T H E GOLD H IL L N EW S TH U RSD A Y , DECEM BER 31, 111 ~ . x ^ C î z / ' Mrs. Orpha H ew itt went to Rose- bugr Wednesday fo r several days. ' MOKE CHRISTMA8 DINNKK8 1931 r-r-—— lo lo Man Reports 11 Deer Slain by Hunters HUGE SUMS TO PREVENT FIRES Snow la 12 Feet W. K ittle and son M erritt, of this Deap at Riin of Jack Ncwnham left Tuesday eve- ! ,-j,y unt, Wesley Saunders of Eagle ning for Arizona, to «4 end Chrlstniu* Valley, Oregon, completed the par­ (’. W. Anders < f the Tolo district Crater Lake j w ith friends there. ty. Richard Grav is an instructor re) cried Io eounlv authorities Snt in the schools of Eagle Vallee. and I • U*“ 1 Im n lc s the past two Mr, and Mrs. Alva Cook were II is probable llia l rrlnfor.-cinents Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Watrous of calling on friends in Medford Sat- Mr. Saumleis, arc i.ipanied h im . "lonihs have kille d eleven deer home for the holidays, w hile M a r-t!*1" 1 ’ SCVfial M'!,r* huve «»«<*<• w ill be si ill up from Medford lo Medford were guests of Mr. and j unlay shall was enjoy ng a vacation from -•*'• ' ... yard t li e i i stamping Crider National park ns soon us the M s, Fred Stone Friday afternoon. D n lla y is of Reno, Nevada, is studies at Corvallis. I f i •.:mts i.i w in lc r calln t from his Forests to Be Protected by present snow slorm lessens and par- ay • ek w ith h s cows. Anders Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chisholm ’ Copies of this issue of The News 1 guest, during the holidays, of his nils, to hi lp the sma'I regu -r rre w $6,607,058 in Private i nd Christmas guests of Mrs. Chisholm's ■.sketl that some netlon be taken to may be obtained at Jim's Confec­ rother, John Hayes, o f this city. restore the main road eon I lion* m rb th ■ s'ai gbler. He says most , . . . . I parents. Mr. and Mrs. Welch, . t tionery, State Funds in 1932 here bi tween Anna Spring camp «• V . ; Central Point. i f the k il’ing is wanton as the car­ and the rim , aa the weak end .slorm Hall Saturday to complete some H olly Michael of Medford was a Bert Wheatley, who has b en n casses are found where slain, and there brought four feet of fresh guest in the A rth ur Braden home plumbing u( Mr. Hall's honte in this patient in the S. P. hospital at San not used fo r food. snow during the absence of "he win Funds aggregating $<1.007,053 for city. Anders claims (hut the deer have Sunday. Francisco fo r six weeks, was re­ preventing anel suppressing fores) ter crew, spending Christina* at been shot, or captured by use of leased in time io join his family Mrs. Lee Cook is having the up­ Klamath Fall* nr Medford. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Bobbins of Christmas afternoon, and a happy , s,,i,r‘'s baited w ith apples. He and fires have been made available feu The permanent w inter personnel, Rock Point were guests of Phoenix stairs o f her home finished and liis neighbors have liberated a cou the fiscal year 1932 for the 3« partitioned into several bedrooms day was spent together. consisting of Don Fisher mid Cha*. relatives Christmas day. pic of deer thus caught. Miss Jane Prime of Los Angeles and linen closets. stales anel territories cooperating Simpson, rangers, Win. Doly and It is asserted by Anders that the ami Wendell Prime of Chiloquin Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reinking are J. A. Sale of Ordway, Colorado, spent Christmas w ith th eir par­ deer range on a h ill hack of his w ith the II. S. forest service under Harry Fuller of the snow plow rre w spending the holidays w ith rela­ arrived here Thursday to spend ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Prime, and place and that they have become the C.laike-McNary law. Regional and Rudy I.neck, the park photogra­ tives in Portland. several weeks w ith his daughter. John. very friendly and come Io the barn Forester C. J. Ruck has announced. pher, follow ing th e ir short Christ­ mas vacation, s k liu l into the park Mrs. J. W’. Bryan and Mrs. B. A. Mrs. Tom Smith o f this city. The five children of Mrs. Sar­ w ith the cows fo r salt. Stale, federnl, anel private funds from Fort Klumath Sunday 'noon Ross are employed at Drake's dur­ The m ailer has been reported to make* up tile- total, which shows u Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickard were gent, who have not been together ing inventory. the stale game department.—Me d- gain of $412,878 over the- lust fis­ und by hard work during the next Sunday guests o f th eir daughter. fo r more than twenty years, gath six hours hud only reached Anna ford Mail-Tribune. cal year, ending June 30, 1931. A rthur Bates and L. H. Bates of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, und ered at the home of their mother Spring eamp, loo exhausted lo ron- for Christmas week. They are W in. Of this amount, the federal allot tlnua on to their destination, gov­ Rogue River were callers in Gold fam ily in Medford. St AIMER SESSION PLANS Sargent of Sedro-Woolley. Wash­ men! fo r Oregon is $98,392 und fo r H ill Christmas eve. ramp, ANNOl'NCKD BY COLLEGE Washington II is $105.503, while- ernment or headquarters Richard Gray and his friend. ington. her daughter and husband, w ilhoul an overnight rest. