THE GOLD HILI. NEWS, THURSDAY. MAY 2«, 1932 Page a Through Mists of Memory OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERALINTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. T he g i reat erar la a memory now, shrouded In Work of completing the grading na the middle sector of the Camas creek grade on the Pendleton-John Day high­ way la now being carried on hy two shifts. It la expected to completo tho grading by July 1. While leading a search for Mario« Long. 70 years old. missing from his Ashlaad home. O. W. Duaford. county jailer, was bitten by a rattlesnake when beating through the brush. Ills condition was not serious. D E V IL J U D D T O L L IV E R T H E MARKETS Ten thousand fingerling trout were Portland the mista of yeara into which men vanish . . . E V IL ." J»bn Fox. Jr., called him prematurely released Into Crabtree but out of the rain and the darkness on the long Wheat — Dig Bend blusslem. hard In "The T rail of tha UmMuroa creek recently when a track bearing road to Flanders comes the sound of hobnails «Inter, 71c; soft white and weatern I'lne." "Devil" Judd Tolliver, but all the fish broke through a bridge at Is­ clanking . . . and faces flash out from tha night white, 51 %c; hard winter, northern land Inn and crashed Into the stream. up and down tha borderland of Ken­ and fads again . . . men of the diamond, the spring and weatern red. B9$4c. The fish and truck and driver were un­ tucky, from Ihe Illg Kundy to the Cum- gridiron and the track . . . H a n k Gowdy, b rav­ her In lot and far Into the Blue Illdga Hay—Buying prices. f. o. b. Port harmed by their 12 foot fall. est of the Braves, the first big leaguer to go . . . mountains of Virginia ha waa known land; Alfalfa. Yakima. 514. T om m y Hitchcock, trading his seat in the sad­ Spinach harvest has started In Ihe «a "Bad." "Bad" John W rlglil. straight- llutterfat- Pound 13015c. dle for a ride on the back of a war eagle . . . Troutdale and Corbelt comm unit lea. shooting son of the hllla, a bail man Eggs—Ranch, llO 12c. John M iljua. he of the wild pitch, tosaing fast The sudden change of weather from to pick a quarrel with. I f you doubted Hogs—Good to choice, |S 1504.10. ball grenades at the pill boxes at Varennes. . . . cool, moist days to heat la hastening that tlie lanky old man who died Just Cattle—Choice steers, |9 5J07. Red-shirted Shawkey standing by at the sur­ the harvesting and cutting down the a few years ago at the age of ninety Lambs—Spring, I t 50 0 5 00. render of the German grand fleet. . , . M ajor value of the crop. However, many bad earned that ominous title, yon bad F rank Cavanaugh, sitting down to fumble at the Seattle otdy Io look at the thirty mid notches fields are turning out good yields. shrapnel in his shoulder. . . . T om m y Arm our, Wheat—Soft white, weatern white, on Ids gun, or nt "Wrlghl'a cemetery," fighting the darkness w ith shell-torn eyes. . . . Salaries of city employes of Eugene, a little plot so called because “Bad" hard wiuter, (Ottc; weatern red, Jess Petty and Joe H arris, w ith the bases loaded beginning June 1, will be cut 10 per 59t>c; northern spring, * lH c ; blue- John had filled more graves In It than and mud up to their hips. . . . Eddie Ric ken- cent according to kctlon of tho city »ny oilier cause. item, 7014c. hacker, cruising the c’ouds like a bird of prey. it Is only fair to give credence to council. The resolution did not In­ Egga—Ranch, 13015c. . . . Johnny Poe, Johnny Overton, crashing that Wrlghl'a claim dial all of hla killings clude elective officers, but R. 8. ltray- Butterfat—Pound 17c. Hindenburg line. . . . Ton y W i'd ing , Captain son. city recorder, voluntarily asked were In lha enuae of law and order, or Hoga—Good to choice, 5404.15. Cheape. T om m y O ’Brien, Jeon Bouin, Cyril si least under etrcumsiancea under that he be reduced 10 per cent. also. Cattle—Choice steers, 1907. Tolly, Gene Tunney— facet marching past into which, somebody being Ixiuml lo tie the mists . . . a face flashes past that w ill not Sheep— Spring lamba. 