Page S THE GOLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1933 ____________________________ ___ I ford and Mrs. Pauline W ahl and tains Io Hu- P acific ocean. Miss Beth U oom sluiler o f R iviera The »urvivur» who pioneered in ews of our foots »¡.»•id .suiKluy at Crescent C ity, III. Oregon T ei r llo r y have form ed C a lifo rn ia . CREEK AND ROGUE The business and professional people of Grants Pass, th is «»»oclullon to p e rp rln a le (he RIVER NEIGHBORS 'isttd in this directory are glad to serve the people of this mt-tuor.»-* o f Ihe »elflcnient day*. M r*. George Lance was taken to , » r i itory in any way possible. They firmly believe that II I* hoped Ih iil ninny Southern the Sacred Heart hospital in Med (B y Mrs. M arion bane«) Oregon pioneers mid Ih e lr descend­ fo rd Sulurdny evening and Monday whenever possible your home town merchant should be ant* w ill make mi e ffo rt lo attend Mrs. Pauline W ald und Mrs. M a ri­ m orning underw ent a m a jo r opera­ patronized, but they offer their services in addition to ltd * meeting o f the u»*oclatlon. on Lance attended the meeting o f tio n . bate reports gave her c o n d i­ i those you can receive at home, and invite you to consult Program to Honor Settler» The general p ublic I* also Invited. the bodies A id F rid a y afternoon a t ' tion as (¡uite favorable. I them when in Grants Pass. Ihe home of Mrs. Sidney H a rris at , ♦ —---------------------------------— of Original Oregon ro g u e n .v r r . u a rg u re . . x a u . . » r , , M r M c M e rric k Rogue (liv e r. Mrs. Murguret G a llig a rJ V A L L E Y CLEANERS I D EV E LO P IN G AND PR IN TIN G II.. new ly eleehd president was in , a" ‘' ,w ” ch ild re n . A lice mid C ,r 611 I -2 East It St. Territory FROM OUR FILES We VV c I have ld V C served H I the public's b ra n ts Pass, Ore. 1 spent the week end at the home harge. ‘I he lades voted to meet the photographic r needs fo r 25 years. 26 Year* Ago Opposite I'. O. Phone 260 i o f M r*. M cM erriek’ s p a rro ts, Mr. firs t F rid a y a fternoon d u rin g J u ly M ail Vs Y our Film s Suds cleaned ami pressed und August and hi g ill th e ir re g u la r and Mrs. George Lovelace o f W il- Hats cleaned and blocked 81.00 The llOlti R eunion o f Ihe Oregon MUSIC AND PHOTO HOUSE P lain dresses cleaned mul press­ (P ram the Guld H ill Newa of meldings Ihe 2nd o f September. At lia n i* Creek. Pioneer ussociullon w ill he held In G rants Pass. Oregon ed, 81.00 F rid a y . May M . IMOfO die close o f the meeting re fre sh ­ P o rtla n d , Oregon, T hu rsd a y, June III | .«■ i ♦ - — ----------------------------- — ----------- George banre and Clyde M artin m ent* were served. There was an in Ihe p u lille a u d ito riu m ut 253, to Marsh attendance o f IN. Those present mude a business tr ip BUY— S E LL— EXC H AN G E M arket organixutlon in , lio n . W. A. C n rte r o f Gold .ìlillM tl »treet. HlHTt. I he ............................ , .. HUI . D E P E N D A B LE MERCHANDISE We »lo good busin«r»s fo r m any; j elude* person* horn In o r com ing wa* v s te rd a y chosen (.ra n d Master w e r Mrs. Margaret G ulligar, .Mrs. fie ld and N o rth Bend F rid a y, re ­ nt toe lowest prices consistent . . . . 1 * • i tr ,l,.e <»• fie li tu rn in g Saturday afternoon. Secure o u r assistance fo r Of the lnde|MOidi lit O rder o f Odd Sidney H a rris, Mrs. II. E. Henderson, In Oregon, W ashington, Idaho mid w ith q u a lity . i yourself. F ellow s of Oregon. Mr. C u rle r, being Mis. V.’. F. W rig h t, Mrs. Charles p a rt* o f Montana and W yom ing, T H E H AM ILTO N -SPR IN G ER CO. I H E A T H ’S MEN'S WEAR ’ fkm ded and l.icensed Beal Ea- , w h ic h were included in Ihe o rig in ili one o f o u r forem ost e ltls m s and lln lc li, Mrs. George Radley. Mrs. W. i G rants Pass . . . . - Oregon , business men. Gold H ill should f i r l \ Johnston, Mrs. H enry Goodule, late Brokers Oregon T e rrito ry . 