trite GOtb M iti rtfcWs THURSDAY, MAY LEGAL NEWS OF OUR FOOTS CREEK AND ROGUE RIVER NEIGHBORS (B y Mr«. Marion Lance) NOTICES i9jd 1931, at o'clock NOTICE OF SilKItIFF’H HAI R Notice 1» hereby given, thut by virtu e o f a decree and order of »ale, d u ly entered In the C ircu it Court o f tlie Slide o f Oregon fo r Jackson county, on the 18th day of May, 11132, and therein d u ly enrolled uuo docketed, w herein George Ham inersly is id a ln tlff and It. It. C rali.i r and l „ It. sym innndx are defendants, iiiii w herein said p la in tiff recover­ ed judgm ent against said defendant, B. It. Cramer, us fo llo w s. Io -w it: upon the firs t cause o f suit fo r the sum o f $423.50 w illy interest thereon at O'. |ier unnim i from Muy 30, 1031 u n til paid, and fo r the fu rth e r sum o f $6.80 cost o f filin g a lien and the fu rth e r sum o f $50.00 reasonable at- ’ o rip v’s fees, w ith in ti rest on said Inst tw o sums at <1% per annum from aforesaid date o f decree u n til paid; and upon the second cause of sui: fo r the sum of $437.50 w ith interest thereon ut O': per annum from June 4, 1031, u n til paid, anil fo r the fu r ­ ther sum o f $0.80 costs of filin g a lien unil the fu rth e r sum of $50.t rected and d a ttd on the IMth day o f t.'aon H itch through lit • highest Palm er. • suit fo r the sum o f *108.18) w ith in- A p ril, I lie business and professional people of G rants Pass, 1932, in a certain action part th r ro f, situate in Jackso kson ! terest thereon ul O'/<. per annum therein, w herein In te rm o u n ta in County, Stale o f Oregon. listed in this directory are glad to serve the pen pic o f this Mrs. E ffie Birdseye wishes to a n - ; from June 17. 1931, u n til paid and B u ild in g A Loan Association a c o r­ Bated th is 20th uay o f A p ril, territo ry in any way possible. They firm ly believe th a t as P la in tiff, recovered 1932. li,,unee F rid a y , May 27, w ill be the fo r the fu rth e r sum o f *(! SO costs poration I.St m ee ting o f Hu C iv ic c lu b f o r " { ** 1 "".'J 'he fu rth e r sum ............. it against L'urrv Gillingham , ,i A,rPH G; JENNINGS, whenever possible your home tow n m erchant should be . , , , i of $25.00 reasonable attorney s fees und Mariva G illingham the defend­ ei the season. A vegetable cookery . w p,, interest on suid lust tw o sums ants, fo r the sum o f one thousand ' By o u ;A ’E, A,Ni»LBM)NOn l i o n i z e d but they o ffer th eir services in addition to demonstration w ill be given at th> id ft’/, per annum from aforesaid seven hundred n in e ty three and A28 M2« Deputy, those you can receive at home, and invite ycu to consult i .im m unity h all ul Rogue R iver amt date o f decree u n til pa id ; and upon 29-100 ($1793.29) v i l l i interest at them when in G ran ts Pass. < , i y i tie is weleoiee. The mi c lin g the fifth cause o f suit fo r the sum IIPJ per annum fro m October 31. o f $18.00 w ith interest thereon at 1931, and fo r the fu rth e r sum o f DR. A. M. I.O FG H N EY w ill begin at ten a. in. sharp, us O' ner annum from June 19, 1931, $125.53, and fo r Hie fu rth e r sum o f! -4, ♦ - New Treatm ent (or rs. Mabel Muck can meet w ith tin uni I miid. m il fo r the f u r ll l ’T slim $130.30 w ith interest at 10'/, from ASTHMA and HAY FEVER SM ITH 'S V A R IE TY STORE ' D EVELO PIN G AND P R IN TIN G lies in toe fo rrn o o n only. Plans o f *0 80 cost of filin g u Hen and ii fu r January 9th, 1931. and fo r the f u r ­ Free E xam ination I We have served the public's , ill lie made fo r the year’s pro- tile r sum o f *25.00 reasonable n llo r- th e r sum c f $11.00 w ith costs and ! Dr. O. McKay'« o ffice Phone 196 Toy» — N otions — H ardw are photographic needs fo r 25 years. ' ■ ney’s fees w ith jitc re s t on said Iasi uism irsem d is h iirs c in i rn ins ls taxed at lir fift t y and anil ¡ 32 Tuff« Bid?. Grants I’aas ams. A cover, d dish luncheon w ill 2 sums ul O', per annum from a fo r i- 50-100 1 M ail Us Your Film » (*50 .