THE GOLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY, MAY u , 1032 Candidates Line Up For Primaries May 20 _ _ _________I rr regard M rd Io to each each office. office, In this regard, may this paper say that no man has a right to c rit­ icise any man in office i f he him VOTB FOR self does not lake the trouble to E. C. GADDIS go to the [Hills and express his own Resident of Jackson County choke of man to run the affairs for 30 years. of the government. His choice might Former Mayor of Medford not be the majority choice, but it is his duty to express his opinion at Capable and experienced in public Information on This Page the [Hills as w ell as on the street affairs. corner, or through the newspaper. Logical Man for Republican May Help You; Read It In other words— VOTE AS YOU Nomination PLEASE. B I T VOTE! And Then VOTE COUNTY JUDGE I f your “side” does not w in this W ill w ork for your best interests time, perhaps it w ill next time. On this page are presented the at all times. For “strict economy in W ith the Spring Prim ary election taxation and county business." political statements and advertise­ just one week away. interest in the ments of the biggest majority o f the Number ¿2 on O fficial Ballot May 30 outcome is reaching fever heat. candidates. In fairness to those not According to men in charge of reg­ FOR COUNTY CLERK represented, we list their names istering voters, more have taken the here for the information of our trouble to be recorded this year than In asking the support of the peo­ readers: ever before, and a new record w ill For Sheriff: Charles Stacy, E v­ ple of this community in my candi­ no doubt be established in the num­ erett Beeson. John H. Hughes. Fred dacy for nomination to the office ber « f votes cask Also people are J. McPherson. Ben Moller and \V. T. of County Clerk on the republican taking paias to studv the candidates ticket. 1 pledge, if elected, that I Berry, Republicans. in the field closely and are expect­ For County Judge: A. H. W ill­ w ill conduct the affairs of the o f­ ed to make intelligent decisions in etts, C. A. Thomas and E arl Fehl. fice on a basis of economy, ami Republicans, and J. F. Wortman, w ill show due courtesy to all with whom I may come in contact in the democrat. For County C lerk: Vie H. Beck­ administration of its duties. G. R. CARTER. man. l.ew-is U lrich and Floyd Bar­ Republican Candidate for Co. Clerk rett. democrats. County Superintendent of Schools: FOR COUNTY SCHOOL C. R. Bowman, republican, and Earl W. Rogers, democrat. SU PER IN TE N D E N T Commissioner: Thomas Pankey. A Progressive. Economical. E ffi­ democrat. Prosecuting Attorney: George A. cient and Business Administration for the sehools of Jackson county. Codding, democrat. FO R 1 have been connected with the Also, J. B. Coleman, assessor, and A. C. W alker, treasurer, are unop­ Medford public schools continuously posed for nomination on the repuh- for the past tw enty years and am i liean tic k e t for re-election this fall, fam iliar with every phase of public and are not making an active cam­ school work. I fee! that this know l­ edge of school affairs coupled with paign. y experience would he very helpful R E P U B L IC A N in determining the county school oolicies. Your support is solicited. A. J. HANBY, Republican Candidate for County School Superintendent. PRESENT THEIR POLICIES HERE N om inate F R E D E R IC K S T E IW E R UNITED STATES SENATOR For Congress W. MOTT JAMES His record, both as a legislator and as Corporation Commissioner, is a record of achievement. His election w ill assure to the | people of this district active and effective repreaentatioa in Coa- gresx. fo r OREGON PRIMARY, M ay 20th I THE TAX-PAYERS FR IE N D He w im i the people to salvage their homes, in­ dustries and payrolls, and succor the unfortu­ nate and the poor. Y O U W O U L D H IR E . COM PETENT H ELP You wouldn’t hire a blacksmith as your dentist n, r a carpenter as vour doctor; neither would you hire a fanner as your law ­ yer, £ Your county judge should be a lawyer able to handle legal matters coming be­ fore the county court. He should also be capable in business administration. You hire officials voting for them. WILLIAM E bv PH IPPS, Candidate foe Co. Judge “I * a n i to he yowr lured o » "In behalf of a »quart- deal for announce my candidacy every seelion of Jackson counfy, for Sht-rrif on the Republican ticket fear, favor or prejudice, wc appeal to the voters to support « at the May 20 primaries. I fully realise the conditions of man of ability, integrity, and moral our county and country. Never was worth. In L. ,M. Sweet, we believe there such demand for competent, we have an ideal candidale and one efficient, constructive men to fill our public trust. If nominated and riveted, I w ill conduct Ihe duties of Ihc office as | the honest voters and taxpayer*i have a perfect right Io expert and j w ill feel proud of. C J. HAAS. I bercbv I who 1 who w w ill ill render splendid service Io ! the whole county. "Signed b y: C. F. C ate, Smile I F rin k , J. L. F rin k . M. A. .V h u lf, It. Deariuond, Id ille D e an in .ml, J. |.. I Hallan, Vailo H allan, Luke Ji lining», Buia Jciiiiings, R, IL Itiseli, It. Elig.’ I alleili llisehoff, W a lle r Jones, Her »ehei M. H a rp er, Rurhanna II. lia r* ; lH-r, I I . Moon, N ettle Moon. Earl I B aldw in and Mrs. E arl B a ld w in ." SCHERMERHORN FOR SHERIFF I OR COUNTY JUDGE - .. I hereby announce my candidacy j for County Judge on the Republican ticket. 1 stand for retrenchment and ; strict attention Io bn new ami | pledge nivself Io serve Ihc best in terest of all the people. C. IL LAM KIN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER VOTE FOR W . E. (S h o rty ) M O RRIS C aixlidate for Reimblican Nomination for COUNTY COMMISSIONER Subject to Primaries May 20. 1932 FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY I hereby announce my candidacy for District Attorney on the Repub­ lican ticket. If elected I pledge that I w ill devote inystlf to an energetie conduct of the office with equal service to alh WM. M. BRIGGS. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF For C on gress llu rin g Iki» l i a r hr haa hern a aucreaaful build: ■ „ .o n trs e to r and farm er. .A* to his honesty, integrity and husinesa ab ility reference given to any hank or busineoa firm in Jackson County. is H r has n rv r r b rfo rr h rrn a candidate fo r office, hut ia th o r­ oughly qualified and ru m p rlrn t to ro n du rt the o ffire of S h eriff. NUMBER ON BALLO T «« Paid Adv. C h a r le s P. T a le n t Candidate For NOMINATION FOR SH ER IFF I have had right years experience aa enforcem ent offieor in Jackson ( ounly and am thoroughly acquainted w ith every d ep art­ ment of a Sheriff«, ofiee and therefore feel competent and con­ fident that I ran make the Jarkaon County office one o f the moat efficient In Oregon at a minimum expense. I take this means of asking the support of the people of this com­ munity in my candidacy tor the office of County Superintendent of Schools My record of efficient and im partial service in carrying on the duties of my office is the platform ou which I seek re-election. I pledge if re-elected that I w ill w ork ou a sis of economy, to gain equal opportunity for all children of the county. SUSANNE HOMES CARTER. Republican Candidate for Superin­ tendent of Schools. Delilia Stevens Meyer Gordon I - Seherm rrhorn baa been a aulxUant si e i aen and tax­ payer of Jackson County fo r m ore than II ¡rty y e ira . REPUBLICAN FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SU PER IN TE N D E N T Tor C o m m is s io n e r VOTE FOR L . M. S W E E T 1 Neighbor« Endorse Sweet For County Commissioner FOR COUNTY SHERIFF I lake this method of asking for the sopport of the good people of I hereby announce my candidacy this community in mv candidacy for County Judge on the Democratic for the office of County Sheriff. ticket at the Primary Election May My record as a citiaen and a man 29. 1933. I f nominated and elected of honor and integrity is well I w ill w ork for Jackson county to known and 1 pledge that I w ill, if elected to this office give to the the best of mv ability. people of this county the very best, JOHN H. F IL L E R . honest and efficient service poa- 1 sihle in that office. FOR COUNTY SH ER IFF P H IL IP B LOW D. Candidate or Sheriff on Republi “1 hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the Democratic nomination can Ticket. for S heriff of Jackson County P ri­ Again we say— inform yourselves. '■ maries. May 29, 1932. I f nominated AS TOt PLEASE B IT 1 and elected I w ill during mv term VOTE of office make an extra effort to VOTE. A VOTB FOB A N T OTHER CAN­ give the people of Jackson County D ID A T E IS A VOTB FOB H A W LS T the service they are entitled to. and do my best to enforce all Paid Adv. Mott for Congress Com. laws. RALPH G. JENNINGS. Wm. P. Ellis. Chairman Paad Adfc , See. wr'Ar-Searor OaK P ir li T« B ha L ä t u , PcratU Onpa k l • L i____ FOR COUNTY JUDGE Leading Republican Candidate Continued Faithful _ Political Announcements H *ke ( itiirn a of the County see fit to nom inate and cleet me to thia office, they ran depend upon several things, a few of » W f h I w ill a n forth in thia Ad. Each department w ill be headed w ith the heat Deputy o b ta in ­ able fo r the salary paid. Each Deputy w ill he rhn«en from BON.AFIDB R ES ID E N TS OF JACKSON C O U N T Y , no esreptions. I w ill assume rrapona h ility for the arts or a il my Deputiew w h ile they are w orking under me. NO BUCK PASSING . No H A RD B O IL E D tactics w ill he tolerated bv me In dealing w ith Pnaoners or anyone else, as all enforr S h e riffs office should be run. •» <«* •»»« • PAID PO LITIC A L ADV. k’ofe for J. O. BAILEY (tut« SeMHs) VO* Supreme Court Judge riwiH« N, * Oua/ified— Pigoroua— Progretuve Ma la “ BP#» t cf g|| IM c vtM ^ M CKOp** —PaM