Ss > ► W -' I VOLUME XXXV _ _ _ __________ ~ Gleanings o f the Week 'i **************************—— G i 1 -i p J.1.1 IV'Jia .1 J ,ia, i -r~— n i l ■■■l i. 1 BASEBALL IS ORDER OF DAY ............................................................ L ^ ...................................... aaaa M s s a s a w a a a a a a a ^ ^ a , O ■■— ■ — (— H iltle Draws Sentence in Kangaroo Court > I I I i _______ ___ i_.....___ [__ 7 ! NEWS WILL BE 8 PAGE PAPER _______________ Commercial Students Rank High at M edford Meet NUM BER I GU l T h ÌLL HAS The Gold H ill Lodge No. 12«. 1. At the eleventh annual Southern O. O. F. held a highly successful Oregon commercial contest held at - l I MS OF INTEREST EX Dig Kangaroo tria l ut their meet­ Hie senior high school at Medford. T4ACTBD FROM WORLD ing Tuesday, A pril 19. Saturday, A pril 16, Gold H ill high APPKNINGS AND BOILED Judge E. C. Gaddis ol .Medford school was represented by Opal OWN FOR OUR READERS. presided, W illi John N orris of High School to M eet Eagle Jacksonville and Geo. Meisinger as Gold H ill People to Have Hayes anil Zelda Smith. The Iwo girls competed in the amateur (sec- Rogue River and Central prosecuting attorneys, w hile Sam ' ' '•'dltics resulting from uulonio- ond year) division of typing and I Point F ri.; Other Teams One of Biggest L ittle rogue ol Central Point uud Geo. in addition, Zelda entered the ama­ 1 ' ¿«Em» in (Iregmi durini< the Point Schools Are Guest; P rescod of Mcdlord defended the to Be Formed Fast mouth totaled 18. teur contest in shorthand. Both Weeklies in State prisoner—W. W. H ittle. (xonplaln • • • M any Parents Attend young ladies did well. iug witness was H. I). Force. Zelda was the only student from W aller W ln rlie ll, new«pn|M*r col* o f course, after u fu ir and hon •«oli H ill and Eagle Point w ill uninlst, radio announcer and “ O K" Gold H ill school was host to Cen­ Decause o f the hearty support Hie smaller high schools Io enter csl tria l lie was found guilty and opi’li the 19.12 h gli school liusebui he shorthand division. She scored tral Point and Rogue River students boy, lx srriiiusly ill al Id» home in this paper has received from its sentenced to furnish a feed, the New York. Probably caused bv loo season Friday in u game at Eagle compluhiing witness to prepare it. many readers and friends the past 98.7 per cent in the five minute dic­ last Friday in the th ird annual mu­ Point. tation given al the rale of 80 words sic festival, under supervision of many trips on the "magic carpel." 1'lic tria l was a scream from start few' months, and because the id ito i • • • er minute, ranking above Medford Mrs. Minnie Guy, music director in t.o.icli P. D. Angstead has been io finish, lasting llir te hours. onteslants, and out of the nine the Gold H ill and Rogue River desires Io give to Gold H ill the best I lie b ill of Representative Duller working bis Gold H ill nine for Hie Aflerwurds a goiyl supper was nl rants, she tied fo r fourth place schools. past week and lias some promising paper possible. The News w jll come of Oregon Io mid 973 Here» Io the served by Die celebrated chefs. w ith an Ashland student. The ac­ More than 560 people were pres­ south side of Crater l.nke national material. Games have been »died News on the big celebration al out as au eight-page paper, begin­ curacy range in this event Uled w ith several other schools and was ent at the a ffa ir, which is the most park, was passed by the house M< dford A p ril 2D, is that Dev. I). E. ning May 5. >7 per cent to 99 per cent. basbull funs w ill have the oppor­ M illard w ill speak on Odd F ellow ­ successful of any yet staged. .Monday uud sent Io the senate. W ith this doubling of its size Zelda has thus far received three tunity to see several good games • • • The program was opened w ith an ship, taking Ibe place of Mr. Hull, the paper, which has been showing ertifieates from the Gregg Publish- d the national pastime on Hie lo­ who recently suffered a stroke of introduction by the principal, G. E. Tw o men were drowned early cal field. a healthy growth, in its subscrip­ ng company fo r five-minute "dicta- paralysis. Prof. Hanby w ill give tion list, its advertising, and its ion at the rales of 60. 