*lî) d cllu rs. unii the fur-1 ♦ G. Street Grant« Pass served nt noon. I said dale of decree u n til w ild ; and lodgment i.g d n st .ah' '! taxed a; *80 38, mid w herein I ! v e r t mai i iid ut Medford I liu rsilu y, ", d e r . ed that the liens described VALLEY CLEANERS 611 1-2 Easl H St. Muy 19, by Rev. Bennett o f the t'e- cornpl lot In » 'id cause be (¡rants Pass, Ore. D EP E N D A BI.E M E R C ÏIA N B SE , 'I d h o t li. l church. They were ac- ; fm’cc’ oscd and ’ hat Hie h e reinafter Oppos e ! ’. O. Rhone 2S3 at tlie lowest prices ccnsi$tcnt • u.p a llid i by Mr. and Mrs. Ruben • r<>' ertv and In t-re s t o f said de Smts cie a n .il amt pressed gt.fM) w ith q u a lity. ‘ f" " iliin ls Ih e re 'n he sold fo r the Koster, she b rin g a sister of Hie ■.iitisfaetiiiu o f said judgm ents und Hats cleane'.l und blocked «1.00 P lain di'cascs cleaned and press­ I ride, and Miss Amy Koster, in the I accruing costs: H EATH 'S MEN'S WEAR ; ed, $1.00 Grants Paas . . . . • Oregon , NOW, TH EREFO R E, pursuanl Io i veiling 30 in vite d friends gathered -------------- ♦ to rn jo y Ihe w edding d in n e r, a said decree mid o rd e r o f sale und liv v irtu e o f nn execution dated May num ber o f useful gifts were re- 25, BUY— S E LL— EXCHANGE 1932. issued pursuant thereto by We do good business fo r m any; i rived. O. S. BLANCHARD tlie elerk o f ¡mil under the seal o f Secure o u r assistance fo r LAW YER •.¡iid court, I. the undersigned Sher­ yourself. Practice in A ll Courts Bay (ia u n ya w o f Richm ond, Cal iff .,( Jackson county, Oregon, on T H E HAM ILTO N -SPR IN G ER CO. the 25th day o f June, 1932, at 10:30 B iiru ia . a rrive d F rid a y Io spend o’eloek A. M., at the fro n t door of Bonded and Licensed Real Es­ T u ffs Bldg Grants Pass the week end al Ihe home o f his Hie J nek s< ill county court house, in tate Brokers Telephone 436. 517 *’H ’’ St. — Grants Pass, Ore. s der, Mrs. G iorge Lu nee. He was M, ilfo rd . Jackson county. Oregon, i -♦ accompanied by Glenn Suunderson. w ill o ffe r fo r sale und w ill i.ell ul p ublic auction, Io Hie Muhcst bid They left Monday fu r Richmond. We Appreciate Y o u r Business We have the largest and most UlMCCt I complete stock o f lio n us provided by law , a ll o f Hit SLO VSR’S Mr. I'b e rlin g w h o liv rs neur Gold rig h t, title , estate and interest that USED PARTS N A T IO N A L DRUG STORE n o rth o f San Francisco and H ill, is w o rk in g on Ids quarts mine Hie said defendants o r e ith e r of south o f P ortland. on Fools Creek know n as the Red them had therein on March 9. 1931, J. A. Stover, Prop. o r thut Hn.v have since acquired or C IT Y AUTO W R EC KIN G CO. R ibbon mine and fo rm e rly owned may now have in and to Hie follow-» Grants Pass, Oregon N orth of T o w n H w y. Phon« 151 ♦- by M. S. Johnson. ing deserilied m ining claim s and -♦ p ro p e rty, situate in tlie Steamboat DR. B L A IN E B. P R U IT T I The many friends of (¡runt M at­ M ining D is trir t in Jackson county. Osteopathic B. S. D ED R IC K Slate o f Oregon, to w it: I thew« w ho fo rm e rly lived here be­ P hysician and Surgeon That certain quarts m in in g claim P lum bing and Sheet Metal fo re selling Ids p roperty to D. II. ¡orated on the 27th day o f August T h e one sure way to O ffice Rm. 4 L u ndburg Bldg. Phone 217— Re«. Phone 238R I F e rry fo r dredging purposes, * w ill 1931), by R. H. C ram er and w h im Phones: Ofs., 356, Kes., 164-Y keep the baby’s milk 516 F. St. Grants Pass, Ore. 1 I glad Io know he won Hie nom­ claim is know n as the “ C in n ih u r No. Grants Pass, Oregon I ” and Hie location notice o f w h ich clean and pure is in in a tio n fo r county judge on the re­ claim was file d fo r record In Ihe an electric refrigera­ publican lie ke l ill Josephine county otflce o f Ihe ro u u ty elerk o f Jack- l>\ a large m a jo rity . There were si v- son county, Oregon, September 