlie future of many generations of mankind will he greatly
guided by our act» in these present years. We have a new trial.
"Let us, then, on the day appointed, offer our devotions and
our humble thanks to Almighty God and pray that the people of
America will be guided by him ill helping their fellow man.
"In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and
caused the seul of the United Stales to he affixed.
Buy Site for Camp
Near Sardine Cr. Bridge
Mr. O. H. Miller and Mrs. Delta
Fabian of Washington, this week
bought a small tract of land from
Soren Christenson located on the
tyest edge of his ranch just this
side of Ihe Sardine Creek bridge
Mr. Miller ami Mrs. Fabian plan to
build a service station, confection­
ery, cabins and camp ground on the
At present they are building a
cabin for their home. They will do
most of the work themselves and
plan to be ready for business be­
fore early summer.
Mr. Miller states that he has trav­
eled over much of Ihe United States
and had thought that he would lo­
cate in California. However, in
driving through from Washington,
he was attracted to this locality, and
although he toured northern Cali­
fornia, the Gold Hill site seemed
most satisfactory, and he returned
here to settle.
While a number of localities in
Ihe county have reported cases of
infantile paralysis, Ihe Gold Hill
community is so far fortunate in es­
caping the disease.
One case was reported on Birds­
eye Creek west of this city, last
week, a little four-year-old girl re­
cently moved here fro;j Hood Riv­
Several new home» have been
er. County authorities moved the
built »• Graves Creek and Wolf
family which was living in a tent,
Creek for employe» of the Hogue
to Jacksonville, where the little girl
Hlver Gobi company's dredge that
succumbed. Two other deaths and
wa» moved from here last June. Mr.
six other cases have been reported
ami Mr». P. Walter have complet­
over the county, but all have been
ed a new cottage at Grave Creek.
isolated and the county medical so­
Their former home is occupied by Garden Club to Make
ciety reports they are checking all
Mr. anil Mr» Bedford Bile» and son
Membership Drive
illnesses and taking all precaution­
who have spent the summer at Sex­
ary measures, and that no epidemic
ton Mountain auto camp. Mr. and
Eleven ladies were present at the
is expected.
Mr», Percy Thomas, who also lived
A number of cases of measles arid
at the same camp are now staying regular Garden club meeting at the
fever have also been report­
at the I.. A. Van Valkenberg place
It was agreed that December be
ed in the county, and there are two
until their new home at Wolf
cases of measles and one of scar­
Creek is completed. Mr. and Mr». designated ns membership month,
let fever in this section. The Mer­
Ben Harrison and son. Clarence
ritt Davis family is quarantined for
and Homer, who spent the summer Dues paid will be sent to national
and stale organizations by Jan­
measles, Jo Boy Robinson being ill,
Student Body News
In Grants Pass, will occupy the cot­ uary
and one of the Kendall twins is ill
(Frieda Young, Reporter)
tage at (¡rave Creek, formerly oc­
The next regular meeting will
with measles at the John Smith
cupied by the Lee Potter family.
W’e are now announcing the Big home on Sardine Creek-
Mr. Potter and son. Alvin, were em­ be December fi at the city hall. Eli­
‘‘Done at Ihe City of Washington, this 12th day of Novem­
nor Force, hostess.
Marjorie Mayfield, daughter of
to be held in the gymnasium
ployed as millwrights while the
ber, in Hie year of our Lord nineteen hundred und thirty-five,
Ruby Mayfield is ill at her
dredge was being built. But as the
and of the independence of the United States of America Ihe
p. m. The purpose of this entertain­ home here with scarlet fever, and
work Is completed they hnve moved the home of Mrs. Esther Gilchrist
one hundred and sixtieth."
