« 9 be CíMh The Moil Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Publi.hed in the V O L U M I- X X X V Biggest Little Town in the State .......................................................................................... .... TIIURSUAY, MAY 5, 19p CLEAN UP DAYS MAY 13 AND 14 Gold Hill Being Watched by Prospective Buyers NUMBER 7 REQUEST FOR RESIGNATION CLIMAXES BOARD MEETING Attention! Beautification Committee M e m b e r s ! CEMENT PLANT REOPENS MILL Because our tow n in smalt, A meeting o f a ll who have and. in the past few years has been appointed from the various seemed Io have lost some eg its. local organizations as members business sssets, we sometimes of the B e autification C o m m it,., hear the statement made lhat w ill be held at the home o* the day of the sm all tow n is Prize. Offered for Children past, and that Gold B ill ia Removal of Principal Meisinger Asked in Petition Pre­ Mrs. K. E Biankenburg .Monday evening at 8:00. doomed along w ith o ther small Who Help; I. City and j tow ns. Increase Crews to Employ F in a l plan« fo r the w o rk w ill pared for State Superintendent; Local Board be laid, and member« are asked t ills m ight be true o f towns Highway Project 75 Men for at Least Refuses Chance to Prevent Drastic Step in states already Ih ir k ly settled to come ready to o ffe r augges- •ions. where the- lendenry is to absorb • 30-Day Run the little tow ns in the more Many flo w e r seed« v id plants " •’ »b it l'p uinl Glenn | Wj|| A pi litio n signed by 313 parents deuces that there was discord w ilt be used in various phases progressive big ones, but in •end taxpayers, and uddressed to the ( had come under h i* ow n roof • Hf slogan fu r n il Gold H ill next Oregon, where lh«re is s till o f Ihe w o rk. Some w ill be dis­ Slide .Superintendent of Sc hool«, (•. I “ ” d that as u parent he hau, in the ' The Beaver P o rtla n d Cement I t D I \ mid Saturday in ru n n e r)io n trib u te d w ith o u t charge to p rop­ much unsettled country, and A. H ow ard, demanding Ihe itninedi- fm“ ‘in i/.'/t.’J u'i ,d u ,y ' " l,d care-I plant located in Gold H ill, w hich re­ "•' I llie P acific llig liw il> H c iiu lifi- many undeveloped resources, e rty ow ners who arc w illin g td cently received the con ra cl to fu r ­ assist in that small but e ffect­ the little tow ns have a chance (.ilion contest, uinl Un- usual city M usiugei o f Ihe Gold H ill schools contacted many o f the people vital-1 ive way in adding lo the beauty to "g ro w up" i f they w ill hut spring cleanup. nish cement fo r the N ational Sol­ was tendered Ihe xenool hoard o f v ‘¡«’ »'rerml. As a result, he said ' o f th e ir homes along the h igh­ see th e ir o p p o rtu n ity . O u r I l f l l l r b ig fe a tu re s , , f | | „ . H,. diers home at Hoseburg, opened its Gold H ill D is tric t No. 57 at its i l l u ‘ c • ' " “ •*> form ed an opinion wnl< Il had caused him to lin e up in Our local Chamber o f Com- w a y; others w ill be placed • wo days will In- mi organized Tin meeting Wednesday evening, by a opposition Io Air. M e isin g ir, and that fin ish m ill department Monday, and, nieree is from ti.-.ie to time I in Brigade roniposvil o f g rin li committee representing Hie Parent- now . w ith o u t any personal element I along the fo u r open blocks of w ith several other sm aller orders lo receiving incluirles fro m people " I" I mm high school students. Citizens Council Hie .......v d is tric t i, -- of - ........ •W tcung, he asked the hoard, fo r the i the S. P. rig h t-o f-w a y w hich fill, a th irty -d a y capacity run is nfere-ted in settling in South- are adjacent to the highw ay ic plan is to i-ncournge th e ir ne- The inc eelnig " was attended by a fp o d school, whose a ffa irs planned, w hich may he extended i f ll»e cooperation. both ¡it li».