(IOLI) HILL NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3». »03 r Two Klled in Explosion of Engine on Main Line S. P. Holiday Passenger SACRAMENTO, Cal., l>cr. 2fi With ii roar heard for mile», the In- romollve on Un- .Southern Pacific's we»| k i i h I |m il,.,| ,-xplodid near Rhlivule. Butte county. Christmas iluy, Milina Joseph Sturm, ihc en­ gineer nnd W aller T. Mom-, fir, man. None of ihc holiday pusstn- ger» on Ihc Iruin was Injured, Investigation Io determine Ihc runts of Ihc explosion, which oc- rnrreil as the Iruin rolled at a speed of only 2.i miles mi hour, was under wuy by Southern Pacific officials. Belief was expressed Ihc boiler ex­ ploded, but the cause was not us certaincil. Passengers were frightened us tin- blast lore away the locomotive add sent its lender down the tracks a mile at terrific speed, but tlie automatic air hrukes brought the Iruin to an almost perfect slop. Storm's bodv was found close to what remained of the engine, nnd Stone's had been hurled some distance. Iloth men hud apparent- ly been killed instantly. They lived in Sacramento. Belief engines were rushed Io the scene and brought Ihc train to Sac rninento, where it continued Io l.os Angeles. Santa Claus City Would Keep Name Washington, December 2-1 — A protest against proposals Io change Ihc name of Santa Claus. Indiana, has been filed with the postoffice department by Scnulor Watson, lie publican, Indiana. Watson asked Ihc department Io reluin Ihc name. “ Ih e people don't want it ehang cd." Watson said, ''ll is a thing of interest to people in that pari of Indiana, anti it is remurkable how many people go there." ODD BUT TRUE J n,iTT - m ¿xÙR'NG T h E CHRWtAN ER& MANY DAYS HAYE SHARED''[I TH t HONOR Of BEGINNING THE HEW YEAR \N \TH THE FlR W DAY Of JANUARY « n WAS LATE \N THE CENTURY THAI THE f\R%T Of JANUARY NAS ^NWERSAILY r Better Breakfasts TN m.iklri;: >..ui f„ r w lutnr it is J uki a.-, im portant to lay in a goodly supply of sun taln lng breakfast menus as It is Io see (bat the furnace or steam beating apparatus Is In order, or tli.it there In plenty ot ro.il and wood on band One type of fuel beats tie- houso and tin, other the body w h l,h won | you m y was the more Im p irt m l? Just about November thn fam ily develoim n imm size,) w in te r ,p petite—everybody wants a good breakfast and nc-dn one. It doesn't make any dlff'-renre w hether the order ot the day is huslnemi. school or stay-at home, When II,,. sparkling Novem ber sun light shines II, on thn lin-nkfasl laldo. When a tire In lh<- house feel a good and the home becomes OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW a cozy rnfuce In a b rillia n t w in try woi-iij. then Is the moment to be t” ‘ pared w ith ' batter breakfasts.” Here is one which answers th a t description: Grape f'ru il H alvet Curnril lle rf Hath w ith Puackra K g g t TuaH Coffee Apple B utler ACCEPTED AS THE dr .% 3 of T he year **«* aro , may T his ohe se a prosperaos ANO òOYFOt YEAR f OR YOD ? \ * s5 V * * // Guinea lle rf H a th w llk l ‘oarhr.4 TOO* M ix one tw elveounce can corned lieef, two cups Bnely chopped boiled potatoes and quar- i- r cup m ilk ; season to taste. I bitten out In a s k ille t w ith a Hltlo hot fat, and brown well on one aide, turn over and brown on Un- other Slide out onto a hot p la tte r end lay six hot poached f " .« on top Serves six.* Of / THE MORE THAN 4 0 0 0 0 T county portion of Heppner Eight he TABOOS NASQUE OF / RAOlO SYABOHS SROAOCASTmO Milc-Condon roud. SETS AU0 RECEIVERS IN T H £ Huinigr— Dubois-Kellen ring mill ‘JAOHANIMEO WAS D E IG N E D 7 Here are items of interest taken r‘‘su,»‘'d operations recently, flORLO NEARLY 6 0 % ARE IN ^ Y A CHRISTIAN y from papers all over Hie slate. Christmas dividend of $84,000 THE UNWED STATES which show developments in bus! st'n* HU| recently Io 5,100 members ties» ami industries and which ; '*» Farmers' Cooperative Creamery prove that, in spite of everything, scattered in six counties of Idaho COM M UNICATIO N progress is slill being made in ;,n«l eastern Oregon.— Vale, Mai- paper we note a communication public utilities; that cooperation many lines. A perusal of this eoi- Enterprise regarding hiring sehool teachers by was a failure, etc. Now any teacher The beat way to eliminate taxes advertised bids, and the answer umn eueli week, is suggested iis a Klamath Falls— Klamath Rifle that indorsed such measures, that cure for some of our “depression club indoor range in rear of Cra- is to make use of the measures pass­ thereto. did not raise a voice in protest— Many cards and letters are sent blues." ed at the last legislature by which ler garage remodeled. 