December 13, when Weedy friends'
ment is to promote basket ball this the home is under quarantine, with
away. Mr. Williams, a merchant at
CORDELL HUI.I,, Secretary of Stale.
season. The progran is to be as the other children staying with
Wolf Creek, built a very comfort- names will be disclosed, and new
drawings made.
uble five-room house for Mr. and
from Saras Valley comes word
Mr». Dale Norton. Mr and Mrs Wal­
r i z Mrs.
e . Gilchrist
R o n w
w » . » °
that one of the Beebe twins is ill
Town Team.
ter Reynolds. Mr. and Mr» A. attendance
were served p hv
an,I K
c n a ito n B
Wrestling Match—Jack Darling with scarlet fever. Because of fhe
Meunler and Mr and Mrs. Floyd
Beicastro _____
in Battle Royal The Rebekah lodge held its No- vs. Glenn Higinbotham.
many children who are sick witli
Lance were able to rent at Wolf Mrs. Holderness.
and measles, the school there
Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boling
Gold Hill wrestling fans trekked
bAri’“,u> P“* * Wednesday
has been closed until the percent-
and Mr and Mr». I) A McDonald Ernest Rhoads to Address
evening, November 20. After the rounds.
Match—Raymond Blair j age of attendance can improve,
live about a mile from the dredge.
Local Townsend Club to Medford Monday night for th< business session a social hour was vs. Wrestling
Bob Korth.
Here in Gold Hill school authori-
lug lioli "Marine Ktnuslon-Pele Bel- enjoyed, games were played and
Three Boxing Matches — Fred I **es are diking precautionary steps
Mrs. Pauline Wahl is spending a
The local Townsend dub is in
; Korth vs. Leo Thompson; Lyle I sendinR. borne children who have
week in Medford as the guest of receipt of _ a ........
letter .....................
from Ernest were disappointed that Gold Hill s guests were Mrs. Myrtle Kelso, Mrs.
her daughter, Mr». G. H. West, and Bhouds of Grants Paa», accepting Home town boy didn't add another *-,‘‘unor Force and Mrs. Viola Thompson vs. Gilbert Lentz; Jun- • even slight colds, and although at-
d - v i - — — —
.i_u n n*i-
ior Robinson
inson vs. Ralph
n aip
, tendance
— is considerably
am y decreased
family of North Holly street.
then invitation ‘to speak before the victory to Ins long string of rec-
Fans have a treat awaiting them
,Bls ac,*on- only a few days arc
group. December 12.
; ords, they nre loud in their praise
when tiie high school team nice'- being lost bv pupils affected, and
Mrs. K. Guetxlaff lias been con­
A good meeting is planned for that of his handling of the Italian Flash.
° B,KTHS ,r :KE TH,S WEEK the town team, which is captained norma* conditions are expected to
fined to her home during the putt date with u social hour, refresh-
In one of the most exciting,
by Joe Blair who promises to giae I PrevaB *n *be near future,
week suffering from a sprained inents und dance.
matches of this season. Boh got the
an<l Mrs- Arthur Dusenberry
the boys a good lesson in hockey.
Ladies are asked to bring supper first fall on Belcaslro with a leg innoun«' the birth of a 7'-i pound
We promise many thrills! The tick­ Teachers Party Is
for two, which will be auctioned cradle and body press, but failed babv girl al Ihe Community hospi-
ets are: for adults, twenty-five
Mis» Alice Hanley and niece, otf.
Pleasant Affair of Week
get the Italian into his famous j,iB ,his (Thursday) morning.
cents; for high school students, fif­
Mi»» Claire Hanley of Jacksonville
and Mrs. Veltie Biles are the
crab a.szaaa,
hold, HU
I Chicago
uvupil tlV
and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Birdseye SAMS VALLEY PLAY POSTPONED came dangerously close Io it sever- parents of an X pound. 9 ounce boy, teen cents; and for children, ten
Although attendance was small,
and children Teddy and Mary Anne
a very enjoyable evening was spent
born Monday. November 18.
- al limes.
of Phoenix were Sunday guests at
, n . .
| at the party for the Gold Hill school
The Sams Valley Grange announc-
A whip wristlock used by Bel-
The Student Body is running a ; teachers ,as, Thursday eveni
the home of Mrs. Effie Birdseye und es that their play, "Mamma’s Bad castro won him Ihe s e c o n d
nlIIIlber ()f
wpre plaved8an<J
Boy” hus been postponed iudefi- fall of the match, and the final fall
o ,O," ^ e S‘udVn‘ ® ^ y or8a,ilza-! refreshments were served in the
nilely due Io sickness having closed was procured hv a hold never seen
Next Tuesday. November 26, is ,on. High school students may ob- lunch room rpcpntly furnished fop
Earl King who met with an auto the school there.
