THE GOLD HILL NEWS. THCHSDAY, MAY 12, 1932 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Among wlid flowers In bloom on Nuah-Kah Nle mountain now Is an odd blossom somewhat resembling a tulip except that Its head droops. It Is dark brown with yellow spots and has an odor, not fragrant but suggestive of leather. BATTLE FLAG BORN OF PRESSING NEED LeltyiM«« sad Cearage A chemist bat discovered that a •light variation In (be glucose c.ui Tlie beat-known standard of the tent of the blood makes all ths differ- Confederacy, the famous battle flag, ence between cowardice and courage. Principal Events of the Week was unofficial In Its origin. It was Instead of whistling In Ihe dark. It created by the army Itself as a re­ would ba mors scientific to eat a W.« I - W WIU» IS.». C L ., T. Baker's three banks, the Baker Loan Assembled for Information -------- — r r w t je r » ! sult of an Incident which demonztrat lollypop. *• —» > ■> U m -M.» u>J A,g,n 4 Trust company. First National bank ed clearly the need for a distinctive of Our Readers. By I.oui ta M. Comstock and the Citizens National, were con- ! emblem, writes Anne McCorkle In solldated last week. The new bank the Baltimore Sun. will be known as the First National At Manassas on July 21, 1801, Gen TH S MARKETS PAR ACELSUS bank, continuing the charter of the eral Beauregard’s forces were In po­ Portland sition opposite the federal». It was present pioneer bank. ’T ' l l E renl Paracelsus, Idealized Into Wheat — Dig lieiiil bluuatoin. bard a hot, dry day and a cloud of dust Fire loss In Klamath Falls during * a symbol of Die Impossibility of winter, "Otyc; soft white and weatern attended every movement. A new white, 81c; hard winter, northern April was greater than the total loss sepuruting knowledge and life by Rob­ body of troopa waa seen moving to­ ert Browning In the poem of that for the year 1931, according to the aprlng and weatern red, 69e. ward the right of the bluecoata. The Hay—During prlcea, t. o. b. Port local fire bureau. Losses during the name, was a Swiss physician, chemist Confederate general’s eyes, strained and chnrlutnn, who lived from 1IU3 to In their direction to discover wheth­ land; Alfalfa Sid; oata and retch, lit . month of April totaled more than 130,. 1841. 000, while the total loss last year was er they were friend or foe. were llutlerfat— Pound 14014o. I-Ike the character he Inspired Para thwarted by the smoke and dust and slightly more than {28.000. Kasa—Ranch, 11012c. celsus devoted hla life to a search for the breathless air, which left their Huge—Good to choice, {3.6004.10. Mrs. W. E. Ingalls of Salem paused knowledge and, scorning the Informa­ Hags limp and Indistinguishable. The during her housework to use her tele­ tion available to him from the stu­ Cattle—Choice ateera, »8 6007. necessity of opening Ore became phone. When she stuck her finger dious of (be past, set out on an In­ Lamba- Spring, {6.600« 00. more pressing with each moment If Into a hole In the dial she Jabbed a dependent search for the real char­ they were enemy troops. Aa nncer Seattle acter of mailer. While profeaaor at talnty reached Its roost critical point, Wheat—Soft white, weatern white, snake. Her screams attracted a neigh hard winter, 61!4c; weatern red, 10«; bor, who removed a foot-long snake the University of Basel, Paracelsus a sadden pair spread the colon to publicly burned the works of Avicenna the breeze, revealing to the thankful VOUS. «I ether Haethmen Hont northern aprlng. 6318c; blueatein, 71c. which had coiled around the dial. and Galen, fathers of medical science, Confederates the Star and Bars. f l n r k w ifA lotf» Doublt uith bo th Kgga—Ranch, 13016c. Indications point to an excellent and set himself up as "monarch of Following the Incident Beauregard llu tlerfat—Pound 17c. Round Up at Pendleton September 8. physic.** It wns an age when science discussed with Gen. Joseph Johnston lloga—Good to choice, {404.16. . on¿ >p Up 9, 10 this year, according to Round- « ns si I II bound up In black magic, and other officers his determination Cattle—Choice ateera, {6 0 7 . Up heads who are working with Amer­ when chemistry was as yel alchemy that the troops should be led by "a Sheep— Spring lain ba, »6 0 6 60. and chemists devoted precious life­ banner so distinct that no doubt ican Legion officials In promoting the Spokane show and the national convention In time« io weird searchings for the for­ ever shall endanger the cause again mulae for Hie creation of life. Though on the battlefield." Designs were dis­ Cattle -Steers, good, »6 0 6.76. Portland the week following the eveut Paracelaue dealt like the rest In much cussed, and several were submit­ lloga—Good to choice, {404.10. at Pendleton. humbug and ptayed vigorously upoD Latnba—Good to choice, »6.6006.26. Official registration figures of the the Ignorance and superstition of the ted. At Fairfax courthouse In Sep­ f u t N tW tember. 