4 '* * '" * " '* '* » * * '" " " " » * * » » » « » * « « « » » » » » » » » » v w v % » VOLUM E XXXV ................ ............................................................................................................ ~ ~ ....................... GOLD HILL, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 ■ ? . . .■- ? LODGES MEET IN MEDFORD 300 Odd Fellows Observe Anniversary and W ash­ ington Bi-Centennial I lie anniversary of the fouiulinK of the O riler o f (hid Fellow* Io North Y n n th ii, noil the Wash­ ington lii-Centeunlal were appruprt- iilelv i-eleliriileil ui Medford luesitai i veiling, w ith more (hail KIMI (hid I'l'llu w . mid Hi liekiih* of Southern (In huh ntlemling. Many Gold H ill people were Ini lulled ill the group. ■Mier 11 splendid slipper, the i gram opened in Hie main hall, with A. It. W illlm iik a* in u s 'e r o f re e- lu n iiie s . w ith I lie song, "A m ir e x ” Rev. W. II. Baird gave two read­ ing-, followed hy m i ! o h\ Itev. D. I oney Ross Approves News’ Suggestion To (he Editor of the Gold It ill New»! Your editorial of April 21 was *pl«ndid. li hit Ih r needs of our lown and community on (he head. As one of (he committee of the Samuel H ill Couteat for beauti­ fication of Pacific H ighw ay and fo r Heller llomea in America, I -lire W ish that the ladle* of Gold lll l l would slarl a club that has for Ila aim— First Io clean up the to w n ; *erond, to beautify Hie highway hy planting shruba and flo w e r* where it is unwise Io plant trees; th ird, the Het- ter llomea program to demon­ strate how lo renew and rem od­ el and beautify a run down home w ith very little expense. These are all problems that ran be better handled by the ladiea. " here there ia labor involved plan« enn be w orked out and the men w ill be glad to do It. Here Is hoping that the ladiea re- pond. Very tru ly yours, T O N E Y RO88. NUMBER 2 I. S. PRIME FIVE APPEAR PASSES WED. IN REED CODRT S. P. Agent Dies Following One Bootlegging, Four L i­ Pnejm onia A ttack Last W eek cense Cases Tried by Local Justice F. T . A. Sponsoring Community Picnic A Com m unity Picnic and Play l»ay, sponsored by the Parent-Teacher's association of Gold H ili w ill he held on the school law n Wednesday, May 4. A picn,c dinner w ill be en­ joyed at noon, and the entire com m unity, as w ell as parents ol the studems, are urged to a t­ tend. The committee, consisting of .Mrs. Maudie Robin*on, Mr». Hugh Hayes and Mrs. A. A. W alker, announce that m oth­ ers of the students w ill be so­ licited through the pupils. Others attending w ill please bring cake or sandwiches, or some covered dish, if desired. And each fam ily is asked to provide »poons and cupa fo r th eir own group. In the afternoon a program of music and folk dancing, under the direction of .Mrs. ■Minnie Guy, is planned, and a baseball game is scheduled fo r 2:30. In esse of had w eather, the picnic and program w ill be he'd in the gymnasium. BEAUTY PLANS TAKE SHAPE Gold H ill to Be Represented at Final Meeting at Medford Tonight New of Ihe deulh of J. S. Prime, Five men, one a bootlegger, and Final sleps in Ihe highway beau­ for the Iasi three years Espee Hie others apprehended fo r d riving tification program in s p irit] by Hie agent al (iold H ill canie as a shock (heir cars w ith improper license Sam H ill eoiilest fo r the beautifica­ lo Ibis rom um nlty Ibis morning, plate» appeared bi fore Judge II. I). tion o f Ihe Pacific highway, w II word lluv ng been received previ­ Hied lu re Hie past few days. . be planned al a committee meeting ously, Hint all hough his condition On Ihe IKHi Milo Blakeley of Ev­ | Thursday evening at Ihe Chamber j wus serious, lie was g ittin g along an» Creek and Ernest Lingreu were ! quite well. sentenced lo ten days in ja il for im ­ o f Commerce building in Medford, Heath eame fate yesterday a ft­ proper plates, sentence being sus- i according to a letter received from ernoon al Ihe Ashland hospital i pended on the condition that (hey , C. I.. MacDonald, chairman for where he was taken Wednesday of would secure 1932 licenses. George , Jackson county. Iasi week, follow ing a sudden