THE COLD Htl.L NEWS TIII RSDAV. MW i.\ to.,.’ R. Carter, Clerk Candidate Viait Here T H E G O LD HILL N E W S Established 1897 Published by Mac’s Printing Co. R. E. BLANKENBURG, Editor and Business Manager LOIS BLANKENBURG, Associate Editor George It. G arter, candidate fo r the republican nom ination to the office o f county clerk, was a v is ito r in Gold H ill last week. Begard ioM his candidacy, Mr. (a irie r says hv pledges that he w ill, i f elected, An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of Gold Hill Oregon and Vicinity PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Postoffice at Gold Hill, Oregon, for transmission through the mails as second-class matter &lbscriution <2.04 a year in advance. Advertising rates on appliaation. TIME W ILL TELL D uring the past few m onths various projects have been a ttem p ted in (.¡old Hill hv its service organizations. Some have succeeded and some have failed. W ithout doubt, lack of cooperation was the reason f. r most of these failures, for it has been noticeable to most of us. th at when a project was proposed the objection w as raised th a t so and so would not help. W hy? Because, about five years ago he w anted som ething and somebody else voted against it; therefore, he had never cooperated in an y th in g since— o r som ething to th a t effect. The school a ffa ir is causing m any “ headaches”— and m any heartaches, as are the o th er projects. Did it ever occur to you that these “ headaches" and h eartaches M IG H T be (¡row ing Pains? . . . And are we going to let them be so perm anent th a t they ST U N T our g ro w th as a com m unity— and as individuals? Som ew here we have read, "T here are T H R E E sides, not T W O , to ev ery th in g —"vour side," "m v side" and the R IG H T SID E. ' r ' W ell, folks, we took another jum p this week, and have for you tw elve pages of good live new s about yourselves, your neighbors, n ear and J a r , and about the m any item s you can purchase now to your advantage, as suggested in the advertisem ents in this issue. Also there is a page of political news. A gain, we say, th a t we are try in g o ur lev­ el best— even w orking until tw o o ’clock in the m orning (M illard R asm ussen of Spencer, Iowa, please note and smile W IT H u s )— to make this a good paper. W e w ill not alw ays have 12 pages, but we hope we can once in a while. W e will have eight pages at least, and w e’re glad you like it— as some o f vou have told us. WRECKED CARS Are Our SPECIALTY. Bodies Built to Order Auto Glass Fender Work Wood Work O ur shop can straig h ten th a t fender, replace th at broken glass, or rebuild the wrecked body, and num erous other jobs. Ask Us About It T. N. PARRETT 36 South Riverside MEDFORD, ORE. . Phone 279-Y conduct the a ffa irs o f the clerk’s office w ith s tric t economy, and w ill show die co tirlcs) to a ll w hom tic lias occasion to serve w h ile ad­ m in istra tin g the office. Mr. G arter has lived In Jackson county over 40 years, lie " ..n raised in Ashland, ami later llv d fo r 15 years al T ulenl. The Iasi seven years have b a II sim lit in Medford. •'or five years, fro m I Hi 3 to 1912, Mr. (a irie r was manager o f M edford Ice and Storage com oaiiy.. He has also served the county as deputy, but lias never held p u b lic o ffic e .. T w o years ago, lie entered the rare fu r the county cle rksh ip , being de­ feated by a n a rro w margin. M r. and Mrs. Tylee o f Jackson- so n ville spent T hursday v is itin g frie n d s and acquaintances in Hus c ity . ' ____ ______ Dr w p C hisholm spent T liu rs ,|a> at his mine in the Meadows, lloyee Kellogg o f Medford a|M*nl tile week end w ith Ins father. A. K. K ellogg, in this l ily . I-1 \ I-. I ’ m 11 * leys. O| ; ' ; Joe Lev. md B ill i '..ree motored • to Marble Mountain V inlay on huso ness fo r the cement i im it. DR. A. M. I.O U G IIN E Y New Treatm ent lo r ASTHMA mi l II W I I VI It Free Exane m il ion Dr. O M cKay'» o ffice P h o n e 196 32 T u ffs Itld g . Mr. anil Mrs. George lin ke r and . daughter, Elsie, Mrs. M innie Sur- , G rs n ts Pass M edford Oregon .Mr. ami Mrs. H . I W atrous o ft« *" und ,o n « M vlvin. motored to Medfori w s o f \ lr . mid Mrs Yreka Saturday, where they spent ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS “ Moose” M uirhead was a busin, ss F red Stone Sunday. 