ÎTÎK COLD BILL MEWS THURSDAY, MAY 13, School Honor Rolla Mammoth Tusk* Found A te Announced On Foots Creek Near Here A illu ir Iverson of Medford »pi nt 'flic fo llo w in g sludenls were the w eek-uni w ith hi» m other, Mr». n e ith e r absent n o r tardy d u rin g the C. I.. D u se u hrrry In th is i lly . ! second six weeks o f the second sc- Jim L iv e ly o f Sim J i i m was here ' Kiester mid m n iiitiiiu e il un average Buy llm kelt, cashier n f the First nil hiisille»» lust week I,m ile o f I I I : National lotti* n f (ira n ís l ’a»« was B obcrtu Braden, Eunice Singer, Mm. Joe lllu ir lim i Mi n bushiest tile r in G olii H ill Tues­ Opal Itodgi i s, June Moore, M innie Un unii ilaughtci*. J ill. day n f hml v ie k . , H a rriso n , Jenu Sm ith, In ne M orrow I' ug In M e t'fiin l Sulin Mrs. Chiude Shoeuiuki r eaiue Sul- and L lo yd Ilo lo fle ld . Alimi Punt iiiiisheil h i. fin g e r mi liig h t ,t Grade Honors 1 i ii l iy. A p ril .'III from Cowley, W yn- Tiiesihiy o f limi week, w h ile < liltin g ' miltg. to Join her husband, here. Mr. F irs t: June Moore m iif Louis« w mill. I Shiieuiuker I» employed id the Sm ith w ith fo u i d's. Second: Irene barber shop in Medford, M o rro w w ith Hire:' I's m id one II. Mr. un.I Mm. Al I ’ unkey w . re iir ille » ’th ir d : L lo yd H olafieid, (ienevie i .’ille il In K h iin iitli F allii T u rs ilu ) by i h ill the young couple niiike lln li Sluiubo. Jean S m ilh and M innie j Imine id Hie Ill-W a y lin i In this Hie »eriiiu» Him an of the furnier'» j i lly , of w h ich Mr. and Mrs. Crime» H a rriso n w ith one 1, tw o H's uni) h in lh e r, W illia m . one H I. ■re proprietors. The fo llo w in g students received Itoh Keuaston, U. S. Murine, him no grade below a H I: Koberla B rad­ w r lt li n hi» our ill» , Mr. mid Mr». en. Dora S m ith, L u c ille W heatley, It. I . Is e ilim lo u , here, Ihnl hi» Ship I t in ie c Stager, June Moore, Louise lie I ’ e iiu s y lv u n h i, is now stationed Sm ith, In nc M orrow , L lo yd Holo- nt Sun Francisco, having recently fie! least one In c ld e rr must h i| ¡ c ii w h ic h w ill upset the ! regular ro u tin e o f events und hub it»: Just recently our public school liu , bceoni' the re n te r o f an up­ heaval w h ich bids fa ir to m ark a change in tip- school s p irit o f this d is tric t No. 57. D u rin g my past tw o years’ attenil- ance id Hi is h o iil I could lin t help L ilt notice th lack of coopt ra tio n Ihnl csisls v ill,in its ju ris d ic tio n . The p re .cu t hom'd, apparently re a lizin g lh:d they are a ll-p o w e rfu l «Ince they . cannot tie recalled. chiMis to fo llo w th e ir own personal desires, l a tf er than those o f the ma­ jo r ity o f lb • people, w ho elected them th in k in g that they w ould be represented In a satisfactory ninn- i ner. Now, Mr. C u m u li, you arc the chairm an o f Ihc school hoard o f this d is tric t, ajnl since you have refused lo rem ain al n meeting w here one iiiuy ta lk l<> you in p u b lic, und you J have ordered me o ff, y o u r ranch so Ihal I cannot ta lk lo you in p ri- j vale, I lake the lib e rty o f In fo rm ­ ing you in this m illin e r. Ihal your prom ise o f a slap in the face o r yo u r w a rn in g Ihal i f I am not excreding- •y careful I w ill he k ir k r d out o f school before my lim e is up; I shall have no effect noon me in vo icin g m y opinions in th is m utter o f our school. Experience is a severe Im l exact­ ing tcuchcr, tint w * all learn