at­ O'Brien, giving a Washington ad­ The conlest ends June I, and so tack of pnrumoniu the previous dress was assessed $1(1 and 5 days far Gold H ill has taken no active Sunday. for the same offense. part in im proving the appearance Papers providing for Mr. Prime's The other tw o cases w ire tried I of the highway, either through or I lill. ir d . iirro m p m iie 1 by M r (1. retirement on pension, du to poor Friday, C. Caballarado, F ilipino I near our city. The aim of Ihe con­ E. •<;in ’e r o f (.m ill K id >1 (he health were being prepared, and on­ wild-cat stage driver, paying a $11' test is to clean up any vacant tots , i.u i . T i e si lecllnns W ire '• . t i l l ly awaiteii his signature, to become fine, alter his arrest fo r carrying I or olher property along the road- • •• v Hom e in I. e West, mid “ River I i ffeetive. six passengers without proper per which detracts from ils appearance, Shan non." Mr. Prime is survived by his m il. When stopped by slate offi- Medford Track Meet Called; | as w ell as lo plant trees and shrubs Gold H ill Has L^rge In ­ Prof. A. J. Hauby delivered tin ■ which w ill enhance Ihe natural Locals To Grants Pass Sat. wife, lw o sons mid tw o daughters, cerk, here, three of the six men p d r io lie -iddress of the evening. glv John, who made his home w ith his jumped from the ear and fled, h id ­ crease in Registrations scenic beauty. hik n line taik en Georg.* Washing­ in his letter. Mr. MacDonald Heavy rains mid cold weather pm n ils , Wendell of Chiloquin, and ing u ntil Ihe ease was heard, and ton. I h l* was followed hy xelec Miss Jane Prime, ami Mrs. W. A. their driver released, after he had urges that Gold H ill be represent­ Qualified voters of Gold H ill dis ( iiu-cd Hie track nii-i-l al Medford In lions In the (iohl H ill llaw ailnn or- Starkey, both of San Francisco. complied w ith Ihe law. Iric l, who have registered this year, ed at the meeting, so that plans may elieslrn. Itev. D. E. M illani gnve a he railed n it lust Saturday, just he .Mrs. Prim e left lw o weeks ago for The second ease was that of H ar­ show e healthy increase—436 having be put into effect at Ihe earliest fure the meet was lo have gotten very iusp irid io uiil frideriiid address underway. The local high school .N’ebra ku, and lie had o n l y old Patten, who was found lo be signed to vote, compared w ith 322 possible moment. Toney Boss and oli Oilit IT IIn w ih ip . recently made arrangements fo r his transporting liquor. He received a last year. Of this number 234 are It. E. Blankenburg plan to repre­ The N’o rris slsler» o f Jacksonville lia r »ever.il men entered. May 7 was , passe* and planned lo join her fine of $250 and GO days in ja il. lisled as republicans and 203 as déni­ sent Gold H ill at the meeting.. > tentatively » it a* the new date. e u le rla iu e d « villi piano nmt violin | I here in a short lime, for a visit Some agitation has been evident, erais. There are 17,304 registered Ttiis Saturday the (iold H ill Iraek n u iiib e r, Mrs. S n iilx w o rth y o f Jack- with relatives. Because he did not CARO OF THANKS recently, to improve the four op; n voters in Ihe entire county. 1 squad Is entered In the Grants Pass sim v ille reud lw o »eleetkin», and (he want lo mar her vi-. I. he asked that blocks from Ihe bridge to the Shorb prograill eloseil W illi itu m b c r* hy j meet w ith more than IK other she not be Iold that h i* condition The Chamber of Commerce lakes residence on the east side of Main , sehools. Fast events are looked for. Mia» Edith Fenwick to the lio ld H ill o re lle s lril. was serious. A w ire received yes­ this opportunity lo thank the ladies street, through a general “ clean-up (iold H ill people idlending wen terday, morning, however, slated that have donated flowers and time Teach at Jacksonville and dress up" campaign. The pro­ Mr. mol Mrs, W. II. Ferguson. Mr. Town Baseball Team Trim s Unit «lie was leaving Omaha at once in decorating the pavilion, and the posal has been made that the sev­ and Mrs. Toney Kos», Mrs. itenu Da’ Central Point Sunday, 5-4 j lo he w ith him. young folks who have gathered the Miss