-ir own ern Oregon, w ho are looking through Gold H II. ro w d v. hieh fille d the second ! Wr rexad.,.n in i',U' r i,,K' •« •*‘ ««uncl orders w a rra n t. i the p rin cip a l's resignation. • fo r good p ro p e rly inveslmenta. •’ cs. mid along the h ighw ay from The chairm an requests that floor rooms of Ute Posloffice b u ild - He also went so ta r , to state This has increased the num ber o f As n concrete example of this I I > I., Hock P oint bridge, fo r w h ic h organizations who have not ap- ng lo o ve rflo w in g , and threatened that he not o n ly thought that Mr men employed to 75, in clu d in g those we re n rin t a recent letter from • ndd ' l i l t Is i, jx in s ild i. Pi i/ i . makes the great'.si im prove- reaching organization w ill be Inglew ood. C alif. should he secured. Il was at Hus w ho are located near Prospect, form ed. deuce o f Ihe sentiment o f Ihe com ­ |>omt Dial Mr. C ornutt made H ie in .- Care .Mrs. Carl F. Hlaker lu c id al th e ir ow n home; and to the where the company gets its pum ­ m u n ity, and did not ask the hoard, (ton to adjourn amt w ith d re w , f o l­ Chamber o f Commerce. In o rd e r to get started col- one w ho helps most in tin- general ice, w h ich is used as an adm ixture d ire c tly , lo revoke th e ir fo rm e r ac­ low ed at once by Holing. Gold H ill, Oregon. leeting these plants and seeds tow n c lc .in - u p . S im ila r prizes w ill According to representatives of in the better grades o f cement. tio n . beeausi o f a motion made by W ill you k in d ly send us in- lie awarded to high school students we are asking that each one at­ the Parent Citizens C ouncil, hv Mr C o n tra ry to the impression held fo rm o tio n about your tow n. We 1 C hairm an C ornutt and seconded by M eisinger’s own statement on A p ril m aking the bests efforts. Home im ­ tending Monday's meeting b ring by many, and to that given bv news Lester Holing im m ediately a fte r the I I , he said he w ould consider re ­ are interested in tra d in g our provem ent reports must he made to a packet o f seeds, a few bulbs, stories te llin g of the plant's “ re­ business session qpened. Il was signing i f 00 per cent o f Ihe people t.os Angeles home fo r land in Tones llnss o r Mrs It. E. Ilhinkcn- o r some o f th e ir ow n flo w e r w ould indicate that thev so desired. opening," w h ich reported that it had w o rth 'd as fo llo w s : Oregon. I f you can put us in burg before Mas I I . mid it is sag seeds they may have on hand. Later Ihe same evening, in direct been id le fo r several months, the touch w ith anyone w ho would gestvd that much o f this w o rk he Others can be collected from In o rder lhat Ihe Hoard m ight ac­ conve rsation w ith Committee C hair company never ceases operations. lik e Io exchange Oregon p ro p ­ done tills week end u ilil nest week, man L. L. Smith, he is i|uoteil " i f ‘M l tim e to tim e later, but the need com plish us much as pos*iblc at When the plant is "shut dow n,” as e rly fo r a home here we w ould board meetings I move that from t a r cent o f the people ask it I w ill so that Hie ch ild re n can also help at th is time lo get the w o rk resign so ouiek it w ill make vour many term it, the ra w m aterials and Hits chili' objections o r com plaints head started. appreciate it. We w ould like a on the en tire c ity clean up project swim . k iln departments, o n ly, are a f­ perta in in g to any matters already a place w h ich has plenty o f w a­ next week end May 13-14. However, a fte r the adjournm ent, decided by (lie hoard o f d irectors fected. The fin ish g rin d departm ent Oregon grape, lilacs, blue iris , and Ohservallon o f the w o rk done by I te r on it. last night, .Mr. Mesisinger, when ap­ o r to any o ther matters that Ihe continues to operate, p re p a rin g The («old H ill News o ffice has the ch ild re n those tw o days w ill de. ■ boartl deems advisable, he accepted proached w ith the p etition, said: " I f o ther