Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, May 12, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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Dad and Daughter in First Meeting
Cheerio Chapters &
down upon bis head and tied the and get soma flrewood as an ex-
poles together. Then she tied Old cuss, Hut Mra, Ooyots knew what
Man Coyote oo to the tepee poles ht waa up to and tied him again to
and told him lo hold on tight.When the tepee poles and stalled on.
she had everything ready, off they
“Plenae don't mors this wsy," Old
went over the pralrl«, Old Man Man Coyote cried. But Mra, Coy­
Coyote protecting all the way. ote paid no attention to him. She
Finally they came to some woods took him through (he woods again,
and Mrs, Coyote took him through and over the mountains and
the tops of the trees rapidly, paying through the river until he waa so
no atteutlon when the branches got cold and hungry he was half dead.
In hla eyes and tore his dnthea. Then M ra Coyote, who «>■ the
They rame to a river. For a long whirlwind, avt him down and let
time she drugged hint down the him ruu away.
river until he waa cold aud wet.
When he looked aa though he had
had punishment tnough the net him
down and began to set up the te­
(Here la one of the amnlleat pa
pee. Old Man Coyote waa mighty
glad to gel off those tepee poles per dolls In the world, straight
and thought he would run away from Paris with her new clothes
from aueh a terrible wife, so he I f there Isn't a paper doll family
made believe that he would go off In your houae, you can start one
with Mias Petits.)
¿ It a s i
(Change the words at the base
of the ladders to the words at the
top In live changes. Each change
of a letter, of course, must spell a
real worth and only one letter can
be changed at each move.)
I t was a momentous day tn the lives of this pretty twenty-one-year-old
American girl and her father, a French opera singer, as they met for the
first time on the deck of a great ocean liner at New York. Like the story of
one of the father's beloved operas, reads the account of how Louts Itousseau
and his daughter had unsuccessfully sought each other for years, once actual
living within calling distance of each other in New York, The girt was
born In Dallas, Texas, a few weeks after her father and mother had divorced
and separated. Louise Rousseau was at the pier as the liner glided up the
bay, bringing her father to her. She had waited all her life for him.
( R .p r in t e d P ro m th e T a p « «
by P e rtn la a lo n l
Aa Indian Lagand.
-fty Jean. N e w to n
DACKSTA1RS Influence—that Is to
A-* say clandestine, secret, underhand
force that accomplishes Its sinister
purpose so no one may hear, say see
or know— ths la not a twentieth cen­
tury discovery though the phrase finds
frequent usage In this On de slecle
The very name, as a matter of fact,
comes to us from the Inddeut that
British Naval Victory
Told in Old Newspaper
Memphis, Teon.—An Issue of the
London Times one hundred and twen­
ty-seven years old, carrying an ac­
count of the victory of the British
fleet at Cape Trafalgar, was discov­
ered recently by Mrs. Florence John­
son while cleaning out an old book­
The paper evidently bad been
placed In the case by her grandfather,
a native of England. In the battle
Lord Nelson, Britain's naval hero, was
Vice Admiral Collingwood, who as­
sumed command after Lord Nelson
had been killed, reported the battle
to the newspaper.
The Issue was dated Kovgtnber 17,
B ook
One day Old Man Coyote was
walking through the woods talking
to hlmaelf. “There la a woman liv­
ing tn these woods,“ he Mid, "who
wants a husband and I think I
should like to have her for a wife.”
“You will have to wrestle with
me.” a voice replied from among
the trees, “and If you throw me I
will be your wife.”
“I will wrestle with you." Old
Man Coyote replied and because
the woman knew who he was she
let him throw her. Rut she had not
forgotten how he had run away and
left her when be was her husband
before and she Intended to get even
with him.
“I move so often, no man will
live with me.” she told him.
“That won’t bother me," Coyote
M rs Coyote began to get supper
and said nothing but Just as her
husband began to eat she came In
and M id they would have to move
right away. She pulled the tepee
H ow It S ta rte d
Fun for All the Children
centuries ago, every palace had Its nu­
merous backdoors and back stairs
through which private access was had
to rooms In which privy conferences
were held.