1861, the Southern Cross, or fcC A TH M A N 38 Oregon counties, with Wasco esti­ time, he stands nevertheless as founder butlle flag, was nnnnlmously chosen Fire believed of Incendiary origin mated, for the primary election to bo cf modern pharmaceutics. and Indorsed by the officers gathered Browning la not concerned with the there. Correctly mnde, this flag Is destroyed two warehouaea of D. A. held May 20. show a gain of 28,818 real contribution of hla hero to the absolutely sqnare. a red Held upon over those for the primary election In White tt Sona at Salem. G avel Constructed o f with the cold mountain water a laki learning of the world, but with the ' which Is Imposed a blue cross bear­ May, 1930, and 5137 In excess of those Mr. and Mra. K. 8. Stuart, 380 East W ood O d d ly Preserved was formed, and the trees were sut effect of a life devoted exclusively to l ing 11 white stars. for the general election In November 74th street north, Portland, celebrated A gavel made from what Is be­ rounded and covered by this w ata research u|K>n a man's soul. Written two years ago. their 85th wedding annlvereary, lieved to be the oldest living nnpelri of unchanging temperature. Whet When the poet was only twenty-three A Guest Request E. L. W hite of Port Orford recently years old, *'l*ara<-elsus” Is astounding In fled wood on the American continent the wood was cut from one of the Powera, In the aouthern part of Cooe M ra Nabor—Shall 1 call op your overcame an 8-foot .octopus which haa been sent to Dr. W alter W il­ trees for the gavel It waa found to Ila rrvelutlon of the disintegration of county, la to have a weather atatlon. mother and say you’ll stay until It liams, president of (he University of contain all Its natural Juices and had wrapped two tentacles around hla character. Equipment la now being assembled. stops raining? Missouri. The history of the gavel the pungent odor of freshly cut tim ­ arms while he was digging clams a Little Peter— Yea, thank you; aay goes back to a time some thousands ber.—Montreal Herald. The Ashland box factory, employing short distance from shore. White was I'll be home after dinner. 70 men, baa atarted and continued T H E S1STINE M A D O N N A of years ago when a volcano hurst able to carry the octopus to the beach forth at a place about 100 miles east operation of the mill for the aumraer and there unwound the sucking arms A Slim Clew From “The Autocrat“ of Eugene, Ore., and In the high Caa P*<iw aldowalk In front of tha Pupils of the Gold Beach grade Oly of the model who posed for Ra­ phrase. Mutual Admiration Society, up a dam at one end of a deep Farmer—Well, there are a few poli­ Ch rial Ian church at Forcat Grove haa school have taken up frog racing ns a phael's famous masterpiece the “Sla- and used It In “The Autocrat of the canyon. In the bottom of which grew ticians we are suspicious of, but we Breakfast Table-” been paid for by quilting done weekly diversion and tt Is proving a highly tall Douglas firs. As the canyon filled ain't got no actual proof. tlue Madonna." It was early estab­ by the aiaterhood of the church. exciting sport. In fact the fad Is seis­ lished that her features were those also of ••La Fornarlna,*' another of A ll April rainfall recorda In Bend ing the whole town and parents and Raphael’s treasured paintings- And were broken thia year with a total other adults are often seen on the now we are Informed (hat both, the precipitation of 1.84 Inchea. The beat school grounds watching the races calm sweet mother, and the comely prevloua mark waa 1.80 In 1928. staged by the pupils. woman of the world, were Inspired Over 800 children from the grade The greatest ultimate economy that an.- ¡wised by Margharita Lull, the schools of aouthern Oregon were can bo brought about In the conduct daughter of a baker, Raphael's favorite gueeta of the Southern Oregon Stale of Oregon's schools Is the reorganiza­ model itutl some think Ids one love. Normal School in the annual music tion of small school units Into larger The "Madonna dl San Slato," usually day fcatlval. known a t the “Slstlne Madonna." Is districts, Charles A. Howard, state A. M. Clough, 81, veteran under­ superintendent of public Instruction, OM of the last of Raphael's paintings and la peculiar In that no studies or taker, a resident of Salem alnce 1878 declared In a letter sent to county sketches for It are kuown to exist. It and coroner of Marlon county from school superintendents. He said such was painted In IM S for the monastery 18S8 to 1915, died at hla home there a plan would not Impair the efficiency of Saint Slato at Piacenza. The paint­ of the school system. after an lllneaa of aeveral weeka. ing was done entirely by Raphael. In Travelers Journeying down the Ore­ Rome, where he waa leader of a bril­ Growcra of atrawberrlea in the Mil­ waukie locality predict a