THE GOLD HILL NEWS. THURSDAY. MAY 5. 1932 Paße 2 M y N e ig h b o r w w Young Oliver La Fargo, who wrote "Laughing Boy," la now In Guatemala, the country which has the parrot on Ita stamps. Ur. La Targe, on an ex­ pedition backed by Columbia university, la living In a wild little Indian village, atndylng the ancient ceremonials. He bellevee he la far enough away from civilisation so that the Indian cub - toma are etill In their native state, nncolored by contact with the white man. Hla only outside companion Is a western Indian, who has been with him In other places. He acts as a sort of Uason officer with these other redaien, e e e Since the pipe and tomahawk chiefs bare disappeared from In front of to­ bacco stores, about the only Indians we have In New York are members of the Tammany wigwam. The orig­ inal Tammany was an ancient and noted Delaware chief, and his name meant “The Affable." The first Tam­ many society was organised la Phil­ adelphia In 1736. In 1786 Tammany was organised In New York as a na­ tional organisation, with thirteen branches, by William Mooney, a vet­ eran of the Revolution. Originally, It was a patriotic and charitable society, and the emblem of the New York branch was the eagle. All except the New York branch passed out of exist­ ence, and the Delaware branch. In passing, apparently bequeathed New York Its emblem, which was the tiger. The New York branch seems to have decided that charity begins at home, and turned Ita hand to politics. The original Tammany was so good a man that he was supposed to associate with spirits According to Judge Seabury, some of hia namesakes still da a a a I t was about two o'clock In the morning when the prominent clubman, with hla silk hat perched at a rakish angle, made his entrance. The only other Inhabitant of the dub at that hour fortunately happened to be one of hla good friends. The newcomer announced be had just seen the most beautiful woman In the world. The friend demanded her whereabouts “Well." said the first, “didn't exact­ ly see her. Saw her photograph. Most beautiful woman In the world." “Don't believe It," said his friend. “Where's photograph?" “Come on. Show you," said the dis­ coverer. • • • So they left the club, bailed a taxi, and drove to upper Fifth avenue, where there was a darkened photog­ rapher’s window. There they left the car and Insisted that the taxi driver also dismount. Wanted to show him the most beautiful woman In the world. They couldn’t see anything through the glass, so the first man lit a match. The second man lit a match. The taxi driver lit a match. They all flattened their noses against the window. s e e Down the avenue a bit, the watch­ man from a detective agency saw the flickering lights. He approached rap Idly, but cautiously. "What do you guys think you're do­ ing?" he Inquired. “Looking at most beautiful woman In the world," said the first and sec­ ond prominent clubmen In chorus. “Gotta flashlight?" The watchman had a flashlight He threw It on the window. The first and second prominent clubmen, the taxi driver and the watchman looked at the picture of the most beautiful wom­ an In the world. • e s A block away, a second watchman saw the beam from the flashlight and the group of figures He came to In­ vestigate. He had a flashlight In a moment, the first and second promi­ nent clubmen, the taxi driver and the first and second watchmen were look­ ing at the picture of the moat beauti­ ful woman In the world. Several blocks away, a policeman saw a flash­ light He watched It for a moment and saw two flashlights He saw a parked taxi. Loosening hla gun, he made for the scene. Well, he saw the picture of the most beautiful woman In the world. And so It went. Demonstrating that there Is no hour at which you can­ not draw a crowd In New York. ALT, moistened with vinegar, will S remove burnt marks from enamel saucepuna ..ud dishes. but they should be soaker In cold soda water for a few hours first s e e When rolling out the last of your doughnut mixture try rolling In a few cleaned currants Then cut In small fancy shapes aud fry In the usual man­ ner. The kiddles will like th e m -th e growu ups, too. s s e Do uot take too thick a rind off In paring potutoes. The heat part of the potato la near the skin. • • • Keep some silver