It Is this sort of underhand In­
trigue that flourished because of back­
doors and backstairs; and. which,
however, undesirable It was in times
gone by, still teems to be prevalent
<e. IM S . Ball Syndicate.) — WJCU Sarvlaa.
H E soil In piazza and window
boxes dries out very quickly.
Plants In these boxes should he gen
erously watered every day and fresh
earth added to the old In August.
Teacher— What things In this world
can a man always count on I
T o m m y — I l l s fingers.
T ar xtalns may be removed from
b y th e
A a a o c fa ta d Nvwapapers*
(W N U Svrvtca)
E a t M o at Eggs
Ottawa, Can.— Practically an egg per
day la eaten by every man. woman and
child In Canada. The average per
capita yearly consumption of eggs In
the Dominion la 361, the highest of
any country, according to an official
Building Sway May
M ake Stenog Sick
Columbus. Ohio. — "Stenogra
pbera of the future may become
111 In lofty offices, be rushed off
to a physician and hear him say
they are suffering from “syn­
chronous swaying of pendulous
Prof. Clyde T. Morris, Ohio
State university engineer, said
here that something like sea
sickness may occur In upper
ttories of tall buildings.
Commonly, he said. It haa been
believed this was caused by the
swaying of the structure In the
fresh winds of the lower skies.
But, In fact, It la the swaying of
the fixtures.
Experiments In the Americas
Insurance Union tower here, the
tallest structure west of New
York, showed a sway of only
one-tenth of an Inch In a 3O-rni!e
wind at the thirty-seventh floor.
Dr. Charles II. Mayo, one of the fa
mous brothers from Rochester, said re­
cently that the greatest enemy of the
human race Is food. He maintains
that most persons either eat too much,
or have poorly selected diets. Thia
sounds reasonable. We do not believe
In any diet which Includes creamed
codfish, brains and eggs, or parsnips,
and we don't think any man, unless he
haa been engaged In hard manual la­
bor should eat over one roast of beef
at a sitting.
Louis Angel Flrpo, to be anre, used
to eat a large beefsteak garnished with
a dozen fried eggs, and he waa cer­
tainly a healthy looking specimen. Rut
he also was larger than the ordinary
man and also had known times when
food was not plentiful, so perhaps he
was only striking an average. Dia­
mond Jim Brady was at ane time a
famous eater, but he ended by endow­
ing some sort of clinic for stomach
troubles at Johns Hopkins.
A man who never had visited New
York before told me that hla first Im­
pression of the city was Its size and
quantity. “Our town,” he said, “hag
wider streets than some of yours, and
sometimes they are Just as crowded.
But go 25 blocks and the crowd hus
melted away. You begin to get out lo
the rural section. Here, you can go
for miles and still keep on (hiding
throngs of people. It Is the same way
with everything else — skyscrapers,
stores, taxicabs. We have them all, but
yours are multiplied.”
I always have thought It would be
Interesting if part of the residential
portion of New York could be divided
Into 48 sections, governed In relative
size by the population of the various
states, and then to gather all the for­
mer residents of each state Into their
own section. They would all feel that
they were at home again, especially If
the floating population was assigned
to quarters under the same system.
E"«n now we have miniature coun­
tries In New York—little Italy. China.
Hungary, Africa. There are mighty
few races In the world that are not
represented somewhere In New York,
and there Is scarcely any article of
trade known to man which you cannot
And somewhere In the city, If you
know where to look for IL
Peoples, Jewels, objects of art, an
Imals, foods, shrubs, trees, flowers,
drugs, chemicals, all sorts of things
When your baby fusses, (oases and
s v u i unable to sleep real fully, look
for one commou cause, doctors auy.
Constipation. To get rid quickly of
the accumulated wastes which cause
restlessncsa and discomfort, give a
cleansing dose of Caalorla. Castorla,
' you know, la made specially for
children's delicate needs. I t Is a pure
vegetable preparation; eoafiMa« ae
fcorcA drag«. no eercoHce. It Is so
mild and gentle you can give It to a
young Infant to relieve colic. Yet It la
as effective for older children. Cae-
torla'S regulative help will bring re­
laxed comfort and restful aleep to
your baby. Keep a bottle on hand.
