Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, May 19, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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Scenes and Persons in the Current News
«• ■®lth. retiring superintendent of (he West Point Military academy, and his staff making hl.
communists celebrating May duy, carrying signs telling of tbelr various do
ids. 8 —Mrs. Hoover receiving s basket of dowers from rh'ldren In celebration of the tenth Child Health day.
Restoring First President’s Distillery
Page 3
The city conned of Ileediport has
taken draatle action to keep from go-
lag on a «arrant ba ala, by catting out
half cf the atreet lights for the preaent
and dispensing with a night marahaL
Principal Events ot the Week
Assembled for Information
of Our Readers.
As soon aa arrangements can be
completed Rweet Home will hare ex-
preaa service, accord Ins to H. H.
Smith and O. H. Campbell, route
agents for the American Express com­
Wheat — Rig Bend bluestem. bard
winter, 71c; soft white and western
white, 61 He; hard winter, northern
spring and western red, 59 He.
Hay—Buying prices, L o. b. Port
land; Alfalfa, Yakima, 314.
Butterfat—Pound 14© 16c.
Eggs- Ranch, 11012c.
Hogs—Good to choice, 13 25 0 4.10.
Cattle—Choice steers, 36 50®7.
Lambs—Spring, 35.5006.00.
Wheat— Soft white, western whits,
hard winter, 62Hc; western red,
IlH e ; northern spring, 63Hc; blao-
Stem, 72He.
Eggs—Ranch, 13015c.
Butterfat—Pound 17c.
Hogs—Good to choice, 3404.16.
Cattle—Choice steers, 3607.
Sheep— Spring lambs, 3 5 0 6.
Cattle—Steers, good. 3006.75.
Hogs—Good to choice, 34 0 4.10.
Lambs—Good to choice, 34.50 0 5.
The Oregon Nut Growers, Inc., held
an all-day session In Newberg recent­
Ray Cheatham, 27, met deaih at
Klamath Falls when bis plane crashed
In a field adjoining the municipal air­
port and burst into flames.
R'g ata’ e highway oil tanka went
through Sandy last week on their way
to Madras, which will be headquarters
for starting road oiling thia season.
No oiling will be needed on the Mount
Hood Loop highway thia year, at least
between Sandy and Government
Within the next few days straw­
berries will be shipped to northwest
markets from Grants Pass by the car­
load. A deal has just been completed
with the Tri-State Brokerage company
and It Is estimated that approximate­
ly 40 carloads will be the season ship­
If. E. Hallgren, employe ot a Rend
ir 11 company, was seriously injured
when a 13-inch splinter from a board
penetrated his abdomen and ranged
downward Into his thigh. Hallgren
was Injured when the long, jagged
splinter shot out of a ripsaw on a
molding machine.
The Beaver-Portland cement plant
at Gold H ill, which has been Idle tor
several months, has started np on a
21-hour basis, employing 75 men. On
present orders the plant can continue
for two months. It has a contract for
furnishing cement for the soldiers’
home at Roseburg.
F re e H rrS e J Ie t A I m a n e * w ith H e rb D r Boob
fo r 16c. V a lu a b le Itifo rm a 'lo n fa rrn a la w
H r s a la In s t , C o lb r B id « .. E v e r e tt W u h .
Biggeet Coecrete Bridge
The Plougastel bridge In Scotland
la said to be the largest concrete
structure of Its kind In the world.
In tbe foundations, the piers and the
arch sprlnglngs where tbe concrete
la In contact with aea water alum-
Inous cement la used, but for tbe Im­
mense arches which are ont of reach
of sea water attack portland cement
Is used. As sulphates are frequent­
ly met with In the ground aluminous
cement permits the use of concrete
for foundations with safety.
CHILD need
When your child needs regulating,
Central Presbyterian church of Eu­
gene has celebrated the 77th anniver­ remember this; tbe organs of babies
sary of Its founding, with a pageant, and children are delicate. Little
followed with a reception to members bowels must be gently urged— never
The Medford entrance to Crater lake
forced. T hat’s why Castoria Is used
national park was opened to traffic of long standing. The church was or- by so many doctors and mothers. It
■ ganized in 1855 under an oak tree. Its Is specially made for children’s ail­
last week. The road has been cleared
first place of worship was located at ments; contains no harsh, harmful
of snow its full width to th e rim.