bumper gon Coaat highway In the vicinity of liant group Including Michelangelo at crop thia year. Other fruits are In Bandon at present are greeted by a traded there by the pope's love of art and the great project of adorning the flrat claaa condition and the prospects flood of golden light, as the Irish furze outldings of the Vatican then under were never brighter at thia time of Is In bloom. To the stranger the way. year. sight of the faintly scented, bright Only recently also have Identities Galea of the new Thief Valley dam yellow flowers Is one of lasting mem­ been established for the models for ory and keen enjoyment. The Irish were closed laat week to allow water "Pope Slztua II" and . "St. Barbara who kneel In adoration of the Ma of the North Powder river tj> fill up furze is found only within a radlua of donna In the picture. Dr. Moritz Stue- the reservoir, which will furnish Ir­ a few miles of Bandon. The Wnsco county relief organiza­ btl of Dresden has produced convlnc rigation wator to approximately 8000 Ing evidence that Pope Julius II, tion has launched plans to salvage all acre a. patron of Raphael and Michelangelo, nayleaa Fanning waa burned badly aurplua fruit red vegetable cropa at virtual founder of the papal stutes while taking the radiator cap off a Tha Dalles th ‘ year for distribution and layer of St. Peter's cornerstone, tractor near Perrydalo. Steam and among needy persons next winter. was the model for the figure of the water blew In hie face and the cap Directors of The Dalles Growers’ Co­ pope. 8L Barbara, this authority operative association, which has ade­ claims, wns the Duchess of Urblno the hit him on the hoad, knocking him to quate equipment for canning and pre­ ward of Julius II. the ground. serving fruits and .vegetables, will • • » Fire of undetermined origin do- make its facilities available. H U C K L E B E R R Y F IN N atroyed the large cold storage and 8lnce Idaho adopted her "gin” mar­ packing plants of the Apple Growers* riage law, requiring five days* notice IF H U l'K is a very real little bov ta association and the fruit packing plant * every reader of Murk Twain's "Tom and warehouse at the American Fruit of Intention to wed, Malheur county has become the matrimonial bureau Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn,” It Growers nt Hood River. for the Snake river valley. Statistics Is because both the author of his story —fed a group o f 50 average babies on Fruit growers of the Sweet Home show that Idaho couplea prefer the and the artist who Illustrated It used Eagle Brand for several months, to test section expect one of the heaviest sea­ real hoys for their models old way of buying a license when they C H EM IC A LLY, two baby foods can be its exact value in baby building. Bone sons for many years, as the late frosts The Buck Finn Mark Twain wrote want It. Marriage licenses issued at exactly alike. The same percentage o f about was a childhood acquaintance he have held ott while the blooms were structure was studied with the X-ray. Nyssa for Malheur county increased carbohydrate, fat, protein, mineral salts. xirtrayed exactly as he was even to In their prime. Blooms are now drop­ T o o th d e v e lo p m e n t was w a tc h e d . from 105 In 1930 to 428 In 1931. *ls battered straw hat and the single ping of their own accord. The same vitamins. Weight and height were periodically As a result of two deaths from spot­ suspender sirup that upheld his Yet on one, a baby may lose weight, Twenty students at Oregon State ted fever In the Huntington neighbor­ patched overalls “ Huckleberry Finn recorded. Blood tests were made . . . and college made the coveted straight A grow thin and weak. And on the other, hood In the last 10 days, many of the wrote Mark Twain In hla "Autoblog those 50 Eagle Brand babies, judged by list for the winter term, making per­ that same baby can flourish and gain and sheepmen and herders and shearers raphy," “wns Tom Rlnnkenshlp. Tom's every know n test, proved themselves fect grades In every course, the second are coming to Huntington to receive father was at one time town drunkard take on new life. What's the reason ? .;» splendidly nourished. term grade report Just Issued by E. an exceedingly well defined and tmoffl vaccine treatment to guard agalnsl Digestibility. d a l office of l hose days . . . In Huckle­ B. Lemon, registrar, shows. This simple d ie t-E a g le Brand with the the tick bite. Ticks are numerous In The Oregon Caves are now being the Snake river and nurnt river terri­ berry Finn I have drawn Tom exactly D igestibility o f prim e importance! esual supplementary foods*—had proved ns he wns. He waa Ignorant uti washed In preparation for the opening tory and at the aame time aheep have equal in every way to the building oj 100% washed, insufficiently fed; but he had Doctors know that a baby can starve on of the tourist season, May 