T H E GOLD H IL L N E W S TH U RSD A Y , MAY 19, 1932 .X pœZ Happenings Mr. and Mr». Earl Moore and fam­ Mrs. M erritt Merrimun returned ily spent Sunday w ith Mrs. Moore's last week from Ercsno where site mother, Mrs. Bert Stevens of Grants had been the guest of relatives sev­ Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Hall and eral days. Mrs. Ilert Albert of Chiloquin were also guests there. Mrs. Evelyn Caldwell o f Eugene is a guest of her brother, ('leo <311- Mr. Eldridge of Sardine ('.reek I Io ist .uni I.mills in (mid Hill was a business caller in Gold H ill C. It. I.aiukln, county judge, was Saturday. a Gold H ill caller Wednesday. II. Van lloevenburg of the Van Daisy G ilchrist this week began lioevenhurg orchards in Sams Val­ ley was a business culler here Sat work at the Gold H ill post office, ns assistant Io Mrs. Nellie Iteed, post­ urduy. mistress. She succeeds Mrs. George Mrs. Paul Thompson, Mrs. George llam tucrsly. Meisinger, Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. II. John Logan who has been em­ I). Eoree and Mrs. Minnie Byerly ployed at H ilt the past few months, were Medford visitors Eriduy was taken to Sacred lle u rt hospitul For smart ready to wear of good in Medford Sunday morning severely quality, moderatelv priced s e e ill w ith pneumonia. Iteports this a ft­ ETHEIAVYN B. HOEEMANN'S. op­ ernoon w i re that he was somewhat posite postoffice, Medford. MI2-J2 Improved after a had day yeslerduy, and that his fever wiis not so high. Mrs. Leonard Baiusey of Klamath The Commercial Club dances are Ealls is a guest of her mother, Mrs. gaining in popularity each week. Minnie Eliding* o f this city. Ike Porter and his hand offer the Mrs. J. C. Bryan was employed best music in the valley. Don't miss the nest one. at Drake's grocery Saturday . LOST or Stolen: Bulldog pup. Mr. and Mrs. M erritt Merriman nnd Mrs. George lianunersly m otor­ Answers to name ''Skippy." If found ed to Brookings Saturday' where please notify A. Meuuler, Gold H ill. Have you gotten the hubit of Mr. Hnninii rsly is employed. They reading the adverlisrments in The returned Sunday evening. News? You w ill find presented Dr. G. Earl Law wishes to an­ each week in these columns, values nounce that he has opened offices of great interest to you, which w ill in the Calver-Wood Bldg., over Safe enable you Io spend wisely, and use way Store, Grants Pass, for Hie prac­ your money to its best advantage, tice of .Medicine and Surgery. Give him a call. Phone 567J A B, Grants which is true economy. It pays you Pass. pJBi to read the ads in The News. NEW SHIPMENT of L ad ies Dresses Arriving Regularly Also a Fine Line of Ladies’ Summer Weight WOOL JACKETS DRAKE'S General Line of Grocery and Dry Goods S IIDW K R FOB MBS. GARDNER Mrs. Joe Lewis was hostess ut a shower In honor of Mrs. Logan Gardner Friday evening. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts after which luncheon wus served to Mesdames It. A. Boss, Bov Cen­ ters, Tom Chisholm, Clyde Walker, Jim Chisholm, I.. WhUtsetl, Wm. Eoree, George Hainmersly, M. Mer riman. AIrthu Bobbins, II. Drake, Kate Boss, Alva Cook. Boh M ills, paugh, Earl Cook, Elmer Duugey, Mary Chisholm, It. K. Blaiikenhiirg, Win. H lttle, Boh Adams, Wlftner Bailey, Chas. Gey, Joe Lewis. Logan Gardner and Miss Janet Chisholm. Al thè RIVOLI THEATRE, Grants Pesa, Oregon NEW MANAGER AT C IN DERELLA better accommodate Ihc reudy-to- SHOP IN MEDFORD LAUNCHING weur patrons. This department was HALE OF F IN E READY-TO-W EAR only recently added to the store, Friilay and Haturday, May 20-21 “ T IIB LAW DE T H E HKA" A remarkable sale, featuring fine W llli Balpli Im e, Sidiy Ululile, Wil­ spring apparel is being launched liam Eurnuiii. Ève Southern, unii a l t il e Cinderella Simp in Medford Itex Bell. tills week-end by Mrs. Della Swusey Comedy — Curinoli - News who is succeeding Miss Bureau us manager o( Hie shop which is lo ­ Bua., Mon, TuMday, May 22-23-21 cated on South Central. "T U E MIKACLK MAN" Mrs. Swusey’, fo r I t years, buyer W ith Sylvia Sidney, Chester Morris. for Itlmdes Bros., Seattle, bus also, Ilo b u rl Bosworth, Robert Coogan p rio r to that Bine, hud six years ex­ and Irvln g Belici. perience w ith various womens spec­ Comedy Curinoli — News ia lly shops, , The sale which she is In stitu t­ Wednasday, Thursday, May 25-20 ing, in connection w ith her in tro ­ "DANGEKH IN T IIE DARK” duction to Medford shoppers brings MBS. MRIHINGRR PB! - I M S W tlh Miriam Hopkins, Jack Dukie to lids district u new price scale. CLASH IN RECITAL T ill Its and Eugeue Pallette. Details may lie found in an adver­ Comedy and Aet tisement elsewhere. Mrs. Swusey Members of Mrs. G. W, Meisinger’s also announces that The Cinderella class of stringed instrument players lu>Ii w ill feature particularly, from MRH. DDRMAN HOSTESS from Gold H ill and Medford took TO