THE COLD HILL NEWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER J-i. lO.H •ÍV — >4—“ C ronis Pass BUSINESS DIRECTORY * — ..... .............. 4 T H E GOLD H IL L N E W S Established i8n" Published by Mac's Printing Co. DR. OI.IVK MtKAT Clilriiprn« »•tie P h M io ilu i >py Phone I. (I 33 Tuffs Bldg. G rania I’aa» R. E. BIANKENBURG, Editor and Business Manager LOIS BLANKENBURG, Associate Editor An Independent Newspaper 'ubli>hed in the Interests oí (ìokl Hill Oreg' n and Vicinity PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY E ntered at the Postoffice nt Gold liill, Oregon, for tran sm issio n through the m ails ns second-class m atter Subscription $2 0° a y ear in advance. A dvertising rates on app licatio n W e M UST Be Politically Minded This Year In times of prosperity we are apt to feel that every­ thing will be all right, so why bother our heads about who gets a public office, or what his platform is. Or, if we do take an interest in the election, itself, we are con­ tent to sit back for another two years, and feel that we have done our duty as citizens. Then come hard times. Our taxes loom up like a mountain, and we wonder why. This year it is very likely that we will have an oppor­ tunity to select from a large number of candidates for ev­ ery office in the county. New is our chance to choose carefully and wisely. This does not necessarily mean that we choose only those that we know are for cutting taxes to the bone. It takes more than pinching pennies to make a wise officer. He must also know how to spend wisely’. In hard times, the sure salary of a public job looks good to many, and the incompetent are attracted to the po­ litical racket along with the competent. It is our business to knew which is which ai^d vote accordingly. Our next duty is to follow the activities of the administration, in the county*, in the state and in the nation, and know whether they are worthy of retaining their office when another decree until paid; election rolls around. It takes intelligent voting EVERY F o r judgm ent against you upon the second cause of suit th erein al- election, to keep our ships sailing straight. For it is in , leged $437.50 w ith in terest the good times, when people are indifferent, that political , thereon for at 6 per vent p er annum • from Ju n e 5, 1931. until paid, the machines gain their strength. | am ount due upon lien of Jus. A. recorded in Volume 9 at A New Year’s resolution to keep in touch with public Clement pages 347, 448 and 449 of Record affairs and public expenditures is timely—and renew it of L abor .Mechanic Logger L um ber­ ans and Mining Liens aforesaid, every year, lest you wake up to another period of depres­ m and for $6.80 for filing and record sion and taxes far beyond our ability to pay. ing said lien an d $50.00 atto rn e y ’s LiiS PAPER ' Wishes and Yours The M erriest Christmas A ll Time ÖAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFI LOS ANGELES Southern Pacific Beck’s Bakery Conger Funeral Parlors * I’liilv W ink n Specially SnllkfutliOn GiiniiiuGe.l o r your Minify Hack ' Phnnr :iui J II2H s. 6th si. ! Over Ihterless Clothing Co. ANY BABY E can never he sure just what an infant rest Iras, but W Hie makes remedy ran always tie the same. lld l News, a w eekly n ew spaper ju d g m e n t: T hat certain m ining claim lo cat­ pc lift d and published at Gold Hill. ed on August 27, 193H, by B. It. Jackson county, Oregon, pursuant C ram er, know n as "C iniiiliar No. to all o rd er duly given am t e n ­ I," the location notice of w hich te re d in the aforesaid court and w as filtd for record ill office of cause by the lio n . II. I). N orton. county clerk of Jackson county. Judge th e re o f and w hich o rd er 1« Oregon, .September 2. 1930, at 10:20 lilted D ecem ber 3. 1931. and you o’clock A. M. and is reco rd ed in are th erein and are h erein ordered Volume 28 at page 60 of the Milting to appear and an sw er said com ­ Records of Jackson county, O re ­ plaint as hereinabove set forth. gon; T he dale of the first publication T hat certain m ining claim locat­ >>f this sum m ons is D ecem ber 3. fees for the foreclosure of said lien ed on August 27, 1930, by H. IL Crn 1931. w ith in terest on said last tw o am ­ ir.vr, know n as "C ini.iliar No. 2 ,' H. K. HANNA, at 6 per cent per ann u m irpm Hie location notice of w hich was The Commercial Club has gone on record as in favor ounts A ttorney for P laintiff. date of decree until paid; f’h'il for record in office of coun­ of organizing a Parent-Teachers association. Next? F or judgm ent against you upon ty clerk of Jackson county, Oregon, My Post O address is Medford. Oregon. 