18. Although to bo hnndlod with greater personal as good a heart as any bad boy lie babies. what is apparently the most perfectly the caves are two miles long, they are contact by workmen this year. wns the only reully Independent per What overwhelming proof that the “ balanced” formula if bis body cannot washed with a hose, the only raves In The first diesel type tractor to enter son. mnn or boy, In the community, mother whose own m ilk fails can put the world washed in that fashion. use the food elements it contains. Only the northwest performed before a large and by consequence he was tranquilly her baby on Eagle Brand with perfect and continuously happy and wns en State Police Officer C. E. Cross a food which is easily and completely crowd at a meeting conducted by Pro­ whlto of Maupin had a narrow escape fessors W. J. Gilmore, Oregon Slate vied by all the rest of us" confidence! digested and assimilated can give to your The Huclt Finn the Illustrator F. from death when his automobile was college; C. C. Johnson, Washington T ry Eagle Brand. See the simple in­ baby the lull amount of building material W. Kemble drew waa Courtland I*. struck by a hurtling truck tire that State college, and Hobart Beresford, structions on the label. And send for M orris now of Audubon. N. J. Mnrk his little body needs. had rolled down a steep embankment University of Idaho, after having Just I wain selected Kemble because he the new booklet “Baby’s Welfare.” It Countless doctors and mothers have two miles enst of The Dalles. Cross­ completed a world’s record by plowing saw a resemblance to (luck In one of gives feeding schedules, full directions while was uninjured, but his car was 8880 acres In 46 working days, includ­ Kemble’s drawings In Life. Kemble found this out through actual experience. for baby’s care, together with pictures bndly damaged. Investigation reveal­ ing time moving between fields at a In turn saw Buck In Court Morris And that is why Eagle Brand, over a ed that a small boy hod found the old fuel coat of 5.7 cents per acre on the then sixteen years old, whom he found and life stories o f Eagle Brand babies. period o f 75 years, has won a marvelous truck tire and rolled it down the h ill­ Mark Weatherford ranch near Arling­ playing In a public schoolyard In the *The m u ll w p rle m e n tirr foods, o f course, are orange reputation as an infant food. For Eagle Bronx. For four dnllrrs a week Court side as a prank. or tomato mice, end cod-liver o il o r other source of ton. use lo u -n d u tic vitamin D. Brand, next to mother's m ilk, is die posed for every character from Aunt Five thousand dollars burled In a Gasoline sales In Oregon during Polly to Tom. and I, Is Court whom easiest form o f m ilk in all the world to Jar for a number of years was un­ March, 1932, exceeded thoze of March. most of or visualize when wt think digest. In baby’s stomach, Eagle Brand earthed on the Val Becker ranch near 1931, by 2,720,887 gallons, according to of Huck Finn. Court himself many forms soft, fine curds, like those formed Westfall recently, according to a re­ a report prepared by H al E. Hogs, zeo- years later confessed Dial he spent the weekly four dollars for candy! by mother’s m ilk. Every drop o f Eagle port which reached Vale recently. retary of stats. Sales In March, 1931, (©. I N S W n t .r n N»»»pap»r Union.) The Borden Company. Brand is quickly assimilated, goes quick­ Westfall Is about 40 miles northwest aggregated 15,188,809.60 gallons, as Det». W N - I, Borden Building. of Vale. J JO Madison A va. N ew Y ork, N .Y . ly into the making o f bones and teeth, compared with 12.4*17,922.60 In March, Still Many Wild Horses Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heritage, Mrs. laat year. Distillate zalea decreased There are still msny thousands of muscle and tissue, energy and strength. Susie Doane and Fred Golden became from 213.019.6 gallons In March, 1931, these so called “wild horaes" In some T h is m ilk can b u ild 100% babies! critically III when they ale toadstools to 115.303.8 gallons In March, 1931. of the western states such as Idaho at Falls City, mistaking them for The total motor fuels oil tax collected and New Mexico, though many have And what a builder Eagle Brand is! mushrooms, A doctor worked over for March, 1931, waa {609,688.03, as been exterminated In recent years They are the deacendanta of Spanish Recently, in a world-famous baby clinic, them for three hours before they were against »604,171.80 for March, 183L horses liberated In the Sixteenth cen cm. S ta to n two physicians—specialists in their field out of danger. Tha increase waa {105.816.8l» tory. ( print turne and »ddress plainir ) Who Was Who? MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young -$leep in a Real ßed.... PORTLAND HEATHMAN HOTELS Food elements in both were the same FREE I COMPLETE BOOKLET ■ ON BABY CABE