5508. The campaign to rid the slate high killed, justice waa with (be keenest return— Eddie G rant, stopping his last terrific Spokane ways of overloaded trucks, and restrict eye and the atralghirid aim. Bui light­ line drive w ith h it heart . . . into the darkness Cattle—Steers, good. 5609.78. the speed of alt commercial vehicles ing was Ida second no lure. During Ihe and rain they march again . . , but the war is Hoga —Good to choice, 53 <0 03.75. within the legal limitations, Is to be Civil w ar he served first as scout for old now and memories of men vanish in the Ijtm ba—Good to choice, J4.7505 6O. continued vigorously by the state high­ Morgan's Raiders on the Confederate mists of years. — D etro it News. way commission, R. II. Baldlrk, state side, was captured and Imprisoned at highway engineer at Salem, haa an­ old Fort Smith and on hla release The Southern -Pacific depot and Joined up with the Union army nml nounced. ticket office at Central Point, Jackson fougbl with ll through to the end of Mias Cora Smith of Monmouth does county, haa been closed for lack of the war. He was quite a family man, a large part of her garden work with business. loo, several lim es a tmaliaiid and fa­ a spade which haa been continuously ther of over thirty children whom ho Chiloquin won the county grade In use In her family for 47 years. The kept track of In hla own mind hy tha school track meet at Klamath Falls. blade Is approximately by 11 Ingenious device of associating them Its score wak 70 points. Altamont Inches and worn much shorter on the with their mother's maiden name. grade school was second and Malin left tide. The original handle Is In Alice Wright, the original of June of third. Ihe novel, for Instance, was a Harmon. excellent condition. More than 500 Idle workers of Wasco The yearly wool shipments have When John Fox, Jr., knew Wright, he county will be given employment with­ started from eaalera Oregon, moclly owned .3.INX) acres of land In lameaome in the next two weeks, when 510.000 by truck, and over the Waplnltla cut­ cove. All except the burial ground la to be expended for the picking of off. Some la coming (0 miles from which held his ancestors back to tha days of Daniel Boone Wright later the pea crop. beyond Burns and two trips weekly sold out for a ridiculously low price The board of directors of the Marsh­ are all llial can be made. The wool to n coal company. field Chamber of Commerce haa gone goes to tho Woolgrowera' Co-operative a • a on record In favor of placing a tax of association In Portland. T H E TE D D Y BEAR 10 cents per pound on all butter sub­ Severe winter conditions In Oregon stitutes sold In Oregon. uplands, especially In the Blue moun- ! HE Teddy Bear, essential to every Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus C. Wheaton lain range, together with famished J nursery twenty years ago and still of Tigard celebrated thetr 50th wed­ predatory animals, made heavy In­ a popular toy. was of course named ding anniversary recently. Mr. and roads Into the number of deer during for Teddy Roosevelt, but how a Presi­ Mrs. Wheaton were married In San the past season, according to (he April dent of the L'nlled Stales liecante asso­ Francisco, Calif.. In 1885. report of Stanley G. Jewett of the ciated wllh a humble little sluffed bear la Jual s mil her proof of lha so- Contracts have been signed by 18 United Slates biological survey. called "|Miwer o f the preaa." farmers of Tillamook county to raise Laying of the 141 tons of submarine T WAS the armistice. The eleventh RLINGTON was never destined N T H E darkness of that unhappy About 1888 In a title village In Ger­ lettuce, following the visit there of cable to form the main river unit of hour of the eleventh day of the to be a battlefield. It was fated night of devastation, the last nigh: many a crippled dreaamaker named eleventh month, 1018, marking the Walter S. Roberta of Forest Grove. the transmission system of the North to be Instead a vast monument of the World war, the old fighting Murgnrete Xlelff concocted out of left­ western Electric company between over arrape of malarial a little stuffed Elghty-nlnth— by that time one of the to the fruits of battle. There were end of modern man's most terrible de­ Planting Is now in progress. bauch of blood-letting; starting the crack shock divisions of the A. E. F.