1)3-24 the th ird cause of suit th erein al Septem ber 2, 1930, at 10:20 o’clock leged for $256.50 w ith interest A. M. and is reco rd ed in Volume 28 th ereo n at 6 p er cent per annm n at page 61 of Mining Records of Cooperation Did It! from Ju n e 26, 1931, until paid, the Jackson county, O regon; am ount due upon the lien of : T hat ce rtain m ining claim locat- W. P. CHISHOLM. M. D, W iltsc recorded in Volume n April Well, folks, how do you like our nice wide highway? 9 C harles G eneral P ra ctitio n er at pages 457 an d 458 of Record of Is, km innnds, know n as “M ercury 1 Thanks to our own Commercial Club, the state highway L abor M echanic Logger L um ber­ the location notice of w hich was Phones Office 10. Res 9-L ans and Mining Liens aforesaid, ; department and the county court, working hand in hand m Oregon and for $6.81) for filing and record- . filed for reco rd in office of county 4 Gol.) Hill. of Jackson county, Oregon, with city officials, Gold Hill’s section of the highway has ing saiil iieo mol $50.00 attorney fi e$ clerk 4 oil Slav 14, 1931, at-3:30 o ’clock P. for the foreclosure of said lien w ith ! seen much needed improvement, arid many have been given in GOI,I) HILL TRUCE AND te rest on said last tw o am ounts : M. and is recorded in Volume 28 at 6 p er cent per annum from date j at page 502 of Mining Records of TRANSFER COMPANY employment, as well. Jackson county, O regon; of decree until p aid ; John J. R itter T h at certain m ining claim locat­ This is another example of what earnest cooperation F o r judgm ent against you upon : T ruck A nyw here for H ire ed on April 5, 1931, by L. R. Sym- the fo u rth cause of suit th erein al- | can do. < Phone 3F21 Oold Hill leged for $108.00 w ith in terest there- j nionds, know n as ’’.Mercury No. 2,” on at 6 p er cent tier annum from the location notice of w hich was Ju n e 17, 1931, until paid, the am ount 1 filed for reco rd in office o f coun­ LEGAL NOTICES due upon the lien of Joseph Hutzct* ty clerk of Jackson county, Oregon. recorded in Volume 9 at pages 455 May 14, 1931, al 3:30 o’clock I’. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION and 456 of Record of L abor Meehan- I and is recorded in Volume 28 at ic Logger L um berm ans and Mining page 501 of Mining Records of Jack- D epartm ent of the In terio r, G eneral Liens aforesaid, and for $6.80 for fil­ soil county, Oregon. L and Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ing and reco rd in g said lien amj ALSO, the com pressor, lack h am ­ N ovem ber 25th, 1931. $25.00 atto rn ey fees for the fo re­ m er, cookhouse, blacksm ith outfit, NOTICE is h ereb y given th at closure of said lieu w ith in te rest on tool* and all equipment upon or W alter G. H am ner, fath e r of anil said last tw o am ounts at 6 per cent used in connection w ith said BEWARE OF IMITATIONS h eir of Carl R. H am ner, deceased, per annum from date of decree until m ining claim s o r any of them ; to ­ of Gold Hill, Oregon, w ho, on Sep­ paid; gether w ith all tenem ents, h ered ita tem b er 12th, 1927, m ade H om estead F o r judgm ent against you upon ■nents anil ap p u rten an ces th e re­ e n try , Serial No. 017603, for Lot 3, the fifth cause of suit th erein a - u nto belonging o r in anyw ise ap ­ Section 17, T ow nship 36 S., Range leged for $18.00 w ith interest th e re­ pertaining. 3 W., W illam ette M eridian, has filed on at 6 p er cent per annum from T his sum m ons is served upon you notice of intention to m ake final June 19, 1931, until paid, ttie am ount by publication once a w eek for th ree y ear Proof, to establish claim due upon th e lien of T illie Rutzer fo u r consecutive w eeks in T he Gold to th e land above described, before recorded in Volume 9 al pages 453 C hauncey Florey, U. S. Com m is­ and 454 of Record of L abor Meehan sion er, at Medford, Oregon, on the ic Logger L um berm ans and Mining 6th d ay of Ja n u ary , 1932. Liens aforesaid, and for $6.80 for til­ Claim ant nam es as w itnesses: ing and reco rd in g said lien and C harles E. Gaay, W illiam Puhi, $25.00 atto rn ey fees for the fo re­ Ray O. Bolton, and P h illip S trah an d , closure of said lien w ith ii tercst on all of Gold Hill, Oregon. said last tw o am ounts at 6 per cent In warm, clean coaches ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, per annum from dale of deere? u n ­ or reclining chair cars on D3-31 Acting R egister. til p a id ; the "Shasta." At this fare, E or judgm ent against you