1 . um l .v w ith Fred Baker. c a lle r in th is c ity Monday. ( l i t u i - I 'l l , HU K rs I ' l l , H iv 272 272 DR. E. D. FT.W OO D U n fin ish e d Magazine racks 47c; O P T O .M K IK IH T 24x48 rag rugs 73c; 9x12 Seamless N e w L o c a tio n A xniinstec Hugs <19.75 al Adams 135 So. C entral Ave. 2 Doors South o f M ontgomery F u rn . Co. Unusual F u rn itu re Sale. Ward's G rants Pass. M12 Eves Examined, Lena D uplicated Glasses F itte d , Frames Bepuired Mr. and Mrs. E rank N o rth ru p o f ♦ Shack, Grants Pass. t f P o rtla n d came Monday fo r a short O PTO M ETRY I --------- [ v is it w ith tljc Misses N e llie and L yn- Mr. and Mrs. C lin to n W alker and . dell Jacobs. They le ft Tuesday . ! Good glasses if you need them Mrs. M illie Bunn w ere c a llin g on —otherwise good advice DB. JE D R IC K E R T Mrs. M innie Low e in M e d fo rd Sun­ F o r smart ready to w ear o f good Sincere S cie n tific Service day. q u a lity , m oderately priced s e e 222 East Main M edford, Ore. ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN’S, op | Mrs. Maria B a ld w in o f Medford posile postoffice, Medford. M12-J2 spent Sunday w ith her niece, Mrs. CHEWS 4 CODDING ’ | M innie B y e rly o f th is c ity . Mrs. F lo yd Lance, w ho has been i l l w ith heart tro u b le d u rin g the A tlorneys at Law I I Bert W heatley returned T hursday past few weeks, is recovering nicely, 217 IJ lie rly Bid«., Medford J . j i evening fro m B ro o klyn , w here he and is able to he about some. ■ has been employed by the S. P. Co. Mrs. N ina D usenberry o f Sardine LARRY SCHADE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson were Creek was employed al the II. I). Medford, Oregon business callers in Grants Pass Sat­ N orton home Tuesday doing paper­ Y ou r F a v o rite Je w e le r Sines urday. ing. Raked A pplet and Pettehtt', d i E aisa of a ataal is no more 1918 th e m easure of Its Im portance Core and pare th ree baking ap­ tb a a is the mze of a man. ples, cut In halves. Lay tn bak­ Fresh S tra w b e rry Ice Cream at Mr. and Mrs. <). C. Palm er and J E W E L R Y , D IA M O N D S I t's w hat the man and the meal ing dish, cut side up. Open ons H o rn in g 's Shack, Grants Pass. We daughter. Beatrice, were c a llin g on H u tc h B c p a irin g a S p e cia lty accom plish th a t count. Take No. 2 can halved peaches, place * maek o u r ow n. tf frie n d s in Ashland Saturday. breakfast, for Instance. It’s prob­ half-peach on each apple. Put ably the sm allest meal of the day, b u tter In each peach half, using b u t In some ways it's the m ost two tablespoon« of It. Add to peach BIDENS SHOE SEBVIC E Im portant. It has to keep the syrup one and one-fourth cups A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Z Q u a lity H o ik , M o d e rile Prices faintly going until noon and the w ater and tw o-thlrds cup sugar, Done W h ile You W ait m orning is the big p a rt of the and bring to bolting. Pour around 19 South Centra! — M edford day. w hether one spends It a t fru it, bake In m oderate oven, school, In an office or shop, or 375“, forty-five m inutes to an hour, u n til apples a re tender, atte n d in g to household tasks. basting occasionally. Make day A C orking Breakfast before und serve cold w ith the WANTED TO BUY Halted A p p let and P earhet syrup or w ith cream, too. Recipe A ll Kind« of Livestock fo r O atm eal Scram bled Eggt serv 1 six. Seven to nine half- Slaughtering Purposes B ro ile d lla n an at W ra p p e d in llacon peaclies are tn No. 2 can, depend­ KOGl E RIVER MEATS, INC. T oatt CoQee ing on th e ir size.* 1 Phone Medford 1559 P. 0 . Box 9111 Better Breakfasts ■ ■ TÌ BETTER PRINTING for LESS MONEY Why pay more when you can get the Beat Quality Printing right here for less money? No job too small and no job too large —in every instance you’ll find our prices just a little lower than elsewhere. Give us a trial. Before you III DECOB ATE thia S pring ace K. I). BOSS CO. H eadqiiarti 1 s fo r Q u a lity Paint, W ulliaiper and P icture F ram ing Our Price« Are Lowest 22 S. Grape Phone 640 1G/ RITZ I. I i -♦ S tart Your Chicks and T u rks Bight I sc Albera Proven Chick and T u rk Starti r and G row er D istributed by H O N N E B S t i l l ) S l'O ltE 227 N orth F ir Street Medford, Oregon APARTMENT HOTEL PERMANENT WAVES -«5 & up Einger Wave 75c Sham poo« Title ! Mon. lues. !,u J Shninpoo I nnd rin g e r Wnvc or Marcel $1.00 Spechi! I hiirs. and I riduvs, p h iiii facial pack facial «1.50 HOUK Gt AIIANT EED BOWMAN BARBER A BEAUTY sh o p I .Medford 105 W. Main Phone 57 | ANGUS MACLEAN M anager Phone 145-J • 0 4 0 G E O R G IA STREET WEST + -♦ , Featuring c o u rte sy and c o m f o r t . . . A q u ie t lo c a ­ t io n y e t c lo s e t o t h e p r i n c ip a l c e n t r e s .......... F riffi d o ire and m odem ’a p p o in tm e n ts throu gh ou t. PATES BY THE DAY, WEEK OP MONTH ARE MOST MODERATE The Gold Hill News 1 » VANCOUVER n¿ CANADÁ 142 N. I'ro n t St .. Medford .. Tent F- F- A hubkb Aw ning Wor,ks (.anvils Goods our S pecialty A u to lo p s anil Glass Ineloatirea Medford, Oregon ♦ ♦