Page 3 Persons and Scenes in the Current News OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. tto o to M a g n J 8 ^ r X /w o tX o n Mammiì-’ „mm'irinl “ Z A le » n d r i ^ ^ ^ 2 -W < ’“ * n * * P«l Hera's the modern Pled Piper. Wlk bur Dehoe of W altervllle captured 1603 mice, four rats and nine grey diggers to win the prise In the county-wide rodent control contest Just completed In Lane county. During the contest, which lasted a month, 6315 mica were caught. MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young — - - -ts .- The only artillery reserve regiment Inventor Has Idea of assigned to a college on the Pacific Houses by the Quart coast has Just been organized at Cor­ , Buttons, collar studs, the backs ot vallis to include regular army officers hairbrushes, and nil kinds of things T H E MARKETS on duty at the college, and outstand­ are already made from milk, and Portland ing reserve officers, many of whom Wheat — Big B-.nd bluestem .____ bard are graduates of the college R. O. T. Í Dow coro<*H an Inventor who proposes to turn the cow Into a provider of winter, 73%c; soft white and western ¡ C. work. building materials for houses. Ha white, tic ; hard winter, northern ! The Owyhee dam Is 94 per cent com- ' I claims that casein, or solldifled milk. •prlng and western red, 62c. Is an Ideal substance for tbe purpose, I H ey—Buying prices, L o. b. Port Píete and will be finished early In since it Is easy to work and would lend; Alfalfa IK ; oats and retch, t i t . j July, considerably ahead of schedule, j make It possible to erect soundproof i Work has started on the 30-foot road­ Butterfat— Pound 13O16c. and draught-proof buildings. way which will cross the top of the | Eggs—Ranch, 11012c. fils villas are to be planned os dam. The great ring gate which will novel lines. Instead of digging dowa Hogs—Good to cholce.33.7504 50. take the place of a spillway la prac­ for the foundations, he Is going te Cattle— Choice steers, 36.60 0 7. tically finished. erect a large mast The bouse hangt Lambs—Spring, 3 6 06 50. Seattle Approximately 1106 teachers attend- ; fro m a framework erected round this Wheat—Soft white, western white, ad the sixth annual education confer- I and provided with ball bearings 84c; hard winter, western red, 63c; ence held at Oregon Normal school The Idea Is that you can turn It Just as you like In order to bring any northern spring. t6c. la Monmouth recently. The program room at will into the sunshine or the K « e —Ranch, 13015c. theme was "Present Needs In Elemen- , shade. Butterfat—Pound 17c, tary Education," with Dr. Curtía E. I It Is to be doubted, though, wheth­ Hogs—Good to choice, 34 8004.70. Williams ot the University of Wash­ er the new Idea will catch on, fot Cattle—Choice steers, 3607. few people desire dwellings In which ington as principal speaker. they will be permanently “up the Sheep—Spring Iambs, 3606.50. W ith the exception of wheat ranches pole."— London TIt-Bita. Spokane in the foothill areas, spring seeding In Cattle—Steers, good, 3606 50. the Pendleton district is practically Hogs—Good to choice, 3404.25. complete. There has had to be some Lambs—Good to choice, 35.6006. re-seeding this year due to winter klU and other agencies. Wheat does not Thomss Yeager. 16. of Baker, fell look so good, according to reports, ejslnst tbe presence of disease-breed- In j germs. Destroy them end «top out of a home-made boat on Smith's with many weedy grain stands re­ the cough b y using lake, east of Baker, and was drowned. ported. A COUGH Is a PROTEST Turkey hatching It in full swing In the Oakland section with many incu­ bators coming off in the next few weeks. H. R. Martin of Amity had h it nose broken and both eyes blackened by a kicking cow. It was necessary for a surgeon to reset the nose. A greater number of birds will be raised this year than last at the state game farm near Pendleton. Ten thous­ and were raised last season. The Roseburg senior high school will this year graduate 106, the larg­ est claes in its history. The largest previous number of graduates was 84 In 1926. I d Scene of the Mine Riots in Ohio The state fish commission will re­ quire Indians fishing outside reserva­ tions to pay a license on their nets when competing with commercial fish­ ermen. Fire which broke out simultaneously at two points tlx blocks apart destroy­ ed four plants In the Industrial dis­ trict of Medford, doing damage esti­ mated at 3250.000. T. A. Morris, of Sweet more than eight years has same horse three miles to and three miles home dally. age to date totals 17.520. Home, for ridden the his ranch The mile­ On the appeal of the Astoria Cham­ ber of Commerce, all parents have been asked to urge their children not to catch the small trout newly planted by the state game commission. Harold Shulls, 10. of La Grande, was fatally Injured when he fell over a cliff on Rooster peak west of La Grande. He was hiking with a group of boys at the time of the accident mt. w h ,.,' t o i m t X « ¿ /k m .h.