for the costs and d isbursem ents of this suit SUMMONS you enjoy the cushioned to be taxed w ith in te rest thereon nt comfort, speed and perfect In the Circuit C ourt of the State 6 p e r cent p er annum from date of safety of train travel at its of Oregon in and for the County of decree un tii paid; BECK’S lowest possible cost. And for a decree foreclosing the Jackson. U N L E S S you see the name Bayer and GEORGE HAMMERSLY, p lain tiff, aforesaid liens and o rd erin g the sale the word genuine on the package as BUTTERNUT vs. B. R. CRAMER and L. R. SYM- of the follow ing described m ining pictured alwveyou can never lie sure that claim s and p ro p erty for the satisfac­ MONDS, defendants. you are taking the genuine Bayer Aspirin BREAD To B. R. CRAMER, one of the tion of the aforesaid sums to he that thousands of phyBicisos prescribe herein recovered against you by above nam ed defen d an ts: in their daily practice. IN TH E NAME OF TH E STATE Rich as Butter O F OREGON: You a re h ereb y o r AMETHYST REBEKAH LODGE 97. The name Bayer means genuim dered and req u ired to ap p ear and Meets every W ednesday ’Night at the J. S. PRIME, Agent Aspirin. 11 is your guarantee of purity— Sweet As a Nut an sw e r the com plaint of the above I. O. O. F. H all, Gold Hill, Oregon P hone 26 vour protection against some imitation. nam ed p lain tiff filed against you in Madge D orm an, Noble Grand. Millions of users have proved it is safe the above entitled co u rt and cause, K ate Ross, Vice Grand. w ithin four w eeks from the dale of Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly the first publication of th is su m ­ Evelyn Thom pson, S ecretary relieves: mons, and if you fail to so ap p ear Lucy Mec, T ro asu rer. Headaches Neuritis and an sw er said com plaint plain PROFESSIONAL CARDS tiff w ill apply to the co u rt fo r the GOLD H ILL CHAPTER W. R. C, Colds Neuralgia on Pacific Hwy. relief p ray ed for in said com plaint Meets T w ice a m onth on the 2nd Sore Throat Lumbago and w hich relief, succinctly stated, Rheumatism Toothache Medford, Ore. LAKRY SCHADE is for a judgm ent an d decree, as fo l­ and 4th W ednesdays at th e ir Club No harmful after-effects follow its u k rooms in the City Hall. M edford, Oregon low s: I t docs not depress the heart. F o r judgm ent against you upon E dith Uryan, P resid en t. Your Favorite Jeweler Since the first cause of suit th erein a l­ N ora Shorb, S: • reta ry . rets leged for $423.50 w ith in terest th e re ­ Madge D orm an, T re asu rer. ■GMtSCaZSWSatZ on at 6 per cent per annum from JEWELRY, DIAMONDS May 30, 1931, until paid, the am ount Which Bepaft-lng a Specially * due upon lien of p lain tiff recorded : 4 4 4 4 4 V- * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 in Volume 9 at pages 450, 451 and 452 of R ecord of L abor M echanic ♦ Gold Hill l.odge No. 129 4 Logger L um berm ans and Minin * PtTOna 148-J 142 N. P rofit I. O. O. F. ♦ Liens in office of county clerk Office of County Coroner 4 Jackson county, Oregon, and for F. F. BURKE $6.80 fo r rec o rd in g and filing said ♦ Meets every T nesdny evening * MEDFORD RELIABLE Tent A Awning Works lien an d $50.00 a tto rn e y ’s fees for 4 Sperisity 4 m 4 * olir - HI ♦ V isitors A lw ays Welcome OREGON REASONABLE fo reclo su re of said lien w ith in ­ 4 om and Wavs Inclosu « terest on said last tw o am ounts at Medford, Oregon 6 p e r cent p er annum from date of * 4 4 * * * * 4 4 4 4 * * 4 4 « M edford Oregon P it. V. I,. DIMMH K G rants I’aaa, O rc g u Good old Custorial There’s comfort in every drop of this pore vegetable Prep­ aration. and not the slightest harm h i its frequent use. Aa often as Itaby has • fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can’t sleep, let Gastoria soothe anil quiet him. Sometimes it’s a touch of roue. Some­ times constipation. Or diarrhea — • condition I hat should always be checked without «Way. Just keep (iastorin handy and give it promptly. Belief will follow very promptly; if it doesn’t you should calf a physician. B. K. ADAMS CABINET SHOP I Auto and T ru ck llodiea CARIN E I WORK A .SPECIALTY P h en e No. 251.2 Gold Hill Do \o u ap p reciate GOOD SHOE KKPAIKING If so bring your shoes to the HIGHWAY SHOE SHOP 1). A. Davis, Prop. Ladies' Shoes a Specialty L ace C u rtain s th at hang like new— If laundered at Trench’s Fam ily w ashings arc o u r specially. also T R Y O UR Rough Dry W ash Economy Wash or Finished Wash (B oth w ashed and ironed.) W e C U Tuesday and Friday Will Also Pick Up Dry ('lean in g F r e n c h ’s S te a m Laur. d r y Grants Pass, Ore.