Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, June 16, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    <The Kitchen
ODAY with the relish dishes, with
their divisions one may serve the
ravlgote which Is minced parsley, tar­
ragon, chervil, chives and parsley
served with a salad, all the herbs be­
ing kept separate. Ravlgote butter Is
made by adding the four herbs, pepper
end salt to butter with a little lemon
Juice. Spread on sllcee of bread, this
makes delicious sandwiches. Fricas­
seed chicken takes on a new glory
when served w ith ;
Lyons Sauce.— Beat three eggs Into
one cupful of white sauce, then place
tbe mixture In boiling water end stir
until It thickens Just before pouring
over the chicken add the strained Juice
of a lemon.
Sauce d* * Havre,— Peel and slice four
onions and two apples place In a
saucepan with four ounces of batter,
six peppercorns, a sprig of thyme, two
bay leaves and a blade of mac«. When
the onions have become slightly brown,
stir In a mixture of two tableepoon-
fuls of flour and the same amount of
curry powder, add three cupful» ef
white stock and one cupful of white
sauce. Season with salt and half a
teaspoonful of sugar, boll for one-
fourth of an hour, adding mor« white
stock If necessary. Strain, reheat and
serve with rice and mutton or veal.
Serve cold meats reheated In the
following blanquette, prepared as fol­
lows: Take one-half cupful of flour
and butter of equal parts cooked to­
gether, then with bolting water added
by degrees, then put In a bunch of
sweet herbs, cooked mushrooms end
email onions, pepper and salt to taste.
Serve cooked cauliflower with a
white sauce In which a half cupful or
lees has been stirred. ,
Banana and Coconut Pudding.—Skin
and press six ripe bananas through a
vegetable press, then whip Into the
pulp one-half cupful of arrowroot,
moistened with three-quarters cupful
of milk. Add as much sugar as need­
ed, a bit of salt, one tablespoonful of
butter and one and one-half capfuls of
shredded coconut. Pour Into a well-
buttered pudding dish and bake In a
moderate oven for one hour. Serve
either hot or cold with cream.
<©. J»«. W w Nowopapw Vales.)
M y N eighbor
V v Says: v -v
O REMOVE oil stains from wall
paper make a stiff paste of cold
water and pipe clay. Spread on the
ataln and let stand overnight. In the
morning brush off with a clean, stiff
• • •
When pickling be sure to use tbe
best pure cider vinegar. It Is the saf­
est and best. Do not mix, under any
circumstances, two kinds of vinegar.
• • •
Coffee will taste “Jnst right" all the
time If you thoroughly clean the pot
once a week. Make a solution of soda
and water and boll this In the pot for
half an hour. Then wash as usual.
• • •
To prevent discoloration, all large
fruit should, after being peeled, be put
at once Into cold water until needed.
“Yes, sir, he's a selt-made man.”
“He ought to call the strike off and
complete the Job."
( © by t h . A a s o c ls » « X e w sea p crs)
IW N U S « rv i« >
At his home in the East Fifties,
John D. Rockefeller, J r , has a truly
magnificent pipe organ. He Is a pretty
fair amateur organist himself, but fre­
quently he calls in a blind man to play
for his family and friends.
blind man Is a tine performer and
knows any amount of classical music
by heart.
• • •
Probably one of the finest private
libraries in the United States is
owned by Walter Pforzheimer, the In­
vestment broker. They tell me he
keeps most of his books at “Hidden
Brook farm," his place in Westchester.
The name of that farm should itself
make a good title for a story.
• • •
In these troublous times, members
of the senate and bouse are getting
the largest mail In history, betters
and telegrams from constituents pour
In Washington in a never ending
stream. One day, by two o'clock In
the afternoon. 3,(MX) telegrams had
been delivered to the office of Royal
Copeland, senator from New York.
Secretaries classify these telegrams
and letters and it takes an efficient
service to deliver them, to say noth­
ing of handling them later.
• • •
Before his death. Coleman Dn Pont
owned a number of New York hotels,
as well as hotels In other parts of the
country. He used to stay at his suite
In tbe McAlpIn when he was In Man­
hattan. but he also kept a suite at
the old Waldorf, and It was there that
be used to give some of his famous
dinners. The Empire State skyscra­
per is many stories taller than the
old Waldorf, but It never will have
the atmosphere of the building It re­
s e e
Collecting watches Is a fad with
several rich men. but there Is one ex­
tremely wealthy gentleman who goes
further. He not only collects watches;
he repairs them. For some reason he
never is so happy as when operating
on a watch or a clock. It is his re­
laxation and he spends hours at it.