2. tor. N o chances must LU KE 'S SECOND H AND STORE FOR MOTHER’S DAY 1930, at 1(1:20 o’clock A. M. und is en candidates fo r the office. be ta k e n w ith his Give her a P erm anent! recorded in Volume 28 at page fin Pay Cash and Save the $3.75 — Guaranteed o f the M ining Records o f Jueksoii food. But grown-ups D ifference Mr. and Mrs. V ic to r Hirdseye and county, Oregon; Phone 262R Over J im ’s Toggery live healthier and perhaps longer if their food is also protect­ MRS. ALDERM AN A1.SO. thut certain quartz m ining son T id ily were .Sunday d in n er Grants Pass, Oregon— Ph. 228J ed from moisture, germs and dirt. In most families the food guests at tlie home o f Mr. and Mrs. claim located on the 27lh day o f August, 1930. by R. R. C ram er and saving alone will pay for the refrigerator, and what a conven­ It. A. Pierce nt Hogue Hiver. w hich claim is know n as “ C in n ib a r Tell Them: ience to have ice cubes always available—delicious, frozen des­ No. 2” and the location notice o f Mr. anil Mrs. Lou Sargent who w hich claim was file d fo r record serts and salads from left-overs— milk foods and sandwich T SA W IT IN THE GOLD HILL N E W S” have lived al the l.anre brothers in the o ffice o f the county c le rk of spreads always ready, perfectly fresh even for Jackson county, Oregon. September mine fo r nearly three years, spent 2. 1930, at 10:20 o’clock A. M. and is days. Y o u can afford to wait no longer for your A U TO M O TIV E SERVICE CO. several (lays last week ul Ihe home recorded in Volume 28 nt page fil electric refrigerator. Visit your hardware, furni­ BYRD SHOE SERVTGB o f Mrs. Sargent’s parents; Mr. und of the M ining Records o f Jackson General Maintenance ture or electrical store and sec t h e ir d isp lays. Mrs. (¡buries Seefield nt Luke Creek. county, Oregon; DeSoto and P lym outh Sales Men’s Soles $1—Ladies' Soles 75c ALSO, that certain quartz m in in g In te rn a tio n a l Trucks Other L o w Prices w ith Q u a lity claim located on the 5th day o f W o rk Mr. ¡uni Mrs. Charles MeMerrlek A o ril, 1931. by L. R. Symmonds and Mr. and Mrs. T y rc ll H. Garner Next to Redwoods H o te l and tw o ch ild re n were in Medford w hich claim is know n as “ M ercury Grants Pass, Oregon THE C A L IF O R N IA O R E G O N PO W ER C O M P A N Y Saturday to attend the funeral of No. 1” and Ihe location notice o f w h ich el,iiiii was file d fo r r, cord the lute John Logan. His w if r was in the o ffice o f the county cle rk of PHOTO F IN IS H IN G fo rm e rly May Kell. Jackson county, Oregon, on May 14, New l.ow Prices DR. H. C. DIXO N D eveloping lt)c per ro ll. D entist Buy P rin ts, 120 size and sm aller 4c Prints, 116 size and sm aller 5c ' J08V4 South S ixth Street Mail orders fin ish e d same day. ARTC RAFT PHOTO SERVICE Grants Pass, Oregon Box 6— Grants Pass. Oregon Glenn Birdseye front th is com­ m u n ity was among the 17 graduate« from the Hogue Itiv e r Ipgli »eliool w h ich held it« commencement ex­ ercise* F rld u y evening. May 20 ul the school auditorium . Other« were A m fry W h ile , Roy .Milton, Helen l l. il l, L lo y d O’K e lly, K ililli F ix, Hugh H a rliu u n , H orelliu M iig irle , Jim f u r ­ rie r, Tom Webb, Margaret Reynold«, Zelda K a than, B im dall Jiggur, K a ri Jackson, l.illiu n H am ilton, H arold I.MW« and M elvin Burnett, w ho was valedictorian. in the o ff ln o f the county c le rk o f JM'kson ii.u n ty , Oregon, May It . 11131, ut 3:30 o’clock P. M. and is recorded in Volume 28 ut page 501 of the M ining Records o f Juckson county, Oregon; Together w ild the tenements, hereditiim enis and appurtenant’! s thereunto belonging o r in anyw ise ,#32> ul 10:00 '»’« h-e!; a. in., .*V»a>.ai^««« n fr,g I, fry, O C a lv e r t ¿1 F r e n c h • Grants Pass Business Directory O N E CENT will keep HIS FOOD SAFE 6 HOURS Invest in an Electric Refrigerator Electricity f« th« Cheapot Thing You Books Stationery 7/cnilL feel at ^ome öt * th^JpaámiA.