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cook attend­ Wesley Saunders, w ill leave to­ Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Frederickson stale- und private lim ber owners* Fred (Blacky) Cotton, (he cook, Summer session nates at Oregon funds for fire- prevention and fire ed the funeral of Mrs. Swacker at night for Eagle Valley, Oregon, a ft­ of Portland. Miss Daisy Sargent, of nnd Ihc deep snow proleelrd the State college for 1932 have just Rogue River Sunday morning. er spending the holidays, w ith Mr. San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. sU|)|iression are- $315,570 fo r Ore­ purk eeider w hile they were away. Gray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bert Sargent and Perry of this been announced by Dean M. Ell- gon, and $380.702 for Washington. Mrs. Minnie Lowe left Tuesday A phone message received from wood Smith. director, ns June 20 to Gray. They w ill be accompanied as city. I he larger share of Ihc stale- and morning fo r Medford when» she July 29. As usual, w ork in home private funds budgeted is fo r fo r­ the park early Monday morning far as Corvallis by Marshall Gray, w ill spend several days w ith her staled thnt there was 12 t-2 feet of who also has been visiting his par­ John Prime left Sunday fo r a vis­ economics, vocational education und est fire prevention. The grand to­ snow at the rim , 9 feel 4 Inches ul son, Dee Lowe, o f that city. commerce w ill he featured, though ents. Richard teaches at Eagle it w ith his sister, Mrs. W. A. Star tal of stale anel private funds feir Anna Sprmg eitmp. H. G. Baker and son. Fred, who Valley, and Marshall is a student key at San Francisco. John w ill al­ opportunity to work in many other both prevention and suppression for Dave Canfield, chief ranger, so attend the East-West football departments w ill he afforded. are employed at Yreka, arrived at the state college at Corvallis. the year is set by the- state- forester’s Dean Smilh has announced a par­ budgets at $5.034,520. against $5.- "Mill" Gould, purk storekeeper, und game in the Rose howl New Years Tuesday of last week to spend the Seevnty-two per cent o f the Gold tial list of visiting instructors, 062.813 fo r the- last year. State for- Ike Davidson, superintendent o f the day. holidays w ith Mrs. Baker and H ill grade school students took the among whom w ill he Dr. II. C. est fire prevention budgets amount buildings, w ill probably eonslitute daughter. Schick lest recently, according *to Wl-ndell Prime returned to Chilo­ Sherman of Columbia university, a lo $3,000,060, and stale suppression ttie aid lo he sent up from Medford Joy and Jacqueline Wilson of school officials. The test is given to quin Monday, after a visit w ith his noted research w orker and author liuilgi ls to $739.941. Funds from lo help the park personnel re ­ Medford, little granddaughters of determine whether the students are parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Prime. in the field of nutrition who w ill private- sources total $972,802 for conquer the conditions routed by the aeeiimulati'd four feel of fresh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickard, spent subject to diptheria. I f the report He was accompanied by his sister. return Io Oregon Stale for the third prevention und $271.057 fo r sup­ snow, puekid down over Ihc week a few days the past week in the shows a child is susceptible to the Miss Jane Prime, of Los Angeles, year. pression. The cooperative federal disease he may take treatment to who had also spent the holidays Pickard home here. Work in vocational education w ill allotment lo Ihc state amounts in end. prevent it at the county health de­ here. be headed as usual by Dr. J. IL Jew­ all lo $1.572.538, which is $46,980 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blair, Mrs. Paul partment in the court house at Med- Job p rin tin g al The News office. ell, dean of the school, w hile in more than last year. Thompson and Mrs. Alelha Robbins ford anv Saturday between the commerce the new dean. Dr. II. V. The weather forecast promises A large part o f federal, stale, und • left Monday fo r Los Angeles and hours of ten and twelve. This is more rain fo r this week end in Ore­ Hoyt, w ill head the staff and teach private funds bueigeted have al­ Pasadena, for a visit w ith relatives not compulsory. several courses personally. gon w ith more snow anticipated for ready been spent since the begin and friends. ning o f the current fiscal year. Part Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Angstead are the Cascades. It looks like 1932 w ill Mrs. Toney Ross, who has suf­ spending the holidays w ith Mr. Ang- start o ff w ith plenty o f moisture Jacksonville to of Ihc money is used in thew inter fered fo r some time w ith ear tro u ­ stead’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. which we are all glad to see. months in construction of fire ­ Start on New ble consulted doctors at Medford Angstead, and other relatives nt breaks, forest trails, lookout tow- W ater Project trs Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Ferguson ac­ Lakeview, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Odd Fellows Meet and telephone lines. companied her. California's cooperative budget M erritt Merriman, also of this city, Jacksonville, which recently vot- Tuesday; Take Candidates for forest fire protection is largest, An average of 60 students a day- accompanied them and are their to Medford after Session i e