80. and 100 Meisinger, who explained the w ork Sunday when their ear plunged over and development of the music de­ the address on Giorge Washington a 75-foot embankment into the A town baseball learn is being as previously planned. Supper, fur- reader interest, w ill add several words per minute. She w ill next try partment of the Gold H ill schools, Trank rive r near Tillamook. The o r her 120-word certificate. organized in Gold H ill and befori iiishcd and served by Rebekahs, is new features and departments. and the remainder of the program men, Burton Leech and Cecil War- Opal Hayes showed her compos In addition to giving the news Hie week is over u nine w ill take scheduled fo r (1:30 p. m., followed of Gold H ill and the surrounding lire in an exciting contest by rat­ was as follow s: nick, both of Portland were on a Hie field lo r practice. L. M. McCar­ by Hie speeches and entertainment. Songs—M orning; Volga Boatman, fikli ng trip , 'thin w in Hie second cojm try, as in the past, The News ing th ird highest in accuracy out ter has consented Io manage the Again, we remind you that on '•rill carry a fine feature story, the of the th irty contestants compet- mixed chorus from Hogue River and tragedy to occur in that vicinity boys ami being an old tim er ut Hie May 5 Iher ■ w ill be a cleanup day Gold H ill. during Hie last few day». Four game, baseball fans may see a good in the cemetery. The women w ill fih it o f which w ill he “ Under Fro •ng. She made seven errors, the Folk Dances — Highland Schot- people were drowned in Nehalem aggregation formed. sell Stars.” a serial novel of the range of errors being 4 to 54, in ische; Klap Dance, Gold H ill bring a basket lunch and (hr Odd liny near Tillam ook Saturday when A practice game w ith (a n tra l Felolws w ill furnish coffee, m ilk north; a fu ll page o f comics of in ­ Hie entire group. Miss Albertina grades. their rowboat rupsized a» the peo­ Point on llie ir diamond, has been and sugar. B ring your own tools terest to the entire fam ily; and Hanltey is commercial teacher here. Song—Come to the Fair. Rogue ple were on a crabbing expedition. news items about happenings over arranged lo r this Sunday, A p ril 24. Io work w ith. River and Gold H ill high school • • • the state w ill be presented, as w II Gold H ill Boy Receive» Fans are urged to follow Hie learn girls. lit r e is quotation from our Pa­ Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi ami give them llie ir support. as a women’s style column, and Songs— Slumber Boat; Estrallita, f ir s t Lieutenant Rank cific Odd Fellow : d io l of I diversity of Oregon, col­ other m inor departments. The follow ing “ would-bes" and Central Point high school. "What Do You Do?" lapsed from what was diagnosed "has-beens" w ill probably be seen In announcing this growth in our Mixed songs— F irst grade, Gold Diehard I). Gray, second lieuten­ Do you attend the meetings and as a heart attack Monday. IDs con­ in the line up: paper, the management also wishes ant in the infan try reserve o f the H ill. mingle w ith 'th e flock dition was not serious. Dr. Hall Io thank the many people who have ninth corps area army reserve o ffi­ Selli Coy, C. Kell, W. Shaver, I.. Action songs—Second grade, Gold became ill al Hie University club Foley. W. Hailey, YV. Shoemaker, Or do you stay at home and c r iti­ Shown their interest in The News, cers was promoted to the rank of H ill. cise and knock? where he was to utlcnd a inerting Dick Rlnnkenburg. L. Gardner, and the many who have been es­ First lieutenant recently, according Song— Memory Bells, Rogue River and collapsed on Hie steps as he Paul Angstead, C. Kell, M. Marvin. pecially helpful in bringing or to inform ation received from area Junior Glee club, 7th and 8th grades. Fighting Salmon Prove was talking Io a newspaperman. sending in items of news, or giv­ headquarters at the Presidio of San M. Emory and Ray Thompson. Rhythm band and songs—3rd and • • • Too Much for Anglers ing “ tip s" to our reporters. Killen ball is also gaining in pop­ Francisco. 