Page 8 THE GOLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY. JUNE 9. 193-1 1 a a i w r w g u a iJ B g L x — j . ; . J Í , j j x g gry---- = ■ * - » a t , - —— p NOTICK OF SUMMONS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dennis were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens of shopping in G rants Pass F rid a y. (¡rants Pass spent Sunday w ith Mr. In the Cirrutt Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jaekaon Boxes o f candy, cigars and cig and Mrs. E a rl Moore in th is c ity . County arettes fo r F a th e r’s Day, June 19— Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. May belle at H o rn in g 's Shack. G rants Pass. St Dotson were M edford business visi­ JACKSON COUNTY B U ILD IN G AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, un R alph Cupp who is employed by tors last Wednesday. Fresh Stawbcrry Ire at Horning’s Oregon O re g o ii eor|M irulion, P I. A I N- Shack, (¡rants Pass. J2tf the S. I*. Company at H ilt, spent Mr. and Mrs. Alva Cook ami T IF F . the week end at his home in this fa m ily moved Sunday Io the pi op J. C. In g lin g fro m Gobi H ill was c ity . NEWTON and ItE B TH A e rty near the cement p la n t, ov ned J. \ i II. w l n a M edford business c a lle r Monday. \ . his wife, CHARLES Mrs. Dan M cCarter re tu rn e d F r i­ l»V John H itte r. F. ANGLE, and N E L L IE It. A N ­ H o w a rd D rake was ?. business day fro m Pasadena, w here she has GLE. Ins w ife , F. M. B LA IN E John Palm er a rriv e d here Sat­ c a lle r in Grants Pass Tuesday. and M IN N IE Hl AINK, his w ife , been w o rk in g d u rin g the past three urday from Evans Valley to spend IH E O D O B K STARK and M INER ­ months. Mrs. E lla P a trick is a guest of VA STARK, his w ife, MBS. J. It. the summer w ith his um le, Ed Holt Ill It I . also all other persona or re la tive s at K lam ath Falls. Mrs. M illie Bunn o f M edford w ho ! in this c ity . parties unknow n claim ing any has spent (he last several weeks .. rig h t, title , estate, lien o r In­ Mrs. Cal D usenberrv is q u ite i ll w ith h e r niece, Mrs. C lin to n W alk . ' r? :,l,< • h o Aurele d r u u itr anil terest in o r Io Ih r real estate at her home in th is c ity . Mrs. M in ­ er. returned F rid a y to h e r home in r' i,U8J,' * r, Jl x ’’ -v ,n ’ |,,s! 1 described herein, DEFENDANTS. nie S tickel is ca rin g fo r her. M edford. ' j f | were business ealh rs in Medford (41 weeks f(p m the date o f the firs t in g here fro m San Jose Saturday move to Brookings soon to spend publication of this Summons. Wednesday. the summer. and going to P o rtla n d W ednesday. And vou are hereby n otified that Miss Frances C hilders re tu rn u l if you fa il to appear and answer the Permanent Waves $4.00 and up; C om plaint o f Ine P la in tiff as re ­ shampoo 50c; fin g e r wave o r m ar- Saturday fro m Crescent C ity, where quired herein, o r otherwise plead her parents are employed. T hey are thereto, I ’ la n lif f w ill lake a decree eel 75c: w ith shampoo $1.00; Special T h u rs. and Fridays, p la in facial $1; doing carpenter w o rk fo r O. C. against you fo r the re lie f demand­ ed in said C om plaint, w hich is suc­ Stanwood. pack fa cia l $1.50. W o rk guaranteed. cinctly slated as fo llo w * : Bowman B arber A Beauty Shop, 105 A judgment and decree foreclos­ Announeeim n t: H o n n er’s Feed West M ilin, M edford, Ore. Phone 57. Store, Medford, is n io v irg from ing 111 P la in tiff’s mortgage on the pro p e rty described as follow s, lo ­ S w ift’s Feed b u ild in g Io the Farm ss i t : ’ e r’s Exchange Coon, warehouse Lot 2, Block 2. Olson Addi- l :on Io Die City o f Medford ns i on N o rth F ir street It m p o rn rily . the same is numbered, designat­ We’ll Be See’n’ You The W. it. C. gave l l n i r lust d in ­ ed and described on the o f ­ * fic ia l plat Ihereof now on rec­ ner o f the season Wertncstl ty. June ord. at S. at th e ir rooms in the c ity hall. Short course of eight I HIS SUMMONS is published in ¡T h e next one w ill b ¡n S e p lin i- The Gold H ill New s In order o f III I her. lessons at low cost. H onorahl II. I). N’o rli a. Judge of the abm e ntitled ( ’. our!, tin ’ s made j Grace and H arold G itsla f, w ho on the 9th day o f June, I! 32. The date o f the f rst publication , have spent Ih r w in te r w ith Mrs. < la rk in this c ity , left Monday fo r of this Summons is Jim .' 9. 1932. O. C. HOGGS, ! Los Angeles w here they w ill spend .1. II. El I EG EL. the summer. O. II. R FN G I’SON Attorneys fo r P la in tiff; .’15 N o rth — GOOD EATS — The S. P. section crew th is week C entral Ave., M edford, Oregon. June 9-16-23 -30 mowed the ta li grass around the — QUICK SERVICE — depot and ja c k in g house next to 318 Liberty Bldg. Mrs. Mercer and daughters, Helen the h ig h w a y and the grounds look » and Doroths ” o f B la ckw e ll H ill und Medford, Ore. much nicer. 