PAKT NOBI.E GRAND» now on, youlhful styles fo r the ma­ part in a recital at the home of ture woman and larger figures. Mrs. Grace Voss in Medford Iasi Women and girls of lids coinmun '1 lie Past Nohle Grand d i l l i of Thursday evening. Aiuelhysl Itebekah lodge was en- ;:v nr invited Io call, and give A m iniature stage was set in a Mrs. Sv .isi ’. (he op|M>rtonily to lake part of the large room where the terlumed ut thè home of Mrs. Gir,. care of their apparel wants. Dormati Thursduy, May 12. Giu s '. players reviewed all orchestrations, etc., whieti they hud worked on Iltcluded l.lly Carter, Pi-ari l'eigu- BAND BOX. AN I) fWQK BOX son, Lola Iteeil, Delia Kell, Olive recently. There were several solos, MAKES SECOND A D D ITIO N duels und trios, after which II >se Turner, Bessle Henderson, Edith Cumeron, l.uey Mie. Dora Halli present daneeil ami visited. A lovely niersly, BUnar Eoree, Mabel llltlle , Afr. anil Mrs. U. J. Carpenter, pro- luneheon was served al midnight. Ella Carter, l rietors of Hie Band Box and 'Those taking pari were Joyce Shoe Box n M. dford, have just Gage, Eleanor Eoree. Evelyn NO HOSTESS D INNER completed the second enlargement Thompson. Ada Siller. Elsie Brown. of th e ir store in three months. The W inifred Walker. Mrs. Siller, Myrtle Tile lióme of Mr. mid Mrs. Bai i w space, necessitated by Iht-ir Acres, Mabel H lttle, Ernest D aliai, Thompson was Hie scene of a small i w ill) increasing business in la­ Mrs. Erskin. Viola Moore, Priscilla I dinner Sunday evt ning, May tt, n • Meisinger and Grace Voss. ! group of friends each cm ili ilm tiii” * dies' dresses, shoes nnd hats, is gulnid by moving Ihe east p a rti­ a part of Hie meal. Those taking tion several feel, to luke in part of Card of Thanks i pari were Mr. mid Mrs, George We wish to extend our sincere i Meislngi r, Mr. ami Mrs. II. D. Force. ¡ the quarters form erly occupied by thunks to everyone who was so Mr and Mrs Earl Moore, Mrs. Alelha Hie Harwood Photo service. 'I bis adds 250 square feel of flo or kind during our recent bereavement. Bobbins and Mr. and Mrs. Bus »t-ice amt another front display Also fo r the beautiful flowers. - Thompson. window bik I w ill provide more Mrs. Mabel Bohinson and daughter, convenience in showing th e ir up- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Itobinsnn and son, Exira copies of Hie News on sale to the minute storks. Two new fit Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Booth ami »on. nt Jim's Confectionery, each week. lin g rooms w ill tie constructed to und has proved ils popularity, mil only uuiong Medford women, but also in Ibe surrounding v icin ity. In ­ cluding Gold H ill und Jacksonville, and Hie entire trade te rrito ry . Know whul is going on in Gold H ill—Subscribe Io The News and keep informed. Does Your Car‘Squeak7 Drive in and let us give the old bus a good greas­ ing and volt'll notice the difference when vou drive down the highway. W e have the most mod­ ern greasing equipment. EE KTH for |AFE -, S E R V IC E , Coy & Robinson SETH COY. Mgr. I aiuoli stand and restaurant in connection. w . J : : « -’-7 w J ; daw \ A The Cinder eHa Shop at MEDFORD OREGON Change o f Management Friday Saturday May 20 May 21 S u b s r c ib e NOW DRESSES, COATS AND HATS REDUCED 25% to 50% AND LESS for the E \E K \ G o ld H ill N ew s GAkM ENl MLS I (it) — to make room for Midsummer Stocks arriving daily. COME AND BRING YOUR ERI.XEDS AND SAVE MONEY ON THIS S \I F Let them share the “2-for-a-little-more-than-one” offers with v . tt. if you wish. All the News of Gold Hill and Vicinity for $2 a Year S ilk D r e sse s HAM’S GROCERY E. T. HAM, Prop. FRE5H M EATS Regular $5.95 to $<_).95 -SPECIAL Regular $9.95 to $19.95 SPECIAL Regular $14.95 to $24.91; SPECIAL $3.88 each $5.95 each $7.85 each Or 2 for $10.00 Or 2 for $14.00 Or 2 for $6.00 Specials for Saturday BREAD 1-lb. loaves 5c H A TS PETITE PRUNES Large Size 2-lb. pkg. ...... 2 for 25c FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Per lb. .................. 10c CANNED MILK Tea Cup Brand, ea. 5c KIPPER SNACKS 6 cans ... „ 25c M. J. B. RICE Long Grain 2-lb. pkg. .............. 17c BULK SHORTENING Per lb.............„... 7 l-2c Bring Your Pail PINK SALMON Tall Tins .............. 10c GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 1-lb. can ................ 35c SOAP WHITE WONDER 10 bars .................. 25c HODGEN-BREWSTER POULTRY FEED NEW Spring Coats All new Spring Styles, in three price groups. $3 95 to $4.95 $3.95 to $6.95 $4.95 to $7.95 1.00 1.95 2.95 in two special lots Reg. $9.95 Reg. $19.95 and $12.95 to $29.95 6 .9 5 1 0 .9 5 Many Unusual Specials on Accessori e s: Mesh Hose, Linen Kerchiefs Scurfs Purses and Undies Buy Now and Save on Graduation Gifts and Your Own Needs No Charges, No Approvals on Sale Merchandise. THE CINDERELLA SHOP SOUTH CENTRAL PHONE 265 MEDFORD, ORE.