j j i r . (.OLÌ) lliLL gKWs THlftSDAV, MAS 5. iq .U Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream at Horning's Shack, Grants Pass. We make our own. All-MS Ä 7 Ä C - A‘ Í* WV2U theatre . Grants Pasa, Oregon Candy for Mothers Day?—Get it Friday and Saturday. May (i and 7 Wallace Iverson spent Wednesday at Beckers. For Mother's Day. May 8— fine With II. It. Walthall, Leon Janney, Otto Furman of Gold Hill, was father, George Iverson of Medford. boxed candies at Hornings Shack, Aileen Pringle. county scat visitor Friday. A28-M5 Two Cartoons — News Mrs. Kais of Medford spent the Grants Pass. The Delta has a fine assortment week end with her father, Mr. Hull Also Friday-Saturday afternoons Mr. and Mrs. George Melsinger of Mothers Day cards. A28-M7 of this city. only—Double Feature and Mrs. Paul Thompson attended "Alice In Wonderland" Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Walker Place your orders now for Moth the high school music festival at were business callers in Medford ers Day boxed candy at the Delta. Ashland Thursday. Sun., Mon.. Tuesday, May 8-9-10 Tuesday. A28-M5 'THU BROKEN WING" Beckers Drug Store has some Dee Lowe of Medford was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis anil fine boxed randies special for With Leo Carillo, l.upe Vales. Mel- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Walker in family spent Saturday and Sunday Mothers Day. yyn Douglas. Geo. «ureter. this city Sunday. Comedy — Cartoon — News with Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Rich­ Mrs. J. O. Pierce of the Sleepy Mrs. Marjorie Pena spent the mond in Medford. Hollow ranch, near Gold liill, wus Wednesday, Thursday. May tl-IJ week end with her mother. Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Puhi and Mrs. John transacting business in Medford on "FOKCOTTKN WOMEN" Skeeters in Medford. Hayes attended the music festival Monday. W itli Marion Schilling. Bex Bell, FRESH STRAWBERRY SHORT­ at Ashland Thursday and visited Are you remembering Mother on Beryl Mercer. Virginia Lee Corbin Lomedy — Travelogue CAKE—for your midnite lunch on with Mrs. Ivan Kesterson. her «lay—May 8? Get her a box of dance night—The Hi-Way Inn. candy at Horning's Shack, Grants Enjoy a refreshing F R E S H Dr. G, Earl t.aw wishes to an­ A28-M5 nounce that he tins open«.I offices Bill Hooker of Medford has STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE for Pass. in the Calver-Wood Bl.ig., Safe u spent the past week with his sis your midnite lunch dance night— Jim Clements and George Ham­ way Store, (.rants Pass, for tin- prae- , THE HL WAY INN. ter. Mrs. Alva Cook in Gold Hill. mersly returned to Brookings Tues­ lit e of Medicine and Suruerx (live a call. Plume 507J A R, Grants Members of the Gold Hill high day where they are employed at a him Fred Baker of Yreka, California, • ejj III ' mine. Mrs. Hammersly drove to the school track team won eight and spent the week end at his home in News of the result of the Massie eoast for them Sunday and took three quarters points in the South­ this city. trial held in Honolulu, was watched ern Oregon track and field meet them hack Tuesday. with interest in the Rogue River Mrs. Robert Flock of Redmond. held at Medford Saturday. Phoenix b‘ ‘ imw of the fact that Mrs. H. D. Reed in company with Oregon, is spending this week with high won the first division and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Orr oi Medford John »Homey for the state. Mrs. Floyd Lance. Bogue River in the second division. left Friday for Portland I for a few WM u fur""‘r n xidrnl of this viein I days' visit. The parly stopped In ity. Kelley won a victory over Clar- I Corvallis to visit for a short time | cnee Darrow, acknowledged as Hie I with Eugene Orr. son of Mr. and greatest criminal lawyer in tn( Mrs. Orr. who is a student at Ore- U nialcd Slaus. Mr. Kelley at oni- time held an option on the Bin« i gon State college. I Ledge copper mine anil was in­ Rogue River valley residents were terested in orchards of