|nn jn i't t d u r « L ,tK . i i" 1' '? 7 " 7 tloeJng of the mine averted further disorder!. STRAIGHT SHOOTER J ‘ ° * * d" “ ’ o h l°- ,n ,h- hurk Guardsmen took charge of the situation and the Rent Strike Pickets Are the Latest In a wood-chopping contest staged at Am ity to ascertain the local cham­ pion, Bob Patty took first place by cutting an 18-lnch log In two in 3.31 minutes, and the next contestant made It In 4:52 minutes. A holding pen accommodating at least 300 Chinese pheasants w ill be constructed at Ashland In the lot now occupied by elks in Lithia park if the plans of a group of sportsmen and business men are realised. The state highway commission lift­ ed the load weight restriction which has been In effect on The Dalles-Cali- fornla highway, from Its Junction with the Columbia River highway to the Sherman highway connection. In the aouthern Oregon typewriting and shorthand contest at Medford high school the loving cup for the highest teem average In typing went to Ash­ land high school, with Klamath Falls second and Grants Pass third. The stern-wheel steamer Undine, malting Its first freight trip between Portland and The Dalles, reached The Dalles last week with 120 tons of cargo which was discharged at the new ware­ houses being constructed by the Was­ co County Grain Growers' co-operative. The Waldport Garden club has finished distribution of 2000 trees to the town and vicinity. 1500 of which are Port Orford cedar. Fifty pond- erosa pine and 60 black locust trees given by the club were planted alter­ nately along the Oregon Coast high­ way by members of the Lions club. Mrs. Hunt T. Dickinson who cap­ tured first honors In the women's trap- ihootlng tournament at Huntington, U L T o o s r ’t L u c k "There Is direct and Indirect tax- *tlon. Give me an example of ludl- fect taxation.” "The dog tax, sir.” "How Is that?" “ 1 he dog does not have to pay It.” No strike Is complete without Its pickets, so In New Tork where rem : S 7 f m e C d ' S ’ .1^ WBP,° yed ,0 try “ P -^ v e ^ * C o n fe s s io n “ What happy people you are to have six nice daughters I What re­ sources for your old age!" "Yes. Resources enough I But the difficulty nowadays consists In hus­ banding one's resources!” Tentatively "You are wedded to your art, 1 suppose, Mr. Brush.” Young Painter— Well, not exactly. W ere tentative engaged until I tee what It can do townrd providing me with a living.—Boston Transcript Henry Thompson has announced that trucking and shipping of plywood blocks will be started soon from Sweet Home. The Rice mill pond will be used for a yard and at this place the blocks w ill be loaded on Oregon Elec­ tric cars. From half a million to three quarters of a million bushels of wheat remains unsold In farmers' hands In Umatilla county, according to local estimates. This Is about 10 per cent of the crop, a small amount when compared with other years. B.& More than 100 head of range and milk cattle have starved to death in the Halfway country and more are dy­ ing daily, as a result of shortage of feed due to the long winter and heavy snow. Although many of the animals were still alive when grass became available they were so weak they were unable to forage. A. A. McGill of Portland has sent a letter to the Salem Cherrians asking their cooperation In a plan to fringe the Pacific highway between Salem and Portland with Japanese cherry trees. Approximately 2400 of these trees would be required, the letter »aid. The Cherrians w ill consider the proposal at their next meeting. A 300-car caravan from Portland to the coast for a clam bake as part of the entertainment of the American Le­ gion delegates this fall is being plan­ ned at McMinnville Jointly by the American Legion and chamber of com­ merce. The cars w ill follow the Sal­ mon river highway to the coast towns that are co-operattng In the entertain­ ment plans. ™ B PSNETRATINO GERMICIDE N o other treatment like i t Your . ’/ ‘i t “ P Ply the Urge size •< S i . 