1 here is no good reason to be the lowest wage should be too Ihere from this pari of Hie country Tillamook— Corrugated iron roof city boards and sehool boards can alarmed about such a procedure, as much. They have hindered prog­ Mulford Plans underway Io ex­ so as to tie postmarked “Santii pend $20,000 in remodeling work at ing arrived for new building at errate a sinking fund for certain they as a school board, have a right ress for years. Claus*', according to postofflre f Nash hotel. purposes instead of issuing bonds to choose from those that submit Erickson's m ill on Netarts bay. ficials. The party that brought up this Lakeview— Lake County Loan A and paying interest. bids, as they have for written or subject, it was said he wanted to Portland-—Plans progressing for You can start a sinking fund in Sav.ngs bank business purchased personal applications. Reason tells be school director. Not so with the proposed posl office building. time so that when you are ready us that they w ill choose those best by Bunk of Lakeview. w riter of this article for I live back Esluenda — Plans underway Io Eleven Lane county road dis to do the work you have the money qualified. They can accept or re­ W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. in the hills on a little poison oak construct mid furuis'h new sehool Geaeral Practitioner trlcts vole,I over $28.000 for im­ to pay for it, thus doing away with ject any bid. ranch and only come out once a building at cost not to t-xreed $43,- paying interest, which means that proving exisiting roads and build­ There are many teachers now year to the county fair. But I invite INK). Phones Office 10. Ite». 9-1. you have to pay twice. It also that hold their position through a ing new roads. Gold H ill, criticism. Its the only way to gain Oregon Pendlelon — Fred, rick Sw anson Reedsport — Farmers* Creamery means that you can cut your taxes pull and the taxpayers are helpless knowledge. opened jew elry department in over half. Lei every one study this — ♦ Io cease making butter after first and have no question in Iheir dis­ R IL E Y BOYI), Thompson Drug store. interest business and find out for posal and the taxpayers should be of year, while being overhauled. GOLD H IL L TRL’QK AND Rogue River, Ore. TRANSFER COMPANY La Grande— E. It. l-'atland pur­ Portland— Rids to be opened soon himself. considered. His wages are cut to chased local lire agenry. John J. B itter A SUBSCRIBER. on two-story super service station such an extent that its impossible Seaside— Bids asked for con­ Gresham — Two-story stitcher and garage Io be constructed at Truck Anywhere for Hire for him to carry the burdens that struction of bridge at Avenue G Although it is not usually our pol­ are imposed upon him. There is no room added to Rotary f'ut Box Fac- Denver avenue and Argyle street, Phone 3F2I Gold Iliil ------------------------— ------------------ 4 lory. icy to print unsigned communica­ question there w ill have to be a across Necanicum River. Kenton district. Glendale— Doug-as Funeral h ot:" —-------------------------------- -------------- < Jefferson Excavation underway Engle Point— New sheds complet­ tions. this one on the tax question drastic cut in our teachers* wage. ad,Is fine new t.„bulance to its R K. ADAMS C A B IN ET SHOP for Knight Bros, garage building. ed Io house increasing flocks of is of such timely, interest, that we Our modern educational system is equipment. Auto and Truck Bodies Main street. art passing it on as a good thought sheep of Earm Properties Co. one of the factors that caused this Wheeler— Lewis Shingle m ill may Medford— Western Auto Supply for everyone to consider. W hy not, awful depression that C A B IN E T W O R K A ts now upon SPECIALTY resume operations about Fehruary Co. opened in new location at 101 in good times, save towards needed us. public improvements, that hardship first. South Riverside avenue. Our corporation interests through Phone No. 251.2 Gold H ill Medford — Owen-Oregon lumber North Powder— Ice hi-rvest mi through high interest and excessive their associations have corrupted taxes may be avoided in less pros­ company contemplating reopening derway. our I'. S. Government, our slate, mill here. Brookings— I i < a’ »tree's improv perous times. Thai is no more nor county and city goverments have no less than an efficient business Do vou appreciate ed. Portland Arcade Public Market corrupted our churches, schools and GOOD SHOE REPAIRING I I oj «I ,'. i • t.