the valley. greeted with several rumblings of lie was in the vulley lust year prior thunder Monday morning, which is to going to Hawaii. ! very uncommon in this part of the country. Ruin started falling just before noon and has fallen in­ at termittently since. Mail planes were SHAVERS BARBER forced to fly low on acocunt of the rain and mused a grea. roar when SHOP passing over Gold Hili. Spring Hats Ladies Dresses and Dress Material DRAKE'S General Line of Grocery and Dry Good« Our Sale of Fine Stock AT BANKRUPT PRICES IS STILL ON Always Visit Our Store When In Grants Pass C a l v e r t ¿1 F r e n c h VALVE GRINDING 25f c REDUCTION On AH Makes of Cars We Can Install the New “PERFECT CIRCLE 85” PISTON RINGS Guaranteed to Stop Oil Pumping—the Latest on The Market—Ask About Them GOLD HILL GARAGE Chas. Kell, Prop. HAM’S GROCERY H —' U KAR.MELKORN — The delicious I popcorn confection—made and sold only at shop in Holly theatre build ing, Medford. Mr. and Mrs .Robert E. Stnrns and daughters, Florence and Vir­ ginia and Jesse Starns of Pacific Grove, California, arrived Tuesday evenin gfor a visit with friends and relatives. They visited Curtis Mill­ er. who is Mrs. Starns' father, und several sisters and aunts here, leav­ ing Wednesday afternoon for Grants Pass for an extended visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I) Starns of that place. Mr. Robert and Jesse Starns are employed by [ the American Can Company of Mon lerey, California. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 121) acres land; 65 acres cleared; new house and barn. South of Salem. Inquire at Livingstons Service Station, (¡old Hill. the grotto R« C. Jorgensen, Prop. Fresh Spring Fruits and Vegetables \< 'U f 111. nth w ill fa ir ly w a fe r fro m these fresh . pi mg b ru its and Vegetables when vou see our fin e assortm ent Here are some o f them , and at the head o f the list we p u t: fresh strawberries T r?«Cp m cOlr SprinK Vegetables: CARROTS — TURNIPS — ASPARAGUS FINE SOLID HEADS OF LETTUCE, ETC And Always a Good Supply of High Grade LEMONS, ORANGES and BANANAS G o ld H ill S u p p ly I hua 8 I “Where Price* Sell Quality” ’ fc O,, e ,‘L a . A. W ALKER W . Deliver SHAVES AND HAIRCUTS Tom Shaver, Prop. and Woodie Would if you care to take the risk Make This a Cake and Dessert Week POUETR MEATS ». ■ * B U r T ER And Eggs Are Cheaper Than They Have Been for Years! Lunches and Confections Always a Fine Line of HIGH QUALITY at the Card Room in Connection Bud Snider, Proprietor E. T. HAM, Prop. Hf— —------------ for your Extra copies of the News on sale at Jim’s Confectionery, each week ACE OF SPADES m h rm w r you A re Always Welcome a t "PO I.lt K e o i 'R T ” and Ihursdax of this week w ith hft M EATS at the Gold Hill Meat Market Uv1“1 i * i . . f‘ n' y C^ ,' R" ipe « ■” •«> <« try. Right now while butter and eggs „re un­ usually low In price ¡8 the dme fjx new desserts for the family. “If Its Snider’s— It’s The Best To Buy” Snider Dairy & Produce Co. N. Bartlett St. Medford Phone 203 FRESH M EATS Specials for Saturday 1 Baseball Have You Provided for Mother? Before vou make that drive to the “big game” stop at our station and let us change your oil. Her Day Is Sunday, May 8 BREAD i-lb. loaves RIPE OLIVES Tall Tins, each .. 10c KC BAKING POWDER 25-oz. ting ..... 19C DEL MONTE PEACHES Melba Halves No. 2 1-2 tins... 2 for 39c A change now may save a bearing later. Have you planned for Mother’s future, so that she will not he left in want when you aregone? DIAMOND W We handle Zerolene— the oil that outsells all o t h e r s — Eastern or Western. An account in her name, established now and safe investments made from time to time, will build up a reserve for her care in .days to come. 5c BARTLETT PEARS Extra Fancy No. 2 1-2 tins .. 2 for 39c No. 2 1-2 Tins, 2 for 39c IODIZED SALT Full 2-lb. pkgs. 2 for 15c SUNBRITE CLEANSER 6 cans WHITE WONDER SOAP 10 bars ................ 25c apricots 25c GOLDEN WEST COFFEE c»n 98c HODGEN-BREWSTER POULTRY FEED s RB BTH for AFE ERVICE Coy