— brought the dead from those terrible Canyon City’s traditional "Whiskey Portland and Ariel hydro-electric pow­ bear which alia presented lo a child desolating bang-over period from Gulch" '62 celebration hna been an­ er plant In Washington, was complet­ of t be nelghlMirlmd. The liter proved bridged Powder river, near Stenay, fields where, for four years, the youth which the combatants of the World nounced for June 17 and 18. Friday ed by the Phoenix Utility company. so popular that her brother, Richard under the fire of those deadly bat­ of North and South slew each other lo fratricidal warfare. There rose. In war—both victors and vanquished— will be Pioneer day and Saturday's The three oil-filled cables were laid teries from the eastern shore, and Stelff. with an eye to bualneaa, had threw the Three Hundred and Fifty- token that North and South should are Just emerging. other bears manufactured and put on program will feature an emigrant from Vancouver to Hayden Island last And aronnd the world there was third Infantry, the Sunflower regiment, no longer shed each other's blood, a the m arket The tlrst stuffed hears week. train. universal rejoicing and peace; on Into enemy land. Up the gentle monument to the Confederacy. There, sold In Ibis country were Imported All public utilities operating In Ihe The blaring or sirens, the blowing Fire hazards In the national forests slopes of the Meuse they went, “main­ wltbout distinction of state or section, In HKK! l«y Boigfcltlt A Co. now He dead from the Spanish war— of whistles, the ringing of bells, the this summer will be at the minimum, elate of Oregon were ordered by taining contact with the enemy." That same fall President Roosevelt waving of flags. Streets littered with in the opinion of C. C. Hall, super Charles M. Thomas, public utilities What meaning in those five simple Including the sallori of the Slnlne— wenl burning In Mlsslsalppl, Stxin lha paper, surging crowds, parades and visor for Linn county. There Is more commlssijner, to file in his depart­ words! Perhaps back In our homes the Philippine Insurrection, and the ever watchful press Informed Ihe coun­ demonstrations; Caruso singing from World war. The monuments are often In America, after all these soft and snow in the mountains than for 15 or ment by July 1 complete and detailed try that Its President hail refused to the flfteenth-floor balcony of his peaceful years, we forget—doubtless distinctive, and there are stones carved Inventories of their properties. Thomsa shoot a small bear which had been 20 years. Broadway hotel; negro red-caps In with the last brave words of dying most of ns would like to forget! But I f the high school tuition law Is de­ said the Inventories would be used In captured and brought Into camp for Grand Central station rnke-wniking the combat men of the A. E. F.—God boys. him lo kill. Clifford E. Berryman, through the concourse behind one clared unconstitutional 518 pupils, or connection with future Investigations help them—will never remove from No soldier, from the Unknown In cartoonist, proceeded to make the In porter who was pushing an Invalid 23.5 per cent of the enrollment In of the rates, charges and practices of their seared memories of those days his magnificent emplacement above cldeni subject for a cartoon In which the thoughts which “contact" brings, the river to the bumble Vermont or chair In which was a stuffed figure of Salem junior and senior high schools atlllties. Uooaevclt, gun In one hand and the the kaiser. mustard gas, shrapnel, wire, machine Iowa private brought with the other The Apple Growers' association can­ other ralaed traffic cop fashion as If will be affected, according to Super­ The President's and Mrs. Wilson’s intendent Hug. guns, the deadly bayonet, the high ex­ shattered wreckage of the Wilderness nery at Hood River will commence to prevent such s deed. stood with hit plosive, the dirt, the filth, the havoc or the Rappahannock, could ask a automobile escorted to the White back turned lo another mnn leading Resolutions opposing designation ol operations early In June, V. C. Follen- House by cheering throngs. of action. lovelier resting place, or one more lus, general manager, has announced. n liny bear on a ropn. I .a he led "Draw ­ Clemenceau—the old Tiger of France one group of doctors in a community The morning wore on. Fighting peaceful. Despite the constant going —expressing