H IE GOLD BILL NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 193a Promise Even Better Races at Emigrant Dam May 22 Rogue River Pears, Rich In Nutrition, In Demand In East ODD BUT TRUE An even b e tte r outboard regalia «n>t speedboat race than the h ig h ly successful race held at Emigrant dam lute in A p ril, is Hie prom ise of the Southern Oregon Bout c lu b w h ich hus com pleted plans o fr the fin a l event o f the season w h ic h w ill be held on E m igrant lake May 22. Enthused by the success o f the firs t race held, boatmen have organ­ ised an association to be kn o w n as tile Medford Navy w h ic h w ill spon­ sor and stage the next regatta in co­ operation w ith the boat club. The M edford Navy m em bership is lim ­ ite d to race d riv e rs o f this section o f the c o u n try and tlie v are bend­ ing ever) e ffo rt and sparing no ex­ pense to make the event the b ig ­ gest w atersports event ever staged in Southern Oregon. Due to the fact that the irrig a tio n d is tric t w ill be­ gin d ra w in g irrig a tio n w ater d u rin g the lu tte r part o f the m onth this race w ill he the last event o f the racing season held there this year. A ll o f the entrants w h o attended the last meet w ill be on hand as w e ll as many a d d ition a l d rivers. W ard A n g ille y, the P acific coast cham pion, w ho was here w ith Ids boat, "Sweeheart,’ d u rin g the lust meet bus w ritte n and emphasised the fuel that lie wanted Io re tu rn and square up tile hard luck o f the first meet. A n g ille y broke a con­ 'WHBTMiUe A U necting rod on the firs t lap of the firs t race and was la id up fo r the SIMA 10 «.0N)S balance o f the meet. W THE M O IO m i F lo yd House in "House A fire ” w h o turned over when he was MUSI PNI IM A smacked b ) a Seattle bout in the IO PNSS OME«. m ixu p on the firs t tu rn , also showed «k rem arkable speed at the getaway. House claim s and ind ica tio n s are that he may be rig h t, that he can take the measure o f e ith e r A n g ille ry o r W ilb u r. Local d riv e r w ho fought Lady in a desperate e ffo rt to keep part H a rd Luck a ll day, lost fins, and o f the money at home are u ll buck coasted up on the banks, turned in shape ready to go. They are over, blew o ff gas tanks, blew out sm arting under the d rfe a l o f the spark plugs, cussed and discussed outsiders a r il are determ ined to avenge the trim m in g ut the meet to be held the 22nd. W K W lG .W W ttH S I* s m n ocvocw . over . seme n IMUAQM PEOPLE AH THE URVTE 0 %TME% SAT 00WN PfiD COWS — — Z fltt HBTWES OP AriWfa U U E V t W TMAARG OP EWMOtfttO 9WECUWI S W s , G0LÛ MM) a v ili «. « t m « m OP WEIR BODIES - A I»« O M T lfttlM lS PNItMI OMAU « M O W U PM EMI OM h ROW • IH I PW5I 6R0WIHG PVMC ID BE SO PROlECTEO IN In t u w o a v o» UMMEO SIM ES Coleman CAMP STOVE PRICE SE55 W A N TE D TO BUY A ll K ind» o f Liveatnck fo r S laughtering Purposes ROGUE R IV ER MEATS, INC. Phone Medford 1559 P. O. Box 910 Phone 145-J 142 N. F ro n t St F. F. BUR KE Medford Tent & AwDing W»r,ks Canvag Goods o u r S pecialty ops and a A uto Tops Glass Inclosures M edíb rd , Oregon % W. P. CHISHOLM. M. D. General Practitioner Pho Gold O ffice 10, Res. 9-L Orcgan GOLD H IL L TRUCK AND TRANSFER COMPANY John J. H itte r T ru rk A nyw here fo r H ire Phone 3F2I Gold HIM B. E. ADAMS CABINET SHOP Aato and Truck Bodies C A B IN E T W ORK A S PEC IALTY Phone No. 251.2 Gold Hill ' ■ ■ ■ " ? S. P. to Close Depot Oregon Ctves Officially at Central Point Opened for 1932 Season Medford Oregon BID EN S SHOE SERVICE Q u a lity W ork, Moderate Prices Done W h ile You W ait 19 South C entral — M edford • 1/ May 15 marked Ihe opi ning of Ihe Oregon Caves Resort fu r Ihe 1932 season, w hen regular guide service schedules are inaugurated. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Journalism School at F or some weeks past special guide ------------- « University Wins Praise service lias been available at spe- O ffice Phone lies. Phone I 272 ria l rales, lu ll from Ihe opening dale 272 U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon, Eugene, Hie re g u la r trip s at 9 and B> a. in. DK. E. I). ELW OO D May 17.