8 5 — Of order direct from | F.E.ROLLINS CO. £ im p ro v e m e n t S ug gested I Joe was particularly fond of a va­ I riety of chocolate cookies which came all weighed out for the con­ venience of tbe purchaser in a heavy ’ waxed paper bag. Mother had been obliged to limit hla gustatory activi­ I ties In that line, for there seemed to be no limit to his capacity. The oth­ er day when she heard the rustling of waxed paper in the pantry she called out: “Stay out of those cookies, mis­ ter !" In came Joe. with his face fres­ coed with chocolate crumbs, and re­ marked ruefully: “Why don't they put those cookies np In sound-proof packages?" F re tfu l and Cross The annual Scotch Broom festival will be held on May 25, Sheriff Harley Slusher, chairman of the sponsors, an­ nounced at Astoria recently. The lo­ cation w ill be selected later and the program completed. I t was held at Columbia City last year. The event is the outstanding outdoor "get-to- get her” meeting of the Clatsop county social calendar. tr e a i fo r worms tf your child Is peevish, cress a nd fretful, don't scold, there is a reason— often It's worms. They are much more common than mothers think. Picking the note, grinding the teeth, crying la sleep or offensive breath a re symptoms that worms are present Careful mothers take no chances— they treat promptly with Jayne's Vermifuge. This proved preparation w ill expel round worms ond their eggs as nothing also w ill. Ge« a bottle o f this famous prescription today from your drug­ gist. DR. D . JATNE & S O N , Philadelphia. Reduced freight rates on potatoes from the Klamath district to central and southern California markets be­ came effective April 18. The reduc­ tion w ill mean a saving of approxi­ mately 340,000 to growers in freight rates and a total saving of 3100.000 In stabilization of market conditions, ac­ cording to the estimate of County Agent Henderson. The estimated fire losses In Oregon for the first three months of this year aggregated 3726,000, which Is the low­ est first quarterly record for the state since 1928, and 376,000 below that for 1931. Losses In incorporated towns and cities showed a decrease of 11 per cent from the 1931 losses and 10 per cent decrease when compared with the average for the previous four-year period. There haa been an exceedingly large loss of lambs and small pigs upon the ranches in Wallowa county this year due to the stormy, unsettled weather. Where the lambing has been done on the range the losses have been ex­ ceedingly heavy, while even the sheep men, who have had their flocks In the lambing sheds, have reported consid­ erable loss. Young pigs have also suf­ fered from the chilly blasts. Farmers over Josephine county are showing more interest this year than formerly In production of soy beana as an annual hay crop after the at­ tention attracted by results obtained there chiefly on the part of Dave Shively of Murphy, who has grown quite remarkable yields of the beaus during the past couple years, accord­ ing to H. B. Howell, county agent. The yield ran as high as four tons to the acre on irrigated land in the Murphy section. On Monday, May 16, a group of min­ isters and their wives w ill hold a pic­ nic at Champoeg In honor of the 89th birthday of George H. Himes, who in­ augurated the movement to mark the spot where provisional government started on the Pacific Coast. The pear crop In Lane county la ex­ pected to be large this year, but the cherry outlook la not so good, accord­ ing to C. E. Stewart, county horticul­ tural Inspector. Stewart says the wet weather has caused brown rot to ap­ pear on the blossoms and stem«. OVER 3 6 MILLION BOTTLES SOLO J a YNE G lo rie s ia H is L o neliness A woman’s kiss was never experi­ enced by Alfred Blythwalte, of Birmingham, England. The eighty- seven-year-old bachelor lives alone, darning his own socks, sewing but­ tons on his shirts, and doing all hit own cooking and housework. “I ’m healthy, happy and have money In the bank.” he says. “And the reason is that I've never kissed a woman.” T o o M a c h Is o la tio n The 1,000 Inhabitants of the pictur­ esque hamlet of Vinegar H ill, Dur­ ham. England, are complaining to their rural council because they have no parson, no doctor, no barber, no saloon, no main road, and no bus service, and the nearest link with civilization requires a rough two-mile walk. t The Test He—I fell in love with yon the first time I saw you. She—What was I wearing? Gul Your Expenses! Thu e a sie s t way to cu t expenses end save raoaey this w in ter is Jo p re v e n t eickness expense. T h o u san d s o f w om an a re the health h a b i t o? g T v in » . Bold laxative to every Member o f the fam ily ones a w e e k . Thus venting or cheek- colds, headaches, dusinees, biliousness, and c o n s t ip a t io n : ’ ' STUMPS e v w v . v M * - being safe, mild and all-vagetsbls. la •deal fo r this fam ily use. T ry i t and save ■tekness expense. Only2Se. M TbnipM — Ibmoreese Alright.' C Ik w N. U., Portland, No. 19-1932.