his satisfaction of vic­ for the treatment of patients subject Processing and canning of straw­ ing tbs Line In Mississippi," the car­ men went down, never to rise again. and coming of visitors, the place Is tory before the French chamber. to industrial accidents have been berries will be the first operation, toon look the country by storm. Berry­ Others clawed the brown grass and qulef—far quieter, probably, than It man aulisequenlly adopted Ihe hear at Home— wild wllh victory; Tokyo echo­ adopted by the Polk-Yamhill-Marion which will be carried on until cherries soil In agony from wounda they will was In the early days when .Mr. Custls are ready. Full-time operation Is ex­ mascot for all of hit Roosevelt car­ carry until the sunset day of life. used to allow the people of Washing­ ing with cheers—an allied world de­ Medical society. toons and Margarets SlellTa "Bluffed lirious with Joy. But still the Americans pressed on. pected during the strawberry, cherry ton to hold picnics down near the The Linn county court has an bear" was soon being sold as Teddy's Happy, dancing, singing groups all And then came the first order of river In Custls grove. No one dances and pear seasons. or the Teddy bear. houetted around the campfires, and In nounced a new schedule of wages that Change, from the commanding officer, In Arlington now as they did In those Ranchers in the vicinity of Hood the villages behind the lines, lights represents a cut of 20 to 25 per cent, watch In band, of a battery of the days before its somber glory had been •'heavies" miles In the rear, “Cease bestowed upon It. But one can wan­ appeared In windows that had been as compared with last year. It calls River are puzzled over an unusual 5AM PA TC H darkened throughout the war, welcom­ for an eight-hour day with no allow­ phenomenon In local cherry orchards Firing.” A little later the same Idea der along shaded roads and paths and this spring. From some unknown had transferred Itself lo the fussy 75s. be aware of the heavy march of his­ ing beams of yellow radiance Invited ance for overtime. f F T IIE name of Sam Patch became. to warmth and comfort within. The cause a profusion of twin cherries Then came 11 o’clock and silence! tory. of exquisite natural beauty. I several general Ions ago, a synonym Directors of the Klamath County sound of popping corks In crowded have formed on many cherry trees In I t was the end! Fonr long years of O f old. u n h a p p y f a r - o f f th in g s . for boasting, cockaurs foolhardiness, It Chamber of Commerce have voted In cafes and estamlnets. All of It was travail were over. And there the men A n d b a ttle s lo n g ago, ihe middle and lower valleys. While wus not so much because of what he a part of that corridor of light across opposition to the payment of the sol­ the number of twin cherries on some stood, “with their hands still clasped did na been use of Die way he did IL of yesterday's bereavement, and of diers' bonus at the present time and war-torn Europe, the glow, the heat, on their empty gats and their thoughts trees will not exceed 2 per cent, there Sam was a brave "stunt" Jumper lo a pain so old that It has long since and the warmth. It was pence.— have recommended that the Oregon ncorss the seas.” Mother, sweetheart, are a number of trees on which dual be sure. From leaping boldly off ceased to be pain. Washington Post. delegation In congress do its utmost wife— they would see them again I— cherries will number from 20 to 40 per bridges Into the stream below and The visitor may pass In review Kansas Farmer. to balance the budget from the tops of windmills, he ad­ cent, especially In Bings. almost the whole history of the Re HEROISM REMEMBERED The city council of Albany has de vanced In his art lo such a point that public— pioneer days, for Arlington The dates for the 23rd annual Leban elded to maintain this summer the VIRGINIA’S TRIBUTE was once a wilderness sold for a few he leaped aucccssfully from a shelf on strawberry fair have been an hogsheads of tobacco; Revolutionary municipal playground for children In of rock midway between the highest nounced for June 3 and 4. Chairman days; years of far flung Internecine point on Goul Island and (he water Takennh park, which proved so suc­ Walter Alvin and