Edith Fenwick, English in ­ eral service organizations of the c ity vi Mr. and Mr*. T. A. Henderson, Funeral arrangements arc await- w ild flowers used. structor in the Gold H ill high school appoint workers to plan w ith the Mr. and Mr». W. W H iille . Mr. and The (¡old H ill town hasehull team ing her return. DANCE COMMITTEE. Ihe last year, and who was re-elect­ Commercial club and the council. Mr». Ituy Thompson. Mr». W. I*. started the season w ith a victory i ____ ed by the board at a meeting early And it is hoped that residents of Chisholm, Ernest l.yninn. Mrs. .Mar­ over Central Point in a p ractice' Evans Creek Now in Show •his spring but did not sign her con­ the city w ill cooperate in whatever M arriage, Divorce, ian McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. game there Sunday. The final count way they can to aid the program. Gun-Toting Lim elight Decline in County for Year tract, has been hired by the Jack­ Some have suggested that in d iv id ­ Gray and d m ig lilrr. Mr*. I.nla Ried, was 5 lo 4, Gold H ill holding the sonville board fo r a sim ilar position Mrs. Ruth Lewis. Mr. mid Mrs. F. T. j lead throughout. The cyiil weather in that high school. The selection uals donate shrubs, bulbs or seed Kelsoe, Mi and Mrs. Paul Thump kept the boys from pulling any sen­ Marriages in Jackson county de­ was made at the meeting o f the fo r decorative planting along the M o r e gun-loling disturbances, »on. Mr. mid Mrs. Geo. Meisinger, sational plays mid several of the recalling Ihe tria l and expulsion of creased 6.5 per cent in 1931 from Jacksonville school board Monday highway, as w ell as assist in the ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, mid W ar­ members w ire seen limping about 1930, w ith 610 marr'age licenses is­ night. M ilton E. Coe, principal for tual labor connected w ith the clean­ F. A. Bales from the Fool Creek dis­ ren Kelsoe. town Ibis week w ith lots of “ Char­ sued in 1930, and 570 in 1931, ac­ ing and planting. tric i, a few weeks ago, was report- cording lo stalistics compiled by the Ihe last four years, was retained. ley bosses. Other suggestions are welcomed. I Mac MeCarler, who Is managing «’«I •» »» Evans Creek resident bureau of Ihe census, in Washing­ DOC S Q U IR T " V IS IT S H E R E (lie learn lias been putting the boys Monday afternoon. The c o m - ton, D. C. The record fo r divorces Board Postpone» Meeting Form er Gold H ill Base­ thru several workouls Ibis week plaint was brought by S. J. Blakeley shows that in the county last year, A man, self-styled “ Doc Squirt," Due to Illness of Member anil an effort is being made to of Evans Creek who stated that E. decrees decreased 10.5 per cent. ball Player Is Stabbed from Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, schedule a game for Sunday. A week W. (Rufus) Wilson, a neighbor, For the state of Oregon, mar­ made a short visit here Monday Tlie regular meeting of the school from Sunday Gold H ill w ill prob- Sunday Ihrentened lo shoot his son, riages decreased last year .4 per w ith his old friend, John McFad­ C ritica lly wounded by knife stabs, board of Gold H ill District No. 57 ably play Glendale there. Manager Clarence, who wus crossing a foot cent below records of Ihe preced­ den. who form erly lived al Bal­ P h illip Marlow, Bandon baseball .«(-In duled for Monday evening, ba* McCarter lias issued an invitation log. Young Blakeley was w ith an ing annual compilations, w hile d i­ sam Lake, and whom he had not player, was in a serious condition been postponed indefinitely, due lo for new players lo report and try | other youth al tin- lime, and obeyed vorces decreased .45 i>er cent. seen for 25 years. “ Doe,” Mr. Mc­ in a hospital in Gold Beach Mon­ (he Ulne** of l.cstcr Boling, one ol out fo r the aggregation. I Hie order.