—The school o f jo u rn a lism ami I and 3:31) p . ill. w ith Ibe charge O PTO M ETRIST New Location at the U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon won o f 50 cents per person fo r guide fees 135 So. C entral Ave. highest praise at the recent meeting ' is in effect. L a te r in Hie season as 2 D oor* South o f Montgomery o f the American Society o f Newspa­ I (ravel increases Ihe number o f guide W ard'» Eyes Exam ined. Lens D uplicated; per E ditors held in W ashington, D. ' trip s w ill be increased, often as (■lasses F itte d , Frames Repaired C., according Io w o rd sent Dean 1 many us 18 fu ll parlies o f Ifi each I E ric W. A llen, by D onald J. S terling, > are conducted thro u g h Ihe caverns.. managing e d ito r o f the Oregon D u rin g the c u rly p a ri o f the season S ta rt Y o u r Chicks and T u rks Journal w ho was in attendance. The , o n ly a sm all force o f employes I s , H ight— L'se Albers Proven C hick and T u rk Oregon school was fa vo ra b ly com ­ ¡m aintained, b rin g increased to about S tarter and G row er pared Io those o f C olum bia and U n i­ 3(1 ill the height o f Hie season. Meal-, , D is trib u te d by ve rs ity o f Missouri, and placed in ami sleeping accommodations in Hie i H O N N E H S F ■FED STORE the fro n t rank w ith these in s titu ­ e le c tric a lly heated collages arc now 227 N o rth F ir Street M edford, Oregon tions, Mr. S te rlin g declared. available. ♦- At the lim e the meeting was held A large force o f w orkm en is Imsy ’ ♦- Before you REDECO RATE th is j it had not yet been decided Io re ­ on the new hotel b u ild in g w h ich is ! tain the school on the campus here, being rushed as fast as possible. I l I S pring see K. U. ROSS CO. and the newspaper society passed a is hoped Io have Hie new hotel ready , H eadquarters fo r Q u a lity resolution pra isin g the school and fo r use in July. P aint, a llpaper and P icture expressing the hope th n ( some way Ft 'T a m in g m ight he found to keep it going. O ur Prices Are Lowest 22 S. Grape Phone filo The resolution reads: “ Resolved that the American So eiety o f Newspaper E d ito rs re ite r­ PERMANENT WAVES—$5 & up | ates its udherenc to tli p rin c ip le that Finger Waves 75c Shampoos 50c Shampoo ( h r tim e calls fo r an ever more able and Finger " » v c o r Marcel 91.00 and h ig h ly tra in e d personnel fo r Special T hurs. and F ridays, plain jo u rn a lism . Il continues Io urge that facial $1.00. Pack facial $1.50 schools of jo u rn a lism w o rk to w a rd WORK G U ARAN TEED h ig h e r standards o f education. The BOWMAN BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP Society observes w ith pleasure d e fi­ M eilford 105 W . Main Phone 57 nite sights o f organisation in this d ire c tio n . I l notes especially {he changes about Io be put in to effect OPTOMETRY at Ihe P u litze r school o f jo urnalism , Good glasses i f you need them Columbia u n iv e rs ity , changes w h ich — otherw ise good advice wc believe are im p ro v in g Ihe q u a l­ DR. JU D R IC KE R T ity w h ile reducing Ihe q u a n tity o f Sincere S cie n tific Service 222 East Main M edford, Orc. graduates o f Ihe school. “ The society, fu lh e rm o rc, ex­ presses its appreciation to D r. A r nold Bennett H a ll, president o f the T h e biggest value you ever CREWS A CODDING U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon, and E ric W. saw in a m in ia tu re gas stove A ttorneys at Law A llen, dean o f the school o f jo u rn a l­ fo r camping, fishing, p ic n ic k ­ 217 L ib e rty Bldg., Medford ism at the u n iv e rs ity , fo r Ihe splen­ in g and general u tilit y use. did w o rk perform ed by the school H e re are aome of tbo big o f jo u rn a lism d u rin g its 20 years o f fe a tu r e s o f t h i s N o . 