pu rp le and y e llo w flo w e rs in also been receiving requeata fo r »»d considered o n ly when such those signer w ill stale th e ir reasons season w ill be used to decorate the quantities o f c lin k e r in reserve fo r lirm in e w ho deserves the prizes In Ci,n b rin g »be percentage dance p a vilio n Saturday evening ) m anuiacture p f cement as orders objections or com plaints a re * . Ibis event. rnplea o f the paper sn that up to 90, I m ight consider it." presented to Ihe Hoard in w r it ­ eotne in ; a cre w o f mechanics is peonle enn get an idea o f oppor­ The c ity plans Io fu rn is h a Ir u ik It is remembered bv many, h o w ­ The com m itte w ill sincerely appre m aintained ing signed by the person o r persons to repair or replace tunities here. to haul away rubbish mid do other so objecting o r co m p la in in g ; and ever that e a rlie r in Hie vear, rea­ ciate co n trib u tio n s o f these flow ers. | the Now. p ro p e rty-o w n e r, turn Inut all ora, debate he dispensed sons fo r not h irin g Coach Paul Ang- Bouquets o f tulips w ill also he v'en I n?ach!n t1r >': »he employees in w o rk iiire s s a ry both days. , , fla , tly - refused ------- —- w ith u n til a fte r the Board has hud stead w ere the - ........... school , arceplahle. Mrs. H ow ard Drake w ill I , hem,ca* la b o ra to ry and research to I he E d ito ria l Page— perhaps K vrryo n e along the h ig h w a y Is M d fie ie rt time lo investigate am, th mO'i’ h i>y.»,he s,i'b 001. board, o th e r care fo r the flo w e rs i f hroucht , dePartm en* a re alw ays active, and there is another message there urged Io make a special e ffo rt Io W“ 1' 1 !l" S a .„X ? r..n ,Z " " t" ” '" " " " 1 consider such w ritte n objections o r S f J S S fo r you. clean-up, paint up and fix up not com plaints." _____________ I saekers and tru cke rs to take care o f only these tw o days but nm tim e No. d ire ct c o in m u i'lca tio n to the One m atter brought out in the I s u r " n t orders and deliveries. Also ta .ii ei I.id been prepared. and as th r iiieettng was that Hie hoard mem­ High School Sextet At before June I, as Jackson county ADVERTISERS WILLING BI T A c k la n r l IVI - c «• ! I are always small crews at the motion s> emc I plant w ith its ma- A co u n ty-w id e campaign fo r The publishers o f The News want in g n o s ii> secure Hie resignation of Holing am! Mr. Dungey. tiersonallv sextet ore nt. I , “ ?h° o1 » rls ' " i - i s . supply the paper m ills over clean lip and b e a u tifyin g the Pacific lo especially thank Ihe advertisers the p rin c ip a l Ihe m atter w ould he w ith the request that his contract ih V n A K ' number at the state w ith lim e w h ic h is used highway w ill be luuuehed May H,. w ho responded so h e a rtily to our dropped, If n .d , Ihe p e titio n w ould he signed at that lim e. Mr. Mcisin / ^ u m i e m i in m anufacture o f o a o e r an rf bi' f. w .i(le d i t Ihe stale su p e rin ­ / i ! r. :l' b td M*"- C ornutt to explain cu rd in g lo plans made by Ihe Jack so licita tio n fo r th e ir ad fo r o u r firs t tendent. R he s,a,e o f Ore« ° " » « I f . gets' lime that the reason he was pres­ the Ashían,^n N ¿r^. ” , , ' ’“ , sou county com m ittee at a mee tin g e ight-page paper. We had hoped to Clian m in o f the Board J. N. C> r ent, was to secure the signature of in Ashland fo r m anufacturing fe rtiliz e r from * held in the Chamber o f Commerce , have a 100 per cent representation n u ll staled that they w ould take the hoard members to a statement ind F riday. ‘ rooms in .Medford Inst T hursday o f local business men— and we came n > viieh action, I,ut w ould carry the " In c h was to he sent to parents a ft­ Songs given were “ H o ckin ’ in de I i „ « W in d " .n .l " i i ^ i i v i z- In fo r m er years, when construc- evening. Toney Ross and IL E. very nearly diong so. And in this | . |il'o i, to County Sii|i?r