polish powder In a salt shaker at the sink to remove In a hurry stains on silver. ( g l by th e A .M .c ie te d Neereoapere) ( W N l! S e rvice! Autographs and Stamps Prove Popular Hobbies H a r t la D re a m F ir s Owns Ancient Bible Dallas Texas — Claude Molack dreamed he was trapped by fire In hls room her«. He walked, still asleep, to a window and leaped to the street from the second story. He suffered slight Injuries. Ashland. W Is —A Swedish Bible, printed In Euro|»e 310 years ago and hauded down from generation to gen­ eration In one family. Is now owned by Peter I'earson. Ashland. It la printed In old Scandinavian script. iH (y H A N NfWTON "D O W N AT THE D us, and always as a reflection on one's personal appearance and as an Im­ plication of either carelessness or pov­ erty. It will Interest many of us to know that as In the case of so many of the expressions current nowadays on our Ups and In our literature, the author of this line is none other than William Shakespeare. Its earliest recorded use Is In hls “King Lear. Act 2, Scene 2, pub­ lished in 1605. <©. n i l . B r i l S y n d ic a te .)— W N U Service. 17 Convicts Escape on Obliging Freight Train Cambridge oarsmen sweeping tlifilr shell a half a length ahead of the Oxford crew In their annual mutch, bridge won by five lengths for the eighth successive time. Sued O ver M o s q u ito e s Greenville, S. C.—Belton Power company was named defendant In a suit for 125,000 damages filed by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gossett, who charged bites from mosquitoes which grew to maturity In the defendant’s lake caused them to contract malaria. Fun for All the Children E d it'd by DOROTHY EDMONDS A NUMBER PICTURE (T h e re are so ms w erde la this story whose le tte rs srs very badly mixed. W hen you have deciphered them you can reed the etory com­ pletely.) Happy Glmaulln was a boy who liked taboflol and keyeho, better than almost anything elae In the World. Hia mother aald he med- arde about it as well as played I t Which Is probably true. He was out playing the first mentioned one nfantore, when the boys on the team decided It was time they elected a napaclt Happy had not the slightest Idea which of the boys be would vote for. for he Uked them all equally well. The boy chosen of course would have to be, not necessarily the beat repyal bnt rather the finest darele. “Let’s take the day off," sug­ gested Happy, “and decide thia thing lylrecafu.” The boys all agreed that this was a wise thing to do. Each went hla separate way home to derpno the subject thoroughly. The next day they gathered on the field each with a yslryomte look In hls eye, for each had secretly decided A MATCH BOX MEMORANDUM This Is a way to use all those match boxes, large ones and small ones that get thrown away In every bouse, and also all the good clean scraps of paper. It also makes many a pleasant hour of usefulness for fingers that want to make every moment count A little memornn Physicians tell ns that «os condi­ tion Is nearly always preseut when a child has a digestive upset, a starting cold or other little ailment. Const), pal Ion. The Drat step towards rellsl Is to rid the body of Impure wastes And for this nothing Is better (has genuine Castorla I Pastoria ts a purs vegetable preparation made specially for bahlea and children. This means It ts mild and gentle; that « contains no Aarrh drugs, no narcotics. Yet It always gets results I You never have to coax children to take Castorl*. Heal Uaatorla always bears tba name; C B V • I o a It CANCER RESEARCH BRINGING RESULTS HIS phrase Is too well known to any extended explanation. T It require Is heard, seen and used by all of Cheerio Chapters & B A B IES a n d C H IL D R E N C H IIO R IN HEEL" Denver.—Opportunity in the form of a freight train knocked once for a gang of prisoners in the county jail here. It only had to knock once. The gang bad been put to work along the railroad tracks, under guard. The freight came along and stopped. One convict dashed toward the train. Guards caught him. The train started away. The guards returned and lined up their prisoners for a count Seventeen had boarded the freight and were gone. Mac/e specially for C A S TO Rl A 0222222222222222222222222° CThe Kitchen , Cabinet oodóooóoooooooòo