8th and Lincoln streets.
drugs, no narcotics. You can safely
Highway maintenance crews, under
During 1931 the Mt. Angel creamery, give I t to young Infants for colic
the direction of H. Bristow, are widen­
pains. Yet It is an equally effective
ing the crooked sections of the Cor­ which is a farmer owned and oper­ regulator for older children. The next
vallis-Newport highway north of To­
keted 1,650,000 pounds of butter be­ time your child has a little cold oi
fever, or a digestive upset, give him
sides a large volume ot dried skimmed
the help of Castoria, the children's
milk and dried buttermilk. This year own remedy. Genuine Castoria al­
bureau has refused to use cemec
production of butter Is expected to ways has the name:
brick In place of red day brick in th
be well over 2,000,000 pounds.
construction of the soldiers’ home a
Wesley Pickett, 11. of Hubbard suf­
fered the loss of his right eye when
. L,? T r 7 ’
" n<? bn,0,,J' wefa made for home consumption at George Washington's still house near his man
A cactus plant owned by Mrs. Oaca
a baseball, knocked from a field abut­
sion at ML vernon. Workmen are ahown repairing the historic structure as well as the old mill, some of the tim­ Wise of Lafayette had a blossom tbs
ting the Pacific highway, crashed
bers of which have been unearthed and can be seen quite plainly.
measured seven Inches in dlametei
through the windshield of an automo­
The plant was covered with large re
bile occupied by the youth. A piece
ot glass from the windshield struck
Early Colonial Cains
W. S. Copeland, dairyman on Saut
Pickett In the eye and severed the
The earliest coins strack In the
lea Island, near Scappoose, reports eyeball.
United States were the New England
that a three-legged Holstein calf born
Blown Into town from cut-over areas ihllllng. six-pence, and three-pence,
four months- ago In hla herd, is pro­
ssued in the colony of Massachusetts
by a stiff wind, millions of "barber
»bout 1652.
gressing well and la normal In other
bugs," a type of beetle which can d ip
a hair In two with Its rasor-llke man­
Tbe city council of The Dalles has dibles, appeared In Bend recently and
passed an ordinance requiring licenses made life uncomfortable for the In­
for produce dealers selling fruit and habitants. Several other spedes of
vegetables grown other than in Wasco beetles and flying ants also were
county. Oregon, or in Klickitat county, blown Into town.
Escaping the scalping knife of the
A freak of nature has been discov­ Indians to live a long and useful life
ered on the ranch of A. O. Miller, near in the Oregon country. O. H. Byland,
o w an d disgusting childhood posts. If you»
Gateway. In his flock of turkeys is Clatsop county educator, died at As­
little one is cross, fratful, has frightening
one with four legs which seems as toria at the age of 84. He crossed
dreams or won’t oat, start a t once Io give
Dr. Jayne’s Vermifuge, the most efficient
strong and hearty as any of the rest the plains with h’s father In 1S52. He
preparation known to expel round worm*
of the flock.
was a member of the Oregon Volun­
and their eggs. This proved remedy will
The cold rains have apparently dam­ teer Guard during the Civil war and
ghro your child a now loose on life after
taking the first bottle. N o other psaparatioa
aged the prune crop In Yamhill coun­ was a veteran of several brushes with
is quite to effective. Safa, pleasant to take,
ty. At any rate, the crop will be spot
the Indians.
jenrto ond sure in action. Get a boffle
ted. Cherries and plums are fficely
Directors of the Columbia county
horn your druggist today. DR. D. JAYNE
set and promise good crops. Pears fair at St. Helens decided to hold a
6 S O N , Philadelphia.
t will be lig h t
fair this year even though the county
Prince August Wilhelm, fourth son
t»f the former kaiser, who has been
1000 baby turkeys which he is rais­ of 32000. The dates will be Septem­
elected to the Prussian diet as a Ns-
ing with electric brooders. He will ber 1, 2 and 3. The appropriation from
tlonsl Socialist. the party of Adolf
add another 1000 on June 1. This Is the state w ill cover cash premiums,
Hitler. The prince Is the first of the
N u m e ro u s
llohenzollrrns to sit In any German
his first attempt at raising turkeys on which will be awarded to only those
•A re there many bill collectors
parliament under the republic. He re­
a large scale.
from Columbia county who have ex­ coming to your door?”
cently culled H itler “God's gift to Ger­
Plans have been completed for the hibits, and It Is hoped that gate re­
“More than I care to admlL"
dedication of the new Rogue river receipts will pay other expenses of the
bridge near Wedderburn May 28. The fair.