many v ilu a lilr lesions fro ii’ier. A fte r this, w h in I am called ii|M,n to help elect a man lo any office, I shall endeavor to choose a man w ho w ill re ly i pon real fad « , ..oond judgment mid the needs o f those he re p re ­ sents, ra th e r than upon his supposed pow er o f gazing in to another's soul, before m aking fin a l decision. V IR G IL A. EDING TO N. H A M ILTO N , the W atch i f Rail- read \ccu racy . See our assortm ent. Law rence’s Fair Prices Q uality Jew elry — Comer Main and ir Mcdiord, Oregon G a rd n e r D ru g Inc. 206 W est Main Street Medford, Ore SEE OUR W INDOW S Graduation Suggestions G a rd n e r D ru g Inc. 206 W est Main Street Medford, Ore T w o m aium olh’s tusks, part o f a ja w hone and teeth have been un­ earthed in the placer mine on Ed Frefounlaine's ranch on Foots Creek, according to Mrs. Scott Young o f Gold H ill. The tusks are not in perfect p re ­ servation, Mrs. Young said, hut e ru m b lril us Hie hunk fe ll in the process o f m ining. A large m olar is utmost intact uml measures six inches by three incile«, w ith prong« one mid u h a lf inches in length. The tusks measure seven inches in d i­ ameter. The teeth were imbedded In deep gravel, «he slated, and covered w ith ten o r tw elve feet o f smull gravel and top soil. 81 R i’ RIKK PARTY FOR MR. ANU MRS. R. CENTERS Mrs. Belle Centers was hostess at a surprise p a rly fo r Mr. and Mrs. Boy deniers at th e ir home Saturday evening. 'I he evening was spent in playing curds, games and dancing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W liitse tt, Mr. und Mrs. Win, Force, Mr. and Mrs. E arl (look, Mr. und Mrs. Boh Millspaugh, Ir. and Mrs. W i l l . P uhi, Mr. and •1rs. B. A. Boss, Mr. and Mrs. E lm er ( Dungey, Mr. und Mrs. Boy Centers, Mrs. Belle Centers, Paul M rK in n is ; im l Olive T urner. SHOWER FOR MRS. ADAMS Mrs. Boy Centers and Mrs. Wm. Force w ere hostesses at a shower in honor o f Mrs. Boh Adams Tues­ day al the home o f Mrs. Centers. A social afternoon was spent und dainty refreshm ents w ere served. Those in vite d w ere Mesdames Boh Adams, Joe Lew is, E lm er Dungey, Bert Boss, Boh M illspaugh, E arl Cook, Wm. Ferguson, M arvin Em­ ory, W ilb u r M artin, A urele Meunier, Joe B la ir, Belle Centers, H offm an, Buy Thompson, John Logan, 11. I). Force, George H ainm ersly, Tom Chisholm, Jim Chisholm , Eber Da­ vis, S. Chistensen, A. K onieli, Boy Cameron, E. T. Ham. Iliemselves and begun to pound I h « '* - If It’s Worth Welding Glendule pitcher fo r a num ber o f It’s Worth Welding Well | h its und tied the count in the sixth in n in g , Ih c score remained lie d u n ­ ELECTRIC WELDING WORKS til the Iasi h a lf o f the n in th in n in g «11 K St. Phone »08 when B ill Force drove in Ihc w in ­ (•rant« Pass, Oregon ning run w iili a nice h it to left field. S tatistics: Seventeen h its ; Bat­ teries, Tohmpson p itch in g 4 1-2 in n ­ MERRITT SIGN SHOP ings fo r Glendale w ith Bates catch­ “Signs of Merit” ing; Bales pitched o ther 4 1-2 w ith Thompson catching. Thompson Expert Work on AB Signs struck out 10; Bates 7, M 2 S. Olh SI. Phone 354 | Gold H ill h a tte r’es: Shoemaker Grants Pass, Oregon pitched 0 inning« and K ell 3. Shoe­ ♦ -------------------------------------------- maker »truck out 5 men and K ell ♦ ----------------------------------------------- .