21 N. Bartlett, Medford Wallace Iverson left Monday fo r A p a rtitio n is being b u ilt in the P ortland to spend several days M. S. Johnson b u ild in g d iv id in g the w ilh frie n d s and relatives. space recently occupied by the Stan wood H a rd w a re from Ham’s gro- I eery store. » íí'L LLUiíii'. For the Summer— Hair that ’Stays Put’— Get a PERMANENT! Open Even lugs by Appointment PHONE 1478 PALACE BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP 338 W. Sixth • . • • Medford ■ • « ■ ■ ■■■■M a ■ ■ ■ u ■ M edford Cas'i & Carry Cleaner* and Dyers We »pecialize in Drape» and Rug Cleaning Owned and Operated by LENNA WEST 530 East Main Mediord, Ore. Phone 1700 (Give Me a Trial) Jazz Piano Playing Frank’s Cafe Haight Music Studio New Shipments of Ladies9 Dresses Arriving Regularly DRAKE’S General Line of Grocery and Dry Goods CLEANCRS4 Get Your Summer DRY CLEANING Done Now . . . . Its w ise economy to keen y o u r clothes clean— they last longer. A-l CLEANERS Opposite Stage Depot— Around C orner fro m C in d e rlla Shop 111 E. 8th. Medford M elvin Sargent anil Elsie Baker I returned F rid a y fro m P o rtla n d a ft- , c r a several days’ v is it w ith friends i and relatives. L yle C hilders, w in. has attended business college in P o rtla n d , re tu rn e d w ith them. j Mr. and Mrs. John Ave.i.'i and son 1 Monte, w ho are visito rs here from Sacramento, m otored to Klam ath Falls accompanied by Miss J ill M artin F rid a y . They were guerts o f Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Keslerson at K lam ath Falls. Miss Jeanne lla m m e rs ly snenl the week end as the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angstea.l at th e ir home near Medford, and enjoyed a visit w ilh Mrs. Angslead’s sister. Miss A lice MacDonald o f Lakeview, who returned to Gold H ill w ith her Iuesday fo r a short v is 'l. Mr. and M r;. Joe M cK night o f En- lerprise, Oregon, have moved in to Hie p ro p e rly on the n o rth side o f tow n owned by Mrs. Lucy M e . Mr. M cK night w ill be p rin c ip a l in the Sams Valley school next year. They w ere unable Io fin d a house in the Spins V a lle y d is tric t nt present. HOUSE FOB SALE o r BENT. A l­ so land and wood fo r sale. John Bit 1er Gold H ill. H A M ’S G R O C E R Y E. T. HAM, Prop. FRESH M EA TS S p e c ia ls for Saturday BREAD i-lb. loaves FANCY SHOE PEG CORN 2 can» ...................... 25c 5c OYSTERS 3 can» ................ 25c KLAMATH FALLS FLOUR 49-lb. sack ........ 39c M. J. B. COFFEE 1-lb. cans 35c ALASKA PINK SALMON Tall Tin» ............... 10c BABY LIMA BEANS 5 lb», for ................. 23c WE HANDLE WHY NOT SERVE SNIDER S PELIC'OUS R & T Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream RADIATOR RUST REMOVER For Your Sunday Dinner? This preparation will clean out all dirt and sed­ iment that has collected in your radiator, insur­ ing better service from your motor. SOAP White Wonder 10 bars .................... 25c HODGEN-BREWSTER POULTRY FEED Snider Dairy & Produce Co. 2832 No. Bartlett - - Phone 203 - - Medford “If It’» Snider's It’« the Best to Buy” s KK RTH for AFE E R V IC E Coy & Robinson SETH COY. Mgr. la in c li stand and restaurant in connection. zk M U When You Get Your VACATION-TIME PERMANENT Let us wave your hair to best suit your type. 1*'«'distic Permanent ............... $6.00 Special Oil ................................ $6.00 R inglette.................................... $4.75 Junior ........................................ $3.75 CANNED MILK Tall can» ...........each 5c VINEGAR Full Quarts, fancy water bottle .......... 18c Just Another (hie of Snider’s Quality Product, Medford Cosmetic and Beauty Shoppe 116 North Central Medford, Oregon # CO U PO N Iva Frederick Offer» this Special Coupon Worth 50c in trade on a Permanent Wave . St’s Our Birthday A host of thrilling bargains awaits you. Can You Wt won’t take Look Good Beat This? your time, folk-., —ARE Good SWIMMING to tell you how MEN’S proud we are to SUITS OXFORDS he five years old, 35c we think about $1.95 -------------------- the best way w? can show our appreciation for your patronage and good will in the past, is to say “COME TO THIS SALE” Giving advice is a thankless jo b , but right now we wish we could talk to you man to man and per­ sonally urge you to take advantage of these sale bargains. No one knows better than we what a lot of money it takes, even with careful watching to buy food and clothing for a family, to pay rent, send the children to school an'l fix up I lie house from time to time. I hat s why this sale should be a blessing to everyone . . . you can save so much by buying al these prices. Come to this bargain birthday party, folks, and you’b Don’t Pa»» spend your money Here is a This Up! with a smile be­ Real Buy! Leather cause you'll CANVAS WORK SAVE ON GLOVES GLOVES EVERYTHING 55c Pair 5c Pair YOU BUY CAMPBELL CLOTHING CO. 1 ■ M F " W ^j|»iuq|iql|li Medford, Oregon