« o f Wilson, who i! is al- In Jackson county, one marriage Fadden says, w rites many articles day. Bert Gibsten of Ophia is held it* members. Il is imdeslood that Scveral business men have c o n -I leged, said: “ Clarence, come off was annulled in 1930, anil another fo r papers in the East, among them in connection w ith the stabbing af­ 2-1 hour* notice w ill be given be­ Irib iile d funds lo aid the team in I that log. or I'll bore you!" in 1031. being the Minneapolis Journal and fray which is said to have occurred fo re llu- m i l l i n g is called, when a buying baseliglls. Among those re- County police investigated the re­ the Balsam Lake Ledger. In a re­ last week end. Gibsten was ar­ date is fin ally decided upon. ported last week were: Tom Shaver, port, and look action revoking W il- Eagle Point W ins In cent issue of Ihe Ledger he gives rested in Wedderburn after police The Della, Jack Hayes. H. D. Heed. son’s permit lo carry a gun. Oregon much publicity, telling of had sought him several hours. Game On Their Diamond his travels through the state and W ord was received lien- Sunday Chas. Kell. Earl Ham. Abe Becker, Blakeley told Die authorities llial Marlow was a form er Gold H ill of Hie death of Miss Burdina Ken Jack Pickard, Bogue Nook Inn. The relations w ith Wilson bad been commenting on its fine people and ball player, having been a mem­ m-ily of San Francisco in an auto­ New*. Chris Jorgensen, and the Hi- strained since January, but on ad­ In the first game of the season wonderful climate. “ Squirt” was en­ ber of Ihe BOA team several years mobile .ircldent. Mis* Kennedy was way Inn. vice of Hie district attorney, had al Eagle Point Iasi Friday after­ route to Los Angeles from Port­ ago. He was w ell known here. a niece of Mr. and Mrs. lit rt Sargent This support is appreciated and j "stayed away to keep out of a noon, the Gold H ill high school land. and h id spent several vacations baseball fans can lx- assured a real ! mess." He was reluctant to file a baseball nine lost by a score of 16 The high school and town base­ In n - making many friends who arc live organization w ill lake the complaint but said he wanted “ this lo 1. Due lo the cold weather, good Exira copies of the News on sale ball tennis played a praetjee game sorry Io learn o f the death. field under Mac’s able management, drawing down on piople w ith Lue- baseball was impossible, and many at Jim ’s Confectionery, each week. on the local diamond this afternoon. gers slopped." In reviewing the i errors occurred. The bad weather trouble, he said it started d u rin g ' has handicapped Ihe Gold H ill team a free-for-all fight in the course of 1 *” Uieir practice also, which conlrib- whieh, the father alleges, "•Clar­ tiled to th eir ina bility lo make n ence was nearly drowned when showing Friday. Wilson held his head in the creek." The fine weather Ihe last two The father admitted that his son days, however, lias pul new pep in ­ “ happened lo gel in a lucky lick, to the boys, and they hope to come ( in .il II II Cliiimher oi Commerce of Hie scenic Oregon Coast High and came out on lop in a three- out on top in th eir succeeding con­ The boat races at Emigrant dam Schuler, an amateur driver from is ii i ,-i . ip l of an invilalion from way system, and it is a most beau­ cornered fig h t” tests. near Ashlnnd last Sunday th rille d Lincoln, C alifornia, in “ Pal-o-Mar,** Itn b iil I.. \y ,iiiro w of Gold Beach, tifu l and durable structure. The more Ilian 2560 spectators w ith ex­ finishing first, in 25:2K minutes, seen ha y of llu celebrnlioii coni- completion of this bridge and Hie citing events marked w ith no less after numerous spills had disquali­ M rs. Zierolf Hostess To M ay Musicale Here to Aid m lt li . in (barge of plans fo r Hie opening of the Coast Highway than six spills, which were evenly fied other fast boats. Health Meeting Today divided between tw o of the racing Sparrow M em orial Fund dedication of the bridge over the means much lo all of Oregon as "Miss Sacramento” lost consider­ Bogue al llia l clly, recently opened well as to the coast counties, and able lime when Everett W ilbur, her events. to (ravel, an I which w ill he dedh we are asking that you join w ith In cooperation w ttli o ilie r service The bi-m onthly meeting of Gold In Hie first heal of Class C race, flashy driver, was throw n from caleil May 2K when Hie entire us lo make the celebration a mem oranizations of Ihe