♦ 4. JO SEPHINE CO. PRODUCE CO. ‘ The lineups: Dealer« in Feed, .Seed, F e rtiliz e rs | Glendale: B uriel s», Nelson 2b, Also largest buyers o f Live Poul- 1 M artin cf, H e lle r lb , Bates c, W il­ tr y in Josephine C ounty liams rf. H urst If, Thompson p, and Grants Pass, Oregon Pele 3b. * ----------------------------------------------------♦ Gold H ili: C. Kell 3b, Gardener cf, H. Force If. B. Force c, B lunkenhurg 2b, Coy »«, Shaver th , Foley If, Shoemaker p, C. K ell 2b and p, Em | oy If. and H lttlc , u tility . LOOK Spid M errim an and Bay Thom p­ son um pired and cre d it is due them I FOR fo r the good o fficia tin g . ♦ ♦ Mr. uinl Mm. H ill Force were i>hu|i|i|ii|| In M eilfnril Monday. B E C K ’S FLOWERS F o r the graduates and fo r ev­ ery occasion o f the Commence­ ment season, w hether fo r cor sage bouquets, houtonieres to r them to wear, o r to be used in decorations fo r the many- events w h ich are the center of attention at th is season. O ur greenhouse has them in abundance. The most wholesome, palatable food on your table is a good loaf of bread. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE B E C K ’S We Have No Store U ptow n FOR YOUR LIONS CLUB TO PRESENT PLAY ON HOI.LY PROGRAM Graduation The I.ions club o f Medford is p re ­ senting a three-act domestic comedy on the stage at the H o lly theatre Wednesday evening, May 18, title d “ A D o lla r Down, A D o lla r A W re k.” A complete screen program w ill also be included fo r the regular p rice o f 30c. Banquet Glendale Baseball Team Lose* Close Game to G. H. Mac McCarter's Gold H ill base­ b all club won fro m Glendale on the local diamond Sunday by a score o f I I lo 10. The game was marked by e a rly season “ boners” but al times both teams showed signs o f developing in to good ball clubs. Glendale took the lead e a rly in the contest due to several e rro rs and a few hits. H owever, a fte r a few innings the Gold H ill team found BAKERY Phone 374 1005 East Main MEDFORD, ORE. Or Party Be Sure to Serve Our F a n c y Ice C ream (Molds or Bricks) Snider “ ' ^ N. Bartlett St. Medford Phone 203 “If It’s Snider’s— It’s the Best to Buy’ 4A«-£ LAMPORT’S t Southern Oregon's Largest Wallpaper and Paint Store Is Having Its Big Graduate of A ll Commencement Night . . . PAINT AND PAPER SALE 1 If you gave her a. PERMANENT. FREE PAINT AND ENAM EL— Or, perhaps her hair has its own natural wave. We can dress i' to best suit her type. Buy a can at Regular Price. Get another can free. HALF PRICE SALE ON ONE LOT OF ODD PAINTS AND V A RNISH ES— $4.00 Best Prepared P a in t..... $3.05 gal. $3.00 Golden W est P a in t.......... $2.25 gal. $2.75 Dependable P a in t.......... $1.89 gal. Lamport’s S p ecia l........................ 98c gal. Are They Looking Forward to College? Shampoos, Finger W aves, Permanents and Other Aids to Beauty Are Done at This Shop by Experts. You can feci safe when you send her here. _ P A IN T S AND BR USH ES HALF PRICE W ALL PAPER— from 7c a Roll up; no borders over 4c yard. A little encoui.i ,'cinenl to them to start a bank accollili how to s a v i t o r t h a t purpose, would be a help to them later. Or perhaps you m ight e s ­ tablish one l'or i hem, or add to one they may al­ ready have. KALSOMINE—8c pound, all colors. PURE BOILED LINSEED OIL—98c gal. Estimates given FREE on any class of work. Call George 120R collect. FIRS! NA SIGNAL BANK <: LAM PORT’S W holesalers of Paints and W all Paper 226-230 E. Main S'reet - - - Medford, Ore. Medford, Oregon ¿1 Bowman’s BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP 105 W . Main Medford