4th grades, Gold H ill. We want to give Gold H ill and Jefferson high of Portland again u la rity here, and if present plans Song—Three fo r Jack, boys from Gray was promoted along w ith Dud Snider and two companions Ms district the very best pa,M*r we other officers of the corps, each Rogue River and Gold H ill high won Hie stale band contest at Cor­ are realised, four teams may be »An went on a fishing trip dowu can. and are glad Io know that its advancing one grade. vallis Iasi week end. LaGrandr organized among local men. repre­ schools. placed second uud Corvallis third. senting the Odd Fellow lodge. Ilie the Dogue three miles below Grants readers feel a personal interest In The N inth Area includes Wash­ Folk dances—Ace o f Diamonds; • • • cement plant, mid a general town Pass last Friday, bad an exciting its columns, which they show in ington, Oregon and C alifornia, Gray Csebogar, Gold H ill 5th and 6th Here’s ' one from Walla Walla, learn, ns w ell ns one from the high experience try in g to land some big this wav. being one of six Oregon officers to grades. salmon wh eli like many big fish Washington. If Diogenes had been school. be advanced. Songs— Fleecy Clouds; W ait fo r do. fin a lly got away—fishing tackle Tw o Injured W hen Car around Imlay, the county rnmniis- He is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. C. the Wagon, Central Point grade and all. Dud was acting as guide to sioners would have shown him an C. J. Haas, Business Suc­ Tip» Over Near J’ville E. Gray o f this city, and teaches quartet. the party, and took them to a favor honest man. A 70-year old indigent at the Richland, Oregon schools. Songs— Now the Day Is Over; La­ cess. Is S h eriff Candidate ite spot. One o f the men, inexperi told them to slop his «10 monthly dy of the Moon, Gold H ill 6th grade. Lee W inetrout, 22-year-old son of enced w ith Die fighting salmon, was allowance because he bail found a Song — Hard-a-Lee, 7th and 8th Road Hog Charge Brings C. J. Haas, who is candidate for taken by surprise when a big one C. A. W inetrout of Grants Pass, is Job paying Hie same amount. grades, Rogue River and Gold H ill. confined in the Community hospi­ n publican nomination fo r sheriff found his spinner, and lost tackle $19.50 Fine, Portland M an Song— Rockin’ in de W in,’ Gold Over one thousand dead laws al Hie .May 20 primaries, was born and all. Dud then took a hand on tal in Medford in a serious condi­ H ill high school g irls ' sextette. tion, the result of an automobile were wiped off the statutes by the on a farm in Allamakee county, the other's line, and pluyed out the J. M e rrill Smith, Portland sales Songs— Star Daisies; T ell Me house Monday w ith Hie passing of Iowa, where lie attended the pub­ reel for about 55 minutes. Feeling accident which occurred early Sun- supervisor, was fined «19.50 in Pretty R iver; Birds Return. 5th and day morning on the Ross lane road, Judge T aylo r’s court in Medford 6th grades, Rogue River and Gold Hie Harlan b ill it was sent to Hie lic schools, ami at 17 lie attained that Hie fish was tired enough, he senate. Nome people think a collide the commercial course al the YY'is surrendered the pole to its owner between Jacksonville and Gold H ill Saturday, after pleading guilty to H ill. more thousand could be repealed cousin Business university, La­ who wanted Io land a big one just The accident was investigated by not giving sufficient clearance to Folk Dance— Hop Mor Anika; crosse, Wisconsin, later studying once. Tile fish was safely taken state police, who reported that the an approaching car. w ithout hurting anything. Come I-et U's Be Joyful. 5th and 6th • • • fo r tw o terms al the Upper Iowa from the water, but suddenly re­ car turned over several times. The offense occurred about 8:30 grades, Gold H ill. 