10 LARRY SUHADE useful service. It is (he hope o f Ihe Coleman C am p Stove: M edford, Oregon Am erican Society o f Newspaper Ed­ 1 . Oversize Caliinet. staple rooking ito rs Hint in due lim e Ihe school surface. Y our F a vo rite Jew eler Since 1918 2. Ijuge Fuel Timk. rust resisting, w ill be re-established on Ihe same electric wsldcil. plane w h ic h won fo r it deserved JE W E LR Y , DIAMONDS W ind proof, indestructible Burn­ high rank among schools o f jo u rn a l­ er Ceps. W atch R e p a irin g u S pecially ism in ihe U nited Slates.” 4 H ot blast Starter, generates in ♦- Research w o rk mi pears is going spread Hie len boxes furn ish e d them in several fit Ids, m ille r Ihe uus- | among a num ber o f hole)», liir lu d - pit es of Hie Oregon W ashington Pear ! iog (lie H otel Beat'onxfieltl, John Insurance Bureau, according to D avid IL Hos- j Hancock M utual L ife 'C o m p a n y restaurant, H otel S taller, eiiberg, M edford, presith nt. I A lgonquin Club, H otel Vendóme, ' Tl* ■ Is Hie logical lim e Io do E ngineer* Club, Chamber o f Com rescan li w ork Ihe firs t year o f meree restaurant and Exchange o u r pro g ra m ,” says Mr. Rosenberg. Club. A iio llie r B olton hotel became A *In n we know Hie vita m in con­ Interested H iorugti un advertism eiit tent o f pears, w o rk on w h ic h Is go­ in Ih e In te rn a tio n a l Steward und ing on i t Hie Oregon Medical School, lias w ritte n in fo r in fo rm a tio n . ami the m il il oiial value w h ic h is When a ll the dala Is gathered, Ihe b log iuvesl g u ild at the experim ent stewards* magazine w ill use it n* .tntion d ('r e m it State College, we Hie basis lo r an a rticle . have a l asts upon w h ic h to build our a il’ i ic ing, (h is is p a rtic u la rly NEW FOREST MAPS OUT essential now , w hen housewives have Io keep dow n Hie eosl o f meal' New and revised forest im p fo ld ­ yt'l at the s u i i i e I 'me w ant Io keep ers o f Hie C olum bia and V. cnalt hee tile diet on n ••ealHifu) basis.” national fu r r is, W ashington, have In u d tlll! an to tile expel iim nts on 1 Hie physic 'I prop ilie s o f pears be- just been received by Ihe regional I Illg S',l, .'. oid ill the Oregon M edi­ forest office, Portland, Oregon. These folders in rlu d e lal fn fo r- an'! Oregon Slate College, j a lest i nt . underw ay in i ¡gilt eas­ n n ilio n on the resources und th e ir lern el es to fin d onl the p u ld ie re- use by the p u b lic o f Hu • tw o fed­ ! .e tli'ii . lin ke d pears a n il pear pie. e r a l ly owned forests, T iie maps are i Throw The Inti rn a tlo n a i Steward Hie latest available and • how many m a g n i it- v here Hie Bureau has run m w fr id iii es in reil sui It as main i some i h rt!< i:p i Hi is pa* I season to highw ays, unproved forest camps, f r r t l i •' Hu- use o f pears in hotels und game refug -s. These folders are and re d m irm iis , a survey wax a r­ free amt copies may be o ld a in ril ranged ii',' ih e magazine. Teo boxes fro m Hie regional forester. P ortland, f peal " re allow ed each o f Hie Oregon. Copies oi Hie W rnatchee folios' big holt Is, w ho are to report fo ld e r may also lie c ured from the forest supervisor, W i m itrhee, Wush., th e ir f n.lings: the S ta lle r lin te ls In from fo rc .l rangers nt W inton, .Hiiffal >. Cleveland amt D e tro it; the mid Leavenw orth. Ut, Ehnn, Easton, ami H a rva rd C lub, Boston; MaillnrtPs, E n iia l, Washington. Chicago; E rie Cafe, P hiladelphia: Copies ot (he (!i)ltim liia fo ld e r may W illia m Penn Hotel, P ittsb u rg h ; ami .« m e ritio i-A iin e x H otel, SI. Louis. lie sceurrd fro m the forest super­ The h o t'I in SI. Louis has asked fo r visor. Vancouver, Wash., o r from an a d d itio n a l q u a n tity , am i is serv­ fores! rang rs at Guler, Stabler, mid ing Hieui at t iv lc luncheon* ut Hie Cougar, Wash. t ill any wind. Sale, durable, easy to nprrnCn. A Quality Stovs at a N ew Low Price. The Coleman Lamp & Stove Co. Wichita, Kan*. Philadelphia, P«. Chicago, III. Loa Angela«, Calif. ASK YOUR DEALER F o u r lif ii station* on Hie Southern P acific lines in Oregon are Io be eluseti in Ihe near future according to