his executive com­ at Niagara fulls. Meantime, of course, warfare, shaking the nation to Its cessful last year. The city will pro­ mittee of 12 business men hate been foundations; records of fighting on he also advanced In fHme and fortune, vide a supervisor for three m >nths at working hard preparing to make the from a humble rollon spinner In Paw­ the western plains and on the Islands a salary of 590 per month. fair bigger and better than ever. Many tucket. It, I., In which place he was of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; The annual meeting of the Pine new features are to be on the program horn In 1810. to a public figure, draw­ and finally, the sacrificial years of Eagle Dairymen’s Co-operative Cream 1917 and 1918. But he will rome back and the largest shortcake ever made ing down good romiiensnlton and fol­ ery association resulted In selection ol will be on exhibition and will be cut to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier lowed hy admiring throngs wherever he went. with an unanswered question—with Gil W right of Newbridge and L. E and given nway at noon on the first the question. Indeed, which more than Sant waxed In confidence and ambi­ Garllnghouse, Halfway, as directors day of tho fair. The cake will be 12 any other In these latter days troubles tion. At length, In November, 1820, for three-year terms. The annual re by 14 feet In size and about a foot humanity. For there is still space for port submitted to some 150 members thick and It will take about two days he fnced an excited audience gathered other valiant dust. who attended showed 897,089 pounds to make and assemble the cake and to see him leap the Genessee falls on Ihe Genessee river near Rochester, N. of butter manufactured during the It will feed a good sized piece to 6000 In M e m o ris m Y„ and said; "Napoleon was a great yhar at Halfway and Richland. ; eopie. In grateful memory of the aoldlers mnn and a great general, lie con­ who fought In (he French and Indian quered armies and nations, hut couldn't Further efforts are to be -nade to Tha Douglas county pourt will mnks w ar; soldiers and sallora of the Jump Ihe falls of the Genessee. That obtain the removal of the dai on the a bid for the grading of the Tillar- American Revolution; heroes of the was left for me to do. and do It 1 north fork of the Nehalem river by the Trail road, which Is to bo put under will." And 8am Patch leaped, to hla War of 1812 and the Mexican w ar; Nebalcm-Necaslcum Highway assort» soldiers and sallora who fought In contract aoon by the United States own death, proving that even fqmoua tlon. The dam, It la clalmed^prevent* bureau of public roads. Local labor ''Blunt'' jumpers sometimes must meet ihe War for the Union, 1801-1868; fish from ascending the abeam to will be used if the county gets tbs Ih nr Waterloo. veterans of the Spanish-American war spawn. and the World war; soldiers and •ft Wsstvrn Newspaper Union.) contract frontiersmen who fought In the In Resolutions asking that tho Philip Both wholesale and retail prices In S eeing S tr a ig h t illan wars; and those hardy pioneer pine Islands be given their Independ­ tha Willamette valley have declined men and women who endured danger A mnn may think. If he will, that ence as a preventive of free shipment 23 1-3 per cent or more since 1928, md privation and death by torture at of copra and other vegetable oils Into Profese.or John M. Rae, assistant pro­ two eyes see no more than one; or 'he hands of the savages. In order to the United States have been adopted fessor of buclness administration told that a gamester aeelh always more idvancs American civilization upon than a looker on; . . . but when all by the Pomona grange of Columbia Ihe Albany Ad club at their meeting ■his continent—we bow In reverence Impressive memorial to her bravt la done, the helft of good counsel Ig Soldiers’ and Sailors* monument county. last week. Memorial day.— St. Louis Post-Dis­ towering above the Hodson river on sons, dedicated by the state of Virginia that which aeelh business straight— patch. Bacon. I Riverside drive. New York. in the national capital at Richmond. •D' Those Last Hours of the Great Conflict I Memorial to the Nation’s War Heroes A Marking the End of War’s Long Debauch I T