'W inetrout and a companion. Rill vived, and w ith a mighty tug. snap- Portland fire companies were university al Fayette. a. m. Saturday when Smith, in a The sp irit of cooperation display­ given a day of practice Sunday Mr. Haas was bookkeeper for F tied the line and was hack in the Fitzpatrick, also of Grants Pass, truck, met a sedan on a turn be­ ed by all participating was com­ were escorting a friend to her hoim when eight false alarms were sent Goldammer Implement Co. al La- river, probably to tell the others tween Gold H ill and Central Point in Medford from the dance in and n arro w ly escaped strikin g it. mendable, and especial credit is In w ith in an hour calling out 36 kola, North Dakota, and also "bow lie got away.” Gold H ill. Fitzpatrick was d riv ­ Stale Policeman Sheridan, from a given to Mrs. Guy as music direc­ companies and resulting in one worked fo r the McCormick division ing, and in some manner lost con­ distance of a few hundred feet, w it­ tor, and to the grade teachers, who collision. Rewards totaling «180 of the International Harvester Co., Storm Conceals Crater's trol o f the car. The g irl was not in ­ nessed the episode and placed Smith spent much time training their pu­ have been offered fo r information as expert, and on collections. pils in the dances, and Principal jured. A number of stitches were under arrest. Beauty; New Snow Falls leading Io the arrest and convic­ At the death of his father he Meisinger, fo r th eir u n tirin g e ffo rt taken in cuts on Fitzpatrick's head. tion of Hie would be fire bugs. It was testified, too, in court, that bought the homestead and farmed • • • Winetrout*» condition was re­ State Policeman Daucom had w arn­ and w ork in making the festival Because of Hie stormy weather >1 foe I I years, then sold out and the success it has been. Today, A p ril 21. is the 52nd day organized Hie First National bank prevailing almost all day at Crater ported as serious. Although it had ed Smith only the day before for The Rogue River school recently since the Lindbergh baby was kid ­ al May ville, Wisconsin. He was its n.dional park Hie 150 persons vis it­ not been definitely determined, it sim ilar d rivin g on the overhead held a sinilar program at w hich was thought that one of the ver­ bridge at Tolo. napped and his parents are s till active president u ntil 1917, when ing Hie park Sunday did not get to Gold H ill music students were par­ w ailing fo r some w ord H u l l w ill on account of his health, he sold see the lake, hut greatly enjoyed tebra o f the spinal column was ticipating guests. fractured and possibly an eye in- themselves w ith the deep snow lead Io his restoration. Many flues out and came to Medford. He has S. P. Dollar Days In Another event o f the music de­ , ury. It w ill be several weeks be­ have been traced w ith no grea ei n constable, justice of the peace, sights and in playing in the snow. partment's year, w ill be the public E ffect N ext W eek Follow ing the fall of snow on fore he can be moved Io his home. results. iiemher of the board, and president school piano recital, Tuesday, A p ril a • • •'riday anil Saturday it snowed al if the school board and director May Day w ill be “ dollar day” in 22 at eight o'clock, in the music Mob law look the life of Richard d-large. He lias been and is now most all day in the park Sunday, Salmon Anglers Enjoy rail transportation circles this year, room at the school building. the total fa ll amounting to 14 Read, confessed slaver of littb i success in his own business, G reat Day A t Rapid? it was made known today w ith an­ Dorothy Hunter. 8-yenr-old schoo’ icing strictly honest, just, con- inches, which made the total for nouncement by the Southern Pa Graduation Speakers the year so far al Hie park in ex­ girl, near Colby, Kansas Sunday Iructive and fa ir in all his deal- Sunday was a big day fo r fish­ c ific company o f plans fo r another Have Been Secured it ss nl M fret The year o * 1927 evening. The lynching parly drove ing.s ermen who east their lines into the offering of its famous “ cent-a-mile’’ at Hie park saw a total o f 58 feel, several miles before they found a Rogue at Savage Rapids dam. A excursions. Rev. Baird, pastor of the Chris­ and about 15 years ago the total tree Io use to carry out their net Gus Norris Cuts Knee rainbow 14 inches in length leaped Arrangements have just been tian church at Medford w ill give was 60 fed. An investigation is being conducted. I.ale Sunday the snow depth at into one man's boat and 46 salmon completed by the company fo r a the baccalaureate sermon fo r the in Bad Fall Monday were taken from the river during four-day sale of its low-cost round­ Gold H ill graduating class May 22, the park was 14 feet at the rim , 12 the day, 13 between 12:36 and 2 trips, according to officials fo r the in Gold H ill, and on Thursday. May While playing baseball in front feet and four inches at government o'clock. railroad. The excursions w ill be 26, Prof. Vining, member of the of Hie News office Monday, f i l l s camp, and eight or nine fret at Weather and water conditions operated from A p ril 28 to May 1, state game commission, and w ell Norris fell when he stepped Into Anna Spring camp The snow mass were ideal for salmon fishing Sun­ inclusive, w ith return lim it o f May known in Southern Oregon, w ill a hole, and cut a painful gash above at the park lias been settling down day, though the water is s till loo 16, they said. deliver the Commencement address. his knee. N orris was playing fast, especially at the low er levels— high and cloudy for successful fly The te rrito ry to he included in Other details of these programs the Klamath and Medford entrances. rathe w ith several others and step fishing fo r trout. AH trout caught the new ''cent-a-mile” offer w ill w ill be announced in the near fu ­ ped into the hole w hile running were taken w ith '.»ait. cover Southern Pacific's lines from ture. to catch the hull. First aid was A. Prim e Taken III Among those fishing Sunday at San Francisco to Ogden and Salt given and Dr. Chisholm treated the W ith Pneumonia Sun- the dam was S. W. Phillips, 85 year Lake Ctiy, and from Portland to El E. E. DUNGEY SURPRISED inju ry. old C iv il War veteran of Grants Paso, it was stated. ON HIS 35TH BIRTHDAY J. A. Prime, S. P. station agent Pass. Mr. Phillips has not outgrown MRS. IIAMMERSLY TO RE was moved to the Ashland hospital his love fo r fishing and on Sunday HEALTH MEETING TO BE A number o f friends surprised SEWING CLUB HOSTESS Wednesday noon, having been taken did belter than many younger HELD AT ZIEROLF HOME E. E. Dungey Tuesday evening, the .suddenly ill w ith pneumonia Sun­ anglers. He landed Iwo splendid An all-day meeting o f the Gold occasion being his 35th birthday. Mrs. Geo. Hanunersly w ill enter day'. His condition is considered salmon, one of which weighed 34 H ill division of the Jackson coun­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. lain members of the Gold H ill Sew­ quite serious. His son, Wendell, of pounds, Mr. Phillips is known to ty health association w ill be held R. G. YVigle of Portland, Mr. and ing dub at her home Friday after­ Chiloquin, arrived Monday, and a his friends as “ Dean of Rogue Riv­ Thursday, A p ril 28, at the home of Mrs. G. I. Haff, Mrs. Roy Centers, noon of this week. Because of the relief agent, A. J. Trojan of Port­ er Fishermen." Mrs. I. (). Zierolf. Members are and Virginia, Mrs. Belle Centers, short time in w hich she has to land came down Tuesday to take asked to bring a covered dish for Mr. Paul McKinnis, Miss Olive arrange fo r it, she is using this carge of the depot here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis and fam­ the luncheon to be served at noon. Turner, Mr. Fred Turner and Mr. notice as her invitation, and hopes ily ond Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ross A ll members are urged Io attend Frank Fink. all members w ill see it and plan Extra copies of the News on sale and fa m ily picnicked nt Ramsey and do not forget your thimble, as A very pleasant evening was Io attend. at Jim’s Confectionery, each week. Canyon Sunday. a q uilt is ready fo r quilting. spent with cards and music. I Smilin' Charlie Says "Wender what b ecom es of all th’ "New Eras” w e’re tlw ayd MUSIC FESTIVAL