Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, May 19, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pnßv 2
Result of Mysterious Blast That Inflicted Great
Damage to Ohio’s Splendid New State Building
How Jt Started
•By J e a n N ew to n
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........... .
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TheKitcKerxCahi het
T N MANY dishes where cornstarch Is
used for thickening, tapioca may be
substituted, hluny object to corn­
starch largely because It Is not well
cooked. Any starchy substance needs
cooking to burst the starch cells and
make It digestible.
The following is something new and
worth trying. Cook one-third of a
cupful of quick cooling tapioca with
one teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth
teaspoonful of pepper and ,'wo curi
ruls of scalded milk in a double boiler
until the tapioca Is clear. Pour Into
small deep pan and chill thoroughly.
Un mold and cut Into one-third Inch
•Ikes. Fry thinly slice«] bacon until
crisp. Remove from the pan, dip the
tapioca slices In flour and fry until
• golden brown. This Is served with
the bacon.
spoonful of salt, one-fourth cupful of
raisins and one quart of crauberry
Julce and pulp atralned and heated,
for fifteen minutes In a double ledler
or until the tapioca Is clear, stirring
frequently. Add one cupful of sugar
one-fourth cupful of walnut meats ami
four oranges peeled and quartered.
I hill and serve as a sweet relish with
fowl or meat
Lemon Sauce.—Cook three table­
spoonfuls of tapioca in two cupfuls
of boiling water in a double boiler
until clear, stirring frequently. Add
two tablespoonfuls of butter, three-
fourths of a cupful of sugar, three
tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice two
teaspoonfuls of grated lemon rind
and eight murshmallows cut Into
small pieces. Serve poured over cake
for pudding.
Cheese Souffle— Cook three table­
spoonfuls of tapioca In one cupful of
tullk until the tapioca Is clear, stirring
often. Add one cupful of grated
« « « e -..
cheese, stir until melted. Cool, add
three beaten egg yolks, one teaspooa-
ful of salt and three well beaten egg
whites folded In at the last Bake In
a well greased baking dish, set Into a
pun of water. Itake until the souffle
Is brown and shrinks a trifle. Serve
<© I S it . W w l . r n N , * « p a p . r I'n lo a .l
where anytime Implylug that the per-
•on referred to failed when subjected
’T 'l l K I t K la nothing new under the to a true test—and which seems to
sun," goes the old saying—and smack of up-to-dute, last minute en­
how particularly applicable Is this old terprise.
saying to so ninny of the things we do
l e t this line la not a modern crea­
and more especially say every day of tion. Not only as to language hut as
our lives.
to form and Ideographic mailer Is It
Take for Instance the line, “ lie was perhaps really as oM as Ills hills.
weighed In the halauce and found
For It comes to us practically In the
Doris used to emliarrass her mother
Identical words directly from the Itlhle
Here Is a metaphorical statement In the Book of Daniel, It being a every time she called on her rrlend by
which we might encounter almost any
transcription of the writing on the asking fur something to eat. She wae
requested not to do go again.
wall at the Feast of Belslmxxar.
I®, teas. Bott s,mll<-aio 1 — W N ll s *» ,lo <
aexi time they called on that friend,
Mix Personalities in
lu»l before lunch time, luirls piped up:
“ lir a Nudtb. are you hungry?"
College Who’s Who Quiz
"Nor. I a»ria" answered (lie hostess.
Kalamazoo, Mich.-Students of Kai
'I'm not hungry."
nmuxou college apparently are Intense­
■Well." euid thirls with a sigh, "I
ly Interested In their scholastic activi­
wish I was you.**— New Outlook.
ties and devote little attention to news
of the day, a questionnaire reveals.
O b e y e d t o Ik s L e t t e r
Among replies given a "Who's who"
"Now," sum lootlicr io F rank. " If
questionnaire were:
I they pass the cake e second lime, you
Jimmy Walker Is governor of New
I must any. 'Nu. thanks I've hail plenty,*
J and don't you forget It."
k ranklln D. Roosevelt Is governor
All went well with Frank until the
of the I'hlllpplne Islands.
hostess said, kindly, "W on't you hata
Andrew Mellon» Is secretary of the
I Knottier piece of caket"
"No, thanks I've had enough, and
Charles G. Dawes was described as
I don't you forget It," was the saloulsh
being the present "foreign minister"
'ng reply,—T il lilts
of France and also the prescut Vice
Novelist—I'm looking for an honest
fresldent of the United States.
C o a a c ie o t lo u t Y e g g
If a man can't argue, he'll quarrel.
Artist—Then keep on traveling to
the Never Never LatuL
Sty Kyed Stym ie- Gua sure la a con-
scletiiloua guy- he lust returned »2.1100
that he had stolen from the bank.
'dea ?