One day he rode In the roadster of a
friend. The dash clock didn’t work.
The rich man managed to get It loose
from Its moorings, took It home, and
a week or so later shipped It back to
the owner in perfect running condi­
• • •
Florenz ZIegfeld is continually be­
ing asked by coeducational universi­
ties to act as a Judge In beauty con­
tests. Some of the girl undergradu­
ates probably believe that ZIegfeld has
only to see them to offer them a lead­
ing part in one of his shows.
• • •
I still think tbe prettiest “Miss Amer­
ica" I ever saw was the little Camp­
bell girl, from Columbus, Ohio. She
married an Ohio State football player
and retired from the professional
beauty business.
• • •
The prettiest Italian woman I ever
saw was In Naples; the prettiest
French woman was In Aix les Rains;
the prettiest English woman was in
Beauty Talks
w i e ' i c IO
V n
f l u
i - I . lc
n ip
t p U r la
(T h e numbers te ll p a rt of the ad-
ventures o t T in y . Th ey correspond
to le tte rs o t the alphabet. S ub stitute
the letters to r Ihe numbers end
read the worda they epelL)
¿h. F,,n for AI1 ,h,‘ ('hil,lrcl1
11 up to a frultstand and helped her a trunk she hoisted him up outo
self Io some delicious 1-181812 5- her beck which was of course loo
10. One after the other she ate high for hint to get down. There he
until the shopkeeper wrung hla sat 2-1-1811 »14-7 all the louder.
hands In des|ialr. But nothing could People laughed as they saw thia
6-18-0-7-8 20-5-14 Tiny today. She strange sight going up the street
saw peanuts galore and began to at an elephant gallop. Part of the
crackle one after the other. My, circus, they thought, trick animats
they were delicious
She might What fun I But Tiny thought no
have gone on eating these the reel aucb thing. She must get rid of
of the day had not a small 4-15-7 this noisy creature. She spied a
cotue to her heels to annoy her. She pond ahead of her and without
scurried up the street at a great further thought In she went, think
clip, Ihe 4-15-7 after her. Straight Ing to wash the dog off her hack
through the o|>en door of a 7-1-18 But alas. Tiny had not thought
1-7-5 she bolted, still pursued by that perhaps thia thing that looked
this annoying creature. The men In like a pond waa not one at all. but
there ran for their Uvea el the un- only a 13 21-4 hide. In she sank
expected visit. There wee only one deeper and deeper, and she might
way to dispose of thia annoyance have been (hero to this dav had not
thought Tiny, to she stopped and Ihe circus folk arrived In their pur
picking the <-reeture up with her suit of her and rescued her.
Famous B eauty Expert
Does Your Skin Shun Light 7
subdued lights of the rea-
taurant she seemed pretty snd for
a while he thought her lovelier than a
Tiny was a uew arrival. She did
year before. But aa they emerged tn-
not kuow tba ways of the vltcua
to tbe bright ballroom he waa amaaed.
and she was a very Indepeudeut
Ila lost tbe (bread of Ihelr conversa­
elephant too. One morning when
tion, he wondered what had happened
her 11-5-5-16-5 13 cauie to get her
to mar her beauty Io such an alarm­
reedy for the day, she was quite
ing extent and whether men usually
happy even to be 12-5-4 Into the
observed complexion Imperfections.
back of the circus encampment and
Ile r skin waa rough, pores too ob­
be fastened to a 10-5-7 for she
viously enlarged, black dots on nose
liked the 1B-B-14 on her back. By
and rhln and cheeks. Did she think
and by, however, she decided that
that layer of dead while powder con­
she did not care for this 20-185-1-
cealed the blemlaheet Why, It only ac­
20-13-5-14 20.