1 1 here
----- before,
— according
--------“ — • Io sports
■ election of officers for the next
lam membership by paying
ifty fhp schoo,
ho( ,u
accident ncurly two weeks ago, is
fans. Il is described ns a toe crab term. Everyone come and cast their cents. If they wish an athletic ;
improving at the Grants Pass hos­
or a toe deathlock. lieleastro says | v°l*-
ticket, they may pay a dollar.
pital. it was found hr suffered a
he devised it specially Io coinbat
Adults may obtain, for one dol­ Planning Board Idea
fractured skull.
------------------ -
There will he no meeting until Kennston’s well known reverse
lar, a season ticket which admits
Spreading Rapidly
I Mrs. Millie Walker. Mrs. Letsy
Ihe first Wednesday after Thanks­ body crab.
them to all games played in Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Durham,
In Ihe other two bouts Les Wolfe Miller of Foots Creek and Mr. and Hill. For grade students the price is
giving. December 4, when an all-
Under the leadership of more
whose four year old daughter,
took his match from Toots F.stcs in Mrs. P. L. W ait of Sardine Creefc fifty cents.
day meeting is scheduled.
than 500 outstanding citizens of -16
Joyce, was ill with infantile paraly­
a snappy go and Jerry Marcus of returned Wednesday from Sacra-
states, all of whom are giving their
sis on Birdseye Creek for the past
Visit at Dunsmuir
New York won over his Indian op- tuento. California, where they at-
The girls’ physical education class lime and experience to a study of
several days, moved recently to
ponent. Johnnv Soos, when Soos tended National Grange. Mr. and has debunked the superstition that
the natural and human resources of
Jacksonville, where little Joyce
was disqualified for gouging eyes. Mrs. Wait also visited the latter’s brunettes are stronger than blondes.
the country, slate and national plan­
died. They came here three weeks Alice and Mrs. Clarence Cook und, Mrs. Tiny Altherr and
-------------------------- brother, W. T. Newton, in Burling-
In volley ball the girls played— ning is rapidly coming to the front
ago from Hood River.
Mrs. Lola
Medford visited
California, and Mrs. Walker blondes against brunettes. Thev
Lee Cook, all of this city, cn-
- Heed of
— -----------
-------- ---
as one of the leading national
joyed a pleasant week end Irin Friday and Saturday with her moth- and Mrs. Miller visited relatives in each won a game. The Freshmen
Mr» Ed Prefountnln and son Ed­
movements, according to word re­
Io Dunsmuir where they visited Mr. ! er- ' ,rs- Susie Coy. and her children, S in Francisco, before returning girls played against the upper class-
ward, Jr, spent Saturday in Med­
ceived at Medford by L. O. Caster,
and .Mrs. Frank Cook, They left H'llv and Beth,
1 home.
men. Although they put up a brave chairman of the Jackson County
ford visiting her daughters, Etta
here early Saturday morning, arriv-
fight, they could not beat their Planning Commission. A bulletin
and Josephine, who are students at
St. Mary’s academy. This is Etta’s . ing al Dunsmuir well before noon DREDGE CLAIMS GOLD TREASURE FROM ROGUE long- practiced elders.
on the expansion and growth of
In the afternoon the party drove
second year.
planning has been sent to Mr. Cas­
out what is known as Ihe toll road,
The seamstresses of Gold Hili ter by Dr. P. A. Parsons, head of
■linking n complete circle around
High are becoming quite adept at school of sociology of U. of O., and
Warren Evans, who formerly
Ml. Shasta. The ¡oral people made
roclieting and hemstitching. We coordination chairman of the board.
lived with his sister, Mrs Jim Chil­
Ihe trip back Io Gold Hill Sunday
expect that in the future they will
ders, where Piekelts Aulo camp is
Assisting the 500 members of
and report that ill roads traveled
follow in the steps of their great­ state boards are thousands of other
located, and is now with another
grandmothers and sit by the fire­ people, who are serving on counlv
sister, Mrs. It. Smith near Forest were in fine condition and Hud they
side nnd spin.
Grove, was calling oil friends in the encountered very little rain.
i boards, committees or are engaged
community Sunday.