517 “ H ” SI. — (¡rants Pass, Orc. . A program w ill he held a, 2:30 p. proud o f Ihe h o nor bestowed upon Mrs. Florence T a y lo r, Miss T illie 4.-------------------------------------- ------------- ♦ And rsnn, Mrs. W. J. Jones, Miss «-------------------------- ---- ------ ♦ m. w llh »elected music by pioneers him . • • • O. S. BLANCHARD S h irty Jones, Mr. R obert B u rk h a rt, I We Appreciate Y our Business and th e ir descendant». A special LA W YE R Ih e movement started th is week Mr. Sam Sundry, Mrs. Pauline W ahl. greeting lo Ihe pioneers on b chulf Practice in A ll Courts ELOVER'S fo r e e h liriilln g Ihe F o u rth o f July Mes. \V S Cory. Mrs. A lbert M elt ..I the stata w ill l>. g iven h> J u li'i Lamp* N A T IO N A L DRUG STORE h a rd ly met w llh the support thn! vain mid Mrs. M arion bonee. T u ffs Bldg Grants Pass M i i r r o r h i* representative, mid by was esi eeled mul a* a re su lt th e n Telephone (36. J. A. Stover, Prop. Pottery Piece» M ayor Baker, mid P resident o f Hie G rants Pass, Or«-gon Mrs. I). A. M cDonald w h o has I Association I. II Itaker, w ill respond w ill he no celebration. T ills w ould +- been a good lim e fo r Cold pent • vi ral weeks w ith her h u s -' A special cerem ony fo r the D e p a rt­ hav Framed Pictures We have the largest and most ed Pioneers w ho died between Junt l l i i l as none o f Ihe o th e r tow ns o' hand w h o lives near R ivie ra nulo — a real art g a lle ry o f fine DR. B L A IN E B. P R U IT T the valley are going to re le b ra h park and complete stock o f Is employed ul the Osteopathic I. 1931, mid May 31. 1833, w ill also subjects. A suitable g if. fo r USED PARTS and we w ould have had a Inrgi dredge left Monday fo r her home P hysician and Surgeon he held. any home. n o rth of San Francisco and n Callahan, C a l’fo rn ia . An Im portant event on the p ro ­ crow d. south o f P ortland. O ffice Bin. 4 L u n d b u rg Bldg. • • • C IT Y AUTO W R EC KIN G CO. gram w ill he Ihe c ro w n in g o f the Phones: Ofs., 356, lies., 164-Y Leather Novelties G. L. Iln ff, the m iner, i« now em- N o rth of T o w n H w y. Phone 151 Mr. end Mrs. Joe D usenberry and Grants Pass, Oregon "M o th e r Queen' o f P u n te rs , Mrs, ployed in the Applegate d is tric t. fa m ily f Sams V aliev were Sunday M argaret A. P ow ell. Incence • • • d in n er f'm s i* at the home o f Mr. F rom 183'! to 185!) Il is estimated O | i rations i:ki Cfinvps Goods o u r S pecialty Auto Tops and Glass Ihclosures M edford. Oregon --- ----- - ■ ! ■ ... 1 LAUNDRY PRICES Phone 120 Rough <1 r y, w ith those pieces that should be starch­ ed, starched and ready to Iro n ; a ll fla t pieces n ice ly ironed, ready to use, one h d kf. to each pound n icely hand ironed, extra h d k f*. at a charge o f 1c each, at— 8c Per Pound (M in im u m Charge 50c) Rough d ry , no starch in a n yth in g , fla t pieces all n ice ly ironed, w e a rin g ap­ p arel soft and most o f it f i t to w ear, one h d kf. to eacli pound; extra hdkfs. lc each, n icely hand ironed— 7c Per Pound (M in im u m Charge 50c) E xp e rt W o rk on A11 Sign« 602 S. 6th St. Phone 354 Grants Pass, Oregon Redwoods H otel L o b b y— G rants Pass » +- Conger Funeral Parlors Office of County Coi MEDFORD RELIABLE OREGON REASONABLE 7/oitU, feel at ^ìome ik • tk(^ JpadouA. &nanx lobby Gents Suit» Dry Cleaned, $1.00 Leave Orders at SHAVERS BARBER SHOP and we w ill call and d e live r at y o u r home. F a m ily washings are o u r specialty. also We Call Tuesday and Friday W ill Aleo Pick Up D ry Cleaning F r e n c h ’s S te a m Laur. d r y Grants Pa»», Ore. O V E R L O O K IN G U N IO N SQUARE Ih e Ultimate m axn fcrt and (Jenuine enjoy m ent • • • »elected by seasoned visitor» a» San Francisco'» ideal hotel- running ice water- - Excellent Rninn ftoom C-Coffee Shop 350 ROOMS <3?° WITH PRIVATE BATH AS LOW AS $2?° SINGLE, OOUBLI WITH DETACHED BATH AS UDW AS $L50 SINGLE, t2?°OOUBU Home of Visit the studio GARAGE IN CONNECTION