Barney— What'S
Sly Kyed Stymie— The morning after
the robbery the bank president re|w>rt-
ed »IMSill Molen.
tius had really
S2H.1MXI, ao he sent hack Ihe extra »2.
otio s<> the (tank's hooka would halanta
John Golden, in years gone by, made
many courageous efforts to do his ow n
shaving. Had be put a notch In the
handle of the razor to mark every
time he cut himself. It would have re­
sembled the butt of a western bad
man a gun. Mr. Golden had a face
which nicked eaally. For years after
that he was a patron of one shop.
Finally, that harher went out of bust
ness. On the closing day. Mr. Golden
said to h im :
"Isn t there an agency where you
get these men of yours? Could I go
there and hire a barber?"
The man said he could and gave
him the address. Mr. Golden proceed­
ed to the place mentioned and there
found some three dozen men. fair and
e : ; ; short
" ” ? and tall.
Are all you fellowa barbers?” he J
said. “All right. Give me your at
was delighted hut
tentlon. I want." said Mr. Golden In
Something lacking.
the voice he usee to address a cast at
"We should have
rehearsals, “a barber. I want a bar
he said.
her who will shave me as I tell him
The harher said that he would get
to. quietly and efficiently, removing a chair. He knew where a very line
the beard while permitting the epider­ chair could he purchased second-hand.
mis to remain. I want a man who use It could be obtained at small coat.
a razor In one hand without having
“Bplsodld." said John Golden. “Buy
to hold a block of alum In the other
the chair and buy all those little bat­
a man who hates the sight of blood
tles you barbers use.
We may as
Who wants the Job?"
well do this this right."
Relish.— Cook
'•I'll fake that Job." said a little vol
So the bottles were purchased, and
cupful of tapioca with one-fourth tea-
unteer, stepping from the ranks.
the chair was purchased, and they
“You are hired," said Mr. Golden.
were Installed In the room off Mr.
"Brlug your props,"
Golden's office— the room where the
New Weapon Combines
shower balh le—and there they stand
until thia day.
Arrows and Bullets
Together they repaired to John
• • •
Oakland. C a llf.-A weapon comhin-
GoWen's Office. The barber shaved
On one occasion Mr. Golden was
him. with never a nick. Mr. Golden
Ing ihe features of arrows ana bullets
showing a friend hla outfit, lie wns
was Invented recently by Dean Morri­
about to be shaved and all was in
Little Kt bel -Don't you like Io play
son. Oakland artist and archer. His
readiness. The friend congratulated ■vltb paper dolts any mure?
arrows ou which he has sought a
I.lille W illie— No, I cui them out
patent, are equipped with explosive
"You have the best one man hnrtier long ago
tips which, he says, will kill whatever
shop | have ever seen," he said. "It
game they strike. The arrows may be
seems to he absolutely complete ex
W ksa W o rd , F ail
refitted with tips after once used.
cept for one thing. You should have
Mon—What does the word "chauf­
/H A N D L E ends, when too small for «jr by folding Into scallops with the
The little harher spoke feur" mean?
Boston Man Keeps Faith
further lighting purposes, should finger tips. The Juice will In this way quietly from hla lather mixing.
Father—That la the name gtzen to
be Hared In a Jar and melted down, he prevented from running out.
"It la complete, air." he said. "I the driver of a motor car.
With City’s Directory then
mixed with sufficient turpentine
was born In Warsaw. I am the I’ole."
Boston.—The Boston city directory
Mon (after a moment's thought)—
to make a soft cream and uses for pol
When putting away the clean clothes
of 1931. through a typographical error
That was not the name you gave to
Ishing linoleums and stained floors.
place the freshly Ironed ones on the
listed Superior Judge Charles Henry
A ntnn of considerable wealth and the driver of the car that nearly ran
e • •
“That band leader puts on a good
bottoms of the various piles, then tow
Donahue as a Supreme court Justice
Importance met a young fellow and over you yesterday.— Wall street Jour­
many a irs ”
Fasten your upper and lower pie cla. handkerchiefs, napkins, etc., will
The directory seems to have been
was so Impressed by him that he de­ nal
"Yes and gome that his band can't
crusts well at the edges by brushing l>e used In turn and some will not wear
cided he would try him out on some
the lower edge with water and preaa out quicker than others.
business. Instead of telephoning or
vated to the Supreme court bench.
Each le His Owe
lug the upper edge down with a fork
e e «
asking the young fellow to call on
Husband Would you like to go to
To preserve parsley, dry It In a cool him. the mun stopped In at hla office. the movies tonight, dear?
place, then put it Into air tight tius or
But In the outer room the young chap
Wife— |'d love to, darling.
had a secretary who believed Io em­
11 ns lot ml Itlghio I
I'll go io | h,
br th .
N .w .p .p .,.,
phasising his Importance.
She did club,—Humorist
( W N U S o rtie « !
not recognize the visitor's name and.
when he asked that her employer be
------ ■
O aly W ay Is Gel I I
New York Man Claims
told he was there, said firmly:
Maphead — I
GweuulS. what
World’s Largest Horse
"What did you want to see him for?" would I have to give (or Just one U lti«
•faud look at It again. Perhaps thia
"You are right." said the visitor. kiss?