She stamped until
centuated them.
she had tangled herself all up and
Ballroom lights have quite the same
had only about five Inches of rope
effect aa bright snnllght In " X raying"
aa leeway. This made her 1-14-7-18-
them further apart than they are
the akin that Is nnksmpt and badly
»5-18. She started pulling and at
hers, on a «Ider and longer atrip
groomed. It la easy enough to pass aa
last the rope gave way and off she
of paper the same shape as that
fairly good Lathing under tbe kindly
trotted down tbe road. No one was
light of dim, softened, diffused lamp
By rutting out around the pat­ shown on which they are here. Yon
around to see her escape.
ahadaa. But tbs woman, well Informed
which way should she go? Both di­ tern given here and (tasting Ihe ends ran also use the clowns for pel
In the bnalneaa of beauty end well-
rections looked equally fascinating
groomed can march her skin out Into
Tiny, delighted with herself, walked
tbe glaring sunlight or face a thou-
right np the middle of the road.
aan»w att bulb with enviable assur­
Suddenly an 1-21-20-15-13-15-2-0-12-
5 came hurrying toward her. Tiny
Taka a hand mirror to a sunny win­
was frightened. She had never seen
such a thing before. She planted
dow and study your skin Imperfections.
her feet In the middle of the road
I f you have courage, get one of the
and started to charge. The crea­
magnifying mirrors so popular al pres­
ture In front of her swerved to the
right, then to the left and Anally
Examine your akin closely. I I
dodglug around her and with a
you are satisfied that it can aland
great loud SS-217 of 7-1-10-15-12-
close scrutiny in the bright light of
»14-5 smoke disappeared. Tiny
day you are Indeed fortunate for
came presently to the village. 185- together, yon will make a lamp
terns end make from them enough
when ayes are drawn to your love­
liness you can leal content In the
15-1812-5 scattered In all direc­ shade large enough for a candle­ to make a number of lampshades
consciousness that it ia admiration
tions. An elephant In the square! stick. If you wish a larger one. of different sizes
you are ettractina. But if your
Unheard o fl Tiny walked calmly cut out the four clowns and paste
I a l i l t W a ster« Nowoeopor P a is a I
akin is not clear, fliwlees and fine
of testure do not feel discouraged
but see about beautifying i t
For Instance— your akin may be sal­
F e a r N o w C ra te rs ia Andos
low, muddy, pasty looking. Many
Taiga. Chile.—The recent volcanic
aklne are that way. You will hnra to
disturbances In the Andes are contin­
give thought to your diet, get out In
uing. Four large craters have opened
the open more than you have of late,
la the sides of the volcano Ibtscabe-
exercise and build up your health Io
general. And for local treatment you
will have Io adopt a stimulating, ani­
mating regime—one that will bring
your akin new life and heauly.
t f your akin, like Ilia subject of our
story. Is at>otted with blackheads. If
It wears enlarged pores, or Is exces­
London; tbe prettiest Scotch woman
sively oily—you ran be sure that such
was in Chicago; the prettiest daugh
blemishes will show up glaringly In
ter of Sweden was In New York. The
sunlight or bright artificial lights. Peo­
loveliest Russian woman I ever saw
ple will either pity you or he Impatient
was In Paris. But walk up and down
with your carelessness. Hlnckheuda
Fifth avenue and you will see as beau­
are often regarded ns a sign of un-
tiful women as there are anywhere in
cleanliness either Internal or external
the world.
— generally both. It la comparatively
(© . IS M . B a ll S y n d ic s » .) — W N V Sarvlca,
easy to get rid of them. With the right
scientific regime you ran press nut th«
Loses F o o t, Saves L ife
tiny, offending blackheads and grad­
Armstrong, Mo.—James Widaman,
ually (outrart the pores. O f eourse,
walking along the Alton trucks uear
your health and diet Imblta may also
here, got his right foot wedged In a
Palatial new steamship Georges Phlllppar of the Messagerlea Maritime» need correction.
switch frog. From near at hand
• • •
line which wus burned in the Arabian sea with a loss of nearly one bun I
around a bend, a train whistled. Wld
dred lives.
a man untied his shoe, strained In
vain to release his foot, threw his
ANY women think of beauty ac­
body to one side as the train thun
cessories as expcnslie luxurieo.
dared by, saved his life, but lost his
Tim e was when every cleansing cream,
skin tonic and nourishing rrcnm were
H y ¡r a n \tw lo r t
regarded aa extravagances. Today
they are a necessity In every well-
Iowa City. Iowa. - Hr. Orvls C.
“ A d A b o m in a tio n o f D e s o la tio n ”
grootned woman's home.