-— H a iry Hays pur- organization does, as well as many farm organizations. Not long ago opened on Sandy Hlvd. individuals. W hy is it not just as (b ase d Bin Hillsboro— -50 m< it pul to work B i'd ,n dairy on The I f so bring your shoes to Hie good a plan for (he governmental a congressional investigation found recently widening south shoulder H eights. that the Hydro-Electric Power com­ HIG H W A Y SHOE SHOP of Tualatin highway. " lie, ler — C aslruction w o r k bodies to pursue? pany, through their office at Ta­ Newberg—Slone's Grocery open­ sl.o led cn fire riant dry kil.t at coma, Washington, had placed pam­ l>. A. Davis, Prop. COM M UNICATION l.iw is Shingle :„|h. ed for business. Ladies’ Shoes a Specialty phlets in all the schools in the Dear Editor: Nyssn«—Lids tor rived in off; e Ashland -Excavation work com­ West, teaching the public could not In a recent publication pleted for duplex apartment house, ■ if Ow yhee Irrig i I'on district hr«-» your an,'should not own and operate the AM ETHYST REBEKAH LODGE »7. corner Granite SI. mid Strawberry for ennui work worth $500,000. Meets every Wednesday Night at the lime. Scio— Work to commence soon on I. O. O. F. Hall, Gold H ill, Oregon Waldport— Ben’s Beauty Shoppe :i»truction v f bi idge over W hit­ Madge Dorman, Noble Grand. opened for business. comb Creek on Quartzville road. Kate Boss, Vice Grand. Salem— Voters approved issuance Evelyn Thompson, Secretary of $2,5IM(,noo bonds for aequisition Tangent— Mr. and Mrs. Clyde lAtcy Mee, Treasurer. and construction of municipal wa Hawthorne purchased Mr. and Mrs. Hackler's auto camp. GOLD H IL L CHAPTER W. R. C. ler system. Jacksonville—$111.(1(10 bond issue Cascadia— Krosman Bros, Meets Twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at Hicir Club approved for improvement of lo­ chased 3,000,000 feet timber west cal wider system. o f here and w ill have most of logs rooms in the City Hall. Roseburg— Nehergidl Meal Pack­ I rucked to Lebanon for manufac­ Edith Bryan, President. ing Co, preparing to open retail ture into lumber. Nora Shorb, Secretary. meal market in Piggly W iggly store. Madge Dorman, Treasurer. Lexington— 15 men put to work COPCO MAILS CALEN- ! * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ : recently on road work below Ibis DARS TO CUSTOMERS place. ♦ Gold H ill Lodge No. 129 Tillamook—W o r k .started on 4 In accordance with art annual ♦ I. O. O. E. « clearing Wilson Biver highway. custom, the California Oregon Pow ♦ ___ Florence - Cape Creek tunnel er eompany is mailing every Copco 4 • Meets every Tnesdny evening ♦ ecinpleted. customer and stockholder one o Lakeview Business of First Na­ the new 1932 vest pocket calen • Visitors Always Welcome « • « tional Bank of Lakeview purchased dais. The new calendar is in colors Why pay more when you can get the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a a by Commercial National hank. and features an attractive interior Best Quality Printing right here for less Beaverton New screen installed view of the turbine room of money? in Beaver theatre. (.<>|)co Number Two generating Pendlelon E. A. Fullerton. Leigh lion. On Hie reverse side is a com Price and M. K. Hansom ineorporat I'lite calendar for 1932 with No job too small and no job too large B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ed Full rlon Chevrolet Co., capital quarterly dividend dales on Copco «■'oek $10,01)0. —in every instance you’ll find our prices Preferred Slock prominently shown Roseburg- B. K. Slone Io ope- for Hie benefit of the many share just a little lower than elsewhere. sandwich shop at corner Cass an 1 holders of this well known utility DR. O L IV E McKAY Bore streets. Chiropractic I'hysiclnn I lie vest-pocket type, of calendar Physiotherapy tinnier Plans discussed for con­ has proved popular in the past trial. Phone lilt) struction of road along Smith Biv­ with not only men but women as 32 Tuffa Bldg. Grania Paas er from here Io Sulphur Springs. well. Being o f sinnll size it is readily 4 Over night freight service from available for reference Io the man 4 Porllnnd Io Cushman inaugurnfed. who carries it in his pocket DH. V. L. DIMMICK Roseburg Turkeys shipped from enrd ease and Io the woman who G ra n ts I'aaa, O regon this p o in t keeps it in her purse. The 1932 cal Modoc Point -Crews of 85 men ( ivlars are being enclosed with the Plate Work a Specially Satisfaction Guaranteed or employed in emergency work of monthly statements ralher than by your Money Hack realignment of Dnlles-Cnlifornin counter distribution, thus assuring highway between Bnrcluy Springs that each nnd every local customer J Pfepne 391-J 112M, S. fìlli SI. iml this place. w ill receive one of these handy lit- Over Puerless Clothing Co. W o rk underway op Gilliam lie calendars. BETTER PRINTING for LESS MONEY G ra n ts Pass The Gold Hill News J