county, Gold H ill henllh unit, is being entertain­ won by Miss Sacramento, Floyd his boat on the east turn. He swam coast highway w ill lie complete. orahle one. Your delegation w ill H ill Is this week arranging Io raise ed nl an all-day session al the home House, piloting “ House A fire,” had to his eraft, but was unable to start I lie h of in vila lio n follows: lie given a hearty 'welcome. funds lo equip a room in the new of Mrs. I. O. Zierolf today. I lie la- a narrow escape when his boat the motor. Fluhrer, this time in the Gold H ill Chamber of Commerce, Yours very tru ly, courthouse, dedicated to Ihe late dies are w orking on a q u ill for the turned over at the west end of the “ F lying Dutchman,” w ith v ic to ry Gold H ill, Oregon, R O B E R T L. W IT H R O W , Judge Alex Sparrow, which w ill be Ihe county supply chest. This noon course. Luckily his fool was caught virtu a lly “ in the bag,” spilled on the Dear Sirs: Secretary, Celebration Committee. used as a child health clinic. Ihe group enjoyed a covered dish in the rear bracing of Ihe boat, fateful west end turn w hile lead­ The fdinud (ledieation of Ihe Already, several local people are Plans are going forw ard fo r a luncheon holding b' *i under water w hile ing on the 16th lap. Joe Meyer great reinforced concrete bridge making plans lo attend this event, musical, early in May, sponsored by two olher boats sped d irectly over then stepped into the lead w ith ‘Red spanning Hogue River, lo the mem­ and it is possible llia l a caravan | by various local orders, w ith Gold NBVRERGER, PORTLAND BOY. him. Fay G. Farris of Spokane in Wing,” but flopped over on the ory of the tale Governor I. I,, l ’al from Gold H ill can he formed. Any­ H ill musicians giving ilie ir services. NEW EDITOR OF EMERALD “ H i-F a lu tin ” " also spilled during same turn. The event, which re­ tersnn, and the opening to (ravel one planning lo go may leave their Wednesday evening Amethyst Re­ Ihe race and Heinle F luhrer of Med­ quired one refueling, was marked of Ihe scenic Oregon Coals High­ names al this office, and if w illin g bekah lodge appointed a committee U niversity o f Oregon, Eugene, ford in “ Black F rid ay” lost a fin by s k ilfu l and speedy w ork by the way lliroiig ho ul ils 410 miles from lo lake a passenger, others might composed of Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. A p ril 27— Richard L. N'euherger, of and skidded into the south shore, dock crew. Hie Columbia lo the Oregon-Califor­ he able to lake advantage of Ihe Paul Thompson and Mrs. George Portland, w ill edilt Hie Emerald, clim bing the hank. “ Sweetheart," The entire afternoon's program nia stale line, w ill lie celebrated in fine trip. Ilnmniersly lo work w ith groups student daily newspaper at Ihe piloted by Ward Angiley of Marys­ which included several other racing The Monday follow ing Ihe dedi­ olher societies, who w ill be headed U niversity of Oregon next year. ville, C alifornia, also turned over in events, was unusually good, accord­ Gold Beach, .Saturday, May 2K, with cation is Memorial day, and, being hy Mrs. I.ola Reed, appointed by though he w ill be hut a sopho- Ihe first lap o f this race, after a ing to local people who attended. appropriate ceremonies. We extend lo your organization a holiday, would enable many lo Ihc county health chairman, ns lo- ' more. He was chosen from a field record-breaking start. The threatening weather failed a rn rd la i invilalion lo semi a large plan an ideal week-end vacation cal leader in this w ork. Definite of eight candidates beenuse of his The 26-mile marathon, Ihe big lo materialize u n til late in the aft­ delegation to our celebration. The through unsurpassed Oregon scen­ plans for Ihe musleale w ill be an-1 unusual ability. He now serves ns event of the regatta, furnished a ernoon, when the clouds broke, and nounced later. I sport editor. Hogue River bridge is Hie largest ery, half-hour of th rills , w ith J. LaMarr the last race was run in the rain, Gold Beach Chamber o f Commerce Extends Invitation to Dedication More Than 2 ,5 0 0 Enjoy Thrills and Spills of Emigrant Boat Races