Irwin of the University of Iowa
ERE Is a phrase which very prop
And even the more luxurious
believes that II Is never loo
erly has come to signify uny oh
accessories such ss exquisite eve­
young for an Infant to start to
Ject that is hateful In the extreme,
ning compacts are being adopted
that Is damaging to the degree of dev
more snd more as vital parts of the
Acting upon this theory, the
ensemble— just as jewelry and
psyrhologls lias begun a series
kerchiefs and trinkets have long
The expression Itself Is a direct al­
of ex|>erlments with halites who
ago been adopted as very neces­
lusion to the Itomun standard, referred
sre less than 15 minutes old, snd
sary accessories to the perfect en­
to In the Bible In Matthew 24:15.
expects to begin educating chil­
semble in clothes.
In this reference, the Roman stand
dren when they are still In the
But It Is not of the luxurious acces­
ard was set up In the Holy of Holies
sories I am going to tell you. hut rath­
and it was considered as an nhomlna
A slahlllmeter. attached to the
er of a few Inexpensive and effective
tlon. bringing destruction and desola
child's crib In a in the
beauty helpe which are really helps
University hospital, obtains a
and which will no! make a dent In any
The expression Is of Interesting his
lierfect record of the child's ev­
torlcal significance, as |a>rtraylng the
“Holmes Is taking boxing lesson
ery movement. The breathing
I am especially enthusiastic about a
attitude of the rest of the world to­
“Getting ready to fire the cook.
also li recorded. These records
rubberized headband. Every woman
ward the Romans, during the era of
sre supplemented by pictures
who hat ever creamed her face knows
(heir Imperialistic aspirations.
tnken with high speed cameras.
that she can work more smoothly when
B ell S y n d ic s » ) — W SU Sorvls*.
Doctor Irwin believes that the
her hair la tucked under a protective
scientific studies will enable chll
band—be It a towel, piece of gauze
«Iren to be taught self feeding
or cap. The first step In giving one­
walking and talking at a very
self n facial at home la tucking the
early age.
hnlr under a towel or cap. In thia
Austin, Texas.—Epaulets worn by
way you can work up. up to the top of
Gen. Santa Anna St the battle of San
the forehead (which, alas, la often neg­
Jacinto have tie<i presented to the
University of Texas library here and
lected out of fear that the hair will
Kittens Lack Tails
will he exhibited along with Santa An-
became greasy with cream If a pro­
Kelso, Wash.— A Persian cal own
nn's saddle and other historic relics. by P. J. Blanchard gave hlrth (»• tin
tective bnml Is not secured over the
The epaulets were the property of the tailless kittens. The kittens were n
hnlrllne). You rnn cream the checks
late John N. Riley of New Orleans. La. * inal otherwise.
to the Jawbone and over to the ears.
And the eara themselves should have
a creaming, you know. And when ue-
Ing a blench you need not fear getting
W aiting for Him to Finish
It over the hair. Thia headband la
made of a rubberized material, la thin,
easy to slip on nail off, and best of
all. It la very Inexpensive.
Another Inexpensive Item which I
feel tlait nil renders will lie Interested
In la the new type of tissue. These
little tissues are daintily assembled
with a little hemstitching, to look for
nil the world like a dainty handker­
chief. Physicians lane recommended
tl.em aa being more annltnry In case
of n cold than handkerchiefs. Used
for that purpose they are an economy.
And these little tlaaaes can also he
used In various other ways To re­
move old makeup, for Indnnca.
Homethlng that lata been sorely need­
ed for Some time nnd Is nt Inst on tho
mnrket la a new null white In the
form of a pencil. It la very easy Io
use and la effective when used dry. or
■lightly moistened.
Armored Tank That Is “At Home” in the Air
Many Die on Burning French Vessel
H o w It S ta r te d
Newborn Babe Given
Intelligence Test
Library Gets Relics of
Noted Mexican General
( * . I N I . Roll S y n d ic s » .) — W N l) Bcrvlcs.
Above 1« shown the new flying tank Invented by J. Walter Christie (le ft, and ready for testa by the United
Btntcs army. When the armored tank alights Its »'Inga fall off and It travels on caterpillar tracks over rough ground
at a a|x‘ed of TO tulles an hour. Reaching paved roads, tbs tracks are removed and on rubber-tired wheels It attains a
speed of 100 miles.
T r y fo r (h e H ig h e s t
When you are aspiring to the high­
est place. It la honorable to reach th«
second or even the third rank.—Clcerov