THE COLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 38 SUNDAY, MAY 8, IS Gift That Will Be Worthy o f Her! FOUND THESE M EDFORD STORES TO HELP YOU rror M M WCí? ’> rove When In M edford Bob and O rra’s Jay-Dee Fountain Luncheon It you give her a PERMANENT. Bring her tc our shop some time, soon. FO R Y O U R M O T H E R ’S D A Y C A N D Y A il Forms of Beauty Culture Open Evenings by Appointment — Phone 1478 W e Serve Lunches, Ice Cream, and All Fountain Drinks a M oth er’s heart is always with her S I7 Central at Jackson Street children. Rightly the throne in our hearts Palace Barber and Beauty Shoppe 328 W . 6th St M edford, Oregon must be ever hers.” Special Mother’s Day Feature MOTHER The Rexall Store HER HOME M O T H E R ’S D A Y S T A T IO N E R Y Comes next to her children— and a g ift for it is sure to please. Regular Price $i.oo Our store is full of gifts for Mother— Comfortable furniture, beautiful glassware, and many other useful articles to make her 'days more pleasant. Special 89c M O T H E R ’S D A Y C A N D Y $1.50 Per Box Special M other’s Day Cards Medford Furniture and Hardware Co. \ddress Phone 874 Medford, Ore t)n Mothers Day, grown children go home to be with Mother if at all possible; to do little things for her and make little gifts of love and appreciation. Electricity, 'The Perfect Servant,” is doing much to keep mothers young and to spare them the hours of work that used to be nec­ essary in preparation for family reunions. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 6th and B a r t l e t t .....................................Medford Say It with Flowers Our Personality Portraits T H O M A S JU D G E, Prop OF T H O S E S H E L O V E S Flowers W ired Anywhere' Buy Direct from Greenhouse— W e MEDFORD H A R T Z M O U N T A IN R O L L E R C A N A R IE S Are Beautiful Singers And W ill Brighten M an y Long Days for Mother’s Day Have Store in Town 1005 E. M ain »■ S h a n g le S t u d io Phone 374 318 M edford Building . . . Phone 1308 S tar Route, M edford Phone 523J2