Genuine Castorla always baa the
from every corner of the earth, find
’ heir way to New York. You may see
Ilona from Africa, tigers from Indlu.
■Ilnosanr skeletona from Mongolia,
spices from Arnhy, diamonds from Bra
zll, emeralds from Columbia, cherry
trees from Japan, paintings from Italy,
dresses from France, something from
every known country. In the course of
a day’s wandering. If a student were
Intelligently to visit New York's mu­
seums, parks, libraries, theaters, movie
houses, stores, foreign quarters, hotels,
docks, business districts and reatau
rants, he would gain more Informa­
tion. learn more than he would If he
devoted the same time, to a trip
around the world.
Britain Liat« 540 aa
Millionaire« in 1931
W han your child rofvtas Ht saeela, la lo t-
tabla, raattaa» or favoviah, Iha chancaa ora
warm» are Iha caw»«. Corafal otalhan trnot
promptly with Dr. loyna'» Vermifwga, Ih a
faramoal remedy fa r iotaaMnal paraallaa.
Wanna ara sat always paaaad la rtcepnix-
a b le farm , bat an bnprav«mast Is year
child'» health will thaw that yaar |wdp-
m«nt wot corract. Yoar drvggiat will »all
you that many e l yaar friend» h a w ««ad
Dr. la y n a 'i Varmifuga »wcceaefvlly. D t D,
M V N l S SON. rhUudalph.o.
A f t e r T h e y A r e M a r r ie d
Nothing gives a youug man who
thought his sweetie wonld go through
life with her arms around hla neck
a grenter shock than discovering Imw
quickly she takes up back seat drly-
In« afler they are married,— Cincin­
nati Enquirer.
Illg Man—1 understand you said I
look like the devil. Is that so)
Small One—Gosh, no— I've never
even seen the devil.
H a n T u r n » M in e r
Sonora, Calif.—Joaquin Morris’ hen
has turned miner. When he went to
feed Old Biddle he found she had
scratched up a gold nugget valued nt
World’s Longest Bridge to Be Opened Soon
T a ire A B _M A * t t a i * a B a u a o w
1 J
— to n ig h t. Y on r a llm ln a ttv a
organa w ill be fonctlonlngprop-
erly by m orn in g and your een-
sUpatlon w ill end w it h « bawal
a c tio n aa fre e an d assy as na-
tura at her beet— p o s itiv e ly l
pain, no griping. T
ry IL
M ild , «afe, Partly aaarlaM a—
or d ra cc iatr-e aly H t
n t L U K K A U 1 1 J J O N TA K A
TheKifckeixCabi het
Í T V *»
ig S ^ - T a m a a r e
button* ot the pan. , Place the roll»
and bilk) when ||Kht. Turn upsld«
C lim b e d tb a L a d d a r
HE delicious cinnamon or pecan down and serve.
"Murphy got rich quick, didn't he?"
roll which may be made with one
8pic.d Hot Cross Buna.— Prepare
“ He got rich so quick that he can't
base Is a most delicious bread to serve the above mixture, make the rolls Into
•wing a golf club without spitting on
on many occasions.
rounds after nddlng one half cupful of his hands."—Stray Ulta.
Cinnamon Rolla,—Take one cupful
currants or n mixture of currants and !
---------- —
of scaled milk, add two tablespoon fills raisins, a teaspoonful of cinnamon
* ,l,ny tnik for the sake of talking.
of sugar, onehalf ten spoonful of rh I i ,
and one half teaspoonful of allspice
four tablespoonfiils of shortening to < tit a cross on tlx- top
Pu,.h w|, h ,
the hoi milk. Cool until lukewarm sharp knife Just before baking.
and add an yeast cuke softened In
8plc- C a ke .-S lft two «„,| one-half
one-fourth cupful of warm water. Mix
with sufficient (lour to handle and cupfuls of pastry flour with one half
knead thoroughly, then allow the tmspnonful of soda, one teaspoonful
bread to rise until treble Its bulk. Cm fid « h* J"’* ' 1*'', «nt fourth teaspoon-
one halt °
m#re "*"<
down and fold and lei rise again
Patarm an a A n t Pood is sura death
te" ? oonful of cinnamon.