• in various planning studies, the re­
The reciprocity act with Canada
port states. In the state of Oregon
is made and if curb- rumors arc
Mr. and Mrs Bob Cook of Gold
alone more than 300 citizens are
Several Gold Hill families played i <-nrv:ng on countv and other com-
Hill, who have spent the past two correct the Pacific lumber Industry
hns been sold for democratic votes.
“Pussy Wants a Corner” this week , rnittees.
weeks at Wolf Creek, railed at the
The belief is Ihnl Ihe duly on lum­
and as a result, many are lo be I Oregon is one of Ihe 32 stales
Marion Lance home Saturday and
ber from Canada has 1»; en abrogat­
found in new homes.
that have made their plnnning
reported their daughter, Mrs. Floyd
ed or nt least reduced. We hope it
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Parker start- hoards permanent by act of legis-
Lance is improving from Ihe major
is not true. If it is, that is a stag­
cil .lungs by moving into the Matti- ia, urPi r ¡s pointed out, and today,
operation performed recently at the
gering blow lo lumbering in the I .
da Parker house recently vacated w j,h all counties fullv represented
Good Samaritan hospital nt Port­
S. Canadians make cheaper lumber
by Ihe Chisholm family. Mr. and by hoar(is< if is far ahead of many
land. Mr. Lance returned home
by hiring Orientals al low wages.
Mrs. Harry Newnham then moved o,h er sections of the United States,
Sunday anil Mr. Cook plans Io spend
They also ship by British boats
from one Stanwood property, lo the y ot on,v have citizens giadlv vol-
several days nt Ihe Highland mine
cheaper than the law permits Am­
one next door, vacated by the Park- nntecred to sprve ol, ,he county
on Fools Creek.
erican lumber lo be shipped. If this
| ers. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost moved groups, hilt hundreds of other per-
Inly is off it means while labor will
to the house formerly occupied bv ; sons arp engaged
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Hollister and be out of a job while ragheads get
the Newnhnms. Mr. and Mrs. Whit- projpc,s thi,t win eventually prove
Miss Tlllle Anderson of Bogue Riv­ the pay in Canada. It means that in
more moved from the Millie Walk of grpa, vn]l]p ,o Orpgon
er vailed on Mrs. G It Slead ill the Canada until neither side gels any
home lo Ihe Bertha Coy house; Members of Ihe Jackson County
Lance home Sunday afternoon
good oul of the deal. It means that
j.v, the hill near the church and Planning Commission, appointed bv
politics have stolen from the Am-
Mrs. Lucy Eddington nnd daughter, Governor Martin, include Mr. Cas-
Mrs. Marie Conway of Los Angc •'■¡can white men of Oregon, Wnsh-
Lavelle moved into the Millie Walk- , pr o 0 Allendcrfer, W. C. Clem-
les, California, who lias visited her nglon, Idaho and California their
cr house.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Biles major chance to earn a living. If
e^ts. T. E. Daniels, M. M. Hogan,
near Riviera, nnd sister Mrs. Oscar It is true we hope Ihe next election
Carl .lanoueh. M. M. Morris. Paul R.
I hia auction gold dredge operated by Robinson and Devine in
Joelson, nt Ashland, returned lo her iweeps from Washington every pol­ the Rogue River a short distance »hove (¡old Hill is one of the many
R vn n in s. R. R. Refer. Justin Smith,
home Saturday.
; 7 .
I-T- C. Thompson, all of Medford: .1.
itician that favored it. And again placer mining projects along the river in this section. The outfit works
Regular Thanksgiving services o T,aaexon. Central Point; C. W.
we repent we hope it is not so. Be­ in the river proper and the gold-recovering machinery is mounted on
will be held at the Christian I | >fnrt,n
«■«>« ' i r i a
» •••H l
• • 11 f •
y »
YA a i l s
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Hedgpeth fore the week Is out wc will know. it. The photo was taken by Karl l.adewig, district director of min­
Science church in Gold Hill, 11 a. v b )and. Fx-officio. Earl R. Day.
of Medford were Monday visitors in
ing classes sponsored by the state when classes were being conducted
ra. to 12 m. TTpinksgiving day. The ¡Ralph Rillings. R. G. Fowler. Mrs.
the J, D. Hedgpeth home.
here recently.—(Grants Pas» Courier Engraving).
public is cordially invited.
j Mahpl Mapk a„ of Mcdford