Waterloo. N. Y —C. ||. Van Wlckle
time It would gleam. But no. It
rlaltna ownership of the world’s larg­ "Whnt tlld I want to see him for?"
was only a common atone aa he
Uwennle Chloroform.
est horse. SI Ion B.
And he walked out. closing the door
had guessed. The old man could
yvneta Wll a
Sllon II Is twelve years old and
have wept with anxiety ar.d dis
• e s
story attached to them. He II d L
stands 21 hands high. His ears are
appointment He had paid a for
alone In a small dark room.
tune for I t Should be tell the po
Olvaney. Kmll Fuchs and Sam Brendon
la pure white and perfectly formed.
lice? No. better go straight to the
He measures 8 feet and 10 Inches are among those born In New York's
When he wearily climbed
r l
around tils girth and weighs 2.900 Greenwich village. They all appear
H it'
the hill to the castle grounds thej
to have got a good start and to hare
He was foaled In laimny,
had been closed by the great iron
U — -----------
done pretty well. A mayor, a heavy­
France, and according to his owner
gate for the night He pulled the
r -------,v. ■ c u i u r , remem*
weight champion, a political leader
Is "Just getting nls growth."
See If you can spell from the bell and the guard came haughtily
bering Its story. On a snowy night
and Judge and two owners of major
letters on this chest, the names "What do you want, old man?"
In December the old man climbed
league hnsehnll club«— that's
Experience Is the name most men
“I roust see the Rudolphs at
of eight kinds of Jewels You can
the rickety olJ sta in in great ex
for one neighborhood.
dtem ent That day be had made a use each letter aa often as you
( * l i l t . Roll e ra d ic a te ! — WMP
need to.
In. It la about the magic Jewel. I
rare purchase Indeed. The great
have been robbed. Let me In."
yellow diamond that for years had
The guard let him pass In upon
been the charm of the royal Ru
fire that was In the room. Then
dolphs bad been aold at auction. he sat down. “Ah. at last I have mention of the Jewel and luck
The old Jeweler had hurried to the this magic Jewel, this precious would have it that the youngest
Rudolph was standing in the door
scene to be the first and last to Jewel, this— "
He leaped to his
bid. And when be finally bad the feeL The thing he took from the way looking at the stars as the
Jewel In hla possession he tucked bag was a common stone. The old old man approached the stairs.
*You act ns your wife's lending
Here, here, my man, how did you
It Into his Inside coat pocket, keep­ man nervously dumped the bag.
man, I hellere."
ing hla hand over It all the way looked I d all bis pockets, searched get In. and what do you want?”
"Yes. hut only on the stage."
"Oh, sir. It’s about the magic
home so fearful was he that he every crack and crevice In the
Jewel. I purchased It today at the
might lose It.
room but the Jewel waa not there.
Chance to Make Good
When be reached his room he It was a trick. He had been swin­ auction. I found It nothing but a
“Hell.,, la this ihe Heller Busines»
took the bag which held the pre­ dled. He had been robbed. What common atone." The old man was
nurca n?"
amazed to hear the young Rudolph
cious Jewel from his pocket and should he do?
laugh loud and long.
sat down under his lamp to gaze
Hastily he put on his old shab­
"Ridiculous, my man. You will
"Well how'd you like to c in e down
upod It. Yes. he could feel It there
by coat. He would go to the po­
find the Jewel exactly as you pur­
In the bag. Before looking at It he
and make ours s little heiler?"— Wall
lice. He would have those Rudolphs
Street Journal.
chased It. Here, show It to tne
heated himself some warm soup
arrested If they were royalty. Some­ Here by the light.”
and warmed his hands by the coal
thing made him take out the stone
(Continued Next Week.)
Going It
Mother I'm afraid Itnheri Is burn­
ing the candle at both ends
Father Huh I lìm i hoy has cut the
■•smile In two and III up all four ends.
C flN O Y
-Boston Transcript.
C a \ e
Cheerio Chapters & Fun for An the children
t * r ’;
Electric Timepiece That Gives Hour and
Minute as Calendar Gives the Date
Two Charwomea Chat
One thing, Mrs Wugga. my hus-
oMi.d will never go to Jail for smhes-
'Hng money."
"How do you anow. Afra Taggst'
“N.diody would trust him with a
lime, Mrs Wagga."
fc b
The Usual Procedure
D in er- You iia te u i giteli
<(Ä 1111. W s stsrs N e w sp aper P a lo a . I
Fred Ores,,w ait of Pittsburgh hat In v .n t.d a clock w i.h « „ .
• n electric timepiece that tells the tim e without ha „a up h°p* * f ‘ ° * ' ** ’•
records the mllsags of an automobile.
* h -
k t ‘ h* ,p M d o m «»»'
I'UUl Iglò pieces ,,f „..„g
Waller I''s right sir
l'|| nrl„ .
I righi hack to the enok to cut It In
mlf, as he usually does