When light roll Into a sheet one half
»O anta. S prinkle | t ab o u t ttla Soar,
window allia, «halvaa, t i c . ««activa M
loch In thickness and spread with
" ou” "
laaspanalv. Sata. G u a r-
melted butter, sprinkle with sugar and
M o r» «Imi» 1,SM .«M cans
cinnamon. Roll like a jelly roll and
aold laat f t t t . A t your drugglac'a.
slice Into one Inch slices. Place In a wet hK : " n'' 'iuiTv- A<M ,wo
wel! beaten and tre flour mixture
baklnp pan and allow to rise again
m N k n " p l' \ * ’ U
" f
" o ’"
Bake In a hot oven twenty minutes.
and balw’ In " ' ' " fl* r
For the pecan rolls place a gener
ous portion of butter and brown sugar Slid lake In a grease,| ||n eight b,
with a half cupful of pecans In the eight Inches. Bake fifty minutes.
W. N. u , Portland, No. 20--1SM.
Completed concrete span, the longest In the world, which Is to be known as the George Westinghouse Memo
rial bridge, following Its opening at Pittsburgh this summer. The bridge will save several miles of hill and dale
travel oa the Lincoln highway from Pittsburgh to the rest
'h e m a
On the other hand, I do not believe
you can get any finer nienta anywhere
than In Manhattan. And there Is no
better food than roast beef or beef­
steak to be had on this spinning earth.
(0. I t l l . Dell Syndicate.)— W S U Sarvlca.
to a
Fell Right I .
“Yes." said Freeman to bis friend,
**l started out In life with the theory
that the world had an opening fur
"And did you find 117" asked hla
"I certainly did. I'm In a terrlhl«
hole now."— I-ondon Humorist.
London.—Five hundred and forty
millionaires In thia country were as­
sessed for surtax last year, according
to the report of the Inland revenue
commissioners for the year ended
Murrh 31, 11*31, which has Just been
issued here. Blatlstlc Indicate that
the nuinbei of millionaires Increased
by twenty-one, that the yield from
Income tax rose by (Ih.tMMi.OOO. anil
that 50.000 taxpayers dropped from the
Data of Somerset house during the
yeur. Among them they paid £255,-
The total no oilier of taxpayers waa
2.200,000 and among them they paid
There were actually
4,li5O,<xx> persona with Incomes liable
to taxation, hut S.71KL00D were relieved
of payment by the o|ientlnn of va­
rious allowances, such aa those for
wife, children and de|iendenl relations.
The total Income brought under re
view was (3.160.1X10.000. but through
Allowances and reductions the actual
tax was levied on only £l,3tX).(XX*,000.
Having Just said that you can And
everything In New York. I wish I knew
exactly where to lay hands on oysters
Rockefeller, and pnmpano In paper
bags, such ns they serve In New Or
leans. O r even those thin-skinned
grapefruit, half the size of a pumpkin,
they have In southern dimes.
C a y
Leg F i n a l l y V a n ia h a a
A apruca log. 28 feet long and 14
feet In diameter, which was the butt-
cut of a tree that took I t flat cars to
carry. Anally went dowu to the bay
with a tide after being In the Culutn-
hla Box ami Lumber company'! mill
pood at Mouth Bend. Wash., for 2D
years. The log could not be hauled
Into the head rig without tearing out
part of the mill building. It Anally
waa pushed Into the current—« much
scarred derelict.
te . m a w a a la r a N e w a M a a r P alaat
To clean a panama hat put an ounce
of oxalic add (poison) In sufficient
sculdlug water to cover the h at Put
the hul In thia solution and bold It
down with a stick so that It la entirely
covered. Leave It for live minutes,
theo take It out with a stick and dry
in the shade.
Look to this cause
cotton fabrics by covering the spot
with butter and allowing It to remain
for a few hours before washing.
To make a starch that will not stick,
stir a pinch of borax Into boiling wa­
ter and add It to the starch, with a
few drops of bluing.
P E T E R M A N 'S
t i l l . Waetarn H.aeaaoav L'nlao.»