F air Enough
Ex President Coolidge tried the trout fishing In the private preserve ot
Mike— Look here, you're cheating.
Bernard Seven and W illiam Durant,
former Senator George McLean of Connecticut the other day. and news pho­ •vent Is being staged by a number of
Pat—1 am not I had that ace long
tographers were permitted to muke pictures of him there. Above he Is seen civic and commercial organisations in Port Orford crab fishermen, last week
Curry county.
capturing a fine Osh.
captured a wolf eel or sea serpent in before the game began.
Boys killed 40 rattlesnakes In a den one of their crab pots. The speci­
In tbe hills near Promise, a few days men was about 6 feet long, had point­
ago. They brought home 18 seta ot ed teeth In front and a set of molars
rattles to prove their story.
The In the mouth sufficient to crush and
anakea measured from six inches to grind the shells of crabs. It had a
head like a bulldog and fought fero­
nearly four feet in length.
Alfalfa Is a crop which is finding ciously while being taken from the pot
Increased usefulness on Columbia where it had devoured most of the
county farms and the acreage has in­ crabs.
Mr. Coolidge Hooks a Silver Beauty
M ost
have worms
Design for Olympic Games Diplomas
Augustlna Mnscoro of San
Junn, Philippine Islnnds, was born with
out nrms, but that did not effect her
decision to vote In the elections next
November. She Is here seen signing
registration papers with her foot
R e a a a rc h
“The public Is very fickle,” com­
mented Senator Sorghum, as lie laid
iown his hometown paper.
"You believe In trying to give the
public what It wants, don't you?”
“Oh, yes— If you cau ascertain posi­
tively whnl il Is."
creased from 78 in 1924 to 245 this
year. It has become a popular crop
on poultry farms and as a source of
green feed and hay on dairy farms.
A new rust resistant variety of oats,
advocated by the Astoria branch ex­
periment station, Is being tried this
year by a number of farmers In that
vicinity. The variety is known as
Schoolmam and Is said to be almost
completely Immune from the rust dis­
ease which Is a limiting factor in oat
production all along the coast regloi
The pioneer mother, symbolic statue
that will carry to posterity the spirit
of those who came Into Oregon and
carved homes and civilization out of a
wilderness, was unveiled on the
campus of the University of Oregon
at Eugene, recently, by Barbara Bar­
ker, daughter of the donor, Burt Brown
Barker, vice president of the univer­
sity. Pioneers from every section of
the state stood with misty eyes as they
recalled memories brought up by the
sight of the serene mother.
Blooming at the home of Mrs. Laura
Moline of Falla View addition, nest
Oregon City, Is probably one of the
largest lilac bushes in the country
The bush Is fully 60 feet In circum­
ference and stands about 14 feet high.
Tourist traffic In Oregon during
April was slightly under that for tha
Bearing figures copied from Greek vases of about 400 B. C., the design for tame month a year ago, figures com­
diplomas to he awarded winning athletes In the coming Olympic gnmes was plied by the secretary of state showed.
completed by Harry Muir Kurtxworth. arts curntor of the Ixts Angeles museum I
During April last 6369 non resident
The diplomas, to be finished In black and terra cotta, will Include figures of
ancient Greek athletes, warriors and Judges; one of Athenn, goddess of the automobiles were registered In Ore­
games, representing ancient Olympiads; one of Columbia, representative of gon. For April, 1931, the figure was
modern carnea, and other decorations.
Approximately 3125,000 has been
contributed toward the relief of Ore­
gon needy unemployed by state of­
ficials and employes during the past
winter, according to the final report
of the committee In charge of collect­
ing and disbursing the fund.
The two-story frame laundry and
bakery building at St. Marys Home for
Boys, one mile west of Beaverton,
was destroyed by fire recently. Six
weeks ago a big dairy bam at the
school burned, with loss of 40 head of
fine co,vs, machinery and feed.
Just the Thing
“How shall we bind these lame
luck reports?”
“In limp leather."
Relieve a Cough
In One Day—
A n y cough may came serious trouble
if permitted to go unchecked.
Prompt use of
■ <X ITIu
g iv e r r e l i e f
Ask your druggist for the 31